UMDK :: Volume #13

#1243: The south spirit arched decides to west definitely

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! That is...... south, does south spirit decide?” “那个是……南,南灵决?” Floods some sounds of trembling with fear to transmit from the crowd. 充斥着些许惊颤的声音从人群中传达而出。 In an instant, an audience piece moves restlessly. 霎那间,全场一片躁动。 Everyone's vision all stubbornly is staring at the sky of campsis grandiflora stage. 所有人的目光皆是死死的盯着凌霄台的上空。 The illusory white light halo looks like a circular light cover, covers outside Wang Li's body, just like divine mark(s) gorgeous ray regarding light halo peripheral flowing twinkle...... 虚幻的白色光圈就像是一个圆形的光罩,笼罩于王黎的身外,一道道宛若神纹般的绚丽光芒围绕着光圈周边流动闪烁…… The intermittent strange strength fluctuation the intensity that by vague gradually is changed, simultaneously lingers in the congealing reality that even more light halo outside Wang Li body changes, drags actually becomes the dark red luster in the above light mark...... 阵阵奇异的力量波动由隐晦逐步变的强烈,同时萦绕在王黎身外的光圈变的越发凝实,摇曳在上面的光纹竟然变为深红色泽…… The blazing air wave unfolds, has several points of Pei Ye Qilin sacred body strength aura. 炽热的气浪铺开,却是还有着几分裴烨麒麟圣体的力量气息。 ...... …… Places oneself Pei Ye corner of the eye in huge Qilin beast shadow concentrates, the corners of the mouth select, exude cold severe the curve. 置身于庞大麒麟兽影之内的裴烨眼角一凝,嘴角一挑,泛起冷厉的弧度。 Finally was willing to display south the spirit...... almost to think definitely you did not plan to use......” “终于是舍得施展‘南灵决’了……差点以为你不打算用了……” You were also wrong!” Wang Li brow selects lightly, in the eye reveals some meanings proudly, from the beginning, I in the displaying southern spirit definitely......” “你又错了!”王黎眉头轻挑,眼中露出些许傲然之意,“从一开始,我就在施展南灵决……” What? 什么? Under the field the heart of people are startled. 场下众人的心头一惊。 Together with the voice of falling, the white light halo outside Wang Li body is shining the brilliance impressively greatly, an extremely powerful strength power and influence fills the air...... 连同着落下的话音,王黎身外的白色光圈赫然间大放光彩,一股极度强盛的力量威势弥漫而出…… The innumerable say/way scarlet red light mark surrounds outside the light halo, in an instant, the white light halo also transforms as the flame red unexpectedly......, in one both are full of under the panic-stricken vision, Wang Li's all around space presents the fierce distortion shape, myriad flame rain dance in the breeze in the world...... 无数道赤红色的光纹环绕于光圈之外,霎那间,白色的光圈竟然都随之转化为火焰般的红色……在一双双饶有惊骇的目光下,王黎四周的空间都呈现出剧烈的扭曲状,万千火焰雨飘舞于天地之间…… Covers outside Wang Li body the light halo every inchs, as if contains the wildest destructive strength, the mountain imposing manner oppression, shakes the audience. 笼罩在王黎身外光圈的每一寸,都仿佛蕴含着最为狂暴的毁灭性力量,山岳般的气势压迫,撼动全场。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这是?” Is looking at outside Wang Li body that roaming dragon-like scarlet colored light mark, the people completely look the color of shock. 望着王黎身外那一道道游龙般的赤红色光纹,众人全然都面露震惊之色。 Pei, Senior Brother Pei Ye strength?” “裴,裴烨师兄的力量?” Said accurately, the strength is decomposed to fuse definitely after the south spirit.” “准确的说,是由南灵决分解之后重新融合起来的力量。” Day, was this too also abnormal?” “天呐,这也太变态了吧?” ...... …… Feels on Wang Li that powerful strength to fluctuate, in the eye of Chu Hen is also surging the faint trace surprise. 感受着王黎身上那股强大的力量波动,楚痕的眼中亦是涌动着丝丝诧异。 This was the strength that south the spirit transformed definitely......” nearby Wu Yan saw Chu Hen several people of doubts, it answered immediately. “这是南灵决重新转化的力量……”一旁的吴岩看出了楚痕几人的疑惑,其随即解释道。 Transformation?” Nearby people are startled. “转化?”旁边的众人都是一怔。 Wu Yan serious nod. 吴岩郑重的点了点头。 South spirit definitely is possessing both offense and defense operational requirement to tall Wuxue, its most mysterious characteristics can launch the decomposition...... the strength after decomposition to condense the attack of opponent in the surface, forms a spheroidal energy circle, decomposes the strength of obtaining more, then the energy circle is more powerful...... this strength to attack to defend, even can also fuse own true essence strength, forms higher level offensive......” “南灵决是一部攻防兼备的至高武学,其最为神奇的特点就是能够将对手的攻击进行分解……分解之后的力量会凝聚在表面,形成一个球型的能量圈,所分解得到的力量越多,那么能量圈就愈强大……这股力量可攻可守,甚至还能够融合自身的真元力,形成更高层面的攻势……” Listens to Wu Yan explanation, the people have the institute to become aware suddenly. 听完吴岩的解释,众人不禁有所恍悟。 In other words, more arrives at behind, south spirit decides the strength of decomposition more, is the strength of its fusing stronger?” Zhao Qing clothes sinking sound asked. “也就是说,越到后面,南灵决分解的力量越多,其所融合的力量就越强?”赵青衣沉声问道。 Right!” Wu Yan gives the affirmation, „, therefore deals with grasped south the spirit definitely the person, cannot transport too many strengths to him, otherwise finally awkward is oneself, the best way, fights a battle to force a quick decision!” “对!”吴岩给予肯定,“所以对付掌握了‘南灵决’的人,不能给他输送太多的力量,否则最后尴尬的就是自己,最好的办法,就是速战速决!” ...... …… The south spirit definitely powerful decomposition strength characteristics can be said as will be in the future, even more is powerful. 南灵决强大的分解力量特性可以说是越是往后,就越发强大。 This also made up for thousand imaginary sacred body to getting up the Qilin sacred body leaning later period exactly is insufficient. 这也恰好就弥补了千幻圣体对上麒麟圣体的偏后期不足。 ...... …… However, what is unexpected, from the beginning, Wang Li has used oneself powerful imaginary technique strength to act as the shield, revolved south the spirit to decide quietly. 然而,令人意想不到的是,从一开始,王黎就已经利用自身强大的幻术力量充当掩护,悄悄的运转了南灵决。 In other words, the opposite party continuously the continuous decomposition and fuses Pei Ye strength offensive. 也就是说,对方一直都在源源不断的分解并融合裴烨的力量攻势。 The people have the multi- sudden enlightenment. 众人不禁有多顿悟。 No wonder Wang Li spends freely his true essence strength like that wantonly, single layer then single layer, uninterrupted creation various magnificent magnificent range imaginary technique attacks...... 怪不得王黎那般大肆的挥霍自身的真元力,一重接着一重,不间断的创造出各种华丽壮观的范围幻术攻击…… The main reason, for the eruption that Gempek Ye non-stop the powerful offensive, the transportation own strength decomposes to the southern spirit definitely. 其最主要的原因,就是为了让裴烨不停的爆发出强大的攻势,不停的输送出自身的力量给南灵决进行分解。 Originally is this!” star holds up Qiu Xingyi on peak to nod, in the heroic spirit uncommon foreheads exudes some meanings of applause. “原来是这样!”星擎峰上的邱星易点了点头,英气不凡的眉宇间泛起些许赞许之意。 ...... …… Good to use diversionary tactics, practices trickery!” “好一个声东击西,瞒天过海!” Worthily is Senior Brother Wang Li, we were kept in the dark completely.” “不愧是王黎师兄,我们全部都被蒙在鼓里。” Decomposed so many strengths, this will win.” “分解了那么多的力量,这会赢定了。” Haha, Senior Brother Wang Li must win!” “哈哈,王黎师兄必胜!” ...... …… When becomes aware suddenly, the people are to full of admiration that Wang Li admires. 恍悟之余,众人可谓是对王黎佩服的五体投地。 A series of magnificent imaginary technique attacks, acted as the shield for south spirit merely definitely. 一系列的华丽幻术攻击,原来仅仅只是为了南灵决充当掩护。 ...... …… Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” Moves restlessly the anxious boundless imposing manner to interweave mutually the collision in void, lingers that sphere the light halo of outside Wang Li body looks like the stars hot sun sparkle eye-catchingly...... 躁动不安的磅礴气势于虚空中相互交织碰撞,萦绕在王黎身外的那道球形的光圈就像是星辰烈日般闪耀夺目…… It is gazing below Pei Ye. 其注视着下方的裴烨。 The corners of the mouth select, said, looked like you to misjudge!” 嘴角微挑,道,“看来你又失算了!” Hey......” Pei Ye gloomy and cold smiles, in the eye the cold glow erupts, truly is a little small accident/surprise, but you smile too some...... you had the southern spirit to decide early, don't I have?” “嘿……”裴烨阴冷一笑,眼中寒芒爆发,“确实是有点小意外,不过你笑的太早了些……你有南灵决,难道我就没有吗?” Rumble......” “隆隆……” In an instant, the highest heaven is startled changes, the wind and cloud surges. 霎那间,九霄惊变,风云涌动。 Pei Ye holds up the day single-handed, an unprecedented dreadful terrifying power and influence gets angry from its within the body impressively raises the vault of heaven...... 裴烨单手擎天,一股前所未有的滔天恐怖威势赫然从其体内怒掀天穹而起…… Sky over campsis grandiflora that the dark cloud tumbles, in the enormous and powerful nebula erupts one incomparably dazzling golden rays suddenly. 乌云翻滚的凌霄台上空,浩荡的星云之中陡然间爆发出一片无比刺眼的金色光芒。 The pupil of audience people is shrinks becomes the needle-tip size tightly. 全场众人的瞳孔皆是缩紧成针尖大小。 Each face shone shining like white paper. 每一张脸都被映照的亮如白纸。 The destructive strength that cannot be shaken follows to lean the potential, tens of thousands of say/way for example the god glow Sky Sword large-scale light beam birthplace falls the expansive sky all. 不可撼动的毁灭性力量跟着倾势而下,成千上万道譬如神芒天剑般的大型光柱尽数贯落长空。 „The blade of vault of heaven!” “苍穹之刃!” west arched decides! 西穹决! The blade of vault of heaven! 苍穹之刃! The serious sound passes through the ear like the thunder, is trembling the heart of people. 沉重的声音就像雷霆贯耳,震颤着众人的心头。 ...... …… The full god glow light beam tearing vault of heaven, passes through by the prestige of broken day, covered entire to fight to fight the range of campsis grandiflora stage directly. 铺天盖地的神芒光柱撕裂苍穹,贯以破天之威,直接是覆盖了整座斗战凌霄台的范围。 The Wang Li vision in upper air one cold, the double palm gathers, lingers the red sphere light halo outside body inflates instantly erupts, sudden expansion...... 高空之中的王黎目光一凛,双掌一合,萦绕在身外的红色球形光圈即刻膨胀爆发,急剧的扩大…… South day changes!” “南天变!” The south spirit decides! 南灵决! The south day changes! 南天变! Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Doubled and re-doubled the sphere light halo of expansion just like Stellar Body of rapid enlargement, red flame glow that divulges unceasingly, if nebula halo. 成倍扩张的球形光圈宛如一颗飞速放大的星辰之体,不断宣泄的赤色焰芒似若星云光环。 The endless rich light sunshine blooms comprehensively. 无尽的浓郁光晖全面为之绽放。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” „!” “嗵!” ...... …… A series of wild strength winds and rains , the nebula collide greatly. 一系列狂暴的力量风雨大至,星云碰撞。 The incomparably magnificent scene looks like day to fall the divine punishment, shells above the stars meteorite. 无比壮观的场景就像是天降神罚,轰击于星辰陨石之上。 Blots out the sky, destruction universe. 铺天盖地,覆灭乾坤。 In an instant, the entire campsis grandiflora fights to fight the stage to imitate, if encounters Sky Sword to attack, the innumerable quarry stone avalanches blast open, the fault/chasm bursts open...... 霎那间,整座凌霄斗战台仿若遭遇天剑冲击,无数的乱石崩塌炸裂,断层迸开…… Four sides the protection light screen under stage was hit unceasingly violently, is splitting open the dense and numerous fissures impressively. 四面台下的防护光幕不断遭受猛烈的撞击,赫然绽开着密密麻麻的裂痕。 Outside people get hold of the fist, fearful and apprehensive, does not dare to breathe the atmosphere. 场外众人一个个握紧拳头,心惊胆寒,连大气都不敢喘一下。 ...... …… Suddenly, that big campsis grandiflora fights martial Tai is tattered and torn, just like the honeycomb is ordinary, could not find a complete stone brick. 眨眼之间,那偌大的凌霄斗武台已然是千疮百孔,犹如蜂窝一般,找不到一块完整的石砖。 If this is not specially-made fighting fights the stage, only feared that had been twisted becomes the sediment broken. 如果这不是特制的斗战台的话,只怕早已被绞碎成渣滓。 Even so, entire fights to fight directly destroyed looking awful. 纵然如此,整个斗战台直接是被摧毁的不成样子。 ...... …… But, in that void above, position that Wang Li is, that group giant sphere energy body after bearing fierce impact, is sending out the extremely anxious turbulence, covers flickers in the surface light mark, the imposing manner is very chaotic. 而,在那虚空之上,王黎所在的位置,那团巨大的球形能量体在承受了猛烈的冲击之后,散发着极为不安的动荡,覆盖于表层的光纹忽明忽暗,气势很是混乱。 ...... …… Kept off, blocks!” “挡,挡住了!” The people facial expression under field is all serious, surprised. 场下的众人无不神情郑重,惊疑不已。 Felt strange, concentration of efforts why Senior Brother Pei Ye west arched will not erupt definitely in the same place? If strongly at 1 : 00, Senior Brother Wang Li surely does not have is so easy to block......” “奇怪了,为什么裴烨师兄不将西穹决爆发出来的力量集中在一起?如果集中于一点的话,王黎师兄肯定没这么容易挡住的……” „Very simple, now because sees possibly can be the imaginary technique that Senior Brother Wang Li creates!” “很简单,因为现在所看到的可能又会是王黎师兄创造出来的幻术!” I understood, Senior Brother Pei Ye west the arched strength definitely will cover entire fights martial Tai, to prevent to be deceived by the imaginary technique.” “我明白了,裴烨师兄之所以将西穹决的力量覆盖整个斗武台,是为了防止被幻术所骗。” ...... …… Wang Li's thousand imaginary sacred body bloodline limit, unpredictable, the genuine and fake are difficult to distinguish. 王黎的千幻圣体血脉界限,变幻莫测,真假难辨。 If Wang Li in upper air is the imaginary technique, Pei Ye wasted in vain west arched definitely killed to incur powerful. 如果高空中的王黎又是幻术所化,裴烨又白白的浪费掉了西穹决的强大杀招。 But, he west the arched strength definitely will disperse directly, covers the entire arena, no matter Wang Li cang where, cannot escape the bombardment of blade of vault of heaven...... 而,他直接将西穹决的力量分散开来,覆盖整个赛场,也就不管王黎藏在何处,都逃不过苍穹之刃的轰击…… Naturally, the western arched strength definitely dispersed, the range expanded, simultaneously destructive power also shared. 当然了,西穹决的力量分散了,范围是扩大了,同时杀伤力也分摊了出去。 Also is hard to strike to defeat Wang Li's defense. 也就难以一击击破王黎的防御。 ...... …… At this moment, „......” a serious incomparable startled day loud sound surging vault of heaven, sees only that float the giant energy spheroid in void to blast out directly...... 就在这时,“嗵……”的一声沉重无比的惊天巨响激荡天穹,只见那悬浮在虚空中的巨大能量球体直接是从中炸开…… Just like the nebula vortex of demolition, various confusion vigorous strengths splash recklessly. 宛如爆破的星云漩涡,各种混乱雄浑的力量肆意飞溅。 Under the field the people are the mind are all certain, the lords of peak institute exposes the prudent meaning. 场下众人皆是心神一定,就连诸位峰院之主都不由的展露出慎重之意。 ...... …… Wang Li flies high to stand, the vision is full of the gaze of appreciation below Pei Ye. 王黎凌空而立,目光饶有赞赏的注视着下方的裴烨。 Has saying that you are really make me feel the exclamation......, but, pitifully, you must lose eventually......” “不得不说,你实在是让我感到惊叹……不过,很可惜,你终究还是要输……” Finishes speaking, wanted powerful several times the aloof imposing manner to fill the air a moment ago in Wang Li's within the body compared with it, the confusion boundless strength that divulges follows to return to the potential of gathering together before its collects...... 话音刚落,一股比之刚才还要强盛数倍的超然气势于王黎的体内弥漫开来,那宣泄出去的混乱磅礴力量跟着以回拢之势朝着其身前汇集…… If whale absorbing water, in an instant, one group concentrates the solid white light halo to reappear again outside his body. 如鲸鱼吸水,霎那间,一团凝实的白色光圈再次浮现在他的身外。 The people heart of audience one startled is startled again. 全场的众人心头一惊再惊。 The western arched peak lord Situ loosen narrowed the corner of the eye. 就连西穹峰主司徒松都不由的眯起了眼角。 Eternal Realm, ninth level......” 亘古境,九阶……”
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