UMDK :: Volume #13

#1241: The peak showdown of list talent

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „......” “嗵……” By silent arrives at the air/Qi instantaneously to the vault of heaven, under is a focus of public attention, war of most favored two big favorite players sect gate the war of peak also broke out. 由无声无息瞬间到达气冲天穹,万众瞩目之下,宗门之战呼声最高的两大夺冠热门选手的巅峰之战随之爆发了。 The enormous and powerful blazing flame glow dopes the illusory soft light to sweep across above the floor. 浩浩荡荡的炽热焰芒掺杂着虚幻柔光于台面之上席卷开来。 Under the field the heart of people all trembles. 场下众人的心头皆是为之一颤。 Sees only the previous twinkling also in Wang Li near kilometer away, presents sky over Huppe Ye's rear area impressively...... 只见前一瞬息还在近千米之外的王黎,赫然出现于裴烨的后方上空…… Contains the boundless dark vigor palm potential for example the mountain to suppress toward the opposite party, Pei Ye fist vigor like mountain, astral fiercely exceptionally...... both are facing the bang, is blasts open the audience directly...... 蕴含着磅礴暗劲的掌势譬如山岳朝着对方镇压而下,裴烨拳劲如山,罡猛异常……两者的正面对轰,直接是炸裂全场…… Ka!” “咔嚓咔!” Under the profound fissure rapid Huppe Ye's bodies spreads, its both feet also follows to step on into the bottom, even so, Pei Ye body is actually stiff, if a cold spear/gun, knee not curving half a point. 一道道深邃的裂痕迅速的于裴烨的身下扩散出去,其双脚也跟着踩入地底之中,纵然如此,裴烨的身躯却是挺直的如若一杆寒枪,就连膝盖都未曾弯曲半分。 Their place of strength connection, the space presents the strange distortion shape. 两人的力量交汇之处,空间都呈现出奇异的扭曲状。 Snort......” on Pei Ye face exudes sneering that wipes jeers lightly, your strength actually more live......” “哼……”裴烨的脸上泛起一抹轻嘲的冷笑,“你的力量倒是越活越回去了……” Then, Pei Ye raises legs foot numerous stamping in the ground. 说罢,裴烨抬腿一脚重重的跺在地面上。 Bang......” “轰……” The violent imposing manner to return to the potential of shaking to gush out reverse, flame tide that if red flame glow of layer upon layer burning hot splits open, bang......” an explosive, above Wang Li is shaken to draw back instantly, covers in the illusory light shadow in his palm arms also to be repelled little...... 猛烈的气势以回震之势反向涌出,一层层炙热的赤色焰芒如若绽开的火焰浪潮,“砰……”的一声爆响,上方的王黎即刻被震退出去,覆盖在其掌臂间的虚幻光影也被击退几许…… The people under field dark startled! 场下的众人暗惊! To be honest, if only by the strength intensity, day military list Pei Ye ranked the third actually must exceed Wang Li to plan. 说实话,如果是单论力量强度的话,天武榜排名第三位的裴烨却是还要胜过王黎一筹。 Qilin sacred body that after all its has was from the ancient times great ominous terrifying bloodlines. 毕竟其所拥有的麒麟圣体乃是源自于远古巨凶的恐怖血脉。 Implication extremely strong destructive strength. 蕴含极强的毁灭性力量。 The great strength of mortal body muscles and bones, the right and wrong average man can the comparison. 肉身筋骨之强大,更是非常人所能够比拟。 However, person who Wang Li always does not depend upon the brute force fight. 不过,王黎向来就不是依靠蛮力战斗的人。 ...... …… The falcon that if Wang Li soars, his pair of palm unites, palm to below Pei Ye. 王黎如腾空的鹰隼,其双掌一合一开,掌心对着下方的裴烨。 Ties up the demon pivot shaft day technique!” “缚魔枢天术!” „......” “咻咻咻……” In an instant, the first even/including more than ten sharp incomparable illusory Spike falls toward the under birthplace under. 霎那间,一连十几道尖锐无比的虚幻长钉朝着下方贯落而下。 Each Spike has 34 meters, on under width narrow, is sending out the swift and fierce potential. 每一道长钉都有着三四米长,上宽下窄,散发着凌厉之势。 Clatter clatter clatter......” “嗒嗒嗒……” If great nails scattered wooden stake, perturbed oblique cutting in Pei Ye's side, such as parapet its card in the middle. 一道道巨钉如若分散的木桩,七上八下的斜插在裴烨的身旁,如栏杆般将其卡在中间。 Even two Spike one on the left and other on the right passed through Pei Ye both feet directly, firmly sews his sole in the floor. 甚至还有两道长钉一左一右的直接是贯穿了裴烨的双脚,牢牢的将其脚掌钉在台面。 ...... …… A people unconsciously anxiety under field! 场下的众人不觉一阵肉疼! However, Pei Ye is actually as if nothing has happened, on the face does not see the color of least bit pain. 然,裴烨却是的跟没事人一样,脸上不见半点痛苦之色。 And passed through sole, does not have the blood to overflow. 且被贯穿的脚掌,也并没有鲜血溢出。 ...... …… Is the imaginary technique!” “是幻术!” Right, but even imaginary technique, but will still feel the ache. Senior Brother Wang Li's imaginary technique is unusual, even if in body imaginary technique, the wound of its bringing can still bring to the reality.” “没错,不过就算是幻术,但也会感受到疼痛的。王黎师兄的幻术非常奇特,即便是身中幻术,其所带来的创伤也会带到现实之中。” But Senior Brother Pei Ye a response?” “可是裴烨师兄一点反应都没有?” This I do not know!” “这我也不知道!” ...... …… Looks that was imprisoned Pei Ye above floor by Spike, the people secret heart present is all startled. 看着被长钉禁锢在台面之上的裴烨,在座的众人皆是暗暗心惊。 Meanwhile, the sky of campsis grandiflora stage, starts a fierce tumbling suddenly the rushing sea tide, inundates the place the ripple to stir the day to move filling the heavens, the vault of heaven changes color, the dark cloud obstructs the day...... 与此同时,凌霄台的上空,突然间掀起一片剧烈翻滚的澎湃海潮,弥天漫地的水纹搅天动地,苍穹变色,乌云遮天…… Above dim void, is broadminded to dive a figure giant azure Water Dragon. 昏暗的虚空之上,豁然间俯冲下来一条身形巨大的青色水龙。 Is this? 这是? The people present situation somewhat is unconsciously familiar. 众人不觉眼前的情形有些熟悉。 Yang proud, is Yang proud style......” “杨傲,是杨傲的招式……” In the crowd some people exude the surprised sound. 人群中有人发出惊疑声。 Recalled when 16 strong struggles, Long Xuanshuang confronts Yang proud, the latter launches the fierce offensive on by this move, finally obstinately by Long Xuanshuang the strength of ten thousand years of cold winter solidifying a large-scale ice sculpture...... 回想起十六强之争,龙玄霜对阵杨傲之时,后者就以这招发起猛烈的攻势,结果愣是被龙玄霜的万年凛冬之力给凝固成了一座大型冰雕…… Does not need the people to respond, that giant azure Water Dragon to raiding Pei Ye, makes threatening gestures, the imposing manner shakes the day. 不待众人反应过来,那条巨大的青色水龙已经是冲袭到裴烨的跟前,张牙舞爪,气势撼天。 Pei Ye pupil reflects that fierce big dragon, the scarlet glow outside body such as the god fire is ascending, the scarlet red light beam that are intertwined mutually seems the python mark before the body collects...... 裴烨的瞳孔倒映着那狰狞的巨龙,身外的赤芒如神火升腾,一道道相互交缠的深红色光柱好似蟒纹朝着身前汇集…… Roar!” “吼!” In Pei Ye throat as if heavenshaking fear place the sound of ominous beast roaring spreads. 裴烨的喉咙之中似乎震天慑地的凶兽咆哮之声传出。 Then the right palm finds out, lingers in the red flame glow instantly the rapid expansion in palm arms, and changes to a several meters wide sharp great claw instantaneously...... 接着右掌探出,萦绕在掌臂之间的赤色焰芒即刻急剧扩大,并瞬间化作一只数米宽的锋利巨爪…… „!” “嗵!” Azure Water Dragon with it that bone-chilling cold great claw solid attacks together. 青色的水龙与之那凛冽的巨爪结结实实的冲击在一起。 Momentous fierce strength complementary waves toward divulge in all directions, the stage facing stone brick soil one after another was blown to fly to swing, azure ripple of blotting out the sky like blasting out the spray sea tide, spatters in all directions the hundred zhang (333 m) kilometer...... 一股排山倒海的剧烈力量余波朝着四面八方宣泄出去,一层接一层的台面石砖泥土被刮飞荡开,铺天盖地的青色水纹就像炸开的浪花海潮,迸溅百丈千米…… Buzz!” “嗡!” Protection big on four observing stages start instantly. 四座观战台上的防护大阵即刻启动。 Fierce strength air wave hits on fighting the military stage peripheral transparent illusory light screen, splashes ripples ripple. 一股股猛烈的力量气浪撞击在斗武台周边的透明虚幻光幕上,溅起一圈圈的涟漪波纹。 ...... …… The people under field all opened the eye. 场下的众人皆是睁大了眼睛。 Although Wang Li's style with Yang arrogant almost exactly the same, but in the might is actually by far latter. 虽然王黎的招式同杨傲的几乎一模一样,可威力上却是远胜后者。 Snort, style that steals, feels all right before me shows off?” “哼,偷来的招式,也好意思在我面前炫耀?” Pei Ye sneers, the look one cold, „......” a dull thumping sound, in that great claw is to erupt to congeal directly together the solid flame light beam...... 裴烨冷笑一声,眼神一凛,“嗵……”的一声闷响,那巨爪之中直接是爆发出一道凝实的火焰光柱…… The light beam is state-of-art, seems one startled day great sword that is burning the flame. 光柱尖端凌厉,好似一把燃烧着火焰的惊天巨剑。 The next flash, that azure Water Dragon was passed through the huge body obstinately, subsequently the scrap becomes everywhere water drop tide...... 下一瞬间,那青色的水龙愣是被贯穿庞大的身躯,继而炸碎成漫天的水珠浪潮…… Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” The water splash tide of blotting out the sky sprinkles above the floor, the woods that then the temperature in air suddenly changes are cold. 铺天盖地的水花浪潮洒落于台面之上,接着空气中的温度骤然变的森寒至极。 The liquidity water current congeals unexpectedly rapidly the ice, suddenly, the big campsis grandiflora fights to fight the stage the heavy snow to flutter about instantly, a snow-white piece...... 液状的水流竟飞速凝结成冰,眨眼间,偌大的凌霄斗战台即刻大雪纷飞,白皑皑的一片…… !” “喀哧!” The sound of cold ice disruption folds, hands with the great lance, hold the giant who grasps the ice shield guarded to crawl from the snow and ice. 寒冰碎裂的声音叠起,一尊尊手拿巨矛,持握冰盾的巨人守卫从冰雪之中爬了出来。 ...... …… „Is this my style?” “这是我的招式?” Long Xuanshuang gawked, looks at each other one with it Chu Hen, in phoenix surges the faint trace to be astonished. 龙玄霜愣了一下,与之楚痕对视一眼,凤目之中涌动着丝丝讶异。 Chu Hen nods, in the foreheads is surging some deep meanings. 楚痕点了点头,眉宇间涌动着些许深沉之意。 ...... …… Suddenly, 78 huge cold ice giants Pei Yewei in the middle. 眨眼间,七八尊庞大的寒冰巨人将裴烨围在中间。 Probably is guarding the god health/guard of heavenly palace, is sending out the powerful power and influence of being indomitable spirit. 像是镇守着天宫的神卫,散发着顶天立地的强大威势。 For example the icicle spear/gun lance rips the spatial crack air/Qi, initiates potential of the most violent rush toward central Pei Ye...... 一支支譬如冰柱般的枪矛撕空裂气,朝着中央的裴烨发起最为猛烈的冲杀之势…… Pei Ye look one cold, the double palm gathers, the innumerable say/way linger the red flame glow outside body interweave in the both arms high and low. 裴烨眼神一凛,双掌一合,无数道萦绕在身外的赤色焰芒交织于双臂上下。 Palm slowly pulls open toward the both sides, flame spheroid NC rapid prototyping of one group of suddenly fermentations. 掌心缓缓的朝着两侧拉开,一团急剧酝酿的火焰球体快速成型。 The fireball increases rapidly, if bedrock thick liquid spirit mark in ball body rolling twinkle. 火球迅速变大,一道道如若地底岩浆般的灵纹在球身上下流动闪烁。 In the rapid vigorous air current of encirclement in the world, the flame spheroid before Pei Ye body is also follows to rotate fast...... 伴随着飞速环绕在天地间的雄浑气流,裴烨身前的火焰球体亦是跟着快速转动开来…… Burns a day of jade!” “焚天玉!” In an instant, the blazing spiral storm that soars to the heavens wildly with rage is centered on Pei Yewei to proliferate toward eight sides, at the same time, the offensive of numerous cold ice giant howls under...... 霎那间,一股狂怒冲天的炽热螺旋风暴以裴烨为中心朝着八方扩散而出,与此同时,众寒冰巨人的攻势呼啸而下…… An ice fire! 一冰一火! The chaotic air currents of two oppositions blend to interweave mutually. 两股对立的混乱气流相互交融交织。 Bang......” an incomparably fierce heavenshaking explosive, that group of flame spheroids before Pei Ye body look like one group of blasting out hot sun gods Yang...... “轰……”的一声无比剧烈的震天爆响,裴烨身前的那团火焰球体就像是一团炸开的烈日神阳…… The spiral flame storm sweeps away the campsis grandiflora stage, floor cuns (2.5 cm) tearing, stone chip dust everywhere dances in the air. 螺旋火焰风暴横扫凌霄台,台面寸寸撕裂,石屑尘土漫天飞舞。 One after another icicle spear/gun lance attacked smashing. 一道接一道冰柱枪矛被冲击的粉碎。 Meets cold ice giant torn being split up. 一尊接一尊寒冰巨人被撕扯的四分五裂。 The red flame seems the ring-like flying blade, as if any places oneself in crowd, can instantaneously by destruction in within/inner. 赤色的火焰好似环状的飞刃,仿佛任何置身于其中的人群,都会瞬间被覆灭于内。 ...... …… Bang bang!” “砰砰!” Meanwhile, imprisons firm Spike around Pei Ye to be raised to fly all, puts on the two great nails of opposite party both feet also to be broken the powder instantly. 与此同时,禁锢在裴烨周围的坚固长钉尽数被掀飞出去,扎穿了对方双脚的两颗巨钉也即刻被震碎成粉末。 Good!” “好!” Senior Brother Pei Ye this/should counter-attack!” “裴烨师兄该反击了!” ...... …… The numerous disciple double fist of west arched peak institute gets hold, applauds secretly. 西穹峰院的众弟子双拳握紧,暗暗叫好。 „!” “咻!” Pei Ye who breaks through the fetter jumps, flushes away toward snow and ice giants directly. 冲破束缚的裴烨纵身而起,直接朝着其中的一尊冰雪巨人冲去。 Installed very looks like actually......” “装的倒是挺像……” The words fall, Pei Ye raises, a being in charge anger with overpowering momentum raises under. Bang......” an explosive, ice fragments blasting open, that cold ice giant also scrap becomes myriad fragments. 话落,裴烨一张掀出,一记气势磅礴的掌印怒掀而下。“砰……”的一声爆响,冰屑炸裂,那尊寒冰巨人随之炸碎成万千碎片。 But, in which several ice fragments float unexpectedly gather in the same place. 而,其中的几块冰屑竟然漂浮聚拢在一起。 Then solidifies the human form outline. 接着凝固成人形轮廓。 The outline has the congealing reality that illusory changes, finally changes to Wang Li's form. 轮廓有虚幻变的凝实,最终化作王黎的身影。 This was discovered by you......” on Wang Li face is exposing the frivolous smile. “这都被你发现了……”王黎脸上展露着轻浮的笑容。 May finish speaking, front Pei Ye has disappeared in same place. 可话音刚落,前方的裴烨已然消失在了原地。 „......” A dull thumping sound, the pupil of audience people shrinks fiercely, inundates the smallpox flying fallen leaf, the cyclone like the note, Pei Ye flashed before impressively in Wang Li, but he covered the right palm blade of flame to pass through the chest of opposite party unexpectedly directly...... “嗵……”的一记闷响,全场众人的瞳孔猛地一缩,漫天花飞落叶,气旋如注,裴烨赫然闪现在了王黎的跟前,而他覆盖着火焰的右手掌刀竟然正面贯穿了对方的胸膛…… Senior Brother Wang Li? 王黎师兄? The people in Lingfeng institute all are the complexion change. 南灵峰院的众人皆是脸色一变。 Wang Li is also the both eyes circle opens the eyes, a pallidness of face, it lowers the head, catches the eye to look at front Pei Ye. 王黎亦是双目圆睁,一脸的煞白,其低着头,又抬眼看着面前的裴烨。 You......” “你……” Snort!” The gloomy and cold smile splits open on Pei Ye's face, collapses at the first blow!” “哼!”阴冷的笑容在裴烨的脸上绽开,“不堪一击!” But finishes speaking merely, Wang Li's the painful color on face clears off unexpectedly, displacing is the meaning of frivolous pondering. 可仅仅是话音刚落,王黎的脸上的痛苦之色竟然一扫而光,取而代之是轻浮的玩味之意。 Hehe...... embarrassed, this is also the imaginary technique!” “呵呵……不好意思,这也是幻术!” Together with Wang Li's chuckle, the deepness that the color of its body unexpectedly rapidly changes, the facial features twist, the body inflates, then is actually changes to a section of heavy/thick tree pole...... 连同着王黎的轻笑,其身躯的颜色竟然迅速变的深沉,五官扭曲,身体膨胀,接着却是化作一截厚重的树杆…… The great umbrella that probably suddenly opens, the luxuriant branches and leaves disperse in all directions toward the shop, the dragon dragon -like timbo extends the floor high and low. 像是突然撑开的巨伞,繁茂的枝叶朝着四面八方铺散开来,虬龙般的树藤延伸台面上下。 Suddenly, an old tree towering to the skies that reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333 m) appears in the people instantly at present. 眨眼间,一株高达百丈的参天古树即刻惊现于众人的眼前。 That is my tree soul strength......” outside Zhao Qing cuts small mouth slightly, calling out in alarm of surprise said. “那是我的树魂力量……”场外的赵青裁小嘴微张,诧异的惊呼道。
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