UMDK :: Volume #13

#1286: Life and death Yin-Yang gate

One second remembers, the splendid novel no ball window read free! 一秒记住,精彩小说无弹窗免费阅读! Rumble......” “隆隆……” The land splits open, the old city was shattered. 大地迸裂,古城破碎。 The highest heaven vault of heaven follows to change colors, dust-laden the desolated aura of endless years looked like breaks through the dark wind column of boundary. 九霄天穹跟着为之失色,尘封了无尽岁月的荒芜气息就像是冲破地界的幽暗风柱。 in Zhongren still have under the panic-stricken vision, an abyss of dramatic expansion passes the road junction to appear in the central region of old city impressively. 于众人犹有惊骇的目光下,一座急剧扩张的深渊通道口赫然惊现于古城的中央区域。 Quarry stone sand dust unceasing falling in which of edge. 边缘的乱石沙尘不断的滑落其中。 Gloomy deep bleak air/Qi turbulently. 阴暗深沉的荒凉之气汹涌而起。 With the giant channel mouth of tearing land, peripheral building destroyed clean, avalanche torn to pieces...... 伴随着撕裂大地的巨大通道口,周边的一座座建筑物被摧毁的一干二净,崩塌的支离破碎…… The strong violent air wave made many people be raised to fly to shake to draw back, the magnificent scene, making one be choked up with emotions, surprised. 强劲猛烈的气浪令不少人都被掀飞震退出去,壮观的场景,令人心潮澎湃,惊愕不已。 Ancient city ruins opened!” “古城遗址开启了!” Haha, it seems like it is seeing has the share.” “哈哈,看来是见者有份。” Such being the case, we are impolite.” “既然如此,那我们也就不客气了。” On!” “上!” ...... …… In the eyes of many young powerhouse is flashing the faint trace burning hot and moving restlessly, immediately just like the bat wild goose bird of that re-steaming, erupts the pinnacle in abundance the speed, plunders toward that abyss channel. 众多年轻强者的眼中闪动着丝丝炙热和躁动,当即犹如那回笼的蝙蝠雁鸟,纷纷爆发出极致的速度,朝着那深渊通道中掠去。 Snort, one group of fishing in troubled waters distressed people.” severe Yancheng the double fist grasps, the sinking sound shouted. “哼,一群浑水摸鱼的狼狈之徒。”厉严承双拳一握,沉声喝道。 Nearby Qin safeguarded one's heritage tone indifferent saying, did not need to manage them......” 一旁的秦守业语气淡然的说道,“不用管他们……” At once the vision is full of the profound meaning looked at another side Chu Hen one, „that then respectively depending on skill!” 旋即目光饶有深意的看了另外一侧楚痕一眼,“那么,接下来就各凭本事了!” At will!” The Chu Hen handsome eyebrow selects lightly, light returning said. “随意!”楚痕俊眉轻挑,淡淡的回道。 Qin safeguarded one's heritage lightly however smiles, then just like the lead goat general, leading simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge and his party to invest in that channel directly. 秦守业轻然一笑,接着犹如领头羊一般,率领着齐霄阁一行人直接投入那通道之中。 Chu Hen is also without hesitation, is sideways to exhort with the Wu Yan three people said, will be careful.” 楚痕也是毫不迟疑,侧身同吴岩三人嘱咐道,“等会都小心点。” Un!” “嗯!” Three people of serious nods. 三人郑重的点点头。 Immediately, Chu Hen four person and Yin-Yang beast Nauny also starts a bone-chilling cold imposing manner dive straight under. 当即,楚痕四人以及阴阳兽诺尼也掀起一股凛冽的气势俯冲直下。 Rumble......” “隆隆……” In the world fills the manic imposing manner that the wind and thunder is blending, the land gulf that the old city center appears looks like the abyss huge mouth that a prehistoric opened greatly ominously. 天地间弥漫着风雷交融的狂躁气势,古城中央惊现的大地深坑就像是一头史前巨凶张开的深渊巨口。 Come from strong fresh breeze column continuous shooting up to the sky under place bottom. 一股股源自于地底下方的强劲风柱源源不断的冲天而起。 People like entering in mysterious wind eye, the strong astral wind endures in the undercurrent tide compared with deep sea, is cut off the vanguard of crowd. 众人如同进入了神秘的风穴之中,强劲的罡风堪比深海之中的暗流潮水,阻隔着人群的前行。 Is downward, the resistance that the people encounter is stronger. 越是往下,众人所受到的阻力就越强。 The inexhaustible deep pool bottom, as if also has the dragon volume air current to be intertwined the agitation, making one shrink back at the sight, does not dare to lead the way rashly. 无穷无尽的渊底,似乎还有着龙卷气流交缠搅动,令人望而却步,不敢贸然前行。 Snort, one group of no guts petty people, how making you arrive at the forefront?” “哼,一群无胆鼠辈,让你们走到最前面又如何?” severe Yancheng and other simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge the talent disciples throw the meaning of taunt, then accompanied Qin to safeguard one's heritage, pushing to the front intruded that dragon volume to be intertwined the wild cyclone that. 厉严承等几个齐霄阁的天才弟子投以嘲讽之意,然后随同着秦守业,一马当先的闯入那龙卷交缠的狂暴气旋内部。 A small number of part of strength not weak young powerhouses are also following of passing on responsibilities. 少数一部分实力不弱的年轻强者亦是当仁不让的紧随其后。 Also several underestimate that wind column strength, once stepped into that vortex cyclone, immediately lost balanced, directly was involved in the wind eddy, after short and rapid wailing sound, immediately twisted torn to pieces. 也有几个低估那风柱力量者,一经踏入那漩涡般的气旋之内,顿时失去了平衡,直接被卷入风涡,在短暂而又急促的哀嚎声后,立马被绞的支离破碎。 ...... …… Very powerful big strength!” “好强大的力量!” Is careful!” “都小心点!” ...... …… Faced the aspect, the heart of people was mentioning many vigilances. 面对着如此局面,众人的心头都提起了诸多警觉。 However, Chu Hen several people have not stopped changes to several light beams to raid into the storm vortex. 然,楚痕几人则是没有停顿的化作几道光束袭入风暴漩涡里面。 Although the powerful fresh breeze of filling the heavens chaotic place is powerful, but regarding the Chu Hen four people, nothing to be worried. 弥天乱地的强力劲风虽然气势十足,不过对于楚痕四人来说,不足为虑。 Nauny, to my side!” Ye Yao said in a soft voice. “诺尼,到我身边来!”叶瑶轻声说道。 Four people have achieved the Eternal Realm late cultivation base strength, only alarmingly also merely only then that Yin-Yang beast Nauny. 四人都已达到亘古境后期的修为实力,唯独令人担心也仅仅只有那阴阳兽诺尼。 However, what unexpected is, Nauny has not suffered the too big resistance, in it that in the storm goes through, seems not strenuous. 不过,叫人意外的是,诺尼并没有遭受太大的阻力,在风暴中穿行的它,似乎并不吃力。 Moreover its pair of vertical pupil stubbornly is staring under the front endless dark deep pool territory, one type ascertains the airtight aura. 而且它的一双竖瞳死死的盯着前面下方的无尽黑暗渊域,给人一种捉摸不透的气息。 How was this fellow today?” Wu Yan somewhat puzzled asking. “这家伙今天是怎么了?”吴岩有些不解的问道。 Ye Yao shakes the head , indicating oneself are not clear. 叶瑶摇了摇头,表示自己也不清楚。 This is the first time that she saw that Nauny so will be anxious, as if under has the thing that some type made it wait for prudently. 这是她第一次见到诺尼会如此紧张,仿佛底下有着某种令它慎重以待的东西。 The Chu Hen corner of the eye narrows the eyes lightly, heart many gushes out some doubts. 楚痕眼角轻眯,心头多少涌出些许疑惑。 But has not talked too much. 但并未多言。 Is the bottom of this old city, actually hiding what? Quick can know. 这座古城之底,究竟藏着什么?很快就能知晓。 ...... …… Rumble!” “隆隆!” Unceasing below has moved, Chu Hen several people well organized passed through that wild places bottom wind eye region. 一直不断的下移,楚痕几人四平八稳的穿过了那片狂暴的地底风穴地带。 The front visibles faintly simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge and his party, is also tracing in more than ten imposing manner not weak swift and fierce forms behind. 前方隐约可见齐霄阁一行人,在身后也有十几道气势不弱的凌厉身影正在追溯而来。 What presents in the people present is a gray and misty underground world. 呈现在众人眼前的是一片灰雾蒙蒙的地下世界。 Praised broadly infinitely, was quite in all directions wide vast. 广褒无限,四面八方都颇为宽趟辽阔。 Felt and does not seem like sank to the bottom, enters another independent potential surface space seem like. 给人的感觉并不像是沉入了地底,倒像是进入到了另一个独立的位面空间。 ...... …… Humming sound!” “嗡嗡!” Unexpectedly, a vague strength fluctuation from under transmits, but. 蓦地,一阵隐晦的力量波动从下方传达而至。 The dim fog seems like the backdrop rain curtain slowly pulls open toward the both sides, emerges with the strange bright, in one is both flooding under the amazed vision, in field of vision that large-scale primal chaos Yin-Yang symbol that crosses thousand zhang (3.33 m) diameter appears in the people. 朦朦胧胧的灰雾像是天幕雨帘般缓缓的朝着两侧拉开,跟着奇异的亮光涌现而出,在一双双充斥着惊诧的目光下,一座横贯千丈直径的大型太极阴阳符阵浮现于众人的视野之中。 „Is that?” “那是?” Wu Yanchen sound muttered. 吴岩沉声喃喃道。 Chu Hen also frowns gently. 楚痕亦是轻轻皱起了眉头。 ...... …… Dense such as the soft light sunshine glow of fog sends out from that primal chaos chart, black white two Yin-Yang fish are constructing this seemingly simply, actually implication main road 3000 mysterious chart. 氤氲如雾的柔光晖芒从那太极图阵之上散发出来,一黑一白两条阴阳鱼构建着这座看似简单,实则蕴含大道三千的神秘图阵。 The two Yin-Yang eyes in Yin-Yang fish emerge the rich ray. 阴阳鱼中的两颗阴阳眼涌现出浓郁的光芒。 With white Yang fish and black Yin fish ocular region position unexpectedly slowly emerges two unusual front doors. 跟着,白色阳鱼和黑色阴鱼的‘眼部位置’竟然缓缓的浮出两座奇特的大门。 An above of front door writes living character, above of another front door, actually writes dying character. 一座大门的上面写着‘生’字,另一座大门的上面,却写着‘死’字。 ...... …… The air/Qi of Yin-Yang, the life dies! 阴阳之气,一生一死! Is looking at this, the heart of people are surprised impressively. 望着这一幕,众人的心头赫然为之一惊。 Really has two gates!” “竟然有两座门!” How to elect?” “怎么选?” Snort, lives the gate not necessarily to live, the dead gate not necessarily dies......, since above labelled life and death two characters, I am bent on having to do things the other way round.” “哼,生门未必生,死门未必死……既然上面标注了‘生死’二字,那我偏要反其道而行。” ...... …… Some quick people made the decision, the opposite party changes to the flowing light dead gate to go toward that is located in the black Yin fish ocular region position directly together. 很快就有人做出了决定,对方直接化作一道流光朝着那位于黑色阴鱼眼部位置的‘死门’而去。 But merely once were touched that dead gate, rich such as the dazzling white light of fog follows from erupts, in together with the sad and shrill flurried pitiful yell sound, that person was being curled in fierce struggling unexpectedly crosses the threshold, is a deathly stillness peace. 可仅仅一经触碰到那‘死门’,一股浓郁如雾的刺眼白光跟着从其中爆发出来,连同着凄厉慌乱的惨叫声,那人竟是在剧烈的挣扎中被卷入门内,接着是一片死寂般的安静。 The facial color of people changes again and again. 众人的面色一变再变。 In emerges many surprised prudent meanings. 一个个眼中都涌现出诸多惊疑慎重之意。 „Did the fellow die?” “那家伙死了吗?” No, does not know!” “不,不知道!” ...... …… When astonished, the vision of people also sweeps to situated in the white Yang fish ocular region lives gate, but actually no one dares to go to probe at this moment rashly, is not for fear that careful, was involved in the abyss. 惊愕之际,众人的目光又随之扫向位于白色阳鱼眼部的‘生门’,但这一刻却没有人敢贸然前去试探,生怕一个不小心,就被卷入万丈深渊。 Safeguards one's heritage the Senior Brother?” The vision that severe Yancheng will inquire went to Qin to safeguard one's heritage. “守业师兄?”厉严承将询问的目光投向秦守业。 The latter corner of the eye concentrates, instantly makes the decision. 后者眼角一凝,即刻就做出决定。 Two, although cannot enter simultaneously, but can actually around goes, we first go to live gate, reentry dead gate......” “两门虽不可同时而入,但却能前后进去,我们先去‘生门’,再入‘死门’……” Then, Qin safeguarded one's heritage the figure to move, lived the gate to fly rapidly toward that. 说罢,秦守业身形一动,飞速朝着那生门飞去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” A rich black light mark exudes to swing in the air, after Qin Shouye also flashed crosses the threshold . 一阵浓郁的黑色光纹于空气中泛起荡开,秦守业随之闪入门后。 simultaneous/uniform Xiaoge the people follow in abundance, one after another enters the fresh gate. 齐霄阁众人纷纷跟上,陆陆续续的进入生门。 Has first body test that Qin safeguarded one's heritage, other person bold priorities intrude the fresh gate. 有了秦守业的先身试法,其他人都大胆的先后闯入生门。 Meanwhile, Chu Hen one group of also arrive here instantly. 与此同时,楚痕一行人也即刻抵达此处。 Does not need four people to conduct to discuss the discussion, Yin-Yang beast Nauny is actually takes the lead to change to the flowing light to go toward below large-scale primal chaos chart together. 不待四人进行商量讨论,阴阳兽诺尼却是率先化作一道流光朝着下方的大型太极图阵而去。 Nauny......” Ye Yao in great surprise. “诺尼……”叶瑶大惊。 The one who made the person surprise was, Nauny went to unexpectedly was located in the black Yin fish ocular region dead gate. 更为令人诧异的是,诺尼去往的竟是位于黑色阴鱼眼部的‘死门’。
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