UMDK :: Volume #13

#1251: Victory and defeat

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Black, black Qilin......” “黑,黑麒麟……” The earth-shaking wild with rage ominous prestige is to make the highest heaven wind and cloud is startled change directly, the vault of heaven land changes colors. 惊天动地的狂怒凶威直接是令九霄风云惊变,苍穹大地失色。 At this moment, Pei Ye is separates the spatial frontline propaganda day of military list directly first Qiu Xingyi, its potential shakes the day, shocks four. 这一刻,裴烨直接是隔空喊话天武榜之首邱星易,其势撼天,震惊四座。 Felt is coming from the dreadful situation on that two Qilin sending out, the people have to plant to place oneself in the feeling of ancient times great ominous front palpitation. 感受着源自于那两尊麒麟身上散发出来的滔天大势,众人不禁有种置身于远古巨凶面前的心悸之感。 The heart of people all in faint shivers anxiously. 众人的心头皆是在隐隐的颤抖不安。 That is a clear ominous prestige. 那是一种真真切切的凶威。 ...... …… Unexpectedly, unexpectedly two Qilins?” “竟,竟然有两尊麒麟?” It is said before more than one year, Senior Brother Pei Ye subdued a state of mind of black Qilin in the Qilin rock hole of sinking star state.” “据说在一年多之前,裴烨师兄在沉星州的麟岩窟收服了一头黑麒麟的神魂。” Right, this matter I also heard, there is a volcano region, is ten thousand years of strategic place, the rumor black Qilins falls from the sky there...... the spirit beast blood of surviving actually does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, but also attaches in the magma in hole, the year after year deriving magma strength of different fire, condenses a powerful monster soul finally.” “没错,这件事情我也听说了,原本那里是一处火山地带,乃是万年险地,传言有一头黑麒麟陨落在那里……残存的精魂兽血竟然不死不灭,还依附于窟内的岩浆之中,长年累月的汲取岩浆中的异火之力,最终凝聚成一尊强大的妖魂。” I also think that is only the legend, has not thought real.” “我还以为那只是传说而已,没想到是真的。” ...... …… Under the field various whoas are unceasing. 场下各种惊叹声不断。 But, when Long Xuanshuang, the Ye Yao two females look when that whole body is lingering the Qilin of black flame, cross-eyed one, two people all see the surprise in opposite party eyes. 而,当龙玄霜,叶瑶两女看着那尊浑身萦绕着黑色火焰的麒麟之时,不由的对视一眼,两人皆是看到对方眼中的诧异。 Their clear remembering, Chu Hen looked for the Luo Mengshang whereabouts at that time everywhere, once all alone had braved hardships and dangers the Qilin rock hole. 她们清楚的记得,那时候楚痕四处找寻洛梦裳的下落,曾孤身一人涉险过麟岩窟。 After that time comes out, the Chu Hen complexion is somewhat cloudy, and is slightly distressed. 那次出来之后,楚痕的脸色有些阴沉,且略显狼狈。 Even armor of punishment wound ruined. 甚至连‘刑伤之甲’都毁掉了。 At that time the people inquired its reason, Chu Hen replied bumped into three persistently unreasonable, and cultivation base very powerful person. 当时众人询问其缘由,楚痕只是回答说碰到了三个蛮不讲理,且修为都非常强大的人。 Afterward this matter never raised again. 后来此事从未再提。 When originally only this page turned, now sees this black Qilin, two females as if understood anything. 原本只当这一页翻过去了,现在一看到这头黑麒麟,两女似乎明白了什么。 ...... …… The campsis grandiflora fights to fight the stage! 凌霄斗战台! Blustery, the vault of heaven changes color. 风起云涌,苍穹变色。 Pei Ye both eyes are cut-throat, perform obviously fierce Tyrant angry. 裴烨双目凶狠,尽显狰狞霸怒。 Shivers!” “颤抖吧!” Roar......” “吼……” Two Qilins all are face upward to roar, erupt the prestige of endless destruction. 两头麒麟皆是仰天咆哮,爆发出无尽的毁灭之威。 In one is both flooding under the vision of shocking, red black two great ominous merge at the by visible speed unexpectedly together. 紧接着,在一双双充斥着震骇的目光下,一红一黑两尊巨凶竟然以以肉眼可见的速度合并在一起。 The strength of darkness, the red flame glow...... two powerful strengths blend mutually, the complicated vigorous cyclone revolves with the same path rapidly. 黑暗之力,赤色焰芒……两股强大的力量相互交融,千丝万缕的雄浑气旋以同一个轨迹飞速运转。 Incomparably boundless magnificent nebula agitation vault of heaven. 无比磅礴的壮观星云搅动天穹。 The enormous and powerful terrifying power cage covers eight sides. 浩荡的恐怖力量笼盖八方。 Buzz......” space intermittent fierce shivers anxiously, two Qilin beast shades are in one suddenly friendly. “嗡……”的空间阵阵剧烈的颤抖不安,两尊麒麟兽影豁然融合为一体。 In an instant, a body reaches the kilometer high shaking world ominous thing to appear under the vault of heaven, is burning the black Qilin of red flame glow if still presents in the vision of people earth-shakingly. 霎那间,一尊身达千米之高的撼世凶物惊现于苍穹之下,燃烧着赤色焰芒的黑色麒麟犹若石破天惊呈现出众人的目光之中。 Everyone's heart startled palpitates. 所有人的心头都为之惊悸。 Inexplicable frightened direct link innermost soul. 莫名的恐惧直达灵魂深处。 ...... …… Roar!” “吼!” Roared, astral's fierce fresh breeze like note. 一声咆哮而起,罡猛的劲风如注。 At this moment, places oneself Pei Ye under that Qilin just like a being insufferably arrogant war-god. 这一刻,置身于那麒麟之下的裴烨宛如一尊不可一世的战神。 Best quality goods sacred body how?” “极品圣体又如何?” The fierce drinks greatly, the single palm separates to search spatially toward front Chu Hen, a wild strength big hand depresses baseless, potential like mountain. 其厉声大喝,单掌朝着前方楚痕隔空探去,一股狂暴的力量大手凭空压下,势如山岳。 Dies to me!” “给我死来!” ...... …… The complexion of people present changes again and again, the heart one startled is startled. 在座众人的脸色一变再变,心头一惊又惊。 No one is shaken by the imposing manner that Pei Ye erupts. 无人不被裴烨爆发出来的气势所震。 The disciple in numerous western arched peak institute is encouraged. 众多西穹峰院的弟子振奋不已。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” However, in that wild obstructs a day of big hand soon the bang to fall the former flash on Chu Hen, is the scrap becomes everywhere light shadow fragment unexpectedly directly. 然,就在那狂暴的遮天大手即将轰落在楚痕身上的前一瞬间,竟然直接是炸碎成漫天的光影碎片。 Is surging together with the chaotic cyclone. 连同着混乱的气旋激荡开来。 In the double pupil of Chu Hen is glittering bright and beautiful. 楚痕的双眸之中闪烁着亮丽的雷芒。 „......” “嗤嗤……” The manic momentum for example only the capercailye expresses spirited tall Ming surely. 狂躁的声势譬如千万只雷鸟发出激昂的高鸣。 The innumerable say/way dark blue power line pole blooms in Chu Hen within the body. 无数道暗蓝色的雷芒电柱于楚痕体内绽放出来。 Just likes three-dimensional big net that extends infinitely, the large-scale thunder Zhuru dragon python with overpowering momentum is intertwined general, instantly shoots up to the sky. 犹如无限延伸的立体大网,一道道气势磅礴的大型雷柱如龙蟒交缠一般,即刻冲天而起。 Suddenly, the campsis grandiflora fights to fight the sky of stage to cover piece of wild thunder Yu instantly. 眨眼间,凌霄斗战台的上空即刻覆盖着一片狂暴的雷域。 Myriad thunder tribulations sudden blends to condense, dazzling ray sparkle horizon. 万千雷劫急剧的交融凝聚,刺眼的光芒闪耀天际。 „......” “嗷……” Similarly is an ominous beast that touches the soul roared, everyone's complexion simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform one white. 同样是一声触动灵魂的凶兽咆哮,所有人的脸色齐齐一白。 „Is that?” “那是?” Even if lord of tight frowning of eight big peak institutes, in the eye is flooding meaning with amazement. 纵然是八大峰院之主都紧紧的皱起了眉头,眼中充斥着骇然之意。 ...... …… „!” “嗤嗤!” The god thunder interweaves, tearing vault of heaven. 神雷交织,撕裂苍穹。 In sky net that endless collects, the big dragon that is sending out the terrifying invincible might forms impressively, all over the body high and low, the electric light covers, the dense and numerous blue electric arcs just like the ancient mysterious scale picture...... 无尽的雷芒汇集的天网之中,一头散发着恐怖神威的巨龙赫然形成,通体上下,电光笼罩,密密麻麻的蓝色电弧犹如古老的神秘鳞纹…… Chu Hen seems like ancient times witch spirit who is wielding the strength of god thunder, it is ignoring front Pei Ye, in the foreheads completely obviously proudly. 楚痕像是一尊执掌着神雷之力的远古巫灵,其漠视着前方的裴烨,眉宇间尽显傲然。 You, can be cool!” “你,可以凉了!” Hahahaha......” Pei Ye gets angry instead smiles extremely, is very good, who that looks at the cool person is!” “哈哈哈哈……”裴烨怒极反笑,“很好,那就看凉的人到底是谁!” Is who! 是谁! Roar!” “吼!” „!” “嗷!” ...... …… Together with is raising the day, but the fearsome invincible might, the whole body covers the black Qilin four hooves of red flame glow to tread the different fire, toward front to raiding, but under...... gathers the thunder and lightning big dragon of crazy sudden and violent thunder glow to rise to get angry all over the body, curls up the potential of destruction to dive, but to...... 连同着掀天而起的可怖神威,全身覆盖着赤色焰芒的黑色麒麟四蹄踏着异火,朝着前方冲袭而下……通体聚集着狂暴雷芒的雷电巨龙升怒而下,卷起毁灭之势俯冲而至…… Universe changes countenance! 乾坤变色! The vault of heaven wants to crack! 苍穹欲裂! „......” “嗵……” The incomparably fierce heavy loud sound resounds through instantly in the world, at this moment, the spatial warping, the highest heaven shakes, the audience everyone's heart almost must fall into the stationary state. 无比剧烈的沉重巨响即刻于天地间响彻开来,这一刻,空间扭曲,九霄震荡,全场所有人的心脏几乎要陷入停滞状态。 The strength shock-wave direct impact of moving mountains is void, howls eight sides. 排山倒海的力量冲击波直冲虚空,呼啸八方。 The campsis grandiflora fights to fight stone brick all disintegration to become fragments on stage, soils one after another raise to fly to hang, bang......” an explosive, just like the square giant floor, breaks directly, divides into two...... 凌霄斗战台上的石砖尽数崩碎成齑粉,一层接一层的泥土掀飞挂掉,“轰隆……”一声爆响,犹如广场般巨大的台面,直接是从中断裂,一分为二…… Wild shock-waves sweep. 一股股狂暴的冲击波扫荡出去。 Bang bang bang......” “砰砰砰……” Consecutively several violent explosives, four sides the protection light screen under stage, if explodes the broken glass, the scrap becomes the countless trillion fragments. 连续几声猛烈的爆响,四面台下的防护光幕如若爆碎的玻璃,炸碎成数之不尽的亿万碎片。 Audience all shaken in the future retreats under all stages. 所有台下的观众皆是被震的往后退去。 Even many strength bad, is raises to fly relatively directly, within the body vitality upwells, almost no faint in place...... 甚至还有不少实力相对较差者,直接是掀飞出去,体内气血上涌,差点没昏厥在地…… No one not startled! 无人不惊! No one does not startle! 无人不骇! Two people card in hand showdowns! 两人的底牌对决! Unexpectedly is so terrifying! 竟是如此恐怖! ...... …… Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and other top disciples on the numerous day military list look dignified, in a pair of pair of eyes pupil is full of trembles with fear. 邱星易,王黎,池千莺,吴岩等一众天武榜上的顶尖弟子都神情凝重,一双双眼眸之中饶有惊颤。 The lords of eight big peak institutes are also the heartstrings tie tight, the facial color is low and deep. 八大峰院之主亦是心弦紧绷,面色低沉。 Especially the western arched peak lord Situ Song and North Star peak principal element still. 尤其是西穹峰主司徒松和北辰峰主元尚。 Even if saw them of great storms, at this moment still being hard anchorage mind. 即便见惯了大风大浪的他们,此刻也难以定住心神。 ...... …… One is the seat of honor big disciple in western arched peak institute. 一个是西穹峰院的首席大弟子。 One is the rookie in North Star peak institute. 一个是北辰峰院的新人。 In the Martial Sect history, has never presented the picture, it may be said that exploded the audience. 武宗历史上,从未出现过的画面,可谓是燃爆了全场。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” A series of fierce strengths to the bang, may be called the duplicate day extinguish, the red flame connects to flee in all directions with the blue thunder and lightning unceasingly in the square world. 一系列的剧烈力量对轰,堪称覆天灭地,赤色的火焰与之蓝色的雷电不断交汇流窜于四方天地。 Tears the space the chaotic shock-wave to tear unceasingly mutually. 不断撕裂空间的混乱冲击波相互撕扯。 ...... …… Pei Ye both eyes are surging the thick flame, his pair of palm searches upwards. 裴烨双目涌动着浓浓的火焰,其双掌朝天探去。 You could not win me!” “你是赢不了我的!” bloodline limit unretentive comprehensive of Qilin sacred body releases, in an instant, outside the body of black Qilin is flowing instantly magma light marks...... 麒麟圣体血脉界限毫无保留的全面释放出来,霎那间,黑麒麟的身外即刻流动着一道道岩浆般的光纹…… The imposing manner burns the day! 气势焚天! The endless Qilin fire that the black Qilin erupts plunges that thunder and lightning big dragon by the prevailing situation. 黑麒麟爆发的无尽麟火以燎原之势扑向那雷电巨龙。 ...... …… Must win! 要赢了! Looks at this, the disciple in numerous western arched peak institute is overjoyed. 看着这一幕,众多西穹峰院的弟子大喜过望。 The peak lord on Situ Song face also to expose to wipe the Yin severe smile quietly. 峰主司徒松的脸上也悄然展露出一抹阴厉的笑容。 Must divide the victory and defeat! 要分胜负了! However, in the thunder and lightning big dragon by the next flash that the fire of Qilin covers, the gray aura that rushes extremely strong has no omen divulges from Chu Hen within the body...... 然,就在雷电巨龙被麒麟之火笼罩的下一瞬间,一股极为浓重澎湃的灰色气息没有任何预兆的从楚痕的体内宣泄而出…… Together with voice of falling, desolate plain Youan gray aura like not being able to suppress the desolated mighty current, sweeps across eight sides suddenly, fights to fight the bunk bed of stage to disperse toward the campsis grandiflora. 连同着落下的话音,荒朴幽暗的灰色气息如同抑制不住的荒芜洪流,陡然间席卷八方,朝着凌霄斗战台的上下铺散出去。 Inundates filling the heavens. 弥天漫地。 The gray cyclone forms strong shock-wave to surge , the world changes color, the square space then changes to a pale yellow space. 灰色气旋形成一股强劲的冲击波激荡而下,天地变色,四方空间即可化作一片昏黄的空间。 Dust everywhere. 尘埃漫天。 The faint trace yellow sand is doping the sepia foul air filling the heavens chaotic dance. 丝丝黄沙掺杂着棕褐色的浊气弥天乱舞。 Just like gloomy aura that the god of death arrives. 宛如死神降临的灰暗气息。 All vitalities in world belong to at the maximum speed dimly. 世间的所有生机以最快的速度归于黯淡。 „, Thousand li (500 km) serious famine!” “森罗,千里大荒!” ...... …… Everyone heart present trembles fiercely, has not responded, was actually affected by the gray aura of that overflow, skin faint fold several points on arm. 在座的所有人心头猛地一颤,还未反应过来,却是被那溢出的灰色气息所波及,手臂上的皮肤都隐隐褶皱几分。 Sudden startled changes, is handles to guard directly. 突如其来的惊变,令人直接是措不及防。 Mind entirely tremor, the facial color is pallid. 一个个心神俱颤,面色煞白。 „, The third type...... the strength of......” “第,第三种……森罗之力……”
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