UMDK :: Volume #13

#1242: Thousand imaginary sacred body fights Qilin sacred body

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! That is my tree soul strength......” “那是我的树魂力量……” Looks at that broadminded packing to stand erect in the campsis grandiflora fights to fight the hundred zhang (333 m) towering great tree on stage, outside Zhao Qing cuts to cover the small mouth to call out in alarm said. 望着那豁然盘根矗立于凌霄斗战台上的百丈参天巨树,场外的赵青裁掩着小嘴惊呼道。 Nearby Chu Hen, Wu Yan, Ye Yao and the others are the vision concentrates similarly, still has the color of surprise. 一旁的楚痕,吴岩,叶瑶等人同样是目光微凝,犹有诧异之色。 From Yang arrogant azure Water Dragon, again to the Long Xuanshuang ice in the shape, this is the strength of tree soul Zhao Qing cuts...... 从杨傲的青色水龙,再到龙玄霜的冰之以形,这会又是赵青裁的树魂之力…… Completely is the different attribute style strengths, but Wang Li obstinately in the form of this imaginary technique its incisiveness of development. 全部都是不同属性的招式力量,可王黎愣是以这种幻术的形式将其展现的淋漓尽致。 Even list from style magnificent magnificent degree, but also wants distant pupil surpasses the teacher. 甚至单从招式的壮观华丽程度上,还要远远的青出于蓝。 What is most impressive, the opposite party can have one's wish transforms back and forth. 最为令人惊叹的是,对方能够随心所欲的来回进行转换。 Thousand imaginary sacred body! 千幻圣体 Really worthily is in high-grade sacred body topest bloodline limit. 着实不愧是上品圣体中最为顶尖的血脉界限 Meanwhile Wang Li also worthily is the day of martial Bang second talent evildoer/monstrous talent. 同时王黎也不愧是天武榜第二的天才妖孽。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” The enormous and powerful boundless imposing manner inundates filling the heavens, entire fights to fight the air current on stage to move restlessly anxiously. 浩荡磅礴的气势弥天漫地,整个斗战台上的气流都躁动不安。 The giant old tree towering to the skies completely obstructs a day of potential obviously. 巨大的参天古树尽显遮天之势。 Gamp that the incomparably huge luxuriant crown, for example a seat stay operates. 无比庞大的繁茂树冠,譬如一座撑开的大伞。 In Pei Ye palm arm deep submerging tree pole, the whole person seems hanging above. 裴烨的掌臂深深的没入树杆之中,整个人都仿佛悬挂在上面。 Snort...... useless merit......” “哼……无用之功……” Look one cold, lingers the burning hot flame glow outside body shoots up to the sky, Pei Ye that inserting tree trunk internal arm erupts one piece to congeal immediately the solid light mark, then a terrifying cutting strength divulges...... 眼神一凛,萦绕在身外的炙热焰芒冲天而起,裴烨那嵌入树身内部的手臂顿时爆发出一片凝实的光纹,接着一股恐怖的切割力量宣泄而出…… Just likes not firm not broken god glow great blade. 犹如无坚不破的神芒巨刃。 „......” “咔嚓……” In an instant, entire hundred zhang (333 m) great tree chops to split directly from the middle, crack of dramatic expansion rapid toward about spread of tree trunk...... 霎那间,整棵百丈巨树的直接是从中间劈分裂开,急剧扩张的裂缝迅速朝着树身的上下蔓延…… Together with the blazing tide of surging forward, suddenly, the towering great tree was being divided to cut two halves by Pei Ye's palm blade obstinately. 连同着汹涌澎湃的炽热浪潮,眨眼间,参天巨树愣是被裴烨的掌刀劈斩成两半。 Good overbearing strength! 好霸道的力量! The people under field all are the heart startled. 场下的众人皆是心惊不已。 Senior Brother Pei Ye this Qilin sacred body strength is really fearful!” “裴烨师兄这麒麟圣体的力量真的是可怕!” Un, besides Senior Brother Wang Li, but also really no one can meet the tough head-on with toughness with him.” “嗯,除了王黎师兄之外,还真没有谁能够跟他硬碰硬。” Indeed, before that Wu Yan and Wentao were the best examples, the words of monowheel mortal body intensity, entire Martial Sect, Qilin sacred body might be called strongest!” “的确,之前那吴岩和文韬就是最好的例子,单轮肉身强度的话,整个武宗,麒麟圣体堪称最强!” ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” The fierce strength impact made the towering great tree tear unceasingly toward the both sides minute, but at this moment, the world fell into the murky gloomy condition suddenly. 猛烈的力量冲击不断令参天巨树朝着两侧分扯开来,可就在这时,天地陡然陷入了昏沉阴暗的状态。 Was divided the lofty tree that cuts actually to present the strange distortion shape all over the body, just like gray fog that one group kneads together mutually. 被劈斩开来的参天大树竟然通体呈现出诡异扭曲状,宛如一团相互揉合的灰色云雾。 The rich shadow covers Huppe Ye's sky rapidly, the tree trunk that then that explodes transforms a big mouth that unexpectedly covers entirely the canine advantage tooth...... 浓郁的黑影迅速的笼罩于裴烨的上空,接着那爆裂开来的树身竟然幻化成一张布满尖牙利齿的血盆大口…… What? 什么? In innumerable double is full of under the vision that shocks, saw only that great tree just like to become a fierce terrifying monster at this moment. 在无数双饶有震骇的目光下,只见那棵巨树此刻俨然变为了一头狰狞恐怖的怪物。 This monster fixed shape, has not been similar other Monster Beast physique...... 这怪物没有固定的形态,没有类似其他妖兽的形体…… It looks like unknown prehistoric giant beast that changes by dark, bonds the black fog like one group of demons. 就像是由黑暗所变化出来的未知史前巨兽,如同一团魔障黑雾。 The opened huge mouth erupts strength of the especially fierce swallowing, under one group of chaotic distortion black glow windings, Pei Ye instantaneously by that dark monster swallowing in entrance. 张开的巨口爆发出一股尤为凶猛的吞食之力,在一团混乱的扭曲黑芒缠绕下,裴烨瞬间被那黑暗怪物给吞入口中。 ...... …… Good!” “好!” Worthily is Senior Brother Wang Li!” “不愧是王黎师兄!” ...... …… A Lingfeng institute disciple at present one bright, exposes the color of rousing. 南灵峰院一众弟子眼前一亮,展露出振奋之色。 After the huge black demon bonds the monster swallows Pei Ye, its huge build follows at the visible speed fast to reduce. 巨大的黑色魔障怪物吞掉裴烨之后,其庞大的体形跟着以肉眼可见的速度快速缩小。 Like must the person mix together with the abdomen in the same place. 就像要连同着腹中之人糅合在一起。 May merely be only the next flash, bang......” a serious incomparable fierce dull thumping sound transmission near the ear of people. 可仅仅只是下一瞬间,“轰……”的一声沉重无比的剧烈闷响传达在众人的耳边。 That black demon bonds the monster the body to jump out red flame light beams suddenly. 那黑色魔障怪物的身躯突然窜出一道道赤色的火焰光束。 If the solar multi-colored sunlight of that penetration layer upon layer dark cloud. 如若那穿透层层乌云的太阳霞光。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” Together with floor that is shivering unceasingly, in the body of giant sharp claws that then two proliferate the congealing solid scale directly from that black monster passes through...... 连同着不断颤抖的台面,接着两只遍布凝实鳞片的巨大利爪直接是从那黑色怪物的身躯中贯穿出来…… The sharp incomparable great claw takes a day of potential, forcefully tears that colossus. 尖锐无比的巨爪以开天之势,硬生生的将那尊庞然大物撕裂开来。 „!” “嗵!” Billowing blazing flame tide such as volcano of eruption, enormous and powerful red air wave from inside to outside divulges, the black demon bonded the monster like encountering the fog of sun god glow illumination, cuns (2.5 cm) tearing, layer upon layer dissipation...... 滚滚的炽热火焰浪潮如喷发的火山,浩浩荡荡的赤色气浪由内至外的宣泄开来,黑色魔障怪物就像遭遇了太阳神芒照射的云雾,寸寸撕裂,层层消散…… Bang!” “砰!” The heavy loud sound swings, two sharp great claw falling one on the left and other on the right above floor. 沉重的巨响荡起,两只锋利的巨爪一左一右的落于台面之上。 In innumerable double is flooding under the vision gaze of shocking, an illusory Qilin beast shadow appears in that campsis grandiflora impressively fights to fight on the stage...... 在无数双充斥着震骇的目光注视下,一尊虚幻的麒麟兽影赫然惊现于那凌霄斗战台上…… The ominous prestige shakes the day, fills the air aggressively! 凶威撼天,霸气弥漫! Pei Ye places oneself in that Qilin beast shadow interior, whole body seems to be impregnable, the position received the absolute defense protection every inchs. 裴烨置身于那麒麟兽影的内部,全身上下仿佛固若金汤,每一寸位置都受到了绝对的防御保护。 ...... …… Snort, rolls!” “哼,滚出来!” Pei Yeleng sound drinks, the Qilin great claw of its right position lifts fiercely, with numerous platoons above ground. 裴烨冷声一喝,其右边位置的麒麟巨爪猛地抬起,跟着重重的排在地面之上。 Bang!” “轰!” The floor cracks, breaks to pieces Shiheng to fly, together the scarlet red claw glow for example the god glow of tearing land, to raiding to go toward the front. 台面崩裂,碎石横飞,一道赤红色的爪芒譬如撕裂大地的神芒,一路朝着前方冲袭而去。 Bang!”, Claw glow solid bombardment in front one group of black fog. “砰!”的一声,爪芒结结实实的轰击在前方的一团黑雾之中。 In an instant, the black fog explodes instantly becomes one group of chaotic cyclones broken. 霎那间,黑雾即刻爆碎成一团混乱的气旋。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” The cyclone that fills recklessly flutters about in soaring to the clouds high and low, scatters Huppe Ye's surroundings. 肆意弥漫的气旋纷飞于凌霄台上下,散落于裴烨的周围。 The strange strength rhythm ascends quietly, forms at the visible speed with the outline empty shades of six human form quietly. 奇异的力量律动悄然升腾而起,跟着六道人形的轮廓虚影以肉眼可见的速度悄然成形。 ...... …… „Is this?” “这难道又是?” Thousand hawk Senior Sisters the technique of clone!” “千莺师姐的分身之术!” My God, everyone's style was studied by Senior Brother Wang Li.” “我的天,所有人的招式都被王黎师兄学走了。” ...... …… Looks six Wang Li who that flashes before, the people under field all are the heartfelt feel exclamation. 看着那闪现出来的六个王黎,场下的众人皆是由衷的感到惊叹。 Although that is only Wang Li creates by the imaginary technique, has the huge difference essentially, but this imaginary technique is the degree of confusing falsehood with the truth sufficiently. 尽管那只是王黎以幻术创造出来的,本质上存在着巨大的差别,但这种幻术足以达到以假乱真的程度。 ...... …… Six Wang Li hangs the vertical Huppe Ye's periphery respectively. 六个王黎分别悬立于裴烨的周边。 Places oneself the Yu Qilin empty shadow Pei Yeleng sound to smile, „, the pattern are very actually many, may not have to make me same be have a liking for the eye......” 置身于麒麟虚影中的裴烨冷声一笑,“哼,花样倒是挺多,可没有一样能让我看得上眼的……” Whish!” “哗!” Here finishes speaking, the world air current rotates, the powerful bone-chilling cold imposing manner sweeps across eight sides. 这边话音刚落,天地气流轮转,强盛的凛冽气势席卷八方。 A primal chaos Yin-Yang Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart Huppe Ye's body lower berth disperses impressively. 紧接着,一座太极阴阳八卦图阵赫然间于裴烨的身下铺散出去。 Is this? 这是? Under the field the heart of people trembles. 场下众人的心头一颤。 With it Chu Hen and the others stood Ye Yao also followed to be startled. 与之楚痕等人站在一起的叶瑶也跟着怔住了。 ...... …… It is not the styles of pond thousand hawks! 不是池千莺的招式! But is Ye Yao! 而是叶瑶的! ...... …… Does not need the people to respond, Wang Li who six are stepping on the primal chaos Yin-Yang chart edge line lifts the double palm simultaneously. 不待众人反应过来,六个踩着太极阴阳图阵边缘线的王黎同时抬起双掌。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Astonishing energy rhythm sudden condenses, both hands palm relative, in the silk threads blue light mark in palm arms overflows, and collects toward the palm fast...... 惊人的能源律动急剧的凝聚开来,双手掌心相对,丝丝缕缕的蓝色光纹于掌臂间溢出,并朝着手心快速汇集…… The pure vigorous strength was compressed the agglomerate, 精纯雄浑的力量被压缩成团, The dazzling ray made the world be overshadowed, the suddenly time, in each Wang Li's both hands palm appeared impressively rhombus energy crystal of one about 30 centimeters length...... 璀璨夺目的光芒令天地黯然失色,眨眼的功夫,每个王黎的双手掌心中赫然浮现出一枚三十公分左右长度的菱形能源晶体…… Shining, the god glow surrounds. 流光溢彩,神芒环绕。 Before the shock scene by Ye Yao being shown again was reappeared in the form of imaginary technique by Wang Li. 之前由叶瑶展现出来的震撼场面再一次的被王黎以幻术的形式重现。 However, the real scene, as well as is that powerful strength imposing manner, at present actually lets suspicion this that the person cannot bear being the imaginary technique. 然,眼前着真实的场景,以及那强大的力量气势,让人忍不住的怀疑这究竟是不是幻术。 Made one feel fearful simply really! 简直真实令人感到可怕! ...... …… Six heavy playing chess star seal!” “六重弈星印!” In Wang Li kou clear puts out several characters. 王黎口中清晰的吐出几个字。 Then the double palm turns outward, six Xinghua jade raise strength of the powerful bone-chilling cold withering to raid to go toward middle Pei Yebao from the different directions...... 接着双掌朝外一翻,六枚星华玉从不同的方向掀起一股强盛至极的凛冽肃杀之力朝着中间的裴烨爆袭而去…… Resembles that to delimit the vault of heaven ten thousand years of flowing light flying arrow, everywhere one visit, air tearing, ground sudden splitting six profound gullies. 似那划过天穹的万年流光飞矢,所到之处,空气撕裂,地面急剧的绽裂开六条深邃的沟壑。 In the motion process, extremely sharp, sharp is ordinary just like the god glow that six Xinghua jade change. 在移动过程中,六枚星华玉变的极其尖锐,锋利的宛如神芒一般。 ...... …… It seems like almost «Definitely Ye Yao with North Star» that displays undifferentiated. 看上去几乎同叶瑶施展的《北辰决》毫无差别。 Even the imposing manner is almost exactly the same. 甚至连气势都几乎一模一样。 Trades to be anybody, only feared that will unable to bear it treats as the genuine Xinghua jade, rather than imaginary technique. 换做任何人,只怕都会忍不住将其当作真正的星华玉,而不是幻术。 ...... …… Pei Ye pupil shrinks faintly, in the eye is flashing the faint trace mean meaning. 裴烨的瞳孔隐隐一缩,眼中闪动着丝丝阴狠之意。 Managing you are is really false, gave up any idea of that breaks open my defense......” “管你是真是假,也休想破开我的防御……” Covers the Qilin beast shadow beyond its blossoms in radiant splendor, the body appears, if the magma spirit mark, the huge pair of claws anger raises, storm vortex of one group of rotations erupts suddenly from Pei Ye's within the body...... 笼罩在其身外的麒麟兽影大放异彩,身上浮现出一道道如若岩浆般的灵纹,巨大的双爪怒掀而起,一团急剧转动的风暴漩涡从裴烨的体内爆发开来…… Bang!” “轰嗵!” Earth-shaking, the potential passes through the vault of heaven. 惊天动地,势贯苍穹。 Six light beams for example the god comes the sword, solid launches the fierce terrifying hit with it that wild with rage red storm...... 六道光束譬如神来之剑,结结实实的与之那狂怒的赤色风暴展开剧烈的恐怖撞击…… In an instant, red tide with the blue light beam by mutually potential of direct impact vault of heaven being intertwined. 霎那间,红色的浪潮与之蓝色的光柱以相互交缠之势直冲天穹。 The entire campsis grandiflora fights to fight the stage, the world shakes, the audience blasts open. 整个凌霄斗战台,天地震荡,全场炸裂。 The disintegration stone brick changes to the fragment powder layer upon layer all, wild with rage strength complementary waves sweeping impact above the protection light screen under all around stage. 层层崩碎的石砖尽数化作齑粉,狂怒的力量余波扫荡冲击在四周台下的防护光幕之上。 Splashes ripple halo. 溅起一圈圈的波纹光环。 ...... …… Although there is resisting of protection shield, but under stage still has countless people shaken the vitality ebullition by the violent cyclone that this front surface throws, does not stand steadily. 尽管有了防护盾的抵挡,可台下的仍旧有着无数人被这股迎面扑来的猛烈气旋震得气血沸腾,站立不稳。 The people both eyes circle opens the eyes all, the heart trembles secretly. 众人无不双目圆睁,心头暗颤。 Holds up the lords of many sect gate high-level elder and peak institute on peak on Altair and Vega is full of the meaning of exclamation. 就连星擎峰上的众多宗门高层长老和峰院之主都饶有惊叹之意。 ...... …… Qilin sacred body is overbearing, thousand imaginary sacred body unpredictable...... these two are the difficult minute high under...... east Xuan Feng zhu to boil cloud manor to sigh really gently. “麒麟圣体霸道非凡,千幻圣体变幻莫测……这两人着实是难分高下……”东玄峰主熬云庄轻轻叹道。 The Lingfeng main rather autumn waters and western arched peak lord the Situ loose facial expression to have seriously. 南灵峰主宁秋水和西穹峰主司徒松神情皆是有所郑重。 Is Wang Li retains the title? 是王黎蝉联桂冠? Pei Yejian does refer to the throne? 还是裴烨剑指王座? They are unable to draw the conclusion temporarily! 就连他们暂时都无法下定论! ...... …… The fierce strength storm sweeps across the entire floor, the people under field do not dare to wink the eye, will for fear that leave out anything. 剧烈的力量风暴席卷整个台面,场下的众人一个个连眼睛都不敢眨一下,生怕会漏掉什么。 A series of violent after the bang. 一系列的猛烈对轰之后。 Wang Li's clone vanishes completely, is only left over that to be built on the main body in upper air dangerous. 王黎的分身全部幻灭,只剩下那悬立于高空中的本尊。 But, that Qilin empty shadow outside Pei Ye body also changes is quite indistinct, illusory looks like a light gauze shadow, as if touches gently, can the disintegration. 而,裴烨身外的那尊麒麟虚影也变的极为飘渺,虚幻的就像是一层薄薄的纱影,仿佛轻轻一触,就会崩碎。 ...... …… These two people, were really fierce!” “这两个人,真的是太厉害了!” Simply difficult minute high under!” “简直难分高下啊!” But, according to the current situation, Senior Brother Wang Li's situation somewhat will be awkward.” “不过,按照目前的情形来看,王黎师兄的情况可能会有些尴尬。” Un, I also thought so that...... Senior Brother Wang Li's imaginary technique is magnificent, almost covers the comprehensive range, this way, his physical ability large scale was consumed.” “嗯,我也这么觉得……王黎师兄的幻术非常壮观,几乎都是覆盖全面的范围,这样下去,他的体能会大幅度的被消耗。” ...... …… Although the powerhouse of Eternal Realm rank, in the true essence purple mansion condenses can derive the true essence strength continuously Saint soul, but wide scope consumption that if non-stop, the strength that the Saint soul derives will not gradually be able to keep up with the rhythm...... 虽然亘古境级别的强者,真元紫府中凝聚出了能够源源不断衍生出真元力的‘圣魂’,可如果不停的大范围消耗的话,圣魂衍生出来的力量还是会逐渐跟不上节奏…… Naturally, the strength that Pei Ye erupts are not less than Wang Li. 当然了,裴烨爆发出来的力量并不比王黎要少。 But former's Qilin sacred body bloodline limit had the advantage in strength. 可前者的麒麟圣体血脉界限却占据了力量上的优势。 Has put together the strength the words, thousand imaginary sacred body to the later period are ratio Qilin sacred body. 一直就这么拼力量的话,千幻圣体到后期是比不过麒麟圣体的。 ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” When under the stage the people steal the sound discussion, a vague strength fluctuation unexpectedly from Wang Li's body sends out, with seeing only outside the body of opposite party appeared unexpectedly quietly an illusory white light halo...... 就在台下众人窃声议论之时,一阵隐晦的力量波动竟是从王黎的身上散发出来,跟着只见对方的身外竟是悄然间浮现出了一层虚幻的白色光圈…… If the light halo the air bubble covers outside his body, gorgeous mysterious rune/symbol writing flowing twinkle beyond circle. 光圈如若气泡般笼罩在他的身外,一道道绚丽的神秘符文在圈外流动闪烁。 What is more astonishing, that matter strange light halo is unexpectedly solid by congealing that the visible speed changes, and imposing manner of sending out also gradually steady intense...... 更为惊人的是,那层奇异的光圈竟然以肉眼可见的速度变的凝实起来,且散发出来的气势也逐步平稳强烈…… That is...... south, does south spirit decide?” “那个是……南,南灵决?”
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