UMDK :: Volume #13

#1240: Decisive battle that ahead of time arrives at

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! I announced, the war of sect gate, the semifinal, starts instantly......” “我宣布,宗门之战,半决赛,即刻启动……” Liu Elder momentum sounds the resonant bugle in battlefield like that. 刘长老的声势如同那吹响于战场上的嘹亮号角。 In an instant, startled day turbulence that the audience erupts if the fire of setting the prairie afire, is sweeps across the entire star to hold up inside and outside the peak directly...... 霎那间,全场爆发出来的惊天动荡如若燎原之火,直接是席卷整个星擎峰内外…… Pei Ye! Pei Ye!” “裴烨!裴烨!” Wang Li! Wang Li!” “王黎!王黎!” Western arched peak institute must win!” “西穹峰院必胜!” Southern Lingfeng institute champion!” “南灵峰院冠军!” Pond thousand hawks, pond thousand hawks!” “池千莺,池千莺!” ...... …… Pei Ye, Wang Li popularity is most irritable, looks like two tides, interweaves in the same place. 裴烨,王黎两人的人气最为火爆,就像是两股大潮,交织于一起。 The eastern Xuan Feng Institute pond thousand hawks also refuse to admit being inferior, slogan continuously. 东玄峰院池千莺亦是不甘示弱,呐喊声此起彼伏。 Under compares, Chu Hen slightly was awkward. 相比较之下,楚痕就略显尴尬了。 Because in eight enter in the match the relations of Ye Yao forfeit, causing many people to put the blame on the reason his body, although also has few people is Chu Hen drums up support to cheer, but the sound was submerged by other three quickly. 因为在八强晋级赛中叶瑶弃权的关系,导致不少人都把原因归咎于他的身上,虽然也有一部分人在为楚痕造势助威,但声音很快就被其他三家所淹没。 In people opinion, Chu Hen bumps into which in three people, the result is the same. 在众人看来,楚痕不论是碰到三人中的哪一位,结局都是一样。 ...... …… „, Then we look at the match details!” “那么,接下来我们看一下对局详情!” Liu Elder lifts the hand to make a ray, the ray flies to the above golden light screen. 刘长老抬手打出一道光芒,光芒飞向上空的金色光幕。 With the intense space rhythm, the four names above light screen are to all just like the running lantern of rapid rotation, flashes back and forth, mixes the difference mutually...... 伴随着强烈的空间律动,光幕之上的四个名字皆是犹如飞速转动的跑马灯,来回闪动,相互掺差…… The hearts of major peak institute disciples followed to hang the throat. 各大峰院众弟子的心都跟着悬到了嗓子眼。 Tens of thousands of both eyes light stubbornly is staring above, does not dare to breathe the atmosphere. 成千上万双目光死死的盯着上面,一个个连大气都不敢喘一下。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A slight space shivers, the first two names take the lead to frame in the first row. 一阵轻微的空间颤抖,前两个名字率先定格在第一排。 Then the second row of two names also fell into the static condition. 接着第二排的两个名字也随之陷入了静止状态。 Semifinal! 半决赛! The first battle, the pond thousand hawks confront Chu Hen! 首战,池千莺对阵楚痕 The second war, Pei Ye confronted Wang Li! 第二战,裴烨对阵王黎! ...... …… Whish!” “哗!” The invisible air current toward sweeps across in all directions, the heartstrings of audience everyone follow to tremble faintly. 无形的气流朝着四面八方席卷开来,全场每个人的心弦都跟着隐隐一颤。 Pei Ye, Wang Li remote looks at each other, in the vision is to all imitate , if there is star flower flame to burst out. 裴烨,王黎两人不禁遥相对视,目光之中皆是仿若有着星花火焰迸发而出。 The most favored two people, meet by chance at the semifinal unexpectedly. 夺冠呼声最高的两个人,竟是在半决赛不期而遇。 Under field people astonished at the same time , is also filling with the thick anticipation. 场下众人惊愕的同时,又充满着浓浓的期待。 ...... …… Then, thousand hawk Senior Sisters must, in the finals waited for in them.” “如此一来,千莺师姐要在决赛等待他们两个人中的一位了。” Really is thrilling!” “真是叫人激动啊!” I was a little impatient.” “我都有点迫不及待了。” ...... …… Pei Ye, Wang Li, old opponent! 裴烨,王黎,老对手了! The war of previous sect gate, is time their two competes for the position of champion. 上一次的宗门之战,就是他们二位争夺冠军之位。 The final result wins by Wang Li. 最后的结果以王黎胜出。 This time, two people meet at the semifinal, really excitingly. 这次,两人又于半决赛相遇,着实令人振奋不已。 ...... …… Senior Brother Wang Li feared that must continue the champion throne!” “王黎师兄怕是要蝉联冠军王座了!” Snort, that is you thinks! Senior Brother Pei Ye is the true King, this time his sword refers to the chief champion surely.” “哼,那是你以为罢了!裴烨师兄才是真正的王者,这次他必定剑指总冠军。” How to say as you like, Senior Brother Wang Li won!” “随你们怎么说,王黎师兄赢定了!” Senior Brother Pei Ye is strongest!” “裴烨师兄最强!” ...... …… Feels exciting facial expression that the audience people are displaying, Liu Elder gives a calm smile, can control the rhythm under field, is a quite proud matter. 感受着全场众人表现出来的激动神情,刘长老淡然一笑,能够掌控住场下的节奏,也是颇为自豪的一件事。 Hehe, as if everyone anticipated at the second war of semifinal......, but, everything must have the priority order......” “呵呵,似乎大家更期待于半决赛的第二战……不过,凡事都要有个先后顺序……” Liu Elder lifted the hand to aim at the position that the pond thousand hawks and Chu Hen were. 刘长老抬手先后指向池千莺和楚痕所在的位置。 „, 1 st in the semifinal war, starts!” “那么,半决赛第一战,开始!” Start! 开始! Favors the lopsided support pond thousand hawks to erupt instantly. 倾向一面倒的声援池千莺即刻爆发开来。 Thousand hawk Senior Sisters must win!” “千莺师姐必胜!” This game of competition also with hitting? I looked that can be promoted directly!” “这局比赛还用打吗?我看可以直接晋级了!” Hehe, the words cannot say, although the opponent is weak, but must go through the motions, after all the North Star peak institute several years has not entered the round of four.” “呵呵,话可不能这么说,对手虽弱,但还是要走个过场的,毕竟北辰峰院已经好几年没有进入过四强了。” ...... …… Regarding ridicules the sound that the crowd dopes much, Chu Hen imitates, if has not heard. 对于人群掺杂的不少奚落声,楚痕仿若未闻。 The vision lifts lightly, separates looks at the place that to the pond thousand hawks spatially. 其目光轻抬,隔空望向池千莺所在的地方。 elder brother Chu Hen refuels!” Ye Yao said. 楚痕哥哥加油!”叶瑶说道。 Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes, Wu Yan and the others also throw by the hope look. 龙玄霜,赵青衣,吴岩等人也都投以期盼的眼神。 ...... …… But, in Chu Hen prepares to be on the fight of military stages, an unexpected matter suddenly happened. 而,就在楚痕准备登上斗武台之际,一件始料不及的事情突然为之发生。 I forfeit!” “我弃权!” It looks like a astral fierce incomparable heavy hammer just like the water of tranquil sound well, directly is the audience people head confusion of pounding. 宛如古井之水般平静的声音就像是一记罡猛无比的重锤,直接是砸的全场众人脑袋一片混乱。 Chu Hen is also startled. 楚痕亦是一怔。 The anchorage footsteps, look again to the pond thousand hawks. 其定住脚步,再次看向池千莺。 Sees only meaning that the opposite party completely do not go on stage, even cannot feel the least bit proper war intent. 只见对方完全没有要上场的意思,甚至感受不到半点应有的战意。 ...... …… The people cannot believe a moment ago heard. 众人都不太敢相信刚才所听到的。 Illusion? 幻觉么? The pond thousand hawk willow eyebrows select lightly, facial expression dignified then said, I do not want to overcome, directly conducted the second war!” 池千莺柳眉轻挑,神情泰然的接着说道,“我不太想打下一场,直接进行第二战吧!” Clarity that this time, the people listen, clear. 这次,众人听的真真切切,清清楚楚。 In an instant, various sounds in an uproar link up into a single stretch, two spread out, full head question mark. 霎那间,各种哗然声连成一片,一个个两手摊开,满头的问号。 I depend, poisonous? Also can compete fortunately?” “我靠,有毒是吧?还能不能还好的比赛了?” „Are thousand hawk Senior Sisters up to mischief? Three were, including three, that Chu Hen poison inadequate?” “千莺师姐在搞什么鬼?三场了,连着三场了,一个个都中了那楚痕的毒不成?” ...... …… Various types scolded sound one piece! 各种骂声一片! Pei Ye, Wang Li have a surprise. 裴烨,王黎两人同样是有所诧异。 star holds up Qiu Xingyi on peak stand to shake the head says with a smile pale, such aloof, disregards others 's feeling forever.” 星擎峰看台上的邱星易摇头淡笑道,“还是这么高冷,永远都这么无视他人的感受。” ...... …… Although various discussions are unceasing, but pond thousand hawk as if points do not care. 尽管各种议论声不断,可池千莺似乎一点都不在意。 Liu Elder knits the brows, the sinking sound said, this is the semifinal, only remains the one pace from the finals, can you give up really? If forfeits, can only be fourth......” 刘长老皱了皱眉,沉声说道,“这可是半决赛,距离决赛就只剩一步之遥,你果真要放弃?如果弃权的话,只能是第四名……” Innumerable both eyes light stubbornly is staring at the pond thousand hawks, hopes all she changes the mind. 无数双目光死死的盯着池千莺,无不希望她改变主意。 But not caring at all that she displays as before. 但她依旧表现的毫不在意。 Fourth good...... is like everyone, I want to see the second war as soon as possible......” “第四名挺好的……同大家一样,我很想尽快看到第二战……” To see the second war as soon as possible! 为了尽快看到第二战! Direct selection forfeit? 直接选择弃权? sect gate the person who historical, does this only feared that only has pond thousand hawk one people. 宗门的历史上,这样做的人只怕唯有池千莺一人。 Liu Elder did not have idea, he only has to look at east Xuan Feng zhu to boil cloud manor. 刘长老没辙了,他唯有将目光转向东玄峰主熬云庄。 However, boils on cloud manor the face is also has some, helpless meaning. 然,熬云庄的脸上也是有着些许无奈之意。 Is next to Qiu Xingyi second day as eastern Xuan Feng Institute the disciple, he to some pond thousand hawk also slightly understanding, she works, always runs counter, comes as a surprise to others...... 作为东玄峰院仅次于邱星易的第二天才弟子,他对池千莺也略有了解,她做事情,向来背道而驰,出乎别人意料…… Moreover the reason will often make people very speechless. 而且理由时常会令人非常无语。 So long as decided the matter, will not change. 但只要是决定了的事情,就不会改变。 Absolutely the character that loves and hates. 绝对是叫人又爱又恨的性格。 ...... …… Does to hesitate slightly, boils cloud manor to signal by nodding slightly. 稍作迟疑,熬云庄微微点头示意。 Liu Elder sighed, instantly announces. 刘长老叹了口气,即刻宣布。 Eastern Xuan Feng Institute pond thousand hawk forfeits, winner for North Star peak institute Chu Hen!” “东玄峰院池千莺弃权,获胜者为北辰峰院楚痕!” Without a doubt, the audience welcomed the unprecedented wide scope hiss directly. 毫无疑问,全场直接迎来了前所未有的大范围嘘声。 Countless people follow to shake the head. 无数人跟着直摇头。 Poisonous! 有毒! Really is poisonous! 真的是有毒! The war of this year's sect gate really had too many accidents/surprises. 今年的宗门之战实在是出现了太多的意外。 Asked the person unable to adapt completely. 完全都叫人适应不过来。 ...... …… Snort, forfeited also well, whose who is in any case weak, everyone was clear.” “哼,弃权了也好,反正孰强孰弱,大家心里都清楚。” Right, then can jump over the semifinal, directly is finals.” “没错,这下都可以跳过半决赛了,直接就是决赛现场。” Senior Brother Pei Ye must win!” “裴烨师兄必胜!” Senior Brother Wang Li is strongest!” “王黎师兄最强!” ...... …… Thinks is Wang Li and Pei Ye's peak showdown, under the field loses people's clears off instantly. 一想到接下来是王黎和裴烨的巅峰对决,场下众人内心的失落即刻一扫而光。 Then, looks like enters the finals time. 如此一来,就像是进入决赛时刻。 In an instant, the call cheers that under the stage starts such as the wind and rain, sweeps across the highest heaven greatly. 霎那间,台下掀起的呐喊欢呼声如风雨大至,席卷九霄。 Chu Hen directly by people neglecting. 楚痕直接就被众人给忽略掉了。 ...... …… Was promoted two, my how point happy?” Wu Miansong the head, the puzzled appearance is tying completely the spider web like the heart. “都晋级二强了,我咋一点都高兴不起来?”吴勉耸拉着脑袋,纠结的样子就像心头结满了蜘蛛网。 Wu Yan, Zhao Qing clothes and others also look at each other in blank dismay, does not know that should say anything. 吴岩,赵青衣等其他人也都是面面相觑,不知道该说什么。 The teacher said, the Ye Yao forfeit can understand. 老师说,叶瑶弃权可以理解。 But the pond thousand hawks are not seemingly ripe with Chu Hen, she forfeits blatantly, is at the semifinal, a little made one ascertain airtight. 可池千莺貌似跟楚痕并不熟,她公然弃权,还是在半决赛上,就有点让人捉摸不透了。 „Are you very ripe with thousand hawk Senior Sisters? Last year asked she wanted five rain and dew grass time was also, just started to pay no attention to the person, behind bewildered gave to you, what magic potion did you fill?” “你跟千莺师姐很熟吗?去年问她要‘五叶雨露草’的时候也是,刚开始死活都不理人,后面莫名其妙的就送给你了,你给人灌了什么迷魂汤?” Wu Mian questioning. 吴勉一个劲的追问。 Said has no intention, the listener has a mind. 说者无意,听者有心。 Nearby Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, Wu Yan and the others are all startled. 一旁的叶瑶,龙玄霜,吴岩等人皆是一怔。 Last year? 去年? What situation? 什么情况? Chu Hen shakes the head , indicating oneself are not clear. 楚痕摇了摇头,表示自己也不清楚。 ...... …… Not too time of conversation, under audience storm boiling momentum, two manner uncommon swift and fierce forms east one west one arrogance is built on the campsis grandiflora to fight to fight above stage. 没有太多交谈的时间,全场暴风雨般的沸腾声势下,两道气宇不凡的凌厉身影一东一西的傲立于凌霄斗战台之上。 This, seems to have met before! 这一幕,似曾相识! The people imitate, if returned to war of previous sect gate finals. 众人仿若又回到了上一次宗门之战的决赛现场。 Day martial Bang second thousand imaginary sacred body, day martial Bang third Qilin sacred body...... comes face to face, again wind and cloud border meeting! 天武榜第二位的千幻圣体,以及,天武榜第三位的麒麟圣体……狭路相逢,再次风云际会! Lit the moving restlessly blood of countless person. 点燃了无数人的躁动血液。 ...... …… You grown stronger!” Wang Li received the usual sluggishness, in the foreheads was surging the faint trace earnest meaning. “你变强了呢!”王黎收起了平时的懒散,眉宇间涌动着丝丝认真之意。 „!” Pei Ye coldly smiles, what looked like the finals to be ahead of time...... to regret, this time lead, no longer was you......” “呵!”裴烨冷冷一笑,“看来决赛提前来了……不过遗憾的是,这次的主角,不再是你……” Wang Li jun eyebrow selects lightly, returning of having a relish said, I anticipated very much, hoped not to call me disappointedly......” 王黎俊眉轻挑,饶有兴致的回道,“我很期待,但愿别叫我失望了……” Disappointed! 失望了! The latter three characters fall, Wang Li disappeared in instantaneously same place. 后三个字一落,王黎瞬间消失在了原地。 Buzz......” “嗡……” Subsequently, the fierce wave of undercurrent imposing manner rushes to Pei Ye quietly. 继而,凶猛如潮的暗流气势悄然涌向裴烨。 Latter look one cold, turns round a fist to rumble, „......” the violent air wave that a loud sound, divulges recklessly divulges to split open above the floor...... 后者眼神一凛,回身一拳轰出,“嗵……”的一声巨响,肆意宣泄的猛烈气浪于台面之上宣泄绽开…… The tsunami that the red burning hot red glow and silver illusory soft light such as surge, sweeps. 赤色的炙热红芒以及银色的虚幻柔光如激荡的海啸,扫荡出去。 Under the field the pupil of people all trembles faintly. 场下众人的瞳孔皆是隐隐一颤。 Silent! 无声无息! Also the potential to/clashes the highest heaven! 又势冲九霄! War of sect gate wars of the biggest two favorites, eruption! 宗门之战的最大两位夺冠热门之战,爆发了!
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