UMDK :: Volume #13

#1249: Great anger

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Wipes the shocking peerless cold glow twinkle world, illuminated the pupil of audience everyone...... 一抹惊艳绝伦的寒芒闪烁天地,照亮了全场每个人的瞳孔…… One string of bright blood splash splashes, innumerable double flood under the vision that endless is shocking in the audience, draininged god spear/gun that to drag the faint trace thunder Hu lance point to pass through Pei Ye that generous powerful right hand palm directly...... 一串鲜艳的血花飞溅,于全场无数双充斥着无尽震骇的目光下,沥神枪那摇曳着丝丝雷弧的枪尖直接是贯穿了裴烨那宽厚有力的右手手掌…… In an instant, the space of entire floor imitates, if fell into the static condition. 霎那间,整个台面的空间仿若陷入了静止状态。 Presents everyone's complexion to change suddenly. 在座所有人的脸色豁然大变。 The pond thousand hawks, Wang Li, Wu Yan and other top disciple both eyes on numerous day of military list reduces all, on the face exposes the meaning of shocking is hard to conceal. 池千莺,王黎,吴岩等众多天武榜上的顶尖弟子无不双瞳紧缩,脸上展露出难以掩饰的震骇之意。 Holds up the list on peak stand on Altair and Vega first Qiu Xingyi, cannot bear nods secretly. 就连星擎峰看台上的榜单之首邱星易,都忍不住的暗暗为之点头。 ...... …… The sect gate high-level elder, lord including eight peak institutes all could not sit still, all left the seat, stands. 众宗门高层长老,包括八位峰院之主全都坐不住了,全部都离开了席位,站立起来。 The entire star holds up inside and outside the peak, permanent can also maintain besides the sovereign East calm beside, others are all surprised. 整个星擎峰内外,除了宗主东方恒之还能够保持镇定之外,其他人无一不惊愕不已。 The west arched peak lord Situ Song complexion gloomy even more. 西穹峰主司徒松的脸色愈发的阴沉。 This matter is he most does not want to see. 这种事情是他最不想看到的。 This thinks that the position of champion has asserted with confidence, arranges in front of Pei Ye shortly was only left over Qiu Xingyi, who once expected, kills Chu Hen across the sky...... 本以为冠军之位已经拿稳了,眼看着排在裴烨前面的只剩下了一个邱星易,谁曾料想到,横空杀出一个楚痕…… Angriest, opposite party or the rookie disciple in North Star peak institute. 最为恼怒的,对方还是北辰峰院的新人弟子。 North Star peak institute! 北辰峰院! Rookie disciple! 新人弟子! Which label, is existence of floor in Martial Sect. 不论是哪一个标签,在武宗都是属于底层的存在。 Now, these two label merges on a body of person, are make one feel scalp tingles directly. 现在,这两个标签合并在一个人的身上,直接是令人感到头皮发麻。 Regarding Situ loosen, it did not allow absolutely this matter happened. 对于司徒松而言,其绝对不容许这种事情发生。 The seat of honor big disciple of west arched peak, cannot lose to an rookie in North Star peak institute. 西穹峰的首席大弟子,绝不能输给一个北辰峰院的新人。 „It is not absolutely good!” The Situ loose vision is gloomy, berated secretly. “绝对不行!”司徒松目光阴沉,暗暗喝斥道。 ...... …… „!” “嗤嗤!” The gorgeous cold spear/gun just like the thunder and lightning light beam, penetrates around Huppe Ye's palm together. 绚丽的寒枪宛如一道雷电光束,穿透于裴烨的手掌前后。 The short flash, the people present as if separated several years is so remote. 短短的一瞬间,在座的众人仿佛隔了数年那么遥远。 The Chu Hen arm catches up, on the lance point selects, covers the cold spear/gun of radiant electric arc to drive straight ahead straight, including palm direct thorn that is passing through to the throat of opposite party...... 楚痕手臂发力,枪尖上挑,覆盖着璀璨电弧的寒枪长驱直下,连着那贯穿的手掌直接刺向对方的喉咙…… Cold spear/gun like shadow, gorgeously like glow! 寒枪如影,绚丽如芒! Under the field the pupil of people are all tight shrinks. 场下众人的瞳孔皆是紧紧一缩。 But, when that ice-cold lance point is away from a Pei Ye's throat less than half centimeter position, buzz......” the air wave folds, the depressed momentum comes spiritedly, that cold spear/gun directly deciding stubbornly in air...... 而,就在那冰冷的枪尖距离裴烨的喉咙不到半公分位置的时候,“嗡……”的气浪叠起,沉闷的声势激昂开来,那杆寒枪直接是死死的定在了空气中…… Everyone's heart again one startled! 所有人的心头再次一惊! Saw only Pei Ye another arm firmly to hold unexpectedly the spear's/gun's body that draininged the god spear/gun, the red flame covered above his arm, was ordinary just like the pincers, the agonic did not move...... 只见裴烨的另外一只手臂竟是牢牢的抓住了沥神枪的枪身,赤色的火焰覆盖在其手臂之上,宛如铁钳一般,不偏不移…… The endless ominous offense aura shop disperses eight sides. 无尽的凶戾气息铺散八方。 At this moment, the Pei Ye two eyes are sending out the ominous beast cruel air/Qi, is exuding the scarlet blood light, making the imposing manner that one is afraid of create a clamor, scarlet glow that rises to well up unceasingly if the fire of center of the earth magma...... 此时此刻,裴烨的两眼散发着凶兽般的暴戾之气,泛着猩红的血光,令人不寒而栗的气势鼓噪,不断升涌的赤芒如若地心岩浆之火…… At this moment, the people only think that person is not Pei Ye, but is one great ominous! 这一刻,众人只觉那人不是裴烨,而是一头巨凶! Hehe......” “嘿嘿……” Pei Yexiao, smiled especially mean fierce, its scarlet vision coldly is staring at present Chu Hen, every single word or phrase, performs the hatred anger to kill intent obviously. 裴烨笑了,笑的尤为阴狠狰狞,其猩红的目光冷冷的盯着眼前的楚痕,一字一句,尽显浓浓的憎怒杀意。 Congratulates you, succeeded enraged...... this me for the first time is......” “恭喜你,成功的把我激怒了……这是第一次……” The great anger momentum seems the startling thunderclap to pass through the ear. 盛怒的声势好似惊雷贯耳。 Roar......” “吼……” The ominous beast that the next flash, shocks the vault of heaven roared to shake eight side rooftop, a dreadful angry prestige direct impact Milky Way, for example the volcanic eruption crazy sudden and severe hot weather flame ascended as for the number hundred zhang (333 m)...... 下一瞬间,震慑天穹的凶兽咆哮撼动八方天台,一股滔天的怒威直冲天河,譬如火山爆发般的狂暴热焰升腾至于数百丈…… In an instant, in hot flame that soars to the heavens, a huge Qilin giant beast holds up the head to howl crazily. 霎那间,那冲天的热焰之中,一尊庞大的麒麟巨兽昂首狂啸。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” The astral fierce terrifying imposing manner condenses the shock-wave that rushes turbulently, the Chu Hen facial color changes, suddenly feels body entirely tremor, an arm hemp, the five fingers loosens the draininging god spear/gun of palm instantly, raids with the high-current, immediately was shaken by this wild strength in the future will fly to draw back...... 罡猛至极的恐怖气势凝聚成澎湃的冲击波汹涌而出,楚痕面色微变,顿觉身躯俱颤,手臂一麻,五指即刻松开掌心的沥神枪,跟着强流袭来,随即被这股狂暴的力量震的往后飞退出去…… Pei Ye look shows ruthlessly severe. 裴烨眼神彰显狠厉。 His left hand arm blood vessel sticks out, grips to draining the mid-level of god spear/gun, outward entrains, hiss......”, together with the blood drop that is splashing, will pass through the cold spear/gun of right palm pulling out forcefully...... 其左手手臂血管隆起,握住沥神枪的中端,朝外一拽,“嘶……”的一声,连同着溅出的血滴,强行将贯穿右掌的寒枪给拔了出去…… A clear blood hole presents in Pei Ye's right hand palm. 一个清晰的血孔呈现在裴烨的右手掌心。 However, the opposite party actually looked that continually has not looked at one, waves the arms about to draining the god spear/gun to throw in the one side with raw hate, the vision that the blood glow surges completely obviously is staring at front Chu Hen. 然,对方却是连看都没有多看一眼,甩手将沥神枪扔在一旁,血芒涌动的目光尽显凶狠的盯着前方的楚痕 The sound that in the throat makes is low and deep and ice-cold. 喉咙中发出的声音低沉而又冰冷。 Withstands my anger! Good-for-nothing......” “承受我的怒火吧!废物东西……” West arched decides!” “西穹决!” „The blade of vault of heaven!” “苍穹之刃!” ...... …… In a blaze of passion Pei Ye, is erupting the infinite murderous intention. 盛怒之下的裴烨,爆发着无限杀机。 The highest heaven changes color, the wind and thunder interlocks. 九霄变色,风雷交错。 Fills dreadful arrogance Pei Ye to hold up the day single-handed, a full terrifying power and influence several want to throw off that highest heaven vault of heaven. 弥漫着滔天气焰的裴烨单手擎天而起,一股铺天盖地的恐怖威势几欲将那九霄苍穹掀翻。 Reappears with a spectacular scene of above peak showdown in the sky of campsis grandiflora stage again. 与之上一场巅峰对决的壮观场面再次重现于凌霄台的上空。 The enormous and powerful dark cloud fills the vault of heaven, in the wild with rage vast nebula also divulges dazzling golden god glow. 浩浩荡荡的乌云弥漫天穹,狂怒的浩瀚星云之中随之宣泄出一片璀璨夺目的金色神芒。 ...... …… Pupil another shrinking of everyone becomes the needle-tip size tightly. 每个人的瞳孔又一次的缩紧成针尖大小。 Face illuminated facial features even do not see clearly. 一张张面庞都被照亮的连五官都看不清楚。 Inexhaustible destructive strength tearing is void, but , the innumerable say/way endures to curl up the bone-chilling cold withering strength to condense in void compared with the divine punishment giant light beam. 无穷无尽的毁灭性力量撕裂虚空而至,无数道堪比神罚般的巨型光柱卷起凛冽的肃杀力量于虚空之中凝聚而成。 ...... …… However, what from beforehand is different is. 然,与之前不同的是。 To fighting Wang Li that the western arched strength definitely covered the entire campsis grandiflora to fight to fight the stage. 对战王黎那场,西穹决的力量覆盖了整个凌霄斗战台。 But at this moment, all strengths are almost centralized in the same place. 而此刻,所有的力量几乎是集中在一起。 The destruction strength that this time, Chu Hen is going to withstand wants fearful many compared with it Wang Li. 这一次,楚痕将要承受的毁灭力量比之王黎要可怕的多。 ...... …… Qiu Xingyi, the pond thousand hawks, Wang Li, Wu Yan and other numerous top talent disciples look the serious color. 邱星易,池千莺,王黎,吴岩等一众顶尖天才弟子都面露郑重之色。 In without south spirit definitely under the powerful defense, how Chu Hen should block Pei Ye this to record strong must kill the move. 在没有‘南灵决’的强大防御之下,楚痕又该如何挡住裴烨的这记超强必杀之招。 ...... …… Looks at that to endure compared with the dazzling light beam of sword of death, the Chu Hen pupil concentrates faintly, does not have any hesitation, his pair of palm gathers suddenly, woods as cold erupt suddenly from its within the body as the pinnacle cold ice cyclone. 看着那堪比死亡之剑的刺眼光柱,楚痕瞳孔隐隐一凝,没有任何的迟疑,其双掌陡然间一合,一股森寒到极致的寒冰气旋陡然间从其体内爆发出来。 „, Extremely cold storm!” “森罗,极寒风暴!” Extremely cold storm! 极寒风暴! The heavy sound biography swings in the world, in an instant, the entire star holds up the peak surrounding area the temperature within hundred li (0.5 km) sudden to freezing point...... 沉重的声音传荡于天地之间,霎那间,整个星擎峰方圆百里以内的气温急剧的将至冰点…… The snow and ice roared, frost blade all over the sky. 冰雪咆哮,霜刃满天。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” Together with was being covered the campsis grandiflora that fights to fight the stage by the cold ice, Chu Hen raises in all directions instantly heavy/thick large-scale ice walls. 连同着被寒冰覆盖的凌霄斗战台,楚痕的四面八方即刻升起一座座厚重的大型冰壁。 Ice wall by six surrounding potentials, all-around the Chu Hen seal is one of them. 冰壁以六面围堵之势,全方位的将楚痕封闭在其中。 ...... …… „Is this? desolate pledge style?” “这是?萧盟的招式?” „Is the person who injures desolate pledge he?” “难道打伤萧盟的人就是他?” Snatched desolate pledge fellow apprentice's the spirits of four soul unexpectedly!” “竟然抢了萧盟师兄的四魂之灵!” ...... …… Before familiar strength, had been displayed by desolate pledge, looks at this, the disciples in many western arched peak institute reveal the color of indignation. 熟悉的力量之前就被萧盟所施展过,看着这一幕,不少西穹峰院的弟子都流露出愤慨之色。 Did not say half dead that desolate pledge hits, but also snatched the others' spirits of four soul, is simply ignominious! 将萧盟打的半死不说,还抢了别人的四魂之灵,简直可耻! ...... …… May merely be the next flash, has incomparably boundless aura to divulge by the position that Chu Hen is. 可仅仅是下一瞬间,又有着一股无比磅礴的气息以楚痕所在的位置宣泄而出。 „, The heart of thorn!” “森罗,荆棘之心!” Bang......” “轰隆……” In an instant, the campsis grandiflora fights above the war towering splitting the innumerable say/way scarlet red light mark, the light mark like the blood, dark sinking chill/yin cold...... 霎那间,凌霄斗战之上突兀的绽裂开无数道赤红色的光纹,光纹如血,暗沉阴寒…… Under the vision that in tens of thousands of double circular opens, incomparably gigantic vines just like the ghost tentacle from hell hell, climbs following that heavy/thick ice wall along, suddenly then covers in the ice wall high and low, formed the second powerful protection outside the body of Chu Hen...... 紧接着,在成千上万双圆睁的目光下,一道道无比硕大的藤蔓植物犹如来自地狱地府的鬼怪触手,顺着那厚重的冰壁攀沿而上,眨眼便覆盖于冰壁上下,于楚痕的身外形成了第二层的强大防护…… What? 什么? The audience people completely stared in a big way the eye. 全场众人全然瞪大了眼睛。 Almost is at the same time, that innumerable say/way domineering peerless god glow light beam also raises destruction all terrifying power birthplaces to fall under...... 几乎是同一时间,那无数道强势绝伦的神芒光柱也掀起覆灭一切的恐怖力量贯落而下……
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