UMDK :: Volume #13

#1239: Semifinal

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! „......” “嗵……” Mountain torrent tsunami that if incomparably violent strength shock-wave that erupts instantaneously, Wentao whole body is pouring of blood on the ground, many blood vessels explode, the five main internal organs (entrails) caused heavy losses all...... 无比猛烈的力量冲击波如若那瞬间爆发的山洪海啸,文韬全身是血的倒在地上,多处血管爆开,五脏六腑尽数遭到重创…… In an instant, the audience people have a big shock all. 霎那间,全场众人无不大惊失色。 Mind entirely tremor, the back sends coolly. 一个个心神俱颤,脊背发凉。 While for Pei Ye's viciousness felt trembles with fear, the people are also more panic-stricken in the terrifying strength of opposite party. 在为裴烨的狠毒感到惊颤的同时,众人却也更加惊骇于对方的恐怖实力。 The day martial Bang sixth Wentao! 天武榜第六位的文韬! An opposite party move cannot even catch unexpectedly. 竟然连对方一招都接不住。 Shock! 震撼! And fearful! 以及可怕! The dreary cold wind howls, Pei Yeao is built on above the floor, like a mighty ominous dragon fierce tiger, is sending out advantageously aloof aggressive. 萧瑟的冷风呼啸而过,裴烨傲立于台面之上,如同一头气势恢宏的凶龙猛虎,散发着得天独厚的超然霸气。 The potential town/subdues audience, is announcing his hegemonic position probably. 势镇全场,像是在宣告着他的霸主地位。 ...... …… This fellow?” Wang Li vision sinks, in the eye is surging faint trace cold intent. “这家伙?”王黎目光一沉,眼中涌动着丝丝冷意。 star holds up Qiu Xingyi on peak observing stage is also the facial expression concentrates, shakes the head gently. 星擎峰观战台上的邱星易亦是神情微凝,轻轻摇头。 ...... …… Was too ruthless!” Zhao Qing cuts is nipping the tooth lightly, actually somewhat does not endure. “太狠了吧!”赵青裁轻咬着牙齿,却是有几分不忍。 In yesterday's eight enter in the match, Wentao had once shown mercy to her, therefore she compares to support the opposite party. 在昨天的八强晋级赛中,文韬对她曾手下留情过,所以她还是比较支持对方。 Although knows that wins Pei Ye to be unlikely, but has not thought of under the latter meeting the so heavy cruel methods. 虽然知道打赢裴烨不太可能,但没想到后者会下如此重的狠手。 Ye Yao, Long Xuanshuang, Zhao Qing clothes and the others also frown, the mind has dignifiedly. 叶瑶,龙玄霜,赵青衣等人亦是皱起了眉头,心神有所凝重。 Both hands supported Wu Yan of walking stick as if to see beforehand, in the look flashed through faintly little is incapable. 双手撑着拐棍的吴岩仿佛看到了之前的自己,眼神中隐隐闪过几许无力。 At once, he looks askance to look to Chu Hen. 旋即,他侧目看向身旁的楚痕 However, Chu Hen is actually staring at the floor that coldly, in the profound eye pupil has to make one ascertain airtight meaning. 然,楚痕却是冷冷的盯着台面,深邃的眼眸之中有着令人捉摸不透的意味。 ...... …… Winner, western arched peak institute Pei Ye!” “获胜者,西穹峰院裴烨!” Liu Elder rushes to announce the result of competition. 刘长老赶忙宣布比赛的结果。 And hints two medical elders to go to examine Wentao's situation hastily. 并连忙示意两个医疗长老前去查看文韬的情况。 ...... …… Meanwhile, the western arched peak institute erupts sound of the dreadful joy directly. 同时,西穹峰院直接是爆发出一片滔天的欢呼雀跃之声。 Congratulates Senior Brother Pei Ye to step into four!” “恭喜裴烨师兄踏入四强!” Senior Brother Pei Ye is strongest!” “裴烨师兄最强!” Senior Brother Pei Ye must win!” “裴烨师兄必胜!” ...... …… But, under compares, that side south Lingfeng institute is a deathly stillness. 而,相比较之下,南灵峰院那边则是一片死寂。 On arrives at the lord of peak institute, below arrives at the ordinary disciple. 上到峰院之主,下到普通弟子。 Is completely cloudy a face. 全部都阴沉着一张脸。 Really is too does not make sense, unexpectedly injures Senior Brother Wentao is so heavy.” “真是太不像话了,竟然把文韬师兄伤的这么重。” Snort, leaves the manner, waits to run into Senior Brother Wang Li, looked how long you can also be happy?” “哼,别神气,等遇到王黎师兄,看你们还能高兴多久?” ...... …… Looks Wentao who was lifted, the south Lingfeng main rather autumn waters frown to say slightly, „this child character is extremely cut-throat, vicious tendencies real quantity some......” 看着被抬下去的文韬,南灵峰主宁秋水微微蹙眉道,“此子性格太过凶狠,戾气着实重了一些……” Her saying naturally said to Situ Songting. 她这话自然是说给司徒松听的。 Returning that the latter thinks otherwise actually said that hehe, young people! The courage and uprightness what is not too much, let alone, the non-toxic non- husband, becomes important matter, why to arrest in this section?” 后者倒是不以为然的回道,“呵呵,年轻人嘛!有点血性何并不过份,更何况,无毒不丈夫,成大事者,何必拘于这点小节?” Rather some autumn waters vitality/angry, but also has no alternative. 宁秋水有些生气,但也无可奈何。 ...... …… Four strong struggles! 四强之争! In an instant finished its three. 转眼间结束其三。 Under the field that gradually returns to normal the people start to transfer to star to hold up in the vision the peak sky golden color light screen final two names. 逐渐平复下来的场下众人开始将目光移到星擎峰上空金色光幕上面的最后两个名字上面。 Remaining!” “就剩下一场了!” Does not know that desolate pledge Senior Brother did come?” “不知道萧盟师兄来了没有?” Really was felt strange , actually did desolate pledge Senior Brother go at this time which?” “真是奇怪了,都这个时候了,萧盟师兄究竟去哪了?” ...... …… Field next many disputes are unceasing. 场下诸多争议声不断。 The heart of everyone is full of puzzled. 每个人的心头都饶有困惑。 Naturally, except for Chu Hen. 当然了,除了楚痕 ...... …… Then is the front arrives at the rear first battle!” “接下来是之前排到最后面的首战!” Liu Elder is unable to continue to delay, its is saying, while is searching for desolate pledge form in the crowd. 刘长老也无法继续拖延下去,其一边说着,一边在人群中搜寻着萧盟的身影。 „......” “咻……” Meanwhile, direction of form hurriedly from west arched peak institute catches up together. 与此同时,一道急匆匆的身影从西穹峰院那边的方向赶来过来。 People at present one bright, this person was sent the disciple who the notice seeks for desolate pledge a moment ago. 众人眼前一亮,这人正是刚才被派去通知找寻萧盟的弟子。 Senior Brother simultaneous/uniform came back!” “齐师兄回来了!” But how he?” “可怎么就他一个人?” ...... …… That young disciple flying surnamed Qi flashes falls in Xing to hold up the peak on the observing stage. 那姓齐的年轻弟子飞身闪落于星擎峰的观战台上。 Person?” Liu Elder asked. “人呢?”刘长老问道。 The young disciple wants to be attached to his ear to whisper. 年轻弟子欲要附在其耳边低语。 But Liu Elder is actually the big hand wields, the sinking sound berated, said, sovereign Sirs and eight institutes main here, what matter having also needs to be stealthy? Spoke frankly to might as well......” 但刘长老却是大手一挥,沉声喝斥,道,“宗主大人和八位院主都在这里,有什么事还需要鬼鬼祟祟的?直说无妨……” Young disciple complexion one white, is full of the awe looked at sovereign one in highest floor. 年轻弟子脸色一白,饶有敬畏的看了最高台面上的宗主一眼。 Disciple damn, but also please the sovereign Sir forgive!” “弟子该死,还请宗主大人恕罪!” The East permanent lifts the hand slightly, might as well!” 东方恒之微微抬手,“无妨!” The disciple catches one's breath slightly, then the tone is full of serious returning saying that desolate pledge is unable to participate!” 那弟子稍稍缓了口气,接着语气饶有郑重的回道,“萧盟无法参赛!” Whish......” “哗……” Such remarks, under the field is noisy immediately. 此言一出,场下顿时嘈杂不已。 Isn't able to participate? 无法参赛? What situation? 什么情况? The people look at each other in blank dismay, the heart is doubtful. 众人面面相觑,心头充满疑惑。 ...... …… On the contrary is Ye Yao, Zhao Qing clothes, Wu Mian and the others at present bright, words then, Chu Hen can be promoted directly. 反倒是叶瑶,赵青衣,吴勉等人的眼前一亮,如此一来的话,楚痕就能够直接晋级了。 Reason?” Liu Elder continues to ask. “原因呢?”刘长老继续问道。 Heavy, severe wound in bed...... it is said that yesterday evening, hit half dead......” “重,重伤在床……据说,昨天晚上,被人打的半死……” Simple two words, immediately like pounding into a giant stone in deep puddle. 简简单单的两句话,顿时就像砸入深水潭中的一块巨石。 Starts the dreadful tide in the audience. 于全场掀起滔天的浪潮。 Various clamoring sounds continuously, intermittent stir. 各种喧哗声此起彼伏,阵阵轰动。 The west arched peak lord Situ Songli body to stand, its both eyes anger opened the eyes, shouted sternly, who did?” 西穹峰主司徒松立身站了起来,其双目怒睁,厉声喝道,“谁干的?” The young disciple body trembles, shakes the head saying that desolate pledge fellow apprentice's condition is weak, I had not asked that with enough time who injures his person is, he fell into the stupor...... to see, he very feared about that person, as if frightened heavy......” 年轻弟子身躯一颤,摇了摇头道,“萧盟师兄的状态非常虚弱,我还没来得及问出伤他的人是谁,他就又陷入了昏迷之中……不过看得出,他对那个人很恐惧,似乎吓的不轻……” Hit half dead! 被人打的半死! Has not known that is who does! 还不知道是谁干的! In an instant, the entire star held up inside and outside the peak to fall into during a chaotic guess. 霎那间,整个星擎峰内外全部陷入了一片混乱猜测之中。 Shen Hong how many people? Asks that they definitely know.” “沈弘几个人呢?问问他们肯定知道。” They seem like have not come today.” “他们貌似今天都没有来。” My God, strange!” “我的天,怪事了!” Was also cheap that Chu Hen, this can enter the round of four!” “又便宜了那个楚痕,这都能晋级四强!” ...... …… When people speculation, Ye Yao, Wu Mian actually especially happy. 众人猜测之际,叶瑶,吴勉这边倒是尤为的高兴。 Haha, your luck is really sends greatly!” Zhao Qing cuts to pat the small hand to say. “哈哈,你这运气真是大发啊!”赵青裁拍着小手道。 Four, four, many years, our North Star peak institute had a person to rush in four finally, although a little Black Dragon/mishap, but went at least.” “四强了,四强了,多少年了,我们北辰峰院终于有个人闯进四强了,虽然有点乌龙,但起码是进去了。” The Wu Mian two illumination, are very inspired. 吴勉两眼发光,很是振奋。 Under compares, Chu Hen actually especially calm. 相比较之下,楚痕倒是尤为的镇定。 Nearby Long Xuanshuang throws the look that inquired, as if she has guessed correctly situation. 一旁的龙玄霜投来询问的眼神,似乎她已经猜到了其中的情形。 Chu Hen looks at each other one with it, smiles, has not said anything. 楚痕与之对视一眼,莞尔一笑,并没有多说什么。 ...... …… Liu Elder catches one's breath slightly, nod of understanding. 刘长老稍稍缓了口气,心领神会的点了点头。 „The western arched peak institute desolate pledge absents due to injury, calculates the winner who makes forfeit processing...... this competition is, North Star peak institute, Chu Hen......” “西穹峰院萧盟因伤缺席,算做弃权处理……本场比赛的获胜者为,北辰峰院,楚痕……” Chu Hen! 楚痕 Bang!” “砰!” Above golden light screen desolate pledge two character disintegrations become myriad fragments, Chu Hen two characters are sending out the bright and beautiful ray instantly. 金色光幕之上的‘萧盟’二字崩碎成万千碎片,‘楚痕’二字即刻散发着亮丽的光芒。 Bright such as the stars are common with it another three names, are glittering the dazzling light sunshine. 与之另外三个名字亮如星辰一般,闪烁着耀眼的光晖。 ...... …… Such result, stemmed from the accident/surprise of people. 这样的结果,着实出乎了众人的意外。 The North Star peak institute disciples find it ridiculous. 就连北辰峰院这边的弟子都不禁觉得好笑。 I saw that for the first time some people won by default for successive two times.” “我还是第一次见到有人连续两场不战而胜的。” Also was four!” “也算是一个四强了!” ...... …… In people's eyes, is ordinary like the farce. 在众人的眼中,如同闹剧一般。 But also has a small number of few people to throw toward Chu Hen by the doubt vision. 但也有少数一部分人朝着楚痕投以狐疑的目光。 Really is the calm letting person is sceptical!” Wang Li handles gently feels the chin, at the same time muttered in a low voice. “真是淡定的让人感到怀疑呢!”王黎一手轻摸着下巴,一边低声喃喃道。 Pei Ye vision slightly cold, on the face exudes the happy expression of disdaining. 裴烨目光微冷,脸上泛起不屑的笑意。 The pond thousand hawks are also full of the profound meaning is looking at that say/way quite controversial young form, the beautiful pupil circulation, is thinking deeply about anything probably. 就连池千莺也饶有深意的望着那道颇受争议的年轻身影,美眸流转,像是在思索着什么。 ...... …… „, Four strong struggles, ended! Tomorrow is the semifinal!” “那么,四强之争,就此结束!明天将会是半决赛!” Liu Elder says. 刘长老开口说道。 However, this people present are actually appear have not given full expression, appearance that displays not to enjoy oneself to the full. 然,这一次在座的众人却都是显得意犹未尽,一个个表现出不尽兴的样子。 „Did this finish? A meaning does not have.” “这就结束了?一点意思都没有。” Yes, four competitions, two forfeits, a direct second of victory, insipid!” “就是,四场比赛,两场弃权,还有一场直接秒胜,没劲!” ...... …… Wang Li, the Chu Hen opponents are the forfeit come to an end. 王黎,楚痕的对手都是弃权告终。 But Wentao and Pei Ye's disparity is disparate, completely there is no ornamental. 而文韬和裴烨的差距悬殊,完全没有任何观赏性可言。 Entire four strong fight, made the people enjoy an eye addiction on Long Xuanshuang and competitions of pond thousand hawks. 整场四强之战下来,也就龙玄霜和池千莺的比赛令众人过了一把眼瘾。 This is not the people wants. 这并不是众人所想要的。 ...... …… Did not need to wait till tomorrow, starts the semifinal on today!” “不用等到明天了,就今天开始半决赛吧!” At this moment, in the crowd under stage suddenly resounds together the loud and clear sound. 就在这时,台下的人群中突然响起一道洪亮的声音。 Like leading rhythm beginning, under the field erupted an echoing chain-reaction immediately. 如同带领节奏的开端,场下立马爆发出了一片附和的连锁反应。 Said right, starts directly!” “说的没错,直接开始!” Decisive battle! Decisive battle!” “决战!决战!” Continue! Continue!” “继续!继续!” ...... …… The neat momentum resounds through the startled day, loudly and clearly like thunder! 整齐的声势响彻惊天,洪亮如雷! The people in four big peak institutes, all achieved the consistent decision. 四大峰院的众人,全部都达成了一致的决定。 At this moment, holds up many high-level elders on peak to reveal the vision of anticipation on Altair and Vega, and sovereign East permanent has not left the meaning of seat continually...... 此刻,就连星擎峰上的众多高层长老们都流露出期待的目光,且连宗主东方恒之都没有离开席位的意思…… Liu Elder somewhat is accidental/surprised. 刘长老不禁有些意外。 It waves, hinting the people are tranquil. 其挥了挥手,示意众人平静下来。 Whether continue, is not calculates that...... must look at the wishes of these four strong talents I can say......” “是否继续,不是我能够说的算……要看这四强天才的意愿……” Then, the opposite party threw to Pei Ye the decision-making power directly, Wang Li, the pond thousand hawks, the Chu Hen four people. 说罢,对方直接把决定权抛给了裴烨,王黎,池千莺,楚痕四人。 Those who replied the people was from soaring war intent that Wang Li and on Pei Ye sent out. 回答众人的是源自于王黎和裴烨身上散发出来的高昂战意。 Under field the ebullition cheers of people, if the fire of setting the prairie afire, making everyone one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 场下众人的沸腾欢呼声,如若燎原之火,令每一个人都热血沸腾。 ...... …… Liu Elder said again, „that in your four, whether some people do refuse to conduct the semifinal today?” 刘长老再次说道,“那么,你们四位之中,是否有人拒绝在今天进行半决赛?” Unmanned veto! 无人否决! Chu Hen, Pei Ye and the others in the eyes seems the faint flame to burn. 楚痕,裴烨等人的眼中似有隐隐的火焰燃动。 Liu Elder has comprehended. 刘长老有所领会。 Then the big hand wields, an enormous and powerful righteous qi sweeps across eight sides. 接着大手一挥,一股浩荡的正气席卷八方。 I announced, the war of sect gate, the semifinal, starts instantly......” “我宣布,宗门之战,半决赛,即刻启动……”
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