UMDK :: Volume #13

#1246: Collapsing at the first blow

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang......” “轰……” The fierce vigorous light halo just like the water surface tide toward to sweep across in all directions, recovers less than a campsis grandiflora of meeting to fight to fight stage deep hollow to get down again a several meters wide big hole...... 剧烈的雄浑光圈犹如水面浪潮般朝着四面八方席卷开来,才复原不到一会的凌霄斗战台再一次深深的凹陷下去一个数十米宽的大坑…… The bricks and stones explode, the air wave soars to the heavens! 砖石爆裂,气浪冲天! Together with audience each pair of shivering pupil, Pei Ye numerous the bang from the midair falls on the place, like deep embed in floor...... 连同着全场每一双颤抖的瞳孔,裴烨重重的从半空中轰落在地,就像深深的镶嵌在台面里面…… What? 什么? Bang......” “轰隆……” This appearance, directly is if the storm impact audience each mind, in the mind is resounding the startled day to be thunderous. 这一幕的出现,直接是如若风暴般冲击着全场每个的心神,脑海之中响起惊天雷鸣。 Soul cannot bear palpitated. 一个个就连灵魂都忍不住的悸动了一下。 My God?” “我的天?” The innumerable Martial Sect disciple both eyes circle opens the eyes, puts out a hand to cover the face. 无数武宗弟子双目圆睁,伸手掩面。 The west arched peak lord Situ Song and North Star peak principal element still stood up suddenly. 西穹峰主司徒松和北辰峰主元尚豁然站起身来。 One is the startled anger! 一个是惊怒! Shocks! 一个是震骇! Qiu Xingyi, pond thousand hawks, Wang Li, Wu Yan and other Martial Sect talents completely stunned. 邱星易,池千莺,王黎,吴岩等所有武宗天才全然间错愕不已。 This fellow?” Wu Mian both hands are shivering unconsciously. “这家伙?”吴勉不觉双手都在颤抖。 Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cuts is also similar, as if witnessed for fear that the most frightening scene. 身旁的赵青衣,赵青裁也都差不多,仿佛目睹了生怕最为令人恐惧的场面。 ...... …… Quarry stone simultaneous/uniform collapse, crack propagation! 乱石齐崩,裂缝蔓延! The invisible point imposing manner such as that stands erect in soaring to the clouds that cold spear/gun of another side...... 无形的锋芒气势如那矗立于凌霄台另外一侧的那杆寒枪…… Bang!” “砰!” The heavy loud sound swings again, Chu Hen numerous falling return to the ground, seems the extremely heavy strength steamroll, astral fierce strong impulse raises the day, pounded into Pei Ye in ground to shake directly...... 沉重的巨响再次荡开,楚痕重重的落回地上,好似万钧力量碾压而下,罡猛强大的冲击力掀天而起,砸入地面之中的裴烨直接震了出来…… No hesitation! 没有任何的迟疑! Has not given the people slightly the time of slow god. 没有给众人丝毫缓神的时间。 Chu Hen is sideways to raise legs is a foot, tramples again toward Pei Ye's chest. 楚痕侧身抬腿就是一脚,再次朝着裴烨的胸膛踹去。 Pei Ye vision shrinks, the both arms intersect before the body, a flame powerful true essence strength ascends from within the body, the overlapping arm is covering wild with rage flame glow instantly...... 裴烨目光一缩,双臂交叉在身前,一股火焰般的强盛真元力从体内升腾而起,交叉的手臂即刻覆盖着一层狂怒的焰芒…… Rolls to me!” It shouted sternly. “给我滚!”其厉声喝道。 Bang!” “砰!” Finishes speaking merely, scarlet red flame dopes the rich black glow vertical to divulge in the floor. 仅仅只是话音刚落,一圈赤红色的火焰掺杂着浓郁的黑芒于台面上纵向宣泄开来。 Even if Pei Ye strength astral is how fierce, but was shaken to fly by Chu Hen. 纵然裴烨的力量何其罡猛霸道,但还是被楚痕一脚震飞出去。 ...... …… Hiss!” “嘶!” Day!” “天呐!” Under field the heart of people one startled again startled, the facial color changes again and again. 场下众人的心头一惊再惊,面色一变再变。 Tramples Pei Ye both feet that flies to drive by the floor, the stone brick of under foot explodes unceasingly blasts out, pulled off a about hundred meters gully continually, can stop...... 踹飞出去的裴烨双脚以台面拖动,脚下的石砖不断爆裂炸开,一连拖出了将近百米的沟壑,才得以停住…… You?” Pei Ye both eyes anger opens the eyes, full is amazed looks that in same place has not moved half step that say/way young form. “你?”裴烨双目怒睁,满是惊诧的看着在原地没有移动半步的那道年轻身影。 Chu Hen holds up the head to raise the head, the pretty profile outline was disclosing made the will of the people tremble ruthless severe. 楚痕昂首抬头,俊秀的侧脸轮廓透露着令人心颤的狠厉。 „......” “嗤嗤……” One group of manic dark blue thunder and lightning flee in all directions from the right palm arm of Chu Hen, dazzling thunder and lightning rapid accumulation in palm. 一团狂躁的暗蓝色雷电从楚痕的右手掌臂中流窜而出,绚丽夺目的雷电飞速聚集于掌心之中。 The coldly is ignoring front Pei Ye. 其冷冷的漠视着前方的裴烨。 A share of dreadful King shakes the audience aggressively. 一股滔天的王者霸气撼动全场。 Surnamed Pei...... the father must dig up your skin today......” “姓裴的……老子今天要扒了你的皮……” The momentum like the thunder, enters the soul! 声势如雷,直入灵魂! At this moment, Chu Hen shocking world. 这一刻,楚痕惊艳了天地。 ...... …… Before these berated curse angrily his Martial Sect disciple, all could not bear shivered. 之前那些喝斥怒骂他的武宗弟子,皆忍不住的颤抖起来。 These words of opposite party, as if were not only say to Pei Ye. 对方的这句话,仿佛不仅仅是对裴烨一人说的。 But, the people in North Star peak institute also closed the mouth, in the eye were full of many to change countenance. 而,北辰峰院的众人也都一个个闭上了嘴巴,眼中充满了诸多动容。 ...... …… Feels is coming from that vicious tendencies on Chu Hen, under the pond thousand hawks situated in stage was startled the god. 感受着源自于楚痕身上的那股戾气,位于台下的池千莺不禁怔了怔神。 In her eye pupil is exuding the faint trace complex meaning. 她的眼眸之中泛着丝丝复杂之意。 Seemingly oneself in the forfeit of semifinal, are not a wrong thing. 貌似自己在半决赛的弃权,并不是件错事。 ...... …… The campsis grandiflora fights to fight on the stage! 凌霄斗战台上! Two people vision such as advantage arrow completely obviously cold glow. 两人的目光如利箭般尽显寒芒。 Pei Ye corners of the mouth one, reveals wipes the ruthless severe smile. 裴烨嘴角一咧,露出一抹狠厉的笑容。 Hehe, but also good...... imagines compared with me slightly a little meaning......” “嘿嘿,还不错……比我想象中的稍微有点意思……” Snort!” Chu Hen returns to sneer, finals see, you have not disappointed me!” “哼!”楚痕回以冷笑,“决赛见,你也没让我失望!” „......” “嗤嗤……” Then, the Chu Hen single palm taking bearing ground, dozens dark blue thunder and lightning with overpowering momentum for example dragon snake-like flees toward the opposite party extreme velocity along the floor...... 说罢,楚痕单掌探向地面,几十道气势磅礴的暗蓝色雷电譬如龙蛇般沿着台面朝着对方极速窜去…… Everywhere one visit, floor tile blasting open, stone platform disintegration. 所到之处,地砖炸裂,石台崩碎。 Pei Ye pupil one cold, in the eye the murderous intention surges. 裴烨瞳孔一寒,眼中杀机涌动。 Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄至极!” Roar......” “吼……” A resonant spirited beast recited shocks eight sides, Pei Ye the grandiose body again changed big tall and strong, the both arms blood vessel stuck out, the five fingers changed sharp sharp, and appeared the close thick red scale, seemed like just like the arms of two Qilin...... 一声嘹亮的激昂兽吟震慑八方,裴烨本就壮硕的身躯再次变的高大魁梧,双臂血管隆起,五指变的尖锐锋利,且浮现出细密厚实的赤色鳞片,看上去宛如两条麒麟之臂…… Stupid waste, I want your life!” “愚蠢的废物,我要你的命!” The single arm wields, a bone-chilling cold blazing column of flame just like fire cloud Daoban to divide to cut under. 单臂一挥,一记凛冽的炽热火柱犹如火云刀般劈斩而下。 Together with is dividing the floor that separates, flies power line pole that raids to come also to be interrupted to cut. 连同着劈分开来的台面,飞袭而来的雷芒电柱亦被截断斩开。 Pei Ye figure moves, instantly changes to the remnant shadow to plunder together toward Chu Hen...... 裴烨身形一动,即刻化作一道残影朝着楚痕掠去…… Moves in the process, Pei Ye body rapid transforming becomes a not firm not broken red shadow blade, air tearing, the air wave is startled to howl...... 移动过程中,裴烨的身躯迅速的幻化成一记无坚不破的赤色影刃,空气撕裂,气浪惊啸…… The field next numerous Martial Sect disciple is the corner of the eye narrows the eyes. 场下一众武宗弟子皆是眼角一眯。 Remembering that the people are clear about, at some time ago, four strong contests time, Wentao erupts offensive kills to incur is attacked instantaneously torn to pieces by Pei Ye this move...... 众人都清楚的记得,就在不久前,四强争夺战的时候,文韬爆发出来的先手杀招瞬间被裴烨这招冲击支离破碎…… The threatening red shadow blade for example that is shattered the light of all shadow wings. 来势汹汹的赤色影刃譬如那破灭一切的影翼之光。 However, Chu Hen is the gearing has not actually moved, outside a black ray rapid welling up upper body, covers in the figure high and low, just like that cold and gloomy nine quiet fire...... 然,楚痕却是连动都没有挪动一下,一股黑色光芒迅速的涌上身外,覆盖在身形上下,宛如那森冷的九幽之火…… A fist, offers a sacrifice to! 一拳,祭出! The black fist glow potential of all divulging like fierce tiger, upfront solid meeting the approaching enemy, in that explodes raids, but to above shadow blade...... 尽数宣泄的黑色拳芒势如猛虎,正面结结实实的迎击在那爆袭而至的影刃之上…… „!” “嗵!” The wild incomparable strength surges to explode instantly in both, two types of different color light beams follow to shoot up to the sky, the disorderly complementary waves air wave divulges eight sides recklessly, endures in the terrifying hit compared with mountains to rupture the audience...... 狂暴无比的力量即刻于两者之间激荡爆开,两种不同颜色的光柱跟着冲天而起,杂乱的余波气浪肆意宣泄八方,堪比山岳之间的恐怖撞击爆裂全场…… The facial color of people quietly flood white. 众人的面色悄然泛白。 star holds up the peak lords above of several peak institutes also to frown. 星擎峰之上的几位峰院之主同样皱起了眉头。 Because they see, lingers the red shadow glow outside Pei Ye body by the Chu Hen fist glow is given the smashing of bombardment unexpectedly directly...... 因为他们看见,萦绕在裴烨身外的赤色影芒竟然直接被楚痕的拳芒给轰击的粉碎…… Unbelievable! 难以置信! Absolute unbelievable! 绝对的难以置信! Words that if Pei Ye suffered a loss because of the general idea/careless before, then this directly is in the explosive force was suppressed, moreover in the situation of directly contending with. 如果说之前裴烨是因为大意而吃亏的话,那么这会直接就是爆发力上的被压制,而且还是正面抗衡的情况下。 ...... …… His cultivation base is...... Eternal Realm, seventh level......” east Xuan Feng zhu boils cloud manor the vision to be deep, is full of the surprise the opens the mouth to say. “他的修为是……亘古境,七阶……”东玄峰主熬云庄目光深沉,饶有诧异的开口说道。 Eternal Realm seventh level? 亘古境七阶 Whish!” “哗!” Field next stunned! 场下一阵愕然! Chu Hen differed two levels with it Pei Ye boundary cultivation base unexpectedly fully. 楚痕与之裴烨的境界修为竟然整整相差了两个层次。 ...... …… Even so, the innermost feelings of people incomparably shock. 即便是如此,众人的内心还是无比震撼。 Eternal Realm seventh level? Crosses the threshold less than two years! 亘古境七阶?才入门不到两年的时间! This what speed? 这什么速度? ...... …… Seven, seventh level? Eternal Realm seventh level?” “七,七阶亘古境七阶?” Contacts many Wu Mian to be dumbfounded with it Chu Hen. 就连与之楚痕接触最多的吴勉都傻了眼。 Zhao Qing clothes, Zhao Qing cai brother and sister similarly are especially shocking secret shaking the head. 赵青衣,赵青裁兄妹二人同样是尤为震惊的暗暗摇头。 Remembers before , crosses the threshold to evaluate that meeting in the sinking star state, the Chu Hen boundary as if did not have them to be high! 记得之前在沉星州入门评测那会,楚痕的境界似乎还没有他们两个高吧! ...... …… Bang!” “砰!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… Fights to fight on the stage, two imposing manner peerless swift and fierce forms burst out sounds of various fierce strengths to the bang unceasingly. 斗战台上,两道气势绝伦的凌厉身影不断迸发出各种剧烈的力量对轰之声。 Ripple complementary waves layer upon layer splash in the world. 一层层的波纹余波在天地间溅起。 However, what is shocking, each front impact, Pei Ye cannot have the least bit advantage, almost the entire journey was suppressed by Chu Hen. 然,令人震惊的是,每一次的正面碰撞,裴烨都未能够占到半点优势,几乎全程被楚痕所压制。 „......” “嗵……” Two people solid frontages rumbled struck, the black fist arm penetrated the powerful flame glow that outside that Qilin palm arm covered instantaneously. 两人结结实实的正面轰了一击,黑色的拳臂瞬间击穿了那麒麟掌臂外覆盖的强盛焰芒。 Pei Ye suddenly feels the arm to shake, veins skeleton in within the body shivers. 裴烨顿觉手臂一震,体内的筋脉骨骼一阵颤抖。 When startled anger, the offensive begins, the arm melts the palm again, one group concentrates the solid blazing flame ball sudden revolves in the palm rapidly...... 惊怒之余,攻势再起,手臂再次化掌,一团凝实的炽热焰球急剧的在掌心飞速旋转…… Meanwhile, in the palm arms of Chu Hen is lingering similarly spiral-shaped black cyclones. 与此同时,楚痕的掌臂间同样萦绕着一道道螺旋状的黑色气旋。 Bang!” “砰!” Also is a fierce positive/direct resistance, that moment of fist palm connection, fierce flame explodes blasts out broken, simultaneously that Chu Hen that strong powerful arm divulges the deep sea undercurrent terrifying dark vigor...... 又是一记凶猛的正面对抗,拳掌交汇的那一刻,一股剧烈的火焰从中爆碎炸开,同时那楚痕那强劲有力的手臂宣泄出深海暗流般的恐怖暗劲…… Pei Ye pupil shrinks, suddenly feels a huge impulse to flood into whole body following the arm. 裴烨的瞳孔一缩,顿觉一股庞大的冲击力顺着手臂涌入全身上下。 „!” “嗵!” The air wave flies horizontally, Pei Ye was rumbled to fly again about several hundred meters. 气浪横飞,裴烨再次被轰飞数百米开外。 Snort......” Chu Hen frivolous sneering said, this is known as the Martial Sect strongest strength Qilin sacred body? Collapses at the first blow simply......” “哼……”楚痕轻浮的冷笑道,“这就是号称武宗最强力量的麒麟圣体?简直不堪一击……”
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