UMDK :: Volume #13

#1252: Dunning

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „, The third type, the strength of......” “第,第三种,森罗之力……” Sudden startled changes, is to make the entire star hold up inside and outside peak everyone to handle directly to guard. 突如其来的惊变,直接是令整个星擎峰内外的每一个人都措不及防。 Fills in the gloomy aura in the world to look like that to come from the dark air/Qi that the god of death exhales, the dust all over the sky, spiritual power dissipates, the entire campsis grandiflora fights the military stage high and low, the air is disclosing a bleak muddy aura. 弥漫于天地间的灰暗气息就像是那来自于死神呼出的幽暗之气,尘埃满天,灵力消散,整个凌霄斗武台上下,就连空气都透露着一种荒凉的浑浊气息。 One after another card in hand revealed! 接二连三的底牌亮出! The people of audience were startled by Chu Hen are completely heart and gall entirely cold, the back send coolly. 全场的众人完全被楚痕惊得是心胆俱寒,脊背发凉。 It is well known, the Devil Race king refined the strength of four. 众所周知,魔族的森罗王炼制了四种森罗之力。 Before desolate pledge when displayed the first type, shocking audience. 之前萧盟在施展出第一种的时候,就惊艳了全场。 Then Chu Hen including to display two types, is asks these question to be speechless directly, now...... the third type comes out, the people understand what to truly shock...... 尔后楚痕连着施展出两种,直接是叫那些质疑者无话可说,现在……第三种又出来了,众人才真正的明白何为震撼…… The strength of four, presents its three! 四种森罗之力,出现其三! At this moment, in everyone's eyes is revealing the meaning of thick startled palpitation. 此刻,所有人的眼中都流露着浓浓的惊悸之意。 Actually this is Chu Hen who? 楚痕究竟是什么人? Will only rookie disciple, have such ability unexpectedly? 区区一个新人弟子,竟会有此等能耐? ...... …… The ripple that the gray ray that does not have any shocking opportunity, rushes enormously and powerful such as the water surface surges, sweeps across toward front Pei Ye by the potential of sweeping away. 没有任何震惊的机会,浩荡澎湃的灰色光芒如水面激荡开来的波纹,以横扫之势朝着前方的裴烨席卷出去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” But strength of impact incomparably overbearing serious famine, divulges all on the body of opposite party. 无比霸道的大荒之力冲击而至,尽数宣泄在对方的身上。 Pei Ye body trembles fiercely, erupted the powerful bloodline limit strength that like to be decomposed from its within the body forcefully pulls out to generally...... 裴烨的身躯猛地为之一颤,从其体内爆发出来的强大血脉界限力量就像被强行分解抽离了一般…… Was corroded rapidly grinds. 迅速被侵蚀碾碎。 What? 什么? Pei Ye complexion big change, it only thinks that the strength in within the body like invaded by the desolateness, seems loses the life to be able trees, changed decayed frail...... 裴烨的脸色大变,其只觉体内的力量如同被荒芜所侵占,好似失去生命之能的树木,变的腐朽脆弱…… Like the chain-reaction, that whole body is covering the black Qilin that burns a day of arrogance is also sends out a manic anxious strength to shiver. 如同连锁反应,那全身覆盖着焚天气焰的黑麒麟亦是发出一阵狂躁不安的力量颤动。 „......” “嗷……” Does not need Pei Ye to make any countermeasure, a whole body sends out the day fire that Thunder Dragon of radiant electric arc is breaking through that to set the prairie afire suddenly, to/clashes with the prestige of anger broken day under. 不待裴烨做出任何的应对之策,一头浑身散发着璀璨电弧的雷龙豁然冲破那燎原的天火,以破天之威怒冲而下。 „!” “嗵!” The serious incomparable startled day loud sound splits above the vault of heaven explodes the audience, the enormous and powerful terrifying shock-wave sweeps across the highest heaven. 沉重无比的惊天巨响于苍穹之上绽爆全场,浩荡的恐怖冲击波席卷九霄。 The irresistible thunder and lightning big dragon tears the giant Qilin that ominous prestige shook the day directly, with dive straight, starts the dreadful arrogance tide to go toward below Pei Yepu...... 势不可挡的雷电巨龙直接是撕裂了那凶威撼天的巨大麒麟,跟着一路俯冲直下,掀起滔天的气焰浪潮朝着下方的裴烨扑去…… If landslide, if day crack! 如山崩,若天裂! Ray dazzling dark blue Thunder Dragon trembled with fear the universe land, Pei Ye pupil sudden shrinking becomes the needle-tip size, before flurried appeared quietly on his face that has not seen...... 光芒耀眼的暗蓝色雷龙惊颤了乾坤大地,裴烨的瞳孔急剧的缩成针尖大小,之前从所未见的慌乱悄然间浮现在其脸上…… Luxurious gorgeous illuminated audience everyone face. 奢华绚丽的雷芒照亮了全场每个人面庞。 Works as!” “哐当!” Next flash, the flower of thunder and lightning bursts out the world sweeps across the entire campsis grandiflora to fight to fight the stage, the innumerable say/way manic peerless grandiose thunder Jiesi day crack place, resembles trillion dragon Mang to flee in all directions...... 下一瞬间,一股迸发天地的雷电之花席卷整个凌霄斗战台,无数道狂躁绝伦的壮硕雷劫撕天裂地,似亿万龙蟒流窜…… The dense and numerous electricity glow seem the blue spider big net that unfolds. 密密麻麻的电芒好似铺开的蓝色蜘蛛大网。 The tattered and torn campsis grandiflora fought to fight being split up of stage again disintegration, the countless size breaks to pieces the Shiheng flying place, blasts open eight sides. 本就千疮百孔的凌霄斗战台再次崩碎的四分五裂,数之不尽的大小碎石横飞天地,炸裂八方。 ...... …… At this moment, the pupil of audience everyone is shivering. 此刻,全场每个人的瞳孔都在颤抖。 The heart almost jumps out of the chest cavity. 心脏几乎跳出胸腔。 ...... …… Under the wild thunder and lightning interweaves, form that the aura dies away together if shadow if presently. 狂暴的雷电交织下,一道气息渐弱的身影若影若现。 The double fist of people grasps, the vision sinks. 众人的双拳一握,目光一沉。 Sees only on Pei Ye to proliferate many scars impressively, the clothing also has to be many breakage, the corners of the mouth is overflowing the blood, an illusory Qilin beast shadow covers just like the tissue outside his body...... 只见裴烨身上赫然遍布多处伤痕,衣衫亦有着多出破损,嘴角溢着鲜血,一尊虚幻的麒麟兽影宛如薄纱般笼罩在他身外…… Blocked! 挡住了! The numerous disciple heart of west arched peak institute slightly bright. 西穹峰院的众弟子心头微亮。 May merely be only the next flash, in the air pulls off two radiant electricity glow suddenly, together the imposing manner peerless swift and fierce form like the ghosts and demons flash before to the opposite party nearby...... 可仅仅只是下一瞬间,空气中豁然拖出两道璀璨的电芒,一道气势绝伦的凌厉身影如鬼魅般闪现至对方的跟前…… Pei Ye that shrinks the tight pupil also to reflect a pretty face that is flooding pondering. 裴烨那缩紧的瞳孔随之倒映着一张充斥着玩味的俊秀面孔。 You......” “你……” No opportunity of meeting the approaching enemy, an arm that is glittering gorgeous broke through that Qilin beast shadow defense level directly. 没有任何迎击的机会,一只闪烁着绚丽雷芒的手臂直接是冲破了那麒麟兽影的防御层。 Pei Ye facial color drastic change, its desire must remove the body to retrocede, but the next flash, its suddenly feels the throat one tight, ice-cold blocked his neck like the pincers palm directly stubbornly. 裴烨面色剧变,其欲要撤身后退,可下一霎那,其顿觉喉咙一紧,冰冷如铁钳般的手掌直接是死死的扼住了他的脖子。 Whish......” “哗……” The invisible boundless air/Qi field shop disperses eight sides. 无形的磅礴气场铺散八方。 Bang!” A crack sound, covers the Qilin beast shadow outside Pei Ye body is the disintegration becomes the countless myriad fragments directly. “砰!”的一声裂响,笼罩在裴烨身外的麒麟兽影直接是崩碎成数之不尽的万千碎片。 ...... …… The whole world as if fell into the static condition! 整个世界都仿佛陷入了静止状态! All western arched peak institute as well as Pei Ye supporter, the complexion is completely pallid, the innermost feelings all sank to the limitless abyss valley. 所有西穹峰院以及裴烨的支持者,全然间脸色煞白,内心全部都沉入了无边无际的深渊谷底。 The peak lord in Situ Songyan to fill thick unbelievable. 峰主司徒松眼中充满了浓浓的难以置信。 A moment ago also in cleanness that the happy expression vanished instantaneously. 刚才还在的笑意瞬间消失的干干净净。 ...... …… An audience deathly stillness! 全场一片死寂! Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, pond thousand hawks and the others stares at front that badly-damaged campsis grandiflora to fight to fight the stage stubbornly. 邱星易,王黎,池千莺等人都死死的盯着前方那残破不堪的凌霄斗战台。 Wu Mian, Zhao Qing clothes one group is in trance, imitates, if places to separate the world. 吴勉,赵青衣一行人更是神情恍惚,仿若身处隔世。 ...... …… Everyone unexpected scene, happened! 谁都意想不到的场面,发生了! Picture that most is worried about, appeared! 最为担心的画面,出现了! The seat of honor big disciple in west arched peak institute, new promote day martial Bang second, was irresistible, the sword referred to the champion throne...... being possible merely from the position of one pace champion time, actually crossed the threshold by one less than two years of rookie horizontal blades immediately, kept off under the throne...... 西穹峰院的首席大弟子,新晋天武榜第二位,一路势不可挡,剑指冠军王座……可仅仅距离冠军之位一步之遥的时候,却是被一个入门不到两年的新人横刀立马,挡在王座之下…… North Star peak institute! 北辰峰院! For successive several years situated in setting the base peak institute. 连续多年处于垫底的峰院。 At this moment, the rookie disciple in this peak institute, blocked Pei Ye throat directly. 此刻,这个峰院的一个新人弟子,直接扼住了裴烨的喉咙。 ...... …… „!” “嗤嗤!” Lingers the thunder arc on Chu Hen arm especially gorgeous dazzling, holds the arm also to catch up, Pei Ye both feet departure ground slowly. 萦绕在楚痕手臂上的雷弧格外的绚丽耀眼,掌臂随之发力,裴烨的双脚缓缓的离开地面。 Hehe...... is this so-called western arched peak institute chief big disciple? Simply is a collapsing at the first blow disabled person......” “呵呵……这就是所谓的西穹峰院首席大弟子?简直就是个不堪一击的废人……” Collapse at the first blow! 不堪一击! Disabled people! 废人! This, seems to have met before! 这一幕,似曾相识! Similar scene! 同样的场景! Same words! 相同的话语! Under the field the complexion of people changes again and again, in the day before yesterday 16 enter at the match, Pei Ye also in this manner first person of Wu Yan North Star peak institute shaming pinnacle...... 场下众人的脸色一变再变,就在前天的十六强晋级赛上,裴烨也正是以这种方式将北辰峰院的第一人吴岩给羞辱到了极致…… The same day scene reappeared! 当日的场景重现! What may be different from it, this shamed side is Pei Ye and entire western arched peak institute. 可与之不同的是,这次被羞辱的一方是裴烨以及整个西穹峰院。 The slayers, were killed it permanently! 杀人者,恒被杀之! Shame person, permanently by shame it! 辱人者,恒被辱之! ...... …… Everyone in North Star peak institute got hold of the fist, in the eye surged the stimulated meaning that is hard to suppress. 北辰峰院的所有人不由的握紧了拳头,眼中涌动着难以压制的亢奋之意。 Especially Wu Yan, its body anxious is shivering, even if a seven chi (0.33 m) son, at this moment also eye socket slightly flood red. 尤其是吴岩,其身躯都在不安的颤抖着,纵然是七尺男儿,此刻也不禁眼眶微微泛红。 Chu Hen this is dunning for him! 楚痕这是在替他讨债! Demanded return all kept here shame on the same day! 讨还当日所有留在这里的耻辱! Demands return dignity that all North Star peak institutes of that day lose! 讨还那天所有北辰峰院丢失的尊严! This time, the North Star peak institute dares to raise the head finally open and aboveboard. 这一次,北辰峰院终于敢堂堂正正的抬起头了。 Yuan still Fengzhu, the elders in Luo Cangyuan main as well as many North Star peak institute, could not bear is nipping the jaw tightly...... 元尚峰主,罗沧院主以及众多北辰峰院的长老们,都忍不住的紧咬着牙关…… Many years, the North Star peak institute withstood many humiliation, suffered many satire, heard many ridicules...... at this moment, as if even/including this/Ben has the breath completely wanted. 多少年了,北辰峰院承受了多少的屈辱,遭受了多少的讽刺,听到了多少的奚落……此刻,仿佛全部都连本带息的要了回来。 ...... …… Under compares, the people in western arched peak institute completely have the deep frustration. 相比较之下,西穹峰院的众人全然有种深深的挫败感。 Looks that was clutched by Chu Hen in the hand, Pei Ye of unable to move, the heart of everyone emerges many to be incapable. 看着被楚痕扼在手中,动弹不得的裴烨,每个人的心头都涌现出诸多无力。 The peak lord Situ Song complexion even more gloomy and cold, if the look can kill people, then Chu Hen at this moment strangled to death smashing. 峰主司徒松的脸色愈发的阴冷,如果眼神可以杀人的话,那么此刻的楚痕已然被绞杀的粉碎。 ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” A Chu Hen five fingers loosen, Pei Ye numerous pounding fall on the place, then raises legs is a foot, direct trampling above the chest of opposite party. 楚痕五指一松,裴烨重重的砸落在地,接着抬腿就是一脚,直接的踹在对方的胸膛之上。 Together with the blood of spewing out, Pei Ye is just liking the sandbag to fly, just like same day Wu Yan, hit ruthlessly on the west audience stand. 连同着喷涌而出的鲜血,裴烨犹如沙包般的飞了出去,同当日的吴岩一样,狠狠的撞击在西面的观众看台上。 The fierce impact is directly broken exploding that the bulk stone brick hits. 猛烈的冲击直接是将大块的石砖撞的爆碎。 The peripheral people completely by the future retreat that the bone-chilling cold air wave shakes. 周边的众人全部都被凛冽的气浪震的往后退去。 ...... …… Startled anger! 惊怒! Unwilling! 不甘! Pei Yedao on the ground, the faint trace blood overflows following his mouth and nose, five main internal organs (entrails) entirely tremor, aura waste weak just like one dog of dying. 裴烨倒在地上,丝丝鲜血顺着其口鼻溢出,五脏六腑俱颤,气息靡弱的宛如一条将死之犬。 ...... …… Chu Hen actually looked that continually has not looked at opposite party one eyes, indifferent turning around, walks toward the south observing stage. 楚痕却是连看都没有多看对方一眼,漠然的转过身,朝着南面的观战台走去。 Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao, Wu Mian and the others started to welcome his return, under the field in the eyes of people reveals the vision that admires. 龙玄霜,叶瑶,吴勉等人开始迎接他的回归,场下众人的眼中都不禁流露出敬服的目光。 ...... …… But, to Huppe Ye, any pair of look that at this moment throws in all directions, was full of the greatest satire. 而,对于裴烨来说,此刻四面八方所投来的任何一双眼神,都充满了莫大的讽刺。 Is looking at that say/way ten thousand people of focusing attention on forms, in Pei Yeyan being unwilling with angry sudden rise doubled and re-doubled, loses the sane hatred anger to kill that intent follows unable to constrain erupts...... 望着那道万人瞩目的身影,裴烨眼中的不甘和愤怒成倍的暴涨,失去理智的憎怒杀意跟着压抑不住的为之爆发…… „......” “啊……” Pei Yedan holds pats the ground, its is broadminded soars, then raises a astral's fierce imposing manner flying to fight to fight the stage toward the campsis grandiflora to flush away. 裴烨单掌一拍地面,其豁然间腾空而起,接着掀起一股罡猛的气势飞身朝着凌霄斗战台冲去。 His both eyes blood red, fierce just like goes crazy the ominous beast that. 其双目血红,狰狞的犹如发狂的凶兽。 I must kill you, I must tear to shreds you......” “我要杀了你,我要把你碎尸万段……” The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Wanted to prevent is without enough time. 想要阻止已经是来不及了。 Pei Ye who raises the boundless offensive arrives at Chu Hen instantly behind. 掀起磅礴攻势的裴烨即刻到达楚痕的身后。 May be only the next flash, Chu Hen is turns round merely directly a foot, bang......” a true essence strength swings, encounters the Pei Ye chests of thousand honored strength to be hollow instantly, the whole person was shaken flew in the upper air...... 可仅仅只是下一瞬间,楚痕直接是回身一脚,“砰……”的一圈真元力荡开,遭遇了千钧之力的裴烨胸膛即刻凹陷下去,整个人都被震飞到了高空之中…… Buzz!” “嗡!” Follows, Chu Hen both hands palm relative, a vigorous true essence strength condenses dazzling thunder and lightning sword glow instantly. 跟着,楚痕双手掌心相对,一股雄浑的真元力即刻凝聚成一柄绚丽夺目的雷电剑芒。 ...... …… „Do you dare?” The west arched peak lord Situ loosen in great surprise, drinks sternly greatly. “你敢?”西穹峰主司徒松大惊,厉声大喝。 „!” “咻!” Together with the voice of falling, the Chu Hen double palm is pushing outward, the thunder and lightning sword shadow pulls off in void concentrates together the solid air wave, such as pursues moon/month the meteor, in Pei Ye toward upper air traces to go. 连同着落下的话音,楚痕双掌朝外一推,雷电剑影于虚空中拖出一道凝实的气浪,如追月的流星,朝着高空中的裴烨追溯而去。 Bold!” “大胆!” Situ Song is angry, suppressed him of a lot of fire , under sees Chu Hen to want the killer, could not halt impressively, it treads to empty, raises a palm...... 司徒松大怒,本就憋了一肚子火的他,又见楚痕要下杀手,赫然是站不住了,其踏空而起,掀起一掌…… The vast wave of rushing palm vigor causes the world to tremble, bang......” an explosive, that thunder and lightning sword glow in being away from Pei Ye less than about ten meters position explodes becomes one group of cyclones broken. 浩瀚如潮的澎湃掌劲引得天地震颤,“砰……”的一声爆响,那道雷电剑芒在距离裴烨不到十米左右的位置爆碎成一团气旋。 ...... …… Also however, at this moment, Chu Hen within the body raises monster different purple glow. 然,也就在这时,楚痕的体内掀起一股妖异的紫芒 That profound pupil deep place is exuding faint trace cold intent, six black dots appear intermittently quietly. 那深邃的瞳孔深处泛着丝丝冷意,六个黑色的圆点悄然隐现而出。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Void, spiral-shaped purple cyclones just like the small-scale tornado to condense in the same place, then an unusual light shield quietly presents in the world...... 虚空之中,一道道螺旋状的紫色气旋犹如小型的旋风凝聚在一起,接着一座奇特的光盾悄然呈现于天地之间…… The shield of punishment wound? 刑伤之盾? Long Xuanshuang under stage, Ye Yao is heart. 台下的龙玄霜,叶瑶皆是心头一经。 Before that light shield indeed is Chu Hen, has used powerful defense strength. 那面光盾的确是楚痕之前所用过的强大防御力量。 But, light shield if unexpectedly goes through in the shadow blade flying shuttle of the world together, goes toward that Pei Yezhan by the bone-chilling cold potential of slanting birthplace vault of heaven...... 可紧接着,那道光盾竟然如若一道穿行于天地的影刃飞梭,以斜贯苍穹的凛冽之势朝着那裴烨斩去…… The purple ray blossoms in radiant splendor, on the light shield evil different eye design is wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 紫色的光芒大放异彩,光盾上面的邪异眼睛图案神秘莫测。 You also dare to begin!” “你还敢动手!” Has trod the western arched peak that empties to come to advocate Situ Songjing to get angry happened simultaneously, fiercer palm potential leans the potential, goes away to me......” 已经踏空而来的西穹峰主司徒松惊怒交加,更为凶猛的掌势倾势而出,“给我滚开……” Bang!” “砰!” But the fierce strength impact on, this thinks that meets the image space that thunder and lightning sword glow to be the same, smashing of rupturing. 猛烈的力量冲击而至,本以为会像方才那道雷电剑芒一样,爆裂的粉碎。 However, making the matter that everyone has not anticipated happen. 然,令所有人都不曾意料的事情发生了。 Situ loosen palm falls, actually made the congealing solid degree sharp decline of that light/only shield, has not broken it...... 司徒松这一掌落下,竟然只是令那光盾的凝实程度锐减,并未将其震碎…… What? 什么? People panic-strickenly! 众人惊骇不已! Similarly shocks also has Pei Ye. 同样震骇的还有裴烨。 The vision that it reduces unceasingly reflects the purple shadow blade that extreme velocity is approaching...... 其不断紧缩的目光倒映着那极速靠近的紫色影刃…… Hiss!” “嘶!” Blood rain of piece of blood dances in the air in the sky, in innumerable double is flooding under the endless frightened vision, that say/way by the shield of punishment wound the purple shadow blade for example cuts the deity glow, directly from Pei Ye's lower part shuttle...... 一片鲜血的血雨在天空飞舞,于无数双充斥着无尽恐惧的目光下,那道由刑伤之盾所化的紫色影刃譬如斩天神芒,直接是从裴烨的下半身穿梭而过…… In an instant, two broke the leg to be separated from Pei Ye body directly, instantly flies. 霎那间,两条断腿直接是脱离了裴烨的身躯,即刻飞了出去。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Also has renewal, but must wait till can finish before dawn, felt brothers who too late can tomorrow look again!!!) (还有更新,不过要等到凌晨才能写完,感觉太晚等不了的兄弟可以明天再看!!!)
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