UMDK :: Volume #13

#1248: Who can

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Perhaps also in vitality/angry?” “或许还在生气?” The Lingfeng main rather autumn waters spoke thoughtlessly to inquire north city peak principal element still. 南灵峰主宁秋水随口询问身旁的北城峰主元尚。 Complex that latter facial expression some shaking the head of interference, the innermost feelings are actually not able to say a word. 后者神情有些干涉的摇了摇头,内心却是无法言语的复杂。 Until this moment, he understands oneself wrongly accused Ye Yao. 直到这一刻,他才明白自己错怪叶瑶了。 Not is only he! 不仅仅是他! Almost is completely the disciple in North Star peak institute, even is the person of entire Martial Sect, wrongly accused her. 几乎是全部北辰峰院的弟子,甚至是整个武宗之人,都错怪了她。 ...... …… Why does not have to discover that the side were many a talent of such evildoer/monstrous talent?” The autumn waters are rather full of puzzled continues to ask. “为什么没有发现身边多了这么一个妖孽的天才?”宁秋水饶有困惑的继续问道。 An rookie disciple, crosses the threshold less than two years, Eternal Realm seventh level! 一个新人弟子,入门不到两年的时间,亘古境七阶 The war of sect gate, enters the finals! 宗门之战,闯入决赛! Fought the showdown with it day martial Bangxin Jin's second top talent directly. 直接是与之天武榜新晋第二位的顶尖天才争锋对决。 So the ability, was actually past Qiu Xing cannot even achieve easily. 如此能耐,却是连当年的邱星易都达不到。 ...... …… But, such may be called a lot of years of rare shocking evildoer/monstrous talent, unexpectedly directly by entire Martial Sect neglecting. 而,正是这么一个堪称千百年都难得一见的惊世妖孽,竟然直接被整个武宗给忽略掉了。 Another three peak institutes but actually also! 另外三个峰院倒也罢了! But even North Star peak institute such blind, cannot be justified. 可偏偏连北辰峰院都这么‘瞎’,着实是说不过去。 ...... …… The Yuan still deep sighing, nodded saying that over nine and other military study talents......, but bloodline limit has not actually achieved profound body......” 元尚深深的叹了口气,点了点头道,“超九等武学天赋……但是血脉界限却连玄体都没有达到……” „?” The autumn waters are rather startled. “哦?”宁秋水一怔。 She somewhat accidental/surprised looked that to fighting to fight on the stage to erupt that say/way young form of astonishing spear/gun potential. 她有些意外的看向斗战台上爆发着惊人枪势的那道年轻身影。 Each spear/gun, each type completely reveals the prestige of storm, the strength of fierce dragon, the rapid swift and fierce spear/gun glow endures compared with the startled rainbow swift and fierce peerless...... under facing Eternal Realm ninth level powerhouse Pei Ye fiercely attacking, but can also accomplish a task with ease...... 每一枪,每一式都尽显暴风之威,猛龙之力,急骤凌厉的枪芒堪比惊虹般凌厉绝伦……在面对着亘古境九阶强者裴烨的猛攻下,还能够游刃有余…… Boundary cultivation base differs in two levels situations. 境界修为相差两个层面的情况下。 Has not exposed slight leeward unexpectedly. 竟然没有展露丝毫的下风。 Then, you with saying this person profound body bloodline limit? 接着,你跟说这个人连玄体血脉界限都没有? Ning Qiushui suspected oneself misunderstood! 宁秋水都怀疑自己是不是听错了! However, she knows that the Yuan was still not a person who liked lying. 然,她知道元尚并不是一个喜欢说谎的人。 The most main point, the opposite party indeed does not take seriously Chu Hen, this can look from his yesterday's vitality/angry leaving the table. 最为主要的一点,对方的确不怎么重视楚痕,这点从他昨天生气离席上面就能够看出来。 Is bloodline limit that who examines?” Ning Qiushui is unforgiving. “是谁检测的血脉界限?”宁秋水不依不饶。 The Yuan still the corner of the eye congealed, vision subconscious sweeping the direction that to front Liu Elder. 元尚眼角微凝,目光下意识的扫向前方刘长老所在的方向。 ...... …… At this moment, Liu Elder at heart is also suffocated, chest as if stopper one group of cotton. 此时此刻,刘长老的心里也是堵得慌,心口仿佛塞着一团棉花。 This was not mistaken! 这不是看走眼了! But is blind! 而是瞎了眼! Such a shocking everybody talent, actually did not have to enroll sect gate him initially directly, but also made him go to carry out the inspection task. 这么一个惊世骇俗的人才,当初竟然没有直接把他招入宗门,还令他前去执行考核任务。 hard Kui Chu Hen came! 辛亏楚痕是来了! If he angrily, ran at that time other sect gate, cries not to have the place to cry. 要是当时他一气之下,跑去别的宗门了,哭都没地方去哭。 Thinks of here, Liu Elder starts to suspect, initially examined the opposite party bloodline limit result whether has the mistake careless mistake. 想到这里,刘长老不禁开始怀疑,当初检测对方血脉界限的结果是否存在失误纰漏。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” A series of wild strengths in fighting to fight on the stage to sweep across the audience. 一系列狂暴的力量在斗战台上席卷全场。 Reconnection single layer chaotic air current sweeping, plunges the people under stage. 一重接一重混乱的气流扫荡而下,扑向台下的众人。 Is looking at that everywhere spear/gun shadow and halberd glow, the heart of everyone imitates, if by an invisible big hand clutching, can not relax. 望着那漫天的枪影和戟芒,每个人的心头都仿若被一只无形的大手给揪着,一刻都不得放松。 Long time cannot capture, was a little troublesome!” “久攻不下,有点麻烦了!” Snort, has anything to trouble, do not forget, Senior Brother Pei Ye Qilin sacred body jumps over to the later period is stronger, the monowheel strength, which compares favorably with he.” “哼,有什么麻烦的,你可别忘了,裴烨师兄的麒麟圣体是越到后期就越强的,单轮力量,哪个比得上他。” Said but actually is also, the present is to fight difficult minute high, will wait to present the disparity.” “说的倒也是,现在是斗的难分高下,等会就该出现差距了。” ...... …… Difficult minute high under! 难分高下! At this time most people thought. 这时绝大多数人所认为的。 However, Qiu Xingyi, the pond thousand hawks, Wang Li and other numerous top talent is facial expression showing is serious. 然,邱星易,池千莺,王黎等一众顶尖天才却都是神情彰显郑重。 The Qilin blood god halberd that Pei Ye uses contains the divine tool of strength of Qilin essence and blood. 裴烨所用的麟血神戟乃是蕴含麒麟精血之力的神器。 But, that in Chu Hen hand drainings the god spear/gun, although the strength is also quite overbearing, but is actually only Saint. 而,楚痕手中的那杆沥神枪,虽然力量也颇为霸道,但却只是一件圣器。 Contends with the divine tool with Saint, but can also be in an impregnable position, whose who is weak, actually different people have different views, different people have different views. 以圣器抗衡神器,还能够立于不败之地,孰强孰弱,却是仁者见仁,智者见智。 ...... …… Saint Qilin cuts!” “圣麟斩!” Is calling out together with Pei Ye one, his both hands wield the Qilin blood god halberd, the domineering incomparable half campylodromous scarlet glow for example the god moon/month flying shuttle sweeps away to go toward Chu Hen together. 连同着裴烨的一声暴喝,其双手挥动麟血神戟,一道强势无比的半弧状赤芒譬如神月飞梭朝着楚痕横扫而去。 Terrifying cutting kills the strength to cross in empty/sky, the space trembles faintly, the floor follows to cut a loop gully. 恐怖的斩杀力量横贯于空,空间隐隐一颤,台面跟着划开一条弧圈沟壑。 Chu Hen does not show weakness holds a gun to meet the approaching enemy, the radiant spear/gun glow interweaves electricity to hold up on, upfront impact above that halberd glow. 楚痕毫不示弱的持枪迎击,璀璨的枪芒交织着雷芒电擎而上,正面冲击在那戟芒之上。 If fierce strength complementary waves two god of journeys glow rainbow connection, the chaotic light shadow splashes recklessly. 剧烈的力量余波似若两道神芒天虹交汇,杂乱无章的光影肆意飞溅。 ...... …… Snort!” “哼!” Pei Ye look is surging the rich cold light, then the Qilin blood god halberd in his hand glows strange rune/symbol light, sink the vague ray to just like the magma of center of the earth deep place to outline secretly...... 裴烨眼神涌动着浓郁的寒光,接着其手中的麟血神戟焕发出一片奇异的符光,一道道暗沉隐晦的光芒犹如地心深处的岩浆勾画而成…… Qilin blood!” “麟血阵!” Buzz......” “嗡……” The intermittent intense strength fluctuation fights to fight above stage to divulge eight sides in the campsis grandiflora quietly. 阵阵强烈的力量波动悄然于凌霄斗战台之上宣泄八方。 Chu Hen vision one cold, then under body towering appears mysterious rune/symbol array who is lending the burning hot aura, beast blood shapes scarlet red mark rapid spreads in the under foot...... 楚痕目光一凛,接着身下突兀的浮现出一座散发着炙热气息的神秘符阵,一道道兽血状的深红色阵纹迅速的于脚下蔓延开来…… rune/symbol array crosses the hundred zhang (333 m) range instantly! 符阵即刻横贯百丈范围! Quietly design beast shadow that the central mark changes to a Qilin shape. 中央的阵纹悄然化作一尊麒麟形状的图案兽影。 Roar......” “吼……” Made the person soul feel the sound of anger of ominous beast roaring directly trembling to the highest heaven, at once, the vault of heaven look changes, the world is low-spirited, the red iron chain that are dragging the flame exploded to plunder from symbol...... 直接令人灵魂感到颤栗的凶兽咆哮之声怒冲九霄,旋即,苍穹色变,天地黯然,一道道摇曳着火焰的赤色铁链从符阵之中爆掠而出…… Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Just likes trapped/sleepy demon cable/search Lian from hell, sudden goes toward the Chu Hen winding. 犹如来自地狱的困魔索链,急剧的朝着楚痕缠绕而去。 Also really also false illusory iron chain rapid entangling both arms of Chu Hen, both legs, neck, body...... 亦真亦假的虚幻铁链迅速的缠上楚痕的双臂,双腿,脖子,身躯…… The dark-red hell flame raises slowly, sky over the Chu Hen top of the head, changes to a fierce Qilin beast shadow suppression under. 暗红色的地狱火焰冉冉升起,于楚痕的头顶上空,化作一尊狰狞的麒麟兽影镇压而下。 In an instant, the Chu Hen shoulders such as were suppressed by the mountain. 霎那间,楚痕双肩如遭山岳镇压。 Below people at present all for it one bright. 下方的众人眼前无不为之一亮。 Especially the western arched peak institute people, are encouraged. 尤其是西穹峰院众人,更是振奋不已。 Is now!” “就是现在!” Solves him!” “解决掉他!” Senior Brother Pei Ye, kills him!” “裴烨师兄,干掉他!” ...... …… In Pei Ye eyes is surging the powerful roaring flame, its hand-held Qilin blood god halberd, punctures directly toward the heart of Chu Hen. 裴烨的眼中涌动着强盛的烈焰,其手持麟血神戟而起,直接朝着楚痕的心脏刺去。 Finished!” “结束了!” Finished! 结束了! Under stage the facial expression tight wrinkles of countless person, complexion big change. 台下无数人的神情紧皱,脸色大变。 elder brother Chu Hen......” Ye Yao tight both hands make a fist, been able to bear calling out in alarm said. 楚痕哥哥……”叶瑶紧张的双手握拳,忍不住的惊呼道。 Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes, Wu Yan and the others are also the facial features one white. 龙玄霜,赵青衣,吴岩等人亦是面容一白。 ...... …… But, in that bone-chilling cold halberd front raids, rich overbearing black glow suddenly from Chu Hen within the body fully erupts. 而,就在那凛冽的戟锋袭来之际,一股浓郁霸道的黑芒突然间从楚痕的体内全面爆发出来。 Chu Hen both eyes profound just like the infinite chaos eon space, vast boundless. 楚痕双瞳深邃的犹如无限的混沌宙宇,浩瀚无际。 The rock the earth dreadful arrogance imitates, if came from the prestige of supreme Fiendgod! 震天动地的滔天气焰仿若来自于至高无上的神魔之威! Breaks through the fetter, breaks the shackles! 冲破束缚,打破枷锁! In the audience innumerable double is flooding under the vision of shocking, twines all hell iron chains on Chu Hen to tie tight all blasts open...... 在全场无数双充斥着震骇的目光下,缠绕在楚痕身上的所有地狱铁链尽数紧绷炸裂…… Meanwhile, the draininging god spear/gun in his hand erupts one rich black rays. 同时,其手中的沥神枪爆发出一片浓郁的黑色光芒。 Jie!” “桀!” The sharp grating long and loud cry sound penetrating vault of heaven, suppresses in the Chu Hen above Qilin beast shadow instantly the torn smashing, in the gazes of tens of thousands of double astonished vision, a on the back grows pair of wings, proliferated the ancient times lizard dragon of scale to appear in Chu Hen all over the body impressively behind...... 尖锐刺耳的长啸声响彻天穹,镇压在楚痕上空的麒麟兽影即刻被撕扯的粉碎,于成千上万双惊愕目光的注视中,一尊背生双翼,通体遍布鳞片的远古蜥龙赫然惊现于楚痕的身后…… Ominous who soars to the heavens made the person heart and gall great. 冲天的凶威令人心胆巨寒。 The people of audience have a big shock. 全场的众人大惊失色。 Buzz......” “嗡……” In an instant, the Chu Hen very spear/gun on, three chi (0.33 m) spear/gun glow erupts the light of stars, lingers myriad draininging god spear/gun front to select directly, in that birthplace raids above the acme of Qilin blood god halberd comes...... 霎那间,楚痕挺枪而上,三尺枪芒爆发出星辰之光,萦绕着万千雷芒的沥神枪锋直接是点在那贯袭而来的麟血神戟的尖端之上…… „!” “嗵!” Heavy halberd, cold spear/gun! 重戟,寒枪! Once were collided, immediately erupts the endless myriad star flower hot rain, heavy/thick vigorous tide such as mighty current tsunami of connection, together with astral fierce incomparable soars to the heavens the great tide, the Pei Ye both arms trembles fiercely, the Qilin blood god halberd in hand nearly let go to fly...... 一经碰撞,顿时爆发出无尽的万千星花火雨,厚重的雄浑浪潮如交汇的洪流海啸,连同着罡猛无比的冲天巨潮,裴烨双臂猛地一颤,手中的麟血神戟险些脱手飞了出去…… Qiu Xingyi under field, Wang Li, pond thousand hawks and the others all are the pupil concentrates...... 场下的邱星易,王黎,池千莺等人皆是瞳孔微凝…… A discomforting feeling wells up their heart quietly. 一股令人不安的感觉悄然涌上他们的心头。 The overbearing extraordinary strength must retreat Pei Yezhen directly again and again in the future, the flying that at this moment, Chu Hen is without hesitation follows...... 霸道非凡的力量直接是将裴烨震得连连往后退去,就在这时,楚痕毫不迟疑的飞身跟上…… The cold rifle rack lives in the Qilin blood god halberd of opposite party, selects toward on, instantly opens the heavy halberd in Pei Ye hand. 寒枪架住对方的麟血神戟,随之朝上一挑,即刻将裴烨手中的重戟挑开。 In an instant, the defense of opposite party completely loses. 霎那间,对方的防御尽失。 Chu Hen both hands grip to draining the god breech of rifle end, the figure revolve rapidly 360 degrees, in the air has delimited a fuzzy spear/gun shadow, bang......” a dull thumping sound, draininged the god spear/gun to transfer, numerous sweeping above Pei Ye's chest...... 楚痕双手握住沥神枪尾端,身形飞速旋转三百六十度,空气中划过一片模糊的枪影,“砰……”的一声闷响,沥神枪转了一圈,重重的扫在裴烨的胸膛之上…… One group of chaotic cyclones explode in the air. 一团混乱的气旋于空气中爆开。 The true essence splash, the air wave spreads! 真元飞溅,气浪扩散! Pei Ye this was hit hard pounding to fly directly...... five main internal organs (entrails) entirely pain by Chu Hen, within the body vitality upwells, the Qilin blood god halberd in hand also lets go to fly to one side. 裴烨直接被楚痕这一重击给砸飞出去……五脏六腑俱痛,体内气血上涌,手中的麟血神戟也随之脱手飞向一边。 ...... …… My God!” “我的天!” Also vowed solemnly a moment ago threatened the people who Pei Ye must reverse the situation stared the circle again the eyes. 刚才还信誓旦旦扬言裴烨要逆转局势的众人再次瞪圆了双眼。 ...... …… When hasty, Pei Ye draws support from this impulse to retreat hastily in the future rapidly. 仓促之际,裴烨连忙借助这股冲击力往后飞速撤退。 But, Chu Hen naturally is continues to plan to follow close on after that. 而,楚痕自然是继续打算紧跟其后。 Is looking to Chu Hen that raiding to come, Pei Ye pupil one coldly, the double palm gathers instantly, endures compared with the mighty current vast true essence strength from within the body turbulently. 望着冲袭而来的楚痕,裴烨瞳孔一冷,双掌即刻一合,堪比洪流般的浩瀚真元力从体内汹涌而出。 Bans the prison three heavy doors!” “禁狱三重门!” Rumble......” “隆隆……” The campsis grandiflora fights to fight to rock fiercely, the front ground also explodes blasts out, is surging the gloomy dim light with three, proliferates the complex rune/symbol writing large-scale black great gate to rise to be built on above the floor impressively...... 凌霄斗战台剧烈晃动,前方的地面随之爆裂炸开,跟着三座涌动着阴暗幽光,遍布复杂符文的大型黑色巨门赫然升立于台面之上…… Each black great gate as high as hundred meters, thickness about ten meters. 每一座黑色巨门都高达百米,厚度十米左右。 Three great gates kept off in both directly. 三座巨门直接是挡在了两者之间。 ...... …… The technique of west arched peak most powerful defense! 西穹峰最为强大的防御之术! The Wu Yan facial color under stage slightly changes. 台下的吴岩面色微微一变。 Before 16 entered the match, Pei Ye the move banned prison three heavy doors to block his six Xinghua jade directly. 之前十六强晋级赛之时,裴烨的这招‘禁狱三重门’直接挡住了他的六枚星华玉。 ...... …… In the people present think when Pei Ye can with the aid of banning the powerful defenses of prison three heavy doors makes the adjustment, bang......” a serious incomparable startled day loud sound in the front campsis grandiflora fights to fight to erupt, sees only the astral fierce air current like the note, the cold spear/gun that is covering the dark blue lightning took the lead to pass through the first black front door...... 就在在座的众人以为裴烨能够借助禁狱三重门的强大防御而作出调整之时,“轰嗵……”一声沉重无比的惊天巨响于前方的凌霄斗战台爆发开来,只见罡猛的气流如注,一杆覆盖着暗蓝色闪电的寒枪率先贯穿了第一座黑色大门…… The bone-chilling cold spear/gun glow for example the god column is common. 凛冽的枪芒譬如神柱一般。 Spent a several meters wide opening above directly. 直接是于上面破出了一个数米宽的豁口。 After Tyrant angry startled day spear/gun glow, Chu Hen double grasps to grasp to draining the god spear/gun, irresistible. 霸怒惊天的枪芒之后,楚痕双手持握沥神枪,势不可挡。 ...... …… What? 什么? The complexion of people changes again and again, heart one startled again startled! 众人的脸色一变再变,心头一惊再惊! star holds up the lord of elder and peak institute on peak sets out suddenly. 星擎峰上的诸位长老和峰院之主豁然起身。 Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… Also is one after another two heavy bangs, the terrifying spear/gun glow drives straight ahead straight , the middle of consecutively three black great gates, were passed through a giant hole completely...... 又是接连两声沉重的巨响,恐怖的枪芒长驱直下,连续三座黑色巨门的中间,全部被贯穿了一个巨大的窟窿…… Bans the prison three heavy doors! 禁狱三重门! west arched peak most powerful defends martial learn/study, at this moment actually exists in name only in the Chu Hen front. 西穹峰最为强大的防御武学,此刻在楚痕的面前却是形同虚设。 Such strength, who can! 此等力量,何人能及! ...... …… astral's fierce fresh breeze air current, Chu Hen treads to empty to move turbulently, in the hand drainings the god spear/gun to explode to raid. 罡猛的劲风气流汹涌而下,楚痕踏空而动,手中沥神枪爆袭而来。 In Pei Ye eyes is exuding the thick ruthless glow, his single palm concentrates, enormous and powerful boundless true essence strength sudden collecting in the palm, red flame glow seems empty dragon Shemang...... 裴烨的眼中泛着浓浓的狠芒,其单掌一凝,浩荡磅礴的真元力量急剧的汇于掌心,一道道赤色的焰芒好似虚龙蛇蟒…… Go away!” “滚!” Angrily roars sternly, a Pei Ye palm offers a sacrifice, palm vigor galloping steamroll of moving mountains under. 厉声怒吼,裴烨一掌祭出,排山倒海的掌劲一路奔腾碾压而下。 Chu Hen does not hide does not dodge, in the palm drainings the god spear/gun to send out by the potential of startling thunderclap, lingers interweaves the twinkle above, blossoms in radiant splendor...... 楚痕不躲不闪,掌中沥神枪以惊雷之势送出,萦绕在上面的雷芒交织闪烁,大放异彩…… Bang!” “砰!” The terrifying palm vigor with it bone-chilling cold cold spear/gun connection, raises strength complementary waves immediately, the true essence strength of blasting open swings recklessly unceasingly...... 恐怖的掌劲与之凛冽的寒枪交汇,顿时掀起一片力量余波,肆意炸裂的真元力不断荡开…… However, stopped merely less than a half second, drainings the god spear/gun with irresistible force, breaks Pei Ye boundless palm vigor directly. 然,仅仅只是停顿了不到半秒钟的时间,沥神枪势如破竹,直接震碎裴烨的磅礴掌劲。 Wipes the cold glow twinkle world. 一抹寒芒闪烁天地。 Pei Ye pupil trembles fiercely, the endless destruction aura sweeps across. 裴烨的瞳孔猛地一颤,无尽的覆灭气息席卷而来。 Hiss......” “嘶……” The sharp weapon delimits the sound of flesh to be exceptionally clear, the audience everyone's complexion drastic change, one string of blood dance in the air impressively, in tens of thousands of double is flooding under the vision of shocking, that cold spear/gun in Chu Hen hand, passed through Pei Ye right hand palm obstinately...... 利器划过血肉的声音异常清晰,全场所有人的脸色赫然剧变,一串鲜血飞舞,于成千上万双充斥着震骇的目光下,楚痕手中的那杆寒枪,愣是贯穿了裴烨的右手手掌……
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