UMDK :: Volume #13

#1245: Your opponent is I

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Bang......” “砰……” The heavy loud sound surges above the break fighting military stage left side, together with has the innermost feelings of audience people together shivering. 沉重的巨响于断裂的斗武台左侧之上激荡开来,连同一起颤抖的还有全场众人的内心。 The quarry stone splash, the cold wind howls. 乱石飞溅,冷风呼啸。 At this moment, the majestic campsis grandiflora fought martial Tai is a piece in confusion. 此刻,原本大气磅礴的凌霄斗武台已然是一片狼藉。 Entire floor high and low, no complete good brick. 整个台面上下,没有一块完整的好砖。 Bumpy, everywhere is the hollow hole. 坑坑洼洼,遍地是凹陷的窟窿。 In the world, fills the cyclone tide of burning hot, everywhere dust is flying upwards, but, the star holds up inside and outside the peak, during fell into directly was silent. 天地间,弥漫着炙热的气旋浪潮,漫天尘埃飞扬,而,星擎峰内外,直接是陷入了寂静之中。 The disciples in Lingfeng institute are staring under the front stage stubbornly. 南灵峰院的众弟子死死的盯着前方的台下。 In the eye of peak main rather autumn waters also gushes out several points of dimness faintly. 峰主宁秋水的眼中也隐隐涌出几分黯淡。 Although is not willing to believe that but seems to have been a foregone conclusion. 虽然并不愿意相信,但似乎已经成了定局。 ...... …… Above the upper air, Pei Ye all alone ice is built on this. 高空之上,裴烨孤身一人凌立于此。 The facial expression indifferently, the whole body is sending out advantageously aloof aggressive. 其神情漠然,浑身散发着得天独厚的超然霸气。 The left side fight of below break fights on the stage, the air wave dust of dissemination retreats gradually, together showing low-spirited young form somewhat dry standing there...... 下方断裂的左侧斗战台上,弥散的气浪灰尘渐渐退去,一道彰显黯然的年轻身影有些干涩的站在那里…… Two people positions, and are built on king official under main hall like the monarchy of keeping aloof. 两人的位置,如同高高在上的君主和立于大殿之下的王臣。 Senior Brother Wang Li?” “王黎师兄?” The disciple in Lingfeng institute is the vision trembles. 南灵峰院的一众弟子皆是目光一颤。 Although in their eyes is also having a ray of hope, what is undeniable, the people have not seen so desolate Wang Li...... 尽管他们的眼中还抱着一丝希望,但不可否认的是,众人从来没有见过如此落寞的王黎…… The past sluggishness, treated the thing careless, the facial expression that as well as that looked down on the world could not feel completely. 以往的懒散,对待事物的漫不经心,以及那玩世不恭的神情全部都感受不到。 The pale face, in the eye floods many to be unwilling and be incapable. 苍白的面庞,眼中充斥着诸多不甘和无力。 Then, Wang Li's body trembles fiercely, „......” a blood spews out from the mouth, under foot staggers, stands not steady single knee to kneel down directly...... 接着,王黎的身躯猛地一颤,“哇……”的一口鲜血从嘴里喷涌而出,脚下一个踉跄,直接是站立不稳的单膝跪倒在地…… Senior Brother Wang Li......” “王黎师兄……” The disciple hearts of several south Lingfeng institutes in great surprise, the flying flashes hastily plunders to the stage on, goes to support by the arm the opposite party. 几个南灵峰院的弟子心头大惊,连忙飞身闪掠至台上,前去搀扶起对方。 But, at this moment, is also announcing Wang Li's failure similarly. 而,这一刻,同样也宣告着王黎的失败。 ...... …… Wang Li lost! 王黎输了! Day martial Bang second thousand imaginary sacred body, lost to third Qilin sacred body! 天武榜第二的千幻圣体,败给了第三位的麒麟圣体 The champion of war of previous sect gate, cannot continue two finally. 上一届宗门之战的冠军,终于是未能够蝉联两届。 The lost mood looks like the sea water of rising tide, rapid spread entire south Lingfeng institute high and low. 失落的情绪就像是涨潮的海水,迅速的蔓延整个南灵峰院上下。 That side the west arched peak institute, start gradually emerges, exposes the inspired vision. 西穹峰院那边,渐渐的开始兴起,一个个展露出振奋的目光。 Senior Brother Pei Ye won!” “裴烨师兄赢了!” Congratulates Senior Brother Pei Ye.” “恭喜裴烨师兄。” Western arched peak institute must win!” “西穹峰院必胜!” ...... …… A side is disconsolate, a side is excited! 一方惆怅,一方兴奋! Becoming the king, the defeated invader! 成者王,败者寇! Pei Ye and Wang Li become the sharpest contrast at this moment. 裴烨和王黎此刻成为了最为鲜明的对比。 ...... …… Congratulates Situ Fengzhu!” “恭喜司徒峰主!” „The seat of honor big disciple in western arched peak institute really lives up to reputation!” “西穹峰院的首席大弟子果然名不虚传!” star holds up that side the peak, many high-level elders have started to initiate the congratulations to Situ loosen, the latter smiling face is graceful, in foreheads completely obviously proudly self-satisfied color. 星擎峰那边,已经有不少高层长老开始向司徒松发起庆贺,后者笑脸盈盈,眉宇间尽显傲然得意之色。 Besides eastern Xuan Feng zhu boils cloud manor, south Lingfeng advocates peace the North Star peak main complexion is not unattractive. 除了东玄峰主熬云庄外,南灵峰主和北辰峰主的脸色都不好看。 Wu Yan, the first people of Wang Li these two big peak institutes, performing defeats Huppe Ye's hand, how could happy getting up. 吴岩,王黎这两大峰院的第一人,尽是败于裴烨之手,又岂能高兴的起来。 ...... …… Senior Brother Pei Ye really strong, defeats Wu Yan continually, Wentao, the Wang Li many top disciples, rushes to the chief champion to come completely.” “裴烨师兄是真的强,一路连挫吴岩,文韬,王黎众多顶尖弟子,完全就是奔着总冠军来的。” Un, must recompense to hope finally.” “嗯,总算是得偿所愿了。” ...... …… In many jubilant clamoring sounds, the radiant bright moon that Pei Ye for example the numerous stars hold. 在诸多欢腾的喧哗声中,裴烨譬如众星所捧的璀璨皓月。 It is overlooking below Wang Li with the stance of occupying a commanding position. 其以居高临下的姿态俯视着下方的王黎。 This time, you kneel in my front!” “这次,你跪在我的面前!” The sound that teased contains meaning of many satires. 戏谑的声音蕴含着诸多讽刺的意味。 Wang Li both hands shiver grasped making a fist, in the eye that dissipates unwillingly finally. 王黎双手颤抖的握了握拳,眼中的那么不甘最终还是消散下去。 His five main internal organs (entrails) to receive the wound, is incapable of fighting again! 其五脏六腑皆以受到创伤,无力再战! The disciple facial colors of several south Lingfeng institutes are cloudy. 几个南灵峰院的弟子面色阴沉。 But feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 可又是敢怒不敢言。 Only can hold under the return to the airfield Wang Li. 只能将王黎扶回场下。 ...... …… Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” The intermittent vague strength fluctuation fills the air in the world, that splits two halves campsis grandiflora to fight to fight the stage slowly also fuses together. 阵阵隐晦的力量波动在天地间弥漫开来,那绽裂成两半的凌霄斗战台随之缓缓的融合在一起。 The stone bricks and mud scraps/condescend of these scraps also from collect unexpectedly in all directions, is filling rapidly the above pits hole. 那些炸碎的石砖和泥屑竟然也都从四面八方归拢起来,迅速填充着上面的坑洼窟窿。 The location of war of sect gate constructs specially. 宗门之战的场地是特意建造而成的。 This campsis grandiflora fights martial Tai by to melt the day to accept big to conduct the creation as the foundation hanging rooftop. 这座凌霄斗武台以‘融天纳地大阵’作为基础进行创造的悬空天台。 Regardless of its destroying fierce, can return to the original condition. 不论其摧毁的有多厉害,都能够恢复到原状。 ...... …… Trillion quarry stone systematic fuses in together, if myriad meteorite accumulations. 亿万的乱石井然有序的融合在一起,如若万千陨石聚集。 Quick, imposing manner broad smooth fights to fight the stage to reappear presents in the front of people. 很快,一座气势恢宏的平整斗战台又重现呈现于众人的面前。 Just, that soars to the clouds above at this moment stage, is only left over one person merely. 只不过,此刻那凌霄台之上,仅仅只剩下一人。 ...... …… Senior Brother Pei Ye, champion!” “裴烨师兄,冠军!” For several years sharpens a sword, the oath seizes Monarch throne, the western arched peak institute is strongest!” “数年磨一剑,誓夺君王座,西穹峰院最强!” ...... …… Being a focus of public attention, the momentum is dreadful! 万众瞩目,声势滔天! In people's eyes, Pei Ye has reached the peak of war of this sect gate. 在众人眼中,裴烨已然达到了本届宗门之战的巅峰。 Liu Elder who presides over the sports event is also extremely nod of applause. 主持赛事的刘长老亦是极为赞许的点了点头。 At once it announces loudly, first, congratulates Pei Yerong ascending to heaven martial Bang second of western arched peak institute......” 旋即其高声宣布道,“首先,祝贺西穹峰院的裴烨荣登天武榜第二位……” Whish!” “哗!” Audience congratulations! 全场一片庆贺! Various cheers are unceasing. 各种欢呼声不断。 Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes, Ye Yao and the others all shakes the head secretly, although does not like Pei Ye, but also has to acknowledge, the strength of opposite party indeed is very strong. 吴岩,赵青衣,叶瑶等人皆是暗暗摇头,虽然并不喜欢裴烨,但也不得不承认,对方的实力的确是很强。 Then......” Liu Elder vision shifts to the south observing stage. “那么……”刘长老目光转向南面的观战台。 But at this moment, a boundless imposing manner is actually being fills the air impressively in the sky of campsis grandiflora stage together with spirited war intent. 可就在这时,一股磅礴的气势连同着激昂的战意却是赫然于凌霄台的上空弥漫出来。 The heart of people are startled. 众人的心头一惊。 Qiu Xingyi......” “邱星易……” Heavy such as the thunder three characters are attacking the eardrum of people directly, sees only Pei Ye vision like the sword, raised the hand refers to star holds up that manner uncommon young form above peak...... 沉重如雷的三个字直接是冲击着众人的耳膜,只见裴烨目光如剑,抬手指向星擎峰之上的那道气宇不凡的年轻身影…… At this time does not need, when to treat...... you, how dare to fight with me?” “此时不待,更待何时……你,岂敢与我一战?” Bang!” “轰!” In the world seems the startling thunderclap to interlock, rapid air current like the tornado howling audience. 天地之间似有惊雷交错,急骤的气流就像旋风般呼啸全场。 In an instant, everyone's vision completely looks to the position that Qiu Xingyi is. 霎那间,所有人的目光全然间望向邱星易所在的位置。 Day martial Bang first! 天武榜第一位! ...... …… Everyone is unexpected! 谁都意想不到! Liu Elder were shocked. 刘长老都愣住了。 After short astonishment, the aspect is instantaneously uncontrolled. 短暂的惊愕之后,局面瞬间不受控制。 The audience everyone cried out completely loudly! 全场所有人全部高声呐喊! Qiu Xingyi, accepts a challenge!” “邱星易,应战!” Qiu Xingyi, accepts a challenge!” “邱星易,应战!” ...... …… The irritable atmosphere was to blast open the audience directly, the atmosphere of war of sect gate is advanced the unprecedented altitude directly. 火爆的氛围直接是炸裂全场,宗门之战的气氛直接是被推到了前所未有的高度。 The lords of eight big peak institutes all are stunned. 八大峰院之主皆是错愕不已。 In the sovereign Eastern permanent eye is also flashes through wipes the bright. 就连宗主东方恒之的眼中亦是闪过一抹亮光。 ...... …… Day martial Bang second! 天武榜第二! Hardly could not satisfy Pei Ye ambition. 远远满足不了裴烨的野心。 Beats Wang Li, is not his goal. 击败王黎,更不是他的目标。 Position that Pei Ye wants to replace truly, there...... 裴烨真正想要取代的位置,在那里…… Qiu Xingyi, can you dare to fight?” “邱星易,你可敢战?” Pei Ye initiates the provocation again. 裴烨再次发起挑衅。 Cheers that soars to the heavens, just like the wind and rain greatly. 冲天的欢呼声,犹如风雨大至。 Qiu Xingyi, Qiu Xingyi!” “邱星易,邱星易!” Pei Ye, Pei Ye!” “裴烨,裴烨!” ...... …… Supporters of both sides raise the dreadful momenta of moving mountains. 双方的支持者掀起一片又一片排山倒海的滔天声势。 The pond thousand hawks, Wu Yan, as well as injured Wang Li and the others are full of completely prudently looks at the star to hold up that say/way young form above peak. 池千莺,吴岩,以及受伤的王黎等人全部都饶有慎重的望着星擎峰之上的那道年轻身影。 The heart of everyone hung the throat. 每个人的心都悬到了嗓子眼。 But, at this moment, everyone forgot existence of another person. 而,这一刻,所有人都忘记了另外一个人的存在。 A moment ago what neglected completely finished was not the finals of war of sect gate. 全部都忽视了刚才所结束的并非宗门之战的决赛。 In Pei Yeyan, besides Qiu Xingyi, no one can enter his eye at this moment, others, were disregarded to neglect by it all. 在裴烨眼中,此刻除了邱星易之外,无人能够入得了他的眼,其他人,尽数被其无视忽略。 At this time, Liu Elder also tacitly approved the current situation, plenary powers gives Pei Ye and Qiu Xingyi the floor. 此时,刘长老也默认了当前的情形,将台面全权交给裴烨和邱星易两人。 ...... …… Is a focus of public attention, keenest struggle! 万众瞩目,风口浪尖! Looks at that Pei Ye that to fill to fight the provocative vision of intent, the Qiu Xingyi handsome eyebrow selects lightly, the corners of the mouth raise wipe curve proudly. 望着那裴烨那充满战意的挑衅目光,邱星易俊眉轻挑,嘴角扬起一抹傲然的弧度。 At once, his taking footsteps slowly. 旋即,他缓缓的迈出脚步。 In an instant, the heart of everyone as if excited must jump, double pupils put the appearance all greatly, roused the extreme. 霎那间,每个人的内心仿佛激动的都要跳出来了,一个个无不双眸大放神采,振奋到了极点。 ...... …… However, at this moment, bang......” a heavy startled day explosive has no omen fights on the military stage to surge from the campsis grandiflora. 然,就在这时,“轰……”的一声沉重的惊天爆响没有任何预兆的从凌霄斗武台上激荡开来。 The heart of people are all startled. 众人的心头皆是一惊。 Sees only one to glitter the long spear/gun of dark blue power line pole to be slanting the birthplace to fall above the floor all over the body. 只见一杆通体闪烁着暗蓝色雷芒电柱的长枪斜着贯落在台面之上。 That is a sharp incomparable long spear/gun, middle such as the spine of dragon, the rolling the manic swift and fierce lightning, is lending the ice-cold aura. 那是一杆锋利无比的长枪,中间一段如龙的脊骨,上下流动着狂躁凌厉的闪电,散发着冰冷的气息。 The lance point pricks ground stone tile/brick, profound cracks just like the spider web to spread toward all around. 枪尖刺入地面石砖,一道道深邃的裂缝犹如蜘蛛网般朝着四周蔓延开来。 ...... …… What situation? 什么情况? This appearance, made the people frown. 这一幕的出现,不禁令众人都皱起了眉头。 When looks at that long spear/gun above floor, Ye Yao, the Long Xuanshuang two female facial colors all change, simultaneously Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes and the others also discovered impressively, has stood in their Chu Hen, has been missing. 看着台面之上的那杆长枪之时,叶瑶,龙玄霜两女的面色皆是一变,同时身旁的吴岩,赵青衣等人也赫然间发现,一直站在他们身旁的楚痕,已然不见了踪影。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” In soaring to the clouds above stage spreads just like the water surface ripple air wave. 宛如水面波纹般的气浪于凌霄台之上扩散而出。 Together slightly thin slender form quiet steps that campsis grandiflora to fight martial Tai, he goes out every time one step, in the air exudes slight air current ripples...... 一道略显消瘦的修长身影悄无声息的踏上那凌霄斗武台,他每走出一步,空气中都泛起一阵轻微的气流涟漪…… In the eyes of people all filled puzzled. 众人的眼中皆是充满了困惑。 Lord of facial expression that eight peak institutes concentrates. 就连那八位峰院之主都神情微凝。 That form arrives at the center of campsis grandiflora stage, the profound vision lifts, two Dawson cold light plunder directly to above Pei Ye. 那道身影走到凌霄台的中心,深邃的目光抬起,两道森寒之光径直掠向上空的裴烨。 Your opponent, is I......” “你的对手,是我……” Opponents! 对手! Is I! 是我! In the faint tone cannot listen to the happy anger, but in that foreheads proudly actually does not conceal the meaning of provocation sends out. 淡漠的语气中听不出喜怒,但那傲然的眉宇间却毫不掩饰散发出来的挑衅之意。 ...... …… Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” But what follows closely to is an audience sound in an uproar as well as many scolds the sound. 紧随而至的是全场一片哗然之声以及诸多骂声。 What does? Do you have the qualifications to go on stage?” “搞什么啊?你也有资格上场?” By the trash that the woman is promoted, what chaotic here pounds?” “靠女人晋级的垃圾,在这里捣什么乱?” Rolls!” “滚下去!” Rolls, do not waste everyone's time here.” “滚下去,别在这里浪费大家的时间。” ...... …… No one has thought that when Qiu Xingyi treads first step, a cold spear/gun passes through the floor suddenly, has not thought that Chu Hen that forgot quickly, stepped the campsis grandiflora to fight martial Tai in this manner. 谁都没有想到,就在邱星易踏出第一步的时候,一杆寒枪突然贯穿台面,更没想到,都快被人遗忘掉的楚痕,以这种方式踏上了凌霄斗武台。 Without a doubt! 毫无疑问! The Chu Hen behavior directly caused the public indignation of audience. 楚痕的行为直接是引起了全场的公愤。 „Does scoundrel, what brush to have the feeling? Hasn't gotten down?” “混账,刷什么存在感?还不下去?” We must look at Qiu Xingyi and Senior Brother Pei Ye peak showdown, you special did the head pull out is?” “我们要看邱星易和裴烨师兄的巅峰对决,你特么的脑袋抽了是不是?” A bit faster go away!” “快点滚啊!” ...... …… Eastern Xuan Feng yuan and western arched peak institute the both eyes anger of disciple air/Qi are red, wish one could to clash to mount the stage to expel Chu Hen. 东玄峰院和西穹峰院的众弟子一个个气的双目怒红,恨不得冲上台把楚痕撵下去。 People secret shaking the head of North Star peak institute. 就连北辰峰院的众人都一个劲的暗暗摇头。 This fellow, was incurable!” “这家伙,没救了!” Finals how oneself enter, at heart no number?” “自己怎么进的决赛,心里没一点数吗?” really the matter are many!” “真特么事多!” ...... …… What this is Chu Hen doing?” Wu Mian also air/Qi stamps one's foot under the stage. “这楚痕在搞什么啊?”吴勉也气的在台下直跳脚。 Wu Yan sighing gently. 吴岩轻轻的叹了口气。 Before he had reminded Chu Hen explicitly, if ran into Pei Ye, cannot meet the enemy. 之前他已经明确提醒过楚痕,倘若遇到裴烨的话,不可迎敌。 In a moment ago, him also rejoiced secretly, Pei Ye asked Qiu Xingyi to neglect Chu Hen, but has not thought absolutely, Chu Hen killed unexpectedly halfway at this time...... 就在刚才,他还暗自庆幸,裴烨找上了邱星易而忽视掉了楚痕,可万万不曾想到,楚痕竟然在这个时候半路杀出…… Aroused public discontent did not say, will also bring contempt upon oneself. 引起公愤不说,还会自取其辱。 However, Ye Yao and Long Xuanshuang as if too many ideas, two female have not been only silently looks on the stage, did not say a word. 然,叶瑶龙玄霜似乎并没有太多的想法,两女只是默默的看着台上,一言不发。 ...... …… Saw with own eyes the aspect, or was controlled, Liu Elder somewhat is embarrassed. 眼见局面要不受控制了,刘长老不免有些难堪。 The opens the mouth said that Chu Hen of that North Star peak institute, but also please......” 其开口说道,“那位北辰峰院的楚痕,还请你……” I enter the finals, has the right to strive for the champion, not?” “我进入决赛,有权利争夺冠军,不是吗?” Chu Hen light response. 楚痕淡淡的回应。 Liu Elder is at a loss for words immediately, be that as it may, may in people opinion, his finals, be looked radically does not glance. 刘长老顿时语塞,话虽如此,可在众人看来,他这个‘决赛’,根本就被人看不上眼。 ...... …… Hehe, the disciple in North Star peak institute also is really one by one interesting.” The west arched peak lord saying with a smile that Situ Songqing jeered. “呵呵,北辰峰院的弟子还真是一个比一个有意思。”西穹峰主司徒松轻嘲的笑道。 Nearby Yuan still the facial color sank, this thinks that does not have the North Star peak institute anything matter, because finally Chu Hen came one to taunt, asked the person is not feeling well. 一旁的元尚面色一沉,本以为已经没北辰峰院什么事了,结果又因为楚痕遭来一顿嘲讽,着实叫人不爽。 When annoyed, to Chu Hen also looks unpleasing to the eyes even more. 恼火之余,对楚痕也愈发的看不顺眼。 ...... …… „To die?” “就这么想死?” The contemptuous smile launches on Pei Ye's face, it looks below Chu Hen, the facial expression, if regards the ants. 轻蔑的笑容在裴烨的脸上展开,其看着下方的楚痕,神情如若看待蝼蚁。 „The plan first put your horse, never expected that you are so unappreciative unexpectedly, is really makes me very unhappy......” “本打算先放你一马,没想到你竟是如此不识抬举,实在是让我很不开心……” Indifferent chill in the air along with powerful pressure attack under. 冷漠的寒意伴随着强大的威压侵袭而下。 The stone brick under Chu Hen body also splits. 楚痕身下的石砖都随之裂开。 However, the Chu Hen both feet does not have the curving half a point, it returns by the vision that selects lightly said, may I...... not want to put your horse......” 然,楚痕的双脚却是都没有弯曲半分,其以轻挑的目光回道,“可我……并不想放你一马……” Whish!” “哗!” Under the field a piece breathes out again scolds the sound. 场下再次一片嘘骂声。 I have not really seen the thing that has not been concerned about face, depends on the woman to be promoted also dares to bluster?” “我还真没见过这么不要脸的东西,靠着女人晋级还敢口出狂言?” Senior Brother Pei Ye, abandoned him!” “裴烨师兄,废了他!” Right, making him know that anything is profound.” “没错,让他知道什么是天高地厚。” ...... …… ...... …… Under berating regarding field cursed angrily the sound, Chu Hen imitated, if has not heard, it was still staring above Pei Ye who coldly. 对于场下的喝斥怒骂声,楚痕仿若未闻,其仍旧是冷冷的盯着上空的裴烨。 Please!” “请吧!” Hahahaha......” Pei Ye does not get angry instead to smile, meets to focus to erupt a woods cold meaning, the tone like frost is cold, such as you hope!” “哈哈哈哈……”裴烨不怒反笑,接着眼中爆发出一片森寒之意,语气如冰霜般冷冽,“如你所愿!” Buzz......” “嗡……” The free-stream trembles fiercely, Pei Ye disappeared in instantaneously same place. 空间气流猛地一颤,裴烨瞬间消失在了原地。 Next flash, a share of astral fiercely to pinnacle fresh breeze from Chu Hen behind explodes to raid. 下一瞬间,一股罡猛到极致的劲风从楚痕的身后爆袭而来。 You can die!” “你可以死了!” The ice-cold sound also conveys, Pei Ye flies high heavy leg sweeping ruthlessly to the head of Chu Hen, the cyclone howls, the scarlet glow surrounds...... 冰冷的声音随之传来,裴烨凌空一记重腿狠狠的扫向楚痕的脑袋,气旋呼啸,赤芒环绕…… This strikes, contains the prestige of extremely heavy thunder. 这一击,蕴含万钧雷霆之威。 The people under field as if had seen pitiful fate that Chu Hen perishes at the scene. 场下的众人仿佛已经看到楚痕当场殒命的凄惨下场。 Many people think really venting. 不少人都甚觉解气。 ...... …… However, will soon attack like the steel heavy leg in Pei Ye that in the former flash of Chu Hen head mountain, Chu Hen soars to turn over/to stand up, is dodges directly avoids...... 然,就在裴烨那如钢铁般的重腿即将冲击在楚痕脑袋山的前一瞬间,楚痕一个腾空翻身,直接是闪躲避开…… Shunted? 躲开了? The people are startled. 众人一怔。 But, turns over/stands up in Chu Hen to midair to return by a flying high heavy leg directly sweeps above Pei Ye's shoulder...... 而紧接着,翻身至半空中的楚痕直接是回以一记凌空重腿扫在裴烨的肩膀之上…… Bang!” A loud sound, the air wave soars to the heavens, the quarry stone splits open. “轰!”的一声巨响,气浪冲天,乱石迸裂。 The audience everyone's pupil all trembles fiercely, has a dream that has not had a visual nerve that is attacking everyone. 全场所有人的瞳孔皆是猛地一颤,做梦都没有发生的一幕冲击着每个人的视觉神经。 A vigorous black ray surges in the floor, crosses in dozens meters trap, Pei Ye numerous hits in ground, deep pounds in the entering Taiwan surface...... 一圈雄浑的黑色光芒于台面激荡开来,横贯数十米的陷坑之中,裴烨重重的撞击在地面,深深的砸入台面之中…… Myriad crushed stone rupturing raise, together with has the heart of audience everyone shivers together. 万千碎石爆裂掀起,连同一起颤抖的还有全场每个人的心脏。
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