UMDK :: Volume #13

#1253: Nightmare

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Hiss......” “嘶……” The blood rain sprinkles spatially, seems the fresh flower that blooms from the sky to dance in the breeze. 血雨洒空,好似绽放的鲜花在空中飘舞开来。 Is transformed the purple shadow blade that becomes by the shield of punishment wound just like a shuttle in the flying shuttle god glow of endless years, quiet, and sharp rapid...... 由刑伤之盾所幻化而成的紫色影刃宛如一记穿梭于无尽岁月的飞梭神芒,悄无声息,而又尖锐急骤…… Pei Ye pupil shrinks tightens to the pinnacle, is full of infinitely frightened, helplessly looked at his two legs to be separated from his body, flew front. 裴烨的瞳孔缩紧到极致,饱含着无限恐惧,眼睁睁的望着他的两条腿脱离了他的身躯,飞到了面前。 Shock! 震骇! Frightened! 恐惧! All presents on the face, beforehand all does not dare, angry, the hatred turned into all unprecedentedly trembles with fear...... 尽数呈现在脸上,之前的所有不敢,愤怒,憎恨尽数化成了前所未有的惊颤…… The entire star held up inside and outside peak all Martial Sect disciples completely to open the circle both eyes, heart and gall entirely cold, the latter back fled the woods cold cool feeling. 整个星擎峰内外的所有武宗弟子全然都睁圆了双目,一个个心胆俱寒,后脊背窜动着森寒的凉意。 The scalp is tingling with numbness, the both feet is trembling! 头皮都在发麻,双脚都在打颤! Regarding all western arched peak institute and Pei Ye's supporter, this will become the nightmare that they can hardly be removed for a lifetime at present. 对于所有西穹峰院和裴烨的支持者而言,眼前这一幕将会成为他们一辈子都挥之不去的梦魇。 At this moment, will degenerate into the memory brand mark that they are unable to put behind forever. 这一刻,将会沦为他们永远都无法忘却的记忆烙印。 ...... …… Even if Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and the others, the facial color faint some flood white, has never thought that Pei Ye will welcome the so pitiful fate unexpectedly. 纵然是邱星易,王黎,池千莺,吴岩等人,面色都隐隐有些泛白,从未想过,裴烨的竟会迎来如此凄惨的下场。 Chu Hen had forgiven his life obviously. 楚痕明明已经是饶了他一命。 In an instant, discarded both legs directly. 转眼间,直接是丢掉了一双腿。 Hence degenerates into the disabled person. 至此沦为废人。 If were not Situ Song palm vigor gradually changed the motion path of that shadow blade a moment ago, Chu Hen that struck only feared that will cut off two sections Pei Ye. 如果刚才不是司徒松的掌劲稍稍改变了那道影刃的移动轨迹的话,楚痕那一击只怕会将裴烨斩断成两截。 Shortly will be killed in this! 顷刻丧命于此! ...... …… At this moment, vague purple glow retrogression in slowly Chu Hen both eyes. 此刻,楚痕双瞳之中的隐晦紫芒缓缓的消退下去。 The six black dot concealment of do not see. 其中的六颗黑色圆点也隐匿不见。 Compared with it five-star demon eyes focusing on defense, the evolution was the sacred body bloodlines of six stars evolves the great power of higher level. 比之以防御为主的五星妖瞳,进化为六星的圣体血脉重新进化到了更高层次的强大力量。 The shield of punishment wound no longer limits to defending the end. 刑伤之盾不再局限于防御端。 Also can be used in the attack! 亦能够用于攻击! Defended the shield of astonishing punishment wound, once for attacking, its destructive power, compares favorably with the prestige of divine tool sufficiently. 本就防御惊人的刑伤之盾,一旦用于攻击的话,其杀伤力之强,足以媲美神器之威。 ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” Pei Ye numerous pounding that crashes from the upper air, in fighting of sores all over the eye fights above stage, the heavy losses that the fierce ache and body and mind withstand made its demented, if a rabid dog. 从高空坠落的裴烨重重的砸在满目疮痍的斗战台之上,剧烈的疼痛以及身心所承受的重创令其癫狂的如若一条疯犬。 „......” “啊……” The pitiful pitiful yell made person heart and gall entirely cold, spewed out with the blood of big mouth, fell down directly in low spirits on the ground, unconscious. 凄惨的惨叫令人心胆俱寒,跟着大口的鲜血喷涌而出,直接闷头栽倒在地上,不省人事。 west arched peak chief big disciple. 西穹峰首席大弟子。 In a moment ago shortly, it also high-spirited showing disdain for audience. 就在刚才不久,其还意气风发的傲视全场。 In an instant, pitiful just like the dead dog. 转眼之间,凄惨的犹如死狗。 All these, do obeisance Chu Hen to bestow all. 这一切,尽数拜楚痕所赐。 ...... …… Looks Pei Ye who acts recklessly, the western arched peak lord Situ loosen two to get angry red, was furious the extreme. 看着不知死活的裴烨,西穹峰主司徒松两眼怒红,震怒到了极点。 It looks angrily at Chu Hen, in the eye shows the thick chill in the air murderous intention. 其怒视楚痕,眼中透出浓浓的寒意杀机。 Your big courage......” “你好大的胆子……” Character character like ice, cold piercing. 字字如冰,冷冽刺骨。 In an instant, Situ Song within the body erupts the boundless situation that cannot be shaken directly, it is the flying flushes away toward the position that Chu Hen is at unexpectedly. 霎那间,司徒松的体内直接爆发出一股不可撼动的磅礴大势,其竟是飞身朝着楚痕所在的位置冲去。 ...... …… Stop!” The North Star peak principal element was still fierce drinks greatly. “住手!”北辰峰主元尚厉声大喝。 Eastern Xuan Feng zhu boils cloud manor, the south Lingfeng main rather autumn waters have a big shock. 东玄峰主熬云庄,南灵峰主宁秋水同样是大惊失色。 No one has thought that Situ Songjing can fly into a rage ignores the peak main status to act to only disciple. 谁都没有想到,司徒松竟会暴跳如雷的不顾峰主身份对区区一个弟子出手。 ...... …… Incomparable accident/surprise of matter. 事情发生的无比意外。 The people actually make a move to prevent without enough time. 众人却都是来不及出手阻止。 The Chu Hen vision sinks, the double fist grasps, endless manic checks the god thunder to flee in all directions from within the body unreliably. 楚痕目光一沉,双拳一握,无尽的狂躁玄刹神雷从体内流窜而出。 May be only the next flash, all strengths that Chu Hen releases is suppressed merely all, the dark blue power line pole collects completely, the true essence strength that even the body interior revolves also all was in a state of stagnant imprisonment...... 可仅仅只是下一瞬间,楚痕释放出来的所有力量尽数遭到压制,暗蓝色的雷芒电柱全部敛回去,甚至连身体内部所运转的真元力也全部陷入了停滞禁锢状态…… „It is not good, is ties up the technique of spirit......” under field some people to call out in alarm said. “不好,是‘缚灵之术’……”场下有人惊呼道。 Ties up the technique of spirit! 缚灵之术! The technique of imprisonment Situ Song originally creates, its can make the strength of opponent solidify the static condition instantaneously. 司徒松独创的禁锢之术,其能够在瞬间令对手的力量凝固成静止的状态。 The people under field all in great surprise! 场下的众人无不大惊! This Situ Songguo really wants to take the Chu Hen life, to release hate of its heart. 这司徒松果真是想要取楚痕的性命,以泄其心头之恨。 ...... …… Looks Chu Hen that almost cannot be moving, Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes, Wu Yan and the others facial colors all pallidly like paper. 望着几乎动弹不得的楚痕,叶瑶,龙玄霜,赵青衣,吴岩等人的面色无不煞白如纸。 elder brother Chu Hen......” 楚痕哥哥……” Stop!” “住手!” ...... …… No stop, Situ Song a crazy dragon that concentrates the solid astral fierce palm vigor for example to go to sea is ordinary, toward below Chu Hen steamroll under. 没有任何的停顿,司徒松的一记凝实的罡猛掌劲譬如出海的狂龙一般,朝着下方的楚痕碾压而下。 Pupil sudden shrinking of Chu Hen is tight. 楚痕的瞳孔急剧的缩紧。 Endless destruction imposing manner turbulently under. 无尽的毁灭气势汹涌而下。 In the people think when Chu Hen must die, „......” a heavy fierce explosive divulges in the sky of campsis grandiflora stage, the violent true essence strength is doping the chaotic spirit Yi strength shop loose audience...... 就在众人都以为楚痕必死之际,“嗵……”的一声沉重的剧烈爆响于凌霄台的上空宣泄开来,猛烈的真元力掺杂着混乱的灵奕力铺散全场…… In one both are full of under the stunned vision, Situ Song swift and fierce palm vigor is takes the lead to attack above light screen that unexpectedly, in becomes by myriad symbol Wenhui collections. 在一双双饶有错愕的目光下,司徒松的凌厉掌劲竟是率先冲击在一座由万千符文汇集而成的光幕之上。 That is the technique of rune/symbol writing...... he is the Ancestor Grade mark technique master......” “那是符文之术……他还是个宗级纹术师……” Subconscious a few words blurted out from the mouth of Lingfeng main rather autumn waters. 下意识的一句话从南灵峰主宁秋水的嘴里脱口而出。 The technique of rune/symbol writing! 符文之术! Ancestor Grade mark technique master! 宗级纹术师! ...... …… Simple a few words, raise the dreadful monstrous waves in the heart of audience everyone again. 简简单单的一句话,再次于全场每个人的心头掀起滔天巨浪。 Shocks one by one! 一次比一次震骇! One by one accidental/surprised! 一次比一次意外! Today like the Chu Hen that continuous card in hand, all matter , the total is startled everyone to suspect the life. 如同楚痕那接连不断的底牌,今天所发生的所有事情,全数惊得所有人怀疑人生。 Evildoer/Monstrous talent? 妖孽? Talent? 天才? At this moment, all talents are overshadowed completely. 此时此刻,所有的天才全部都黯然失色。 Even if day after day Qiu Xingyi of head of military list, degenerated into the set-off of Chu Hen quietly. 纵然连天武榜之首的邱星易,也悄然沦为了楚痕的陪衬。 ...... …… Who can it be that and? 岂是何人能及? Actually is unmatched! 却是无人可比! ...... …… However, merely is only the time of flash, that say/way before Chu Hen body rune/symbol writing light screen that is transformed by the spirit Yi strength instantly shaking crushes by the overbearing palm strength of Situ loosen...... 然,仅仅只是一瞬间的功夫,楚痕身前的那道由灵奕力所幻化的符文光幕即刻被司徒松的霸道掌力给震得粉碎…… After all is the lord of peak institute! 毕竟是峰院之主! Under an entire Martial Sect person, existences above ten thousand people. 整个武宗一人之下,万人之上的存在。 Even if Chu Hen again what kind of evildoer/monstrous talent, is hard with it contending. 纵然楚痕再如何的妖孽,也难以与之抗衡。 The radiant rune/symbol writing light screen explodes becomes the countless fragment light shadow broken, Chu Hen is also the body shakes, will retreat again and again in the future at the same time, a blood overflows following the corners of the mouth...... 璀璨的符文光幕爆碎成数之不尽的碎片光影,楚痕亦是身躯一震,连连往后退去的同时,一丝鲜血顺着嘴角溢出…… A palm has not died! 一掌未死! The Situ Song second palm follows closely, but , the terrifying power and influence of moving mountains sweeps across under. 司徒松第二掌紧随而至,排山倒海的恐怖威势席卷而下。 At this moment, the imposing manner uncommon form keeps off before the body of Chu Hen together impressively, it lifts the palm to hold up similarly, is lingering the vigorous true essence strength does palm solid meeting the approaching enemy skinnyly above the palm vigor of Situ loosen...... 就在这时,一道气势不凡的身影赫然挡在楚痕的身前,其同样抬掌擎出,萦绕着浑厚真元力的枯瘦干掌结结实实的迎击在司徒松的掌劲之上…… Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “砰!” The startling thunderclap explosive is rock the earth, hysterical/frenzy fresh breeze air wave howling vault of heaven, quarry stone together simultaneous/uniform disintegration under campsis grandiflora stage, surges true essence strength complementary waves, for example wave...... 惊雷般的爆响震天动地,狂乱的劲风气浪呼啸天穹,凌霄台下的乱石齐齐崩碎,翻腾的真元力余波,譬如潮涌…… Two people retreat toward the rear area respectively. 两人各自朝着后方退去。 Seeing only the future is not others, was the North Star peak principal element still. 只见来者不是别人,正是北辰峰主元尚。 Situ loosen......” Yuan still the frowning tight wrinkle, the showing dignity, said the opposite party name, acts to a disciple blatantly, did you live the body of dog to go inadequately?” “司徒松……”元尚横眉紧皱,彰显威严,直呼对方名字,“公然对一个弟子出手,你活到狗的身上去了不成?” Finally the moment, rescues Chu Hen. 最后关头,救下楚痕 The North Star peak institute people all relax. 北辰峰院众人皆是松了口气。 Long Xuanshuang, the Ye Yao two females rush instantly fight martial Tai. 龙玄霜,叶瑶两女即刻冲上斗武台。 elder brother Chu Hen, you how?” The Ye Yao anxious inquiry said that among the delicate eyebrows completely worries about the color obviously. 楚痕哥哥,你怎么样?”叶瑶焦急的询问道,秀眉间尽显担忧之色。 Chu Hen wipes the blood of arguing corner/horn conveniently, is smiling shaking the head, indicated oneself unobstructive. 楚痕随手拭掉嘴角的鲜血,微笑着摇了摇头,表示自己无碍。 At once catches the eye to look to the front Situ loosen, in the look the chill in the air surges. 旋即抬眼望向前方的司徒松,眼神中寒意涌动。 ...... …… But Situ Songgeng is the vision is red, it may be said that is hates to clench jaws about Chu Hen. 而司徒松更是目光赤红,可谓是对楚痕恨得咬牙切齿。 Is looking angrily is keeping off in the front Yuan still, has not opened the mouth, made one feel aura in Xing from the bottom of the heart trembled held up the peak the sky to fill the air. 正怒视着挡在前方的元尚,还未开口,一股令人从心底中感到颤栗的气息于星擎峰的上空弥漫开来。 Begins in this sovereign front, you feared that is when I don't save?” “在本宗主的面前动手,你们怕是都当我不存么?” Indifferent sound intonation tranquil such as the water of well. 淡然的声音语调平静的彷如古井之水。 But is there is no a few words that the mood fluctuates, is to make the numerous peak institutes the main complexion change directly suddenly...... 可就是这没有任何情绪波动的一句话,直接是令众峰院之主的脸色骤然大变…… Situ Song heartstrings tremble fiercely, the cleanness that innermost feelings all great anger arrogance vanish instantly, such as the dream awakens probably, Situ Song the knees kneels instantly. 司徒松的心弦猛地一颤,内心所有的盛怒气焰即刻消失的干干净净,像是如梦惊醒,司徒松即刻双膝跪地。 Sovereign Sir appeases anger, I am muddled for a while, requesting earnestly the sovereign Sir to forgive!” “宗主大人息怒,我一时糊涂,恳请宗主大人恕罪!” Whish......” “哗……” In an instant, the entire star holds up the peak high and low disciples and high-level elders all sets out, bows to lower the head, hesitates with one voice. 霎那间,整个星擎峰上下的众弟子和高层长老们全部起身,躬身低头,齐声沉吟。 Sovereign Sir appeases anger!” “宗主大人息怒!”
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