UMDK :: Volume #13

#1250: Shocks four

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „, The heart of thorn......” “森罗,荆棘之心……” In the people cursed that Chu Hen robs desolate pledge the next flash of spirits of ice attribute four soul, strength of the share of wooden attribute follows fully to erupt. 就在众人大骂楚痕抢走萧盟的冰属性四魂之灵的下一瞬间,一股木属性的森罗之力跟着又全面爆发开来。 Looks at that to proliferate in the floor high and low, overspreads the grandiose vines of that giant ice wall surrounding rapidly, by Chu Hen these two cards in hand what everyone under field was all given the show is scalp tingles, fearful and apprehensive...... 望着那遍布于台面上下,迅速铺满那巨大冰壁外围的壮硕藤蔓植物,场下的所有人皆是被楚痕这两手底牌给秀的是头皮发麻,胆颤心惊…… Lord of simultaneous/uniform look changes eight peak institutes. 八位峰院之主齐齐色变。 Qiu Xingyi, Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and other numerous talents all are the pupil contractions. 邱星易,王黎,池千莺,吴岩等众天才全是瞳孔紧缩。 Snatched desolate pledge strength? 抢的萧盟的力量? In a flash, these spoke to curse merely, is completely flung an incomparably resounding slap in the face. 仅仅只是转瞬之间,那些出言大骂者,全然被甩了一记无比响亮的耳光。 ...... …… The enormous and powerful luxuriant great vine just like the huge tentacle from hell, coverages one after another in that heavy/thick ice wall surrounding, give the Chu Hen dual powerful protections directly. 浩浩荡荡的繁茂巨藤犹如来自地狱的庞大触手,一层接一层的覆盖在那厚重的冰壁外围,直接是给予楚痕双重的强大防护。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” No slow the opportunity of god, does not have any shocking time, that innumerable say/way domineering peerless god glow light beam curls up to destroy all terrorist forces to drop from the clouds impressively...... 没有任何缓过神的机会,更没有任何震惊的时间,那无数道强势绝伦的神芒光柱只是卷起摧毁一切的恐怖力量赫然间从天而降…… The magnificent picture is attacking the visual nerve of audience everyone once again. 壮观的画面又一次的冲击着全场每个人的视觉神经。 For example is the day falls the divine punishment, cuts broken day Chen. 譬如是天降神罚,斩碎天辰。 In tens of thousands of double is flooding under the endless vision with amazement, gathers together in blade of the vault of heaven numerously to pass through the prestige of day of penetrating place, above that region that the numerous impacts in Chu Hen is. 在成千上万双充斥着无尽骇然的目光下,众多归集于一处的苍穹之刃以贯天彻地之威,重重的冲击在楚痕所在的那片区域之上。 „......” “嗵……” Explodes a day of star to shock the impulse to blast open the audience instantly. 地爆天星般的震撼冲击力即刻炸裂全场。 Tens of thousands of grandiose huge great vines are torn to pieces successively, twist become the innumerable truncations broken. 成千上万的壮硕庞大巨藤节节寸断,绞碎成无数截。 The god glow light beam with overpowering momentum is easily accomplished, cuts off the innumerable great vines at the same time, the bang falls on that magnificent luxurious large-scale ice wall again. 气势磅礴的神芒光柱摧枯拉朽,斩断无数巨藤的同时,再次轰落在那壮观奢华的大型冰壁上面。 Bang......” “轰……” The continuous heavy loud sound surges eight sides in the world, in an instant, the entire campsis grandiflora fights to fight the stage seems suffers the stars meteorite impact that beyond the day attacked...... 接连不断的沉重巨响于天地之间激荡八方,霎那间,整个凌霄斗战台好似遭遇了天外来袭的星辰陨石冲击…… The floor sharp shake, the stone brick scrap, the giant fault fissure rapid toward delays to go in all directions. 台面剧烈的震荡,石砖炸碎,巨大的断层裂缝飞速朝着四面八方延展而去。 In look gaze that many shock, that stands erect the giant ice wall above floor to rupture instantly, if billowing woods cold air/Qi wave...... 在诸多震骇的眼神注视中,那矗立于台面之上的巨大冰壁即刻爆裂开来,滚滚森寒之气如若潮涌…… The complementary waves impact of rushing endures compared with the storm vortex of sudden proliferation. 澎湃的余波冲击堪比急剧扩散的风暴漩涡。 The quarry stone soars to the heavens, the air wave roared! 乱石冲天,气浪咆哮! The profound fault fissure separates in the middle, the entire campsis grandiflora stage several want to divide into two. 深邃的断层裂缝于中间分开,整个凌霄台几欲一分为二。 ...... …… At this moment, heartstrings tight clutching of everyone in the same place. 这一刻,每个人的心弦都紧紧的揪在一起。 Everyone's pupil in faint shivering. 所有人的瞳孔都在隐隐的颤抖。 west arched decides! 西穹决! The blade of vault of heaven! 苍穹之刃! Strength that Pei Ye this strikes, before far ultra, confronts Wang Li time. 裴烨这一击的力量,远超之前对阵王黎的时候。 ...... …… The hysterical/frenzy storm is tearing the front space land unceasingly, even if eight big peak institutes the main vision stubbornly stares is not putting. 狂乱的风暴不断撕扯着前方的空间大地,纵然是八大峰院之主的目光都是死死的盯着不放。 Chu Hen how? 楚痕怎么样? This is everyone heart question. 这是每个人心头的疑问。 ...... …… This strength, is really fearful!” “这力量,真的是可怕!” Really is to make the person shiver! He, grasped the strength of two unexpectedly, I also think that is the strength of desolate pledge he snatches...... the present looked, desolate pledge is actually less than his 1/10.” “真的是让人颤抖啊!他,竟然掌握了两种森罗之力,我还以为是他抢的萧盟的力量……现在一看,萧盟却是不及他的十分之一。” Snort, how grasped the strength of two to be able? Cannot block Senior Brother Pei Ye west arched to decide completely.” “哼,掌握了两种森罗之力又能怎样?完全挡不住裴烨师兄的西穹决。” Right, that Chu Hen then did not die must discard half life.” “没错,那楚痕这下不死也要丢掉半条命了。” ...... …… „!” “嗵!” Unexpectedly, at this moment, a vigorous incomparable black air wave sweeps across directly from that chaotic strength storm. 蓦地,就在这时,一股雄浑无比的黑色气浪直接是从那混乱的力量风暴中席卷开来。 star holds up the sovereign Eastern permanent vision of peak most above position to select gently. 星擎峰最上方位置的宗主东方恒之的目光轻轻一挑。 But, under the field the hearts of others tremble fiercely. 而,场下其他人的心头猛地一颤。 Fills the air the rapid confusion in the air current in the world quietly changing. 弥漫于天地间的气流悄然变的急骤混乱。 The mind of invisible air/Qi field power and influence permeating countless person. 无形的气场威势渗入无数人的心神。 ...... …… The campsis grandiflora of quarry stone avalanche fights above military stage, sends out the arrogant young form to appear in the line of sight of everyone together proudly again. 乱石崩塌的凌霄斗武台之上,一道散发着傲然盛气的年轻身影再一次出现于每个人的视线之中。 What? 什么? In an instant, an audience astonishment! 霎那间,全场一片惊愕! Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, Wu Mian and the others at present one bright. 叶瑶,龙玄霜,吴勉等人的眼前一亮。 But, others are actually the both eyes circle open the eyes, on the face is flooding thick unbelievable. 而,其他人却是双目圆睁,脸上充斥着浓浓的难以置信。 ...... …… Sees only Chu Hen to return safe and sound, imposing manner as before is built on arrogantly same place. 只见楚痕毫发无损,气势依旧的傲立于原地。 The profound eye pupil such as vast stars eon Yu -like made one palpitate, in his is fluctuating behind together the black shadow. 深邃的眼眸如浩瀚的星辰宙宇般令人为之悸动,在他的身后浮动着一道黑色的影子。 That shadow pastes in its behind, the outline physique, just like second Chu Hen. 那道影子贴在其背后,轮廓形体,都犹如第二个楚痕 ...... …… That, that is?” “那,那个是?” Blood bloodline limit strength?” “血血脉界限的力量吗?” Doesn't have war body? bloodline limit that even profound body has not achieved!” “不是只有战体吗?连玄体都没有达到的血脉界限!” ...... …… Many anxious sounds resound in the crowd. 诸多不安的声音在人群中响起。 At this moment, has together the sound of shivering spreads to near the ear of people gently. 就在这时,一道怀揣着颤抖的声音轻轻的传入众人的耳边。 Extremely, best quality goods...... sacred body......” “极,极品……圣体……” Bang!” “轰隆!” The sound is not loud, may transmit by the ear of people are more resounding than it bolt from the blue. 声音并不大,可传达在众人的耳旁却是比之晴天霹雳还要响亮。 Best quality goods sacred body! 极品圣体 Is listening to these four characters, eight big peak institutes the main scalp is tingling with numbness faintly. 听着这四个字,就连八大峰院之主的头皮都在隐隐发麻。 ...... …… „, Sinking star state the scene of recruitment rookie disciple I also there, examined on the bloodline limit stele mistakenly initially, lowest is low-grade profound body, what is highest is high-grade sacred body, in other words, surpasses high-grade sacred body this rank, is unable to examine the result.” “错不了,当初沉星州的招收新人弟子的现场我也在那里,检测血脉界限的石碑上面,最低是下品玄体,最高的是上品圣体,也就是说,超过上品圣体这个级别的,也是无法检测出结果的。” My God!” “我的天!” ...... …… A word awakens the dreamboat! 一言惊醒梦中人! At this moment, the entire campsis grandiflora fought to fight the atmosphere of stage to fall into endless shock, presented the heart of everyone to raise the unprecedented dreadful monstrous waves. 此刻,整个凌霄斗战台的氛围都陷入了无尽的震撼之中,在座每个人的心头都掀起前所未有的滔天巨浪。 Wu Yan, Wu Mian, Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cai and others feels to shock heartfeltly. 就连吴岩,吴勉,赵青衣,赵青裁等几个人都由衷的感到震骇。 Long Xuanshuang, Ye Yao is actually delighted. 龙玄霜,叶瑶却是喜出望外。 Was misunderstood was so long, counter-attack at this moment, directly was the fan the entire Martial Sect high and low everyone's resounding slap in the face. 被误会了这么久,此刻的反击,直接是扇了整个武宗上下所有人的响亮耳光。 They know, Chu Hen will never disappoint them. 她们知道,楚痕从来就不会让她们失望。 Best quality goods sacred body! 极品圣体 Who can? 何人能及? Wang Li, pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan and other numerous top talent heart startled at the same time, subconscious sweeps the vision to star holds up that manner uncommon young form on peak. 王黎,池千莺,吴岩等众顶尖天才心惊的同时,也下意识的将目光扫向星擎峰上的那道气宇不凡的年轻身影。 Qiu Xingyi! 邱星易! Day military list first place. 天武榜榜首。 The entire Martial Sect disciple, has best quality goods sacred body bloodline limit also only has him. 整个武宗弟子,拥有极品圣体血脉界限的也唯有他一人。 ...... …… Initially was responsible for examining the bloodline limit Liu Elder complexion pallidly like the paper, both hands is trembling faintly. 当初负责检测血脉界限的刘长老脸色煞白如纸,双手都在隐隐发抖。 Lowest is low-grade profound body, highest is high-grade sacred body. 最低是下品玄体,最高是上品圣体 Surpasses these two standard bloodline limit unable to appraise. 超过这两个标准的血脉界限就无法进行评估。 When the world only Chu Hen places most, has not actually thought his bloodline limit broke through the peak. 世人只当楚痕身处最下,却未曾想过他的血脉界限冲破了顶端。 Liu Elder is a back sends at this moment coolly. 刘长老此刻是一阵后背发凉。 Almost, he became the Martial Sect person condemned for all time! 就差一点,他就成为武宗的千古罪人了! Fortunately, Chu Hen arrived here. 幸运的是,楚痕还是来到了这里。 ...... …… The powerful imposing manner fights to fight on the stage to burst out many fierce collisions in the campsis grandiflora. 强大的气势于凌霄斗战台上迸发出诸多剧烈的碰撞。 Chu Hen front that the rich black ray covers, the whole body ascended blazing flame glow Pei Ye is being the vision gloomy to the extreme. 浓郁黑色光芒所笼罩的楚痕前方,全身升腾着炽热焰芒的裴烨已然是目光阴沉到了极点。 He looks to the Chu Hen look, no longer is only the pure hatred and kills intent is so simple. 他看向楚痕的眼神,不再只是纯粹的憎恨和杀意那么简单。 Also has the envious hatred. 还有着浓浓的嫉恨。 Absolute serious hidden trouble! 绝对的心腹大患! ...... …… Hehe.” “嘿嘿。” The fierce mean smile breaks surface to launch in Pei Ye's face, the potential of infinite murdering follows to divulge, best quality goods sacred body? Hahahaha...... can my in what?” 狰狞的阴狠笑容在裴烨的脸上浮展开来,无限的杀伐之势跟着宣泄而出,“极品圣体么?哈哈哈哈……又能奈我于何?” Roar......” “吼……” The dreadful wild strength anger to the vault of heaven, for example the tsunami wild with rage flame obstructs the day to shade, along with the unequalled shocking ominous prestige, a huge Qilin giant beast appears under the vault of heaven impressively. 滔天的狂暴力量怒冲天穹,譬如海啸般的狂怒火焰遮天蔽,伴随着无与伦比的惊世凶威,一尊庞大的麒麟巨兽赫然惊现于苍穹之下。 Qiu Xingyi......” “邱星易……” Pei Ye thread of conversation one revolution, is raised the hand refers to unexpectedly to star holds up peak the top evildoer/monstrous talent on head of that list, you, and favored, this move is to use on you, now...... I give you to shine ahead of time......” 裴烨话锋一转,竟是抬手指向星擎峰上的那道榜单之首的顶尖妖孽,“你且看好了,原本这招是要用在你身上的,现在……我提前给你亮出来……” Aggressive dreadful, such as mountain Ruyue! 霸气滔天,如山如岳! Roar......” “吼……” In same instantaneous, is the sound of earth-shaking ominous beast roaring Pei Ye voice falls resounds through eight sides. 就在裴烨话音落下的同一瞬间,又是一声惊天动地的凶兽咆哮之声响彻八方。 In one both are full of under the vision that trembles with fear, during is void, actually appears again the second ominous air/Qi fearful Qilin beast shadow. 在一双双饶有惊颤的目光下,虚空之中,竟然再次浮现出第二尊凶气慑人的麒麟兽影。 But, this Qilin, is proliferating the black scale unexpectedly all over the body, the fierce terrifying, four claws are stepping on the black arrogance. 而,这尊麒麟,竟是通体遍布着黑色鳞片,狰狞恐怖,四爪踩踏着黑色气焰。 Black, black Qilin......” “黑,黑麒麟……” Field next with amazement! 场下一阵骇然!
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