UMDK :: Volume #13

#1247: Qilin blood god halberd

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „Is this is known as the Martial Sect strongest strength Qilin sacred body? Collapses at the first blow simply......” “这就是号称武宗最强力量的麒麟圣体?简直不堪一击……” Looks that was struck Pei Ye who the bang flies by Chu Hen, is listening to these words of opposite party again, everyone directly hammered scalp tingles present. 看着被楚痕一击轰飞的裴烨,再听着对方的这句话,在座的所有人直接被锤的头皮发麻。 Pei Ye is furious similarly, two one horizontal, when it will fly to draw back in the future, single palm holds up, buzz......” the flood dragon that the fierce wave of red column of flame such as goes to sea, explodes toward Chu Hen raids to go...... 裴烨同样是震怒不已,两眼一横,其往后飞退之际,单掌擎出,“嗡……”的一声,凶猛如潮的赤色火柱如出海的蛟龙,朝着楚痕爆袭而去…… Shut up!” “住口!” The blazing tide blots out the sky, in the motion process, that red column of flame releases the swift and fierce destruction aura unceasingly, distant looks, is burning the great sword of essence hot flame just like a ...... 炽热的浪潮铺天盖地,在移动过程中,那赤色火柱不断释放出凌厉至极的毁灭气息,远远的望去,宛若一柄燃烧着实质热焰的巨剑…… In the Chu Hen pupil glitters. 楚痕瞳孔之中雷芒闪烁。 „......” “嗤嗤……” The manic incomparable fluctuation of energy causes the space to move restlessly intermittently the anxious, soaring momentum, if capercailye tall Ming, the Chu Hen palm potential turns, in an instant, a thunder and lightning light beam with overpowering momentum explodes to plunder like the aurora...... 狂躁无比的能量波动引得空间阵阵躁动不安,高昂的声势如若雷鸟高鸣,楚痕掌势一翻,霎那间,一记气势磅礴的雷电光柱如极光般爆掠出去…… Together shocking such as god rainbow. 一道惊艳如神虹。 Side radiant as day glow. 一方璀璨似天芒。 Works as......” “哐当……” Red blue two wild strength solid connection attack in together, the thunder fire bloom immediately, light mark everywhere. 一红一蓝两道狂暴的力量结结实实的交汇冲击在一起,顿时雷火绽放,光纹漫天。 Grandiose thunder Zhujing who however, the next flash, Chu Hen releases is rapid was divided to separate by that powerful column of flame. 然,下一瞬间,楚痕所释放出去的壮硕雷柱竟是迅速的被那强盛的火柱从中劈分开来。 Chu Hen slightly feels the surprise. 楚痕略感诧异。 Front of that column of flame suddenly changes sharp incomparable, under spiral-shaped light beam cyclones linger, showing swift and fierce aggressive side heaven draws the halberd directly to clash to raid from that column of flame...... 紧接着,那道火柱的前端急剧变的尖锐无比,在一道道螺旋状的光束气旋萦绕之下,一杆彰显凌厉霸气的方天画戟直接是从那火柱之中冲袭而出…… The length roughly two meters of heavy halberd five, portray the dark-red mark all over the body. 重戟的长度约莫两米五,通体刻画着暗红色的器纹。 The halberd front cold light twinkle, the both sides have the campylodromous curved blade respectively. 戟锋寒光闪烁,两侧各有弧状弯刃。 ...... …… Is the Qilin blood god halberd!” “是麟血神戟!” In the crowd under field is startled high call. 场下的人群中惊起一道高呼声。 Qilin blood god halberd! 麟血神戟! Dominates the powerful divine tool above Saint. 凌驾于圣器之上的强大神器。 Coordinates Qilin sacred body bloodline limit, can erupt the terrifying infinitely the destruction strength. 配合麒麟圣体血脉界限,能够无限爆发出恐怖的毁灭力量。 ...... …… Under the field Wang Li vision is sunk by two people are supporting by the arm, both hands make a fist faintly. 场下被两人搀扶着的王黎目光微沉,不由的双手隐隐握拳。 Pei Ye during the final match with him, the entire journey has not used this Qilin blood god halberd, but now, less than several meeting, are compelled to take out this divine tool by Chu Hen merely. 裴烨在与其对决的时候,全程都没有使用过这‘麟血神戟’,而现在,仅仅不到数个会合,就被楚痕逼得将这神器取出。 It can be imagined, at this moment his dropping variance big. 可想而知,此刻其内心的落差有多大。 ...... …… Works as!” “哐当!” The startling thunderclap howls, electricity glow shining day. 惊雷呼啸,电芒耀天。 Qilin blood god halberd with irresistible force, god glow that if swims against the stream together, first even/including chops to cut that say/way boundless thunder and lightning light beam, and offensive does not reduce rushes to Chu Hen nearby...... 麟血神戟势如破竹,如若一道逆流而上的神芒,一连将那道磅礴的雷电光柱劈斩开来,并攻势不减的冲到楚痕的跟前…… The Chu Hen vision lifts lightly, the double palm such as strokes willow -like to swing, a wisp of vigorous true essence cyclone disperses in the palm shop, transforms to congeal the solid light screen to protect the shield before the body at the same time. 楚痕目光轻抬,双掌如拂柳般摆动,一缕雄浑的真元气旋于掌心铺散开来,随之在身前幻化成一面凝实的光幕护盾。 Bang!” “砰!” true essence surges, the ray blooms! 真元激荡,光芒绽放! The Qilin blood god halberd meets the light screen, instantly stops in the midair. 麟血神戟遇到光幕,即刻停顿在半空之中。 Meanwhile, Pei Ye raises a dreadful situation flying to flash impressively plunders, but, just like the terminal of ominous beast strong powerful palm gripping Qilin blood god halberd firmly, the arm delivers, violent impulse also turbulently...... 与此同时,裴烨赫然掀起一股滔天大势飞身闪掠而至,宛如凶兽般强劲有力的手掌牢牢的握住麟血神戟的末端,手臂一送,猛烈的冲击力随之汹涌而出…… Bang!” “轰!” The strength of astral fierce bone-chilling cold withering is to make Chu Hen front light screen directly protects the smashing that the shield explodes. 罡猛凛冽的肃杀之力直接是令楚痕面前的光幕护盾爆裂的粉碎。 The halberd front traces on, punctures directly toward the throat of Chu Hen. 戟锋追溯而上,径直朝着楚痕的喉咙刺去。 ...... …… Under the field the heart of people hangs, each one shows facial expression with amazement. 场下众人的心头一悬,个个都露出骇然的神情。 Some people are encouraged, some people are tense! 有人振奋,有人紧张! „......” “咻……” The halberd front of burning hot curls up brutal killing intent to raid, Chu Hen flies high to be sideways to dodge, the sharp picture halberd almost pastes the throat to howl. 炙热的戟锋卷起无情的杀意袭来,楚痕一个凌空侧身闪避,尖锐的画戟几乎是贴着喉咙呼啸而过。 Pei Ye wrist/skill turns, together in the air has been delimiting a light arc, draws near the halberd the side sickle to pursue to raid to cut again. 裴烨手腕一翻,连同着空气中划过的一道光弧,画戟边侧的弯刀再次追袭斩下。 Chu Hen lifts the hand to lay out a palm, separates the spatial palm vigor by the Qilin blood god halberd breaks at the same time, Chu Hen draws support from this instead to shake the strength to flash toward the rear area instantly draws back to go...... 楚痕抬手拍出一掌,隔空的掌劲被麟血神戟震碎的同时,楚痕即刻借助这股反震力朝着后方闪退而去…… Where walks?” “哪里走?” Pei Ye shouted angrily, was jumps to leap directly, then double grasped to grasp the Qilin blood god halberd, leaps toward the position flying that Chu Hen was at...... 裴烨怒喝一声,直接是纵身一跃,接着双手持握麟血神戟,朝着楚痕所在的位置飞身跃下…… The enormous and powerful red flame glow ascends from its within the body, Qilin blood god halberd high and low is burning all over the body wild with rage flame. 浩荡的赤色焰芒从其体内升腾而起,麟血神戟的通体上下燃烧着一层狂怒的火焰。 The wind spreading electricity holds up! 风驰电擎! Shakes the vault of heaven the hundred zhang (333 m) halberd glow to drop from the clouds together suddenly, the overhead falls toward the Chu Hen birthplace. 一道撼动天穹的百丈戟芒豁然从天而降,当头朝着楚痕贯落下去。 The Chu Hen pupil shrinks faintly, in the eye reflects that say/way aggressive peerless Tienchu. 楚痕瞳孔隐隐一缩,眼中倒映那道霸气绝伦的天柱。 Bang......” “轰隆……” Terrifying startled day halberd glow just like an divine punishment that passes through the vault of heaven, the numerous impacts above the floor, almost at the same time, Chu Hen dodge to same place...... 恐怖的惊天戟芒宛若一记贯穿天穹的神罚,重重的冲击在台面之上,几乎在同一时间,楚痕闪离原地…… The serious strength shake passes through the ear to want deaf, the campsis grandiflora fights to fight a stage cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, floor sudden splitting, the giant hole toward expands in all directions. 沉重的力量震荡贯耳欲聋,凌霄斗战台寸寸崩碎,台面急剧的绽裂,巨大的窟窿朝着四面八方扩张开来。 The moth bird group that if the crushed stone of splash startled flies, is sweeping across the audience together with the billowing air wave. 飞溅的碎石如若惊飞的飞蛾鸟群,连同着滚滚气浪席卷全场。 The chaotic air current to raiding, Chu Hen also falls to the kilometer about. 混乱的气流冲袭下,楚痕随之落到千米开外。 ...... …… Looks at present this extremely wild one. 看着眼前这极为狂暴的一幕。 The disciple in numerous western arched peak institute is the heart one bright, in the eye glows the appearance that flies upwards. 众多西穹峰院的弟子皆是心头一亮,眼中重新焕发出飞扬的神采。 Senior Brother Pei Ye must start to counter-attack!” “裴烨师兄要开始反击了!” Snort, once Senior Brother Pei Ye is earnest, the fellow dies does not know how dead.” “哼,裴烨师兄一旦认真起来,那家伙死都不知道怎么死的。” Senior Brother Pei Ye must win!” “裴烨师兄必胜!” Makes him experience fierce of Qilin sacred body, asking him to dare so extremely arrogantly!” “让他见识见识麒麟圣体的厉害,叫他胆敢如此狂妄!” ...... …… Peaceful shortly after outside starts changes clamored. 才安静没多久的场外又开始变的喧哗起来。 Coldly swept under a stage, the Chu Hen corners of the mouth select, at once is single-handed turns outward. 冷冷的扫了眼台下,楚痕嘴角一挑,旋即单手朝外一翻。 Drainings the god spear/gun!” “沥神枪!” Buzz......” “嗡……” Before that birthplace fell the swift and fierce cold spear/gun one side of floor towering sent out fierce moving restlessly, if received master's summon general, subsequently „......” flew from the ground, has delimited together the vigorous air wave in the air, then steady fell into the Chu Hen palm...... 之前那贯落在台面一侧的凌厉寒枪突兀的发出一阵剧烈的躁动,如若受到主人的召唤一般,继而“噌……”的一声飞离地面,于空气中划过一道雄浑的气浪,接着稳稳的落入楚痕掌中…… The invisible King arrogance sweeps across eight sides. 无形的王者盛气席卷八方。 Chu Hen grasps to draining the god spear/gun, is referring to front Pei Ye with the lance point. 楚痕手持沥神枪,以枪尖正指前方裴烨。 In the foreheads, performs to reveal the meaning of provocation. 眉宇之间,尽显挑衅之意。 „......” “嗤嗤……” Gorgeous radiant dark blue rapid lingering in the spear's/gun's body high and low, dangerous aura made one have startled palpitation. 一道道绚丽璀璨的暗蓝色雷芒迅速的萦绕于枪身上下,危险的气息令人是心生惊悸。 Pei Ye facial color even more mean. 裴烨面色愈发的阴狠。 Imposing manner also even more powerful. 气势也愈发的强盛。 Flame combustion outside body, in hand Qilin blood god halberd light mark twinkle. 火焰燃烧在身外,手中麟血神戟光纹闪烁。 Power and influence that it sends out, like a war-god. 其散发出来的威势,如同一尊战神。 I must have a look actually, how long you can support......” “我倒是要看看,你能支撑多久……” These words, return to you!” “这句话,送还给你!” In the Chu Hen pupil flashes thunder Hu, then holds the spear/gun, the cold glow first, the spear/gun leaves like the dragon immediately, the spear/gun glow potential such as the rain gets down together, comes toward Pei Ye all. 楚痕眸中一闪雷弧,接着执枪而起,一点寒芒先到,随即枪出如龙,一道枪芒势如雨下,尽数朝着裴烨呼啸而来。 The latter facial expression is vicious, double grasps to grasp the heavy halberd, meets the approaching enemy on. 后者神情凶狠,双手持握重戟,迎击而上。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... …… In an instant, the campsis grandiflora fights to fight on the stage, continuous eruption star flower hot rain of stretch of surging world. 霎那间,凌霄斗战台上,接连不断的爆发出一片激荡天地的星花火雨。 Light shadow simultaneous/uniform flying, the air wave soars to the heavens. 光影齐飞,气浪冲天。 Covers ascends the Qilin blood god halberd of red flame to launch the violent impact collision with it that the draininging god spear/gun of blue thunder and lightning is keeping. 覆盖着蓝色雷电的沥神枪不停的与之升腾着赤色火焰的麟血神戟展开猛烈的冲击碰撞。 Under stage people at present is dazzling, eyes cannot take it all. 台下众人的眼前可谓是眼花缭乱,目不暇接。 ...... …… The vigorous halberd glow tearing expansive sky, seems the god moon/month class/flow shadow, astral is fierce, performs to reveal the prestige of quarrying a mountain crack place. 雄浑的戟芒撕裂长空,好似神月流影,罡猛霸道,尽显开山裂地之威。 The gorgeous spear/gun shadow offensive is strict, if star glow collection, unpredictable, opens greatly gathers greatly, makes one unexpectedly. 绚丽的枪影攻势严密,如若星芒汇集,变幻莫测,大开大合,令人出其不意。 The air wave that rushes enormously and powerful endures compared with the wind and rain greatly , the single layer then single layer, among the offenses and defenses, making the person vision follow closely, does not dare to breathe the atmosphere. 浩荡澎湃的气浪堪比风雨大至,一重接着一重,攻守之间,令人目光紧随,连大气都不敢喘一下。 ...... …… Good exquisite marksmanship!” Under the field some people of shaking the head exclaim. “好精湛的枪法!”场下有人摇头惊叹道。 This thinks that Qilin blood god halberd, Pei Yebi can draw the disadvantage, but is accidental/surprised, opposite party's ferocious attack continually, kept off unexpectedly completely by Chu Hen...... 本以为麟血神戟一出,裴烨必能扳回劣势,可令人意外的是,对方连番的猛烈进攻,竟然全部都被楚痕挡下…… Defense at the same time, Chu Hen can also counter-attack unceasing seeking to the opportunity. 防御的同时,楚痕还能够不断的寻找到机会进行反击。 Fierce!” “厉害啊!” Wu Mian on south observing stage is somewhat simple-hearted, it even a little doubts at present the authenticity of this scene. 南面观战台上的吴勉已然是有些木讷,其甚至都有点怀疑眼前这场面的真实性。 I said, we haven't come out in Senior Brother Wang Li's imaginary technique now?” “我说,我们现在是不是还在王黎师兄的幻术中没有出来啊?” I also thought so!” Zhao Qing clothes is also secret shaking the head. “我也这么觉得!”赵青衣也是一个劲的暗暗摇头。 Is looking at Chu Hen in that floor, Wu Yan facial expression especially complex. 望着那台面上的楚痕,吴岩的神情尤为的复杂。 In the mind is still returning unceasingly is thinking at night the day before yesterday to Chu Hen has spoken these words. 其脑海中还在不断回思着前天晚上对楚痕说过的那些话。 At that time he has been doubtful, does not know why Chu Hen remained unmoved. 当时他一直心存怀疑,不知道楚痕为什么不为所动。 Originally, oneself underestimated the opposite party by far! 原来,自己还是远远的低估了对方! These individual, it is estimated that should restless......” “那些个人,估计该坐立不安了……” Wu Yan dry smiling, vision subconscious sweeping holds up peak a senior figure on numerous North Star peak institute to star simultaneously. 吴岩干涩的笑了笑,同时目光下意识的扫向星擎峰上的一众北辰峰院的高层人物。 The elders, the institute lord Luo Cang, the peak principal element still! 众长老,院主罗沧,峰主元尚! At this moment they are frowning completely, a depressed complex facial expression, in the heart looked like ties the spider web general, suffocated...... 此刻他们全部都皱着眉头,一副沉闷复杂的神情,心中就像是结了蜘蛛网一般,堵得慌…… Perhaps also in vitality/angry?” The Lingfeng main rather autumn waters spoke thoughtlessly to inquire nearby North Star peak principal element still. “或许还在生气?”南灵峰主宁秋水随口询问一旁的北辰峰主元尚。 Vitality/Angry? 生气? Is angry? 生什么气? Does the Ye Yao forfeit let the air/Qi that Chu Hen is promoted? 叶瑶弃权让楚痕晋级的气? Yuan still facial expression somewhat absent-minded shaking the head. 元尚神情有些恍惚的摇了摇头。 Even is some dry of not being able to say! 甚至是有些说不出来的干涩! Chu Hen this time linked directly was hitting the face of entire North Star peak institute together, besides the shock, where also had the least bit temperament. 楚痕这次直接是连着一起打了整个北辰峰院的脸,除了震惊之外,哪里还有半点脾气。 ...... …… ...... …… ( Also has renewal, brothers but who could to early morning, unable to wait for can tomorrow look again!!) (还有更新,不过可能要到凌晨,等不了的兄弟可以明天再看!!)
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