UMDK :: Volume #13

#1238: Vicious Pei Ye

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Then was the second war, south Lingfeng institute Wang Li, the confrontation, eastern Xuan Feng Institute Lu Feng......” “接下来是第二战,南灵峰院王黎,对阵,东玄峰院鲁枫……” Liu Elder finishing speaking, the entire star holds up the slogan that inside and outside the peak erupts to soar to the heavens instantly. 刘长老的话音刚落,整个星擎峰内外即刻爆发出冲天的呐喊声。 However, this momentum favors lopsided cheers completely. 然而,这声势完全就是倾向一面倒的助威。 Wang Li, Wang Li!” “王黎,王黎!” Senior Brother Wang Li must win!” “王黎师兄必胜!” Senior Brother Wang Li champion!” “王黎师兄冠军!” ...... …… As the day martial Bang second leader, Wang Li's the irritability of popularity, is absolutely without a doubt. 作为天武榜第二的顶尖人物,王黎的人气之火爆,绝对是毋庸置疑的。 However, what is worth mentioning is, his opponent Lu Feng is not the disciple on day of military list. 不过,值得一提的是,其对手鲁枫并非天武榜上的弟子。 Also does not know that is the luck is good, is anything, enters the match to start from 32 strong quotas, opponent one that Lu Feng meets has not been the character in day of military list. 也不知是运气好,还是什么,从三十二强名额晋级赛开始,鲁枫所遇到的对手没有一个是天武榜单上的人物。 This also causes him by this well organized condition, advances into eight strong.. 这也导致他以这种四平八稳的状态,一路跻身于八强之列。。 ...... …… At once, in the shout of ten thousand numerous, they are on fight of martial Tai one after another. 旋即,在万众的呼喊声中,两人相继登上斗武台。 Lu Feng figure is grandiose, tall and sturdy, the appearance is also quite fine-looking. 鲁枫身形壮硕,人高马大,样貌也颇为英挺。 But so, in Wang Li's front, he still appears especially the weak trend even. 可即便如此,在王黎的面前,他也显得尤为弱势。 ...... …… King, Senior Brother Wang Li, please advise!” “王,王黎师兄,请指教!” Lu Feng voice some not calm saying. 鲁枫声音有些不淡定的说道。 On Wang Li face is exposing the temperate sluggish smile, Brother Lu Feng, are you very seemingly anxious?” 王黎脸上展露着温和的懒散笑容,“鲁枫师弟,你貌似很紧张?” A Lu Feng brow wrinkle, looks at the opposite party frivolous smile, only thinks that back sends coolly. 鲁枫眉头一皱,看着对方轻浮的笑容,只觉脊背一阵发凉。 The double fist grasps, a vigorous true essence strength follows from within the body turbulently. 双拳一握,一股雄浑的真元力跟着从体内汹涌而出。 But did not have merely unyielding two, Lu Feng immediately like the eggplant that the frost hits, was immediately listless...... 可仅仅还没硬气两下,鲁枫顿时就像霜打的茄子,立马蔫了…… It uphold left hand slowly, said in a low voice, I, forfeit!” 其缓缓的抬起左手,低声说道,“我,弃权!” „!” “嘘!” Under field a hiss, shakes the head to indicate that does not have the meaning! 场下不由的一阵嘘声,摇头表示没意思! But more people showed the understanding. 但更多人还是表示理解。 Is facing day martial Bang second existence, is on a champion, only Lu Feng could not propose that fights intent slightly. 面对着天武榜第二的存在,又是上一届的冠军,区区一个鲁枫根本提不出丝毫的战意。 Since obvious will lose, choice forfeit, ugliness that but also is insufficient to defeat. 既然明摆着会输,选择弃权的话,还不至于败的难看。 Wise!” Wang Li shows a faint smile, frivolous has several points to look down on the world. “明智!”王黎微微一笑,轻浮中带着几分玩世不恭。 Meanwhile, the position that Wang Li is at falls into during the distortion instantly, its body together with is rubbing in the same place, subsequently vanishes on the stage, in an instant returned to outside. 与此同时,王黎所在的位置即刻陷入了扭曲之中,其身躯连同着揉搓在一起,继而消失在台上,转眼间又回到了场外。 star holds up the Qiu Xing easy vision on peak observing stage slightly bright, muttering that thought aloud, „the thousand imaginary bloodlines strengths of this fellow even more were actually strong!” 星擎峰观战台上的邱星易目光微亮,自言自语的喃喃道,“这家伙的千幻血脉力量倒是愈发强大了呢!” ...... …… Wang Li one to field, Lu Feng heartfelt relaxing. 王黎一离场,鲁枫由衷的松了口气。 It waves the arms about to trace the cold sweat on forehead, then escapes under the returning appearance that also resembles. 其甩手摸了摸额头上的冷汗,接着逃也似的回到场下。 Snort!” Pei Ye under stage disdains snort/hum one lightly, good-for-nothing!” “哼!”台下的裴烨不屑轻哼一声,“废物东西!” ...... …… „The second war, Lu Feng forfeited, was won by Lingfeng institute Wang Li!” “第二战,鲁枫弃权,由南灵峰院王黎获胜!” Regarding such a result, Liu Elder is actually not accidental/surprised, its vision lifts lightly, looks holds up sky over peak that golden light screen to float in Xing. 对于这样的一个结果,刘长老倒是一点都不意外,其目光轻抬,望向悬浮于星擎峰上空的那座金色光幕。 Long Xuanshuang and Lu Feng's name disintegration becomes the ice crystal clastic quietly. 龙玄霜和鲁枫的名字悄然崩碎成冰晶碎屑状。 Also has, Chu Hen confronts desolate pledge, Pei Ye confronts Wentao, these two competitions have not started. 还有着,楚痕对阵萧盟,裴烨对阵文韬,这两个赛事未开始。 ...... …… Liu Elder swept under a stage in advance, does to hesitate slightly , to continue to announce, „the third war, western arched peak institute Pei Ye, confrontation, south Lingfeng institute Wentao!” 刘长老先行扫了眼台下,稍作迟疑,继续宣布道,“第三战,西穹峰院裴烨,对阵,南灵峰院文韬!” Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” It is not weak at Wang Li's slogan shoots up to the sky. 丝毫不弱于王黎的呐喊声冲天而起。 However, compared with it the lopsided momentum, Pei Ye opponent Wentao also had not the weak call a moment ago. 不过,比之刚才一面倒的声势,裴烨的对手文韬也拥有不弱的呼声。 Senior Brother Wentao refuels!” “文韬师兄加油!” We believe that you can win.” “我们相信你能赢的。” Senior Brother Wentao must win!” “文韬师兄必胜!” ...... …… Wentao! 文韬! In the day military list ranks the sixth. 天武榜上排名第六位。 The strength, is in numerous Martial Sect disciple peak. 其实力之强,亦是处于众多武宗弟子的顶端行列。 In yesterday's eight enter in the match, Zhao Qing cai loses to Wentao's hand. 在昨天的八强晋级赛中,赵青裁就是败于文韬之手。 And only insisted about ten moves, was eliminated. 且只坚持了十招左右,就被淘汰出局。 Thinks that yesterday's situation, Zhao Qing cut also somewhat small hidden bitterness pursing the lips close to. 想到昨天的情形,赵青裁还有几分小小幽怨的噘起了嘴巴。 Hopes that he did lose?” Nearby Zhao Qing clothes said with a smile. “希望他输了吗?”一旁的赵青衣笑道。 However, Zhao Qing cai shakes the head unexpectedly. 然,赵青裁竟是摇了摇头。 Nearby several people are startled. 旁边的几人一怔。 Ye Yao also spoke thoughtlessly to ask, yesterday wasn't he is eliminated you?” 叶瑶也随口问道,“昨天不就是他把你淘汰出局的吗?” Is I who he eliminates right, not excellent Senior Brother Wentao is good, knows that I am the rookie disciple, but also deliberately showed mercy.” “是他淘汰的我没错,不过人文韬师兄挺好的,知道我是新人弟子,还刻意手下留情了。” Several people smile. 几人不禁莞尔。 Although the top talent on day military list is quite arrogant, but is not deficient looks like Wu Yan, Wentao this kind of moderate disciple. 天武榜上的顶尖天才虽说都比较高傲,但也并不缺乏像吴岩,文韬这一类性格温和的弟子。 This kind of person, is quite amiable. 这一类人,还是颇为平易近人的。 ...... …… Quick, two manner uncommon young forms east one west one mount the campsis grandiflora to fight martial Tai one after another. 很快,两道气宇不凡的年轻身影一东一西的相继登上凌霄斗武台。 The speed of flow of air speeds up unknowingly quietly. 空气的流速在不经意间悄然加快。 Pei Ye both hands surround before the body, vision faint looks at front that figure to be slender, appearance handsome young man...... 裴烨双手环抱在身前,目光淡漠的望着前方那道身形修长,面貌俊朗的年轻男子…… Compared with the waste material that these can only escape, your actually somewhat courage and wisdom.” “比起那些只会逃跑的废材,你倒是有几分胆识。” Wentao's facial color sinks, in foreheads completely obviously dignified meaning. 文韬的面色一沉,眉宇间尽显凝重之意。 Snort, others fear you, I do not fear......” “哼,别人惧你,我可不怕……” Very good! Hopes met me also to see your self-confident expression!” “很好!希望等会我还能见到你这自信的表情!” ...... …… Buzz!” “嗡!” Together with the voice of falling, Wentao's within the body is erupting a soaring to the heavens boundless situation suddenly, in the world, raises the wild with rage true essence raging tide. 连同着落下的话音,文韬的体内豁然爆发出一股冲天的磅礴大势,天地之间,掀起狂怒的真元狂澜。 If enormous and powerful strength spiritual power universe dragon Mang of encirclement, Wentao both eyes swift and fierce as electricity, the double palm anger raises mutually. 浩浩荡荡的力量灵力如若相互环绕的太虚龙蟒,文韬双目凌厉似电,双掌怒掀而出。 I must call you attractively......” “我要叫你好看……” Third branch tiger god seal!” “寅虎神印!” Roar!” “吼!” Tiger's roar broken mountains and rivers, in an instant, a astral goes out among the rainbow white light beam in Wentao double palms fiercely turbulently. 一声虎啸碎山河,霎那间,一记罡猛如天虹般的白色光柱于文韬的双手掌间汹涌出去。 The vault of heaven changes colors, the wind has cloud angry! 苍穹失色,风起云怒! During the entire campsis grandiflora fought to fight all around of stage to fall into instantly was dimly murky, the wild with rage palm column toward the front Pei Yeqing potential, everywhere one visit, floor fierce exploding split open broken, rapid split a profound broad gully. 整座凌霄斗战台的四周都即刻陷入了黯淡昏沉之中,狂怒的的掌柱一路朝着前方的裴烨倾势而下,所到之处,台面剧烈的爆碎绽开,迅速的裂开一道深邃宽阔的沟壑。 But, in that astral fierce incomparable palm column, concentrates the solid white fierce tiger, if conceals in the god beast, is sending out the endless extinguishing world ominous prestige. 而,在那罡猛无比的掌柱内部,一头凝实的白色猛虎如若藏于其中的神兽,散发着无尽的灭世凶威。 ...... …… Acts, directly is whole-heartedly! 一出手,直接是全力以赴! Wentao has no retention. 文韬没有任何的保留。 Faces that to lean the terrifying power of potential attack, Pei Ye vision one cold, the corners of the mouth exude to wipe the contemptuous curve...... 面对着那倾势来袭的恐怖力量,裴烨目光一凛,嘴角泛起一抹轻蔑的弧度…… The agonic does not move, straight standing on the spot. 其不偏不移,笔直的站在原地。 „......” A startled day loud sound, the big floor erupts the meteorite instantly to the bang violent energy shock-wave, stone Zhuanxian flies to blast open layer upon layer, locust moth group that the thick soil stone such as startled flies...... “嗵……”的一声惊天巨响,偌大的台面即刻爆发出陨石对轰般的猛烈能量冲击波,一层层石砖掀飞炸裂,厚厚的泥土石块如惊飞的蝗虫飞蛾群…… The innumerable say/way profound fault fissure rapid spread in all directions, the direct link fights to fight the fringing field of stage. 无数道深邃的断层裂缝迅速的蔓延四面八方,直达斗战台的边缘区域。 The fierce wave of complementary waves divulge toward outside, the Martial Sect elders start instantly protect big, resists the violent strength of internal overflowing. 凶猛如潮的余波朝着场外一路宣泄,武宗众长老即刻启动防护大阵,抵御着内部溢出的猛烈力量。 ...... …… Very powerful strength!” “好强的力量!” The people under field all stare in a big way the eye, hearts trembled secretly. 场下的众人皆是瞪大了眼睛,一个个心头暗颤。 Wentao's imposing manner unceasing increasing successively, the white third branch tiger anger potential in its front palm column shock-wave deafening sound, the body is glittering extremely dazzling dark golden pattern...... 文韬的气势不断的节节攀升,其面前掌柱冲击波内的白色寅虎怒势喧天,身上闪烁着极为耀眼的暗金色花纹…… But, at this moment, bang......” the position that another crack, a share of vigorous scarlet red flame Huppe Ye is at divulges to surge. 而,就在这时,“砰……”的又一声炸响,一股浑厚的赤红色焰芒于裴烨所在的位置宣泄激荡开来。 The complexion of people changes. 众人的脸色一变。 A fuzzy remnant shadow is welcoming that say/way wild palm column facing forward rapid traverse...... the remnant shadow if still does not have the firm not broken shadow blade god glow, everywhere one visit, that concentrates the solid palm column to divide into two unexpectedly, chops to separate toward the both sides...... 紧接着,一记模糊的残影迎着那道狂暴的掌柱朝前快速移动……残影犹若无坚不破的影刃神芒,所到之处,那凝实的掌柱竟然从中一分为二,朝着两侧一路劈分开来…… It looks like breaks open the flame sickle of bamboo, easily accomplished, drives straight ahead straight under. 就像是破开竹子的火焰镰刀,一路的摧枯拉朽,长驱直下。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “砰!” ...... …… The strength was ground the sound that explodes to overlap unceasingly, shakes the person eardrum, hides in accumulated in Zhangjin that white fierce tiger is also passed through the entire body by that shadow blade god glow instantaneously...... 力量被碾爆的声音重叠不断,震人耳膜,藏蕴于掌劲之内的那头白色猛虎亦是瞬间被那道影刃神芒贯穿整个身躯…… Wentao's heart in great surprise. 文韬的心头大惊。 When hasty, its desire must again the offensive, but that say/way remnant shadow with irresistible force flushed to raid him impressively nearby. 仓促之际,其欲要再行攻势,可那道势如破竹的残影赫然冲袭到了他的跟前。 On this ability?” “就这点能耐?” With the sound of contemptuous taunt, a face that is flooding the meaning of pondering maps Wentao's view instantly. 伴随着轻蔑的嘲讽之声,一张充斥着玩味之意的面孔即刻映入文韬的眼帘。 The latter pupil shrinks, an extremely feeling of unease well ups. 后者瞳孔一缩,一股极度不安的感觉涌上心头。 No opportunity of counter-attack. 没有任何反击的机会。 Roar......” “吼……” Resounds through highest heaven the sound of Qilin roaring to invade the audience everyone's mind directly, the people only thinks soul trembles faintly...... 响彻九霄的麒麟咆哮之声直接侵入全场所有人的心神,众人只觉灵魂都不由的隐隐一颤…… The invisible sound wave impulse rushes to Wentao all, the latter both eyes circle opens the eyes, the aura in within the body turns wells up, a blood overflows from the corners of the mouth. 无形的音波冲击力尽数涌向文韬,后者双目圆睁,体内的气息翻涌,一丝鲜血从嘴角溢出。 „......” “啊……” Wentao is tolerating the body internal severe pain, jumps to jump, flashes toward on sky. 文韬强忍着身体内部的剧痛,纵身跃起,朝上上空闪去。 But next flash, astral's fierce palm vigor solid falling above his chest, bang......” one concentrates the solid red light mark to spill over, Wentao flies instantly...... 可下一瞬间,一记罡猛的掌劲结结实实的落在他的胸膛之上,“砰……”的一圈凝实的赤色光纹泛出,文韬即刻飞了出去…… The blood blowout of big mouth, pounds to fall on Wentao of place drives layer on layer/heavily in the floor, crushed stone cuns (2.5 cm) crack to blast out. 大口的鲜血喷出,重重砸落在地的文韬在台面拖动,身后的碎石寸寸崩裂炸开。 Does not need impact drive strength to vanish, bang......” a heavy sound, Pei Ye flashes before as for the opposite party instantaneously behind...... 不待身上的惯性冲击力消失,“轰……”的一声重响,裴烨瞬间又闪现至于对方的身后…… The flash of landing, seems extremely heavy power of thunder to sweep across. 落地的一瞬间,似有万钧雷霆之力席卷开来。 Wentao was shaken to fly again. 文韬再次被震飞出去。 Violent behind impulse together with the beforehand inertia strength around the converging attack on his body, in an instant, Wentao's body are many blood vessel to explode, the five main internal organs (entrails) encounters the wound all...... 猛烈的身后冲击力连同着之前的惯性力量前后夹击在他的身上,霎那间,文韬的身上多出血管爆开,五脏六腑尽数遭到创伤…… Weak falling to the ground, degenerated into a blood person directly! 无力的倒地,直接沦为了一个血人! At this moment, under the field the back of people only thinks an icy coldness. 这一刻,场下众人的脊背都只觉一阵冰凉。 Pei Ye! 裴烨! Really is ruthless enough! 是真的够狠!
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