UMDK :: Volume #13

#1244: Eternal Realm ninth level

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Eternal Realm, ninth level......” 亘古境,九阶……” Feels is coming from the powerful aura that on Wang Li lends, the entire star holds up the peak inside and outside people completely complexion big changes. 感受着源自于王黎身上散发出来的强大气息,整个星擎峰内外的众人全然间脸色大变。 Four big peak institutes on the main face are the vision are also deep, the facial color has the difference respectively. 四大峰院之主的脸上同样是目光深沉,面色各有不同。 Contrast biggest is the southern Lingfeng main rather autumn waters and western arched peak lord Situ Song...... 反差最大的莫过于南灵峰主宁秋水和西穹峰主司徒松…… This relates to the war of final champion ownership. 这可是关系到最后冠军归属之战。 No matter what who is hard keeps calm. 任谁都难以保持镇定。 ...... …… In people of Lingfeng institute is flashing the appearance of flying upwards, as if victory is in sight. 南灵峰院的众人一个个眼中闪动着飞扬的神采,仿佛已经胜利在望。 Eternal Realm ninth level, Senior Brother Wang Li worthily is the first talent of our south Lingfeng institute.” 亘古境九阶,王黎师兄不愧是我们南灵峰院的第一天才。” Must win!” “要赢了!” Senior Brother Wang Li continues the champion throne!” “王黎师兄蝉联冠军王座!” ...... …… Under compares, western arched peak that side disciple facial expression is gloomy, the heart is somewhat anxious. 相比较之下,西穹峰那边的弟子神情阴沉,心头有些不安。 Void above, the chaotic strength of filling the heavens chaotic place collects to go toward Wang Li's within the body by the potentials of hundred Sichuan entering the sea, outside his body, concentrates the solid white sphere light halo to appear together again...... 虚空之上,弥天乱地的混乱力量以百川入海之势朝着王黎的体内汇集而去,在他的身外,一道凝实的白色球形光圈再次显现而出…… Wang Li is full of the faint gaze below Pei Ye. 王黎饶有淡漠的注视着下方的裴烨。 The both hands palm relative, continuous boundless strength fuses together. 双手掌心相对,源源不断的磅礴力量融合在一起。 What this time I decompose is west the arched strength definitely......” “这次我分解的是西穹决的力量……” In the slightly soaring sound is flooding some proudly. 略显高昂的声音中充斥着些许傲然。 Eternal Realm ninth level powerful imposing manner such as mountain Ruyue. 亘古境九阶的强大气势如山如岳。 ...... …… Don't happy too early!” “别高兴的太早了!” Meanwhile, covers is real, the grandiose body that Qilin beast shadow outside Pei Ye body instantly changes, the great claw, as well as close scale especially fine such as lives...... 与此同时,笼罩在裴烨身外的那尊麒麟兽影即刻变的真实起来,壮硕的身躯,巨爪,以及身上紧密的鳞片都尤为的精致如生…… Roar!” “吼!” The sound of low and deep roaring contains the inherent noble dignity. 低沉的咆哮之声蕴含着与生俱来的高贵威严。 At this moment, the people only think that a living Qilin god beast presents in the world. 这一刻,众人只觉一头活生生的麒麟神兽呈现于天地之间。 The blazing substantive flame also ascends, the scalding hot air wave made the peripheral space faint distortion uncertain. 炽热的实质火焰随之升腾而起,灼热的气浪令周边的空间都隐隐的扭曲不定。 Obviously! 很显然! Pei Ye does not plan to give up! 裴烨并不打算就此放弃! ...... …… Two powerful imposing manners collide mutually in the air. 两股强大的气势于空气中相互碰撞开来。 The invisible pressure made the peripheral people only sleep/felt shoulder thousand honored heavy burdens. 无形的威压令周边的众人只觉肩负千钧重担。 ...... …… Wang Li look one cold, the fierce strength between double palms such as the deep sea undercurrent of fermentation is fierce. 王黎眼神一凛,双掌之间的剧烈力量如酝酿的深海暗流般凶猛。 Finished!” “就此结束吧!” Spirit god seal!” “灵神印!” Buzz......” “嗡……” The rapid air current tremor momentum causes a space anxiety, in an instant, a white light beam for example extinguishes the world god glow slanting birthplace vault of heaven, cuts to go toward below Pei Yeshi directly...... 急骤的气流颤动声势引得空间一阵不安,霎那间,一道白色的光柱譬如灭世神芒般斜贯苍穹,径直朝着下方的裴烨势斩而去…… astral's fierce fresh breeze like note! 罡猛的劲风如注! The chaotic cyclone harasses spatially! 混乱的气旋扰空! Moves in the process, white light beam sudden increasing, changes to the blade of hundred zhang (333 m) day glow instantaneously, mobile light marks surround its high and low, performs to reveal the potential of destruction. 移动过程中,白色光柱急剧的变大,瞬间化作百丈天芒之刃,一圈圈流动型的光纹环绕其上下,尽显毁灭之势。 This strikes, is after the west arched strength decomposition definitely and fused the startled day violent of Wang Li true essence strength to strike. 这一击,是由西穹决的力量分解之后并融合了王黎自身真元力的惊天暴击。 The people feel that birthplace day of penetrating place all the terrifying invincible might. 众人无不感受到那贯天彻地的恐怖神威。 ...... …… Places oneself below Pei Yefang, if faces the stars meteorite that beyond a day is flying, however, in its both eyes is actually beating the flame of burning hot. 置身于下方的裴烨仿若面临着一记天外飞来的星辰陨石,然,其双瞳之中却是跳动着炙热的火焰。 Roar......” “吼……” Covers in the burning hot flame flying that the Qilin ominous beast beyond its raises suddenly soars to the heavens, seemed meets the approaching enemy a day of punishing antiquity to be great, does not have fear to raiding. 笼罩在其身外的麒麟凶兽豁然掀起冲天的炙热火焰飞身而起,好似迎击天罚的上古巨凶,毫无所惧的冲袭而出。 „......” “嗵……” The unprecedented fierce explosive divulges to swing in the world, two most violent wild strengths connect in the sky of campsis grandiflora stage directly. 前所未有的剧烈爆响于天地之间宣泄荡开,两股最为猛烈的狂暴力量于凌霄台的上空正面交汇。 In an instant, endures ratio two meeting by chance meteorite dashing in fight to fight the upper air of stage. 霎那间,堪比两颗不期而遇的陨石冲撞于斗战台的高空。 Suddenly, sweeps across the flame storm of the world to dope the vigorous incomparable boundless halo to proliferate in eight side vaults of heaven instantly...... 一时间,席卷天地的火焰风暴掺杂着雄浑无比的磅礴光环即刻扩散于八方天穹…… Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... …… Resembles the wind and rain greatly, if the thunder connects! 似风雨大至,若雷霆交汇! At this moment, the entire star holds up the peak peripheral observing stage is shivers, internal campsis grandiflora fights to fight the stage fiercely rocks anxiously. 这一刻,整个星擎峰周边的观战台皆是一阵颤抖,内部的凌霄斗战台更是剧烈的晃动不安。 The tattered and torn floor immediately like encountering the volcano tsunami was ordinary. 本就千疮百孔的台面顿时就像遭遇了火山海啸一般。 Bang......” “轰隆……” With the intermittent violent explosive, the big campsis grandiflora fights to fight to break from the middle directly, divides into two. 伴随着阵阵猛烈的爆响,偌大的凌霄斗战台直接是从中间断裂,一分为二。 The dense and numerous slit faults fold unceasingly, the audience blasts open directly. 密密麻麻的缝隙断层不断叠起,全场直接是为之炸裂。 ...... …… All around defense protects the shield to proliferate the fissure, such as the shatter cryolite glass, making one be worried smashing that can collapse momentarily. 四周的防御护盾遍布裂痕,如破碎的冰晶玻璃,令人不禁担心随时都会崩的粉碎。 The entire campsis grandiflora fights to fight the entre region of stage, falls into the hurricane solar halo that the strength blended completely. 整个凌霄斗战台的内部区域,完全陷入了力量交融的飓风圈内。 The giant beast flame Qilin sends out the day glow great column of potential of destruction to see only to bloom unceasingly violent shock-wave layer upon layer with it that...... 巨兽般的火焰麒麟与之那散发着毁灭之势的天芒巨柱只见不断绽放出一层层的猛烈冲击波…… If ripple that spreads infinitely, recklessly to raiding eight side world. 如无限扩散的水纹,肆意冲袭着八方天地。 Most tense time restless. 最为紧张的时刻令人坐立难安。 Besides the sovereign East permanent, almost all high-level elders stand to set out, concentrate the eye to wait and see...... Qiu Xingyi, the pond thousand hawks, Chu Hen, Wu Yan and other numerous talent similarly are the facial expression seriously. 除了宗主东方恒之之外,几乎所有的高层长老们都站立起身,凝目观望……邱星易,池千莺,楚痕,吴岩等一众天才同样是神情郑重不已。 ...... …… Who will win? 谁会赢? The vision of people stubbornly is staring front sky over. 众人的目光死死的盯着前方上空。 But, in most people think when Wang Li will soon conduct the suppression, Pei Ye imposing manner multiplies suddenly, soaring to the heavens scarlet glow light beams interweave...... 而,就在绝大多数人都以为王黎即将进行压制之时,裴烨的气势陡然间倍增,一道道冲天的赤芒光柱交织而起…… Snort, you think not, only then did you break through Eternal Realm ninth level to be inadequate?” “哼,你莫以为只有你突破了亘古境九阶不成?” Such remarks, audience everyone's heartstrings tight trembles. 此话一出,全场所有人的心弦不由的紧紧一颤。 ...... …… Roar!” “吼!” Together with shock and awe vault of heaven the roaring sound, among the broadmindedness of that Qilin ominous thing is opening the huge mouth, then a huge golden light ball emits...... 连同着震慑苍穹的咆哮之声,那麒麟凶物的豁然间张开巨口,接着一颗巨大的金色光球喷吐而出…… Contains the golden light ball of extremely pure great power the shock-wave form to explode to plunder. 蕴含着极为精纯强大力量的金色光球以冲击波的形式爆掠出去。 Bang......” a heavenshaking explosive, west of that say/way the arched strength definitely kneads together the giant light beam that becomes directly by cuns (2.5 cm) blasting open, the disintegration in the world...... “砰……”的一声震天爆响,那道以西穹决的力量揉合而成的巨型光柱直接被寸寸炸裂,崩碎于天地之间…… What? 什么? The numerous disciple hearts of all southern Lingfeng institutes all sink. 所有南灵峰院的众弟子心头皆是一沉。 The golden energy ball jade birthplace with overpowering momentum empties on, by the easily accomplished puncture layer upon layer strength cyclone, directly is the impact on Wang Li nearby...... 气势磅礴的金色能量球玉贯空而上,以摧枯拉朽击穿层层力量气旋,直接是冲击至王黎的跟前…… Latter's pupil closely shrinks, complexion for it one white. 后者的瞳孔紧紧一缩,脸色为之一白。 Bang!” “轰!” The golden shock-wave explodes before the body of opposite party, an enormous and powerful violent chaotic air wave blots out the sky, divulges under the vault of heaven. 金色冲击波于对方的身前爆开,一股浩荡猛烈的混乱气浪铺天盖地,宣泄于苍穹之下。 The wild impulse spreads unceasingly, if Wang Li the great wild goose feather flutters in the sky. 狂暴的冲击力不断扩散开来,王黎如若鸿羽般飘飞于上空之中。 At this moment, the whole world seemed in a state of deathly stillness. 这一刻,整个世界都仿佛陷入了死寂状态。 Wang Li covers the chest single-handedly, the corners of the mouth has the blood to overflow unceasingly...... 王黎一手捂着胸口,嘴角不断有着鲜血溢出…… Everywhere frost dust such as the misty rain floats. 漫天的霜尘如烟雨漂浮。 The audience completely heart that each supports Wang Li sank the valley. 每个支持王黎的现场观众全然间心都沉到了谷底。 ...... …… Hey, that it seems like loses, is you!” “嘿,看来输的那位,是你!” The laughter that wipes cold severe transmits quietly, the mind of people follows to tremble again, Wang Li's both eyes contract suddenly, the sharp pupil is producing an inverted image a gloomy and cold brutal face...... 一抹冷厉的笑声悄然传达开来,众人的心神再次跟着一颤,王黎的双目急剧收缩,尖锐的瞳孔倒映着一张阴冷无情的面孔…… The disdained taunt happy expression raises in the corners of the mouth of opposite party. 不屑的嘲讽笑意在对方的嘴角扬起。 „......” “嗵……” Also is a serious dull thumping sound, a gorgeous red ray swings in void, in an instant, Wang Li is changes to a beam flux light to fly to fall toward under directly to go. 又是一记沉重的闷响,一圈绚丽的赤色光芒于虚空中荡开,霎那间,王黎直接是化作一束流光朝着下方飞落而去。 Bang!” “砰!” Numerous pounding fall in separating on left fight of military stages, the quarry stone splashes, the cold wind howls, imposing manner instantaneously ground smashing that Wang Li sends out...... 重重的砸落于断开的左边斗武台上,乱石飞溅,冷风呼啸,王黎散发出来的气势瞬间被碾的粉碎……
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