TCOC :: Volume #19

#1857: Another world of human beings

Following on the several th, Tang Zheng instruction earth good clan high and low deity Secret Art, scatters the strength of belief broadly, making the earth good clan profit infinitely. 接下来几日,唐铮传授土行族上下天神诀,又广撒信仰之力,令土行族受益无穷。 Those who made odd/surplus Mo not expect was Sun Dazhuang and Bai Luo establishes the person of god bridge unexpectedly first, head of the clan even/including Sun were slow one step. 令余默没有料到的是孙大壮和白落竟然是最先建立神桥的人,连孙族长都慢了一步。 Meanwhile, the Tang Zheng prestige is unmatched, where regardless of him, the earth good clan is respectful, does not dare to have neglects slightly. 同时,唐铮的威望一时无两,无论他都在哪里,土行族都是毕恭毕敬,不敢有丝毫怠慢。 Tang Zheng often stands in the world of ice and snow, looks into the prominent peak, actually guesses Nascent Soul Avatar to make anything. 唐铮时常站在冰天雪地之中,眺望主峰,揣测元婴分身究竟在做什么。 Actually, to the plan of Nascent Soul Avatar, Tang Zheng is not difficult to guess that what he walks is with connections to the leadership, the powerhouse who wants to scrape together the world, sits step by step in a big way, achieves to be able with the situation that the god clan contends with. 其实,对元婴分身的计划,唐铮并不难猜,他走的是上层路线,想网罗天下的强者,一步步坐大,达到可以和神族抗衡的地步。 After Tang Zheng has analyzed, does not think that this plan is accepted. 唐铮分析了一番之后,并不认为这个计划行得通。 God clan formidable without a doubt, are not many some Saint boundary masters, can dump tray, defeats them. 神族的强大毋庸置疑,不是多一些圣境高手,就能翻盘,击败他们。 Nascent Soul Avatar one-sided wishes, thinks was too simple. 元婴分身一厢情愿,想的太简单了。 Naturally, has Nascent Soul Avatar to bear the brunt, becomes the goal of most focusing attention on, Tang Zheng quite in stealth, was not discovered by the god clan easily. 当然,有元婴分身首当其冲,成为最瞩目的目标,唐铮就相当于隐形了,不容易被神族发现。 When the practice of earth good clan takes the stock rail, Tang Zheng knows oneself should leave. 当土行族的修炼走上正轨,唐铮知道自己该离开了。 Team leader Sun look looks at Tang Zheng, he racks brains complex, has kept thinking deeply about the Tang Zheng status, finally discovered that all are the futile efforts. 孙组长神色复杂地看着唐铮,他绞尽脑汁,一直不停地思索唐铮的身份,最后发现一切都是徒劳。 His all guesses are untenable. 他的所有猜测都不成立。 One type admires the feeling to arise spontaneously. 一种高山仰止的感觉油然而生。 His vision looks at Tang Zheng, asked complex: „Do you want to go to that several world?” 他目光复杂地看着唐铮,问:“你是要去那几个世界了吗?” Tang Zheng smiled, said: Yes.” 唐铮笑了笑,说:“是的。” Now, a world of human beings, Dragon Yuhe ghost regards Tang Zheng is the Spiritual God, the god clan is competed, the god clan will sooner or later discover that this serious situation, this may probably be more serious than Nascent Soul Avatar this unexpected visitor. 如今,一个人界,龙域和鬼界都视唐铮为神灵,神族被喧宾夺主,神族迟早会发现这个严重的情况,这可比元婴分身这个不速之客要严重多了。 At that time, these three world will definitely bring in the god clan army, but is not only a god clan. 那时候,这三个世界肯定会引来神族大军,而不仅仅是一个神族。 Tang Zheng must race against time, before god clan moves, broke god clan the strength of belief. 唐铮要争分夺秒,在神族行动之前,断了神族的信仰之力。 Achieves immediate success.” Head of the clan Sun cups one hand in the other across the chest to express best wishes. “马到成功。”孙族长拱手致意。 The Tang Zheng smile nods the head, alone left the great wild goose honored mountain range, Bai Luoliu. 唐铮微笑颔首,独自离开了鸿钧山脉,白落留了下来。 In arm that in one waves in pairs, Tang Zheng trod the wind to go, vanishes in everywhere wind and snow. 在一双双挥动的手臂中,唐铮踏风而去,消失在了漫天风雪之中。 Tang Zheng already studied thoroughly nebula chart, not only has that several Coordinate of world, but, he still labelled in the nebula chart nine quiet with the Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) Coordinate. 唐铮早已研究透彻了星云图,不但有那几个世界的坐标,而且,他还在星云图上标注出了九幽和天外天的坐标。 I go to one first that world of human beings, actually has a look to have anything to distinguish with my world.” “我先去一趟那个人界吧,看看和我的世界究竟有什么区别。” In the Tang Zheng heart moves, stimulates to movement the space principle, the gate of space opens slowly, the gate of his looks at space, the miraculous glow dodged, had an unprecedented inspiration. 唐铮心中一动,催动空间法则,空间之门徐徐打开,他怔怔地看着空间之门,灵光一闪,有了一种前所未有的灵感。 He stared in a big way the eyeball subconsciously, thoughts were tidal turn to well up likely in his mind. 他下意识地瞪大了眼珠,一个个念头像是潮水般在他的脑海中翻涌起来。 He is utterly confused, the train of thought flutters. 他心乱如麻,思绪飘飞。 Space Seal is isolates each world the key, only then has perceived through meditation the space principle, can pass through each world. To the god clan, these world to them are completely open, because, the god clan grasped the space principle. But to the indigenous people of these world, they do not have the means to penetrate to god, even, does not have the means to penetrate to other world.” “空间禁制是隔绝各个世界的关键,只有参悟了空间法则,才能穿越各个世界。对神族而言,这几个世界对他们是完全开放的,因为,神族掌握了空间法则。但对这几个世界的原住民而言,他们没办法穿透到神界,甚至,没办法穿透到其他世界。” Eye of Tang Zheng little shines, the train of thought gradually was also clear. 唐铮的眼睛一点点的亮起来,思绪也渐渐清晰了。 Because, they have not perceived through meditation the space principle . Moreover, the strength is too low, does not have the means to jump to other high-level world, god is in these world is highest-level, the god clan can from god to other world, other world does not have the means to arrive at god. Only if looks like me and Nascent Soul Avatar, cultivates the god.” “因为,他们没有参悟空间法则,而且,实力太低,也根本没办法跃升到其他高级的世界,神界是这几个世界中最高级的,神族可以从神界去往其他世界,其他世界的却没办法来到神界。除非像我和元婴分身,修炼成神。” „The strength of belief can not have barrier among space Seal through each world, this is based on the existing space principle, once the space principle changes, the strength of that belief definitely does not have the means smoothly to pass to god from each world.” “信仰之力可以无障碍地通过各个世界之间的空间禁制,这乃是基于现有的空间法则,一旦空间法则发生变化,那信仰之力肯定就没办法顺利从各个世界传到神界。” Moreover, new space principle will also prevent god to arrive at other world, this can protect these small and weak world, from now on, so long as has not perceived through meditation the new space principle, that these world not by the master interventions of other world.” “另外,新的空间法则也会阻挡神界到达其他世界,这可以保护这些弱小的世界,从今之后,只要没有参悟新的空间法则,那这些世界就不会被其他世界的高手干预。” The eye of Tang Zheng is getting more and more bright, is the stars is likely ordinary, the gate of his looks at space, Hehe has smiled. 唐铮的眼睛越来越亮,像是星辰一般,他看着空间之门,嘿嘿地笑了起来。 God clan the god clan, you have a dream has not thought that I will find out this means.” “神族啊神族,你们做梦也没想到我会想出这个办法吧。” The intuition told Tang Zheng, this means were feasible, but must genuinely change the space principle not to be easy, this was a big project, needed greatest Divine Ability. 直觉告诉唐铮,这个办法可行,只是要真正的改变空间法则并不容易,这是一个大工程,需要莫大的神通 He only has to visit these world, deeply understood that each world, then may the change space principle. 他唯有走访这几个世界,深入了解每个世界,然后才有可能改变空间法则。 He strides in the gate of space high-spirited, the gate of closure space, after the moment, he appeared in another world. 他意气风发地跨入空间之门,空间之门关闭,片刻后,他出现在了另外一个世界。 Tang Zheng stands above nine days, the bird's eye view this boundless earth, is having the mountains lake sea, has the quite a lot similarity with the Tang Zheng world of human beings. 唐铮站在九天之上,俯瞰着这苍茫的大地,有山川湖泊海洋,和唐铮的人界有颇多相似之处。 The intention moves, he just like the light, has flown together the mountains lake sea and bustling streets street. 心念一动,他宛如一道光,飞过山川湖泊海洋和闹市街道。 Suddenly, he stops, looks at below grand mountain peak. 突然,他停下来,看着下方一座雄伟的山峰。 The summit of this mountain peak is towering a grand temple, the incense and candle is being prosperous, the follower converges. 这座山峰之巅矗着一座宏伟的庙宇,香火鼎盛,信徒云集。 This is not the key point. 这不是重点。 The key point is on the summit is lingering the strength of rich belief, the naked eye is difficult to distinguish, purity that but Tang Zheng looks, this is god clan the strength of belief. 重点是山顶上萦绕着浓郁的信仰之力,肉眼难辨,但唐铮看的一清二楚,这就是神族的信仰之力。 The Tang Zheng incarnation becomes an average person, falls into mountain, looks up, saw three familiar character Chang Heng Mountain unexpectedly. 唐铮化身成普通人,落入山中,抬头望去,竟然看见了三个熟悉的字常衡山 He stayed fiercely, there are to plant the confused feeling of passing through the space and time. 他猛地呆了下,有种穿越时空的错乱感。 Haha, my hometown has Chang Heng Mountain, this place is also Chang Heng Mountain, is really the fate.” “哈哈,我的家乡有一座常衡山,这地方也是一座常衡山,真是缘分。” Tang Zheng engrossing walks into the temple, here actually does not have Cultivator, he saw several Martial Artist on the contrary. 唐铮饶有兴趣地走入庙宇,这里竟然没有修者,他反倒看见了几个武者 „Does this world have Martial Artist?” “难道这个世界只有武者?” He shakes the head, has not gone to go into seriously, has arrived in the main hall. 他摇摇头,没有去深究,走到了正殿中。 An idol sits well above the main hall, does not get angry from the prestige, the follower is kneeling in his, reverent kowtowing pray. 一个神像端坐在正殿上方,不怒自威,信徒正跪在他脚下,虔诚的磕头祈祷。 The Tang Zheng calmly looks at idol, felt the aura of god clan from it. 唐铮静静地看着神像,从它身上感受到了神族的气息。 Blue smoke of strength of the continuously belief such as from follower generally slowly raises, gathers in the idol top of the head, skyrockets, passes through the place above of temple, the direct link highest heaven, vanishes without the trace. 一缕缕信仰之力从信徒身上如青烟一般冉冉升起,汇聚在神像头顶,又扶摇直上,穿越庙宇的上方,直达九霄,消失无踪。 God clan incarnation myriad, in these millennium ancient temples definitely the idol of bright clan, if ruins each idol, then to the god clan can also be an attack.” “神族化身万千,那些千年古刹之中肯定都有神族的神像,若是将每个神像毁掉,那对神族也会是一个打击。” Naturally, this too in a big way affected, instead will alert the enemy, Tang Zheng naturally cannot such do. 当然,这起不了太大作用,反而会打草惊蛇,唐铮自然不会这么做。 He stands in one group of reverent followers, liked a crane among chickens, captured many attention. 他站在一群虔诚的信徒中,鹤立鸡群,吸引了不少目光。 Some people walked toward him. 有人已经朝他走来。 Tang Zheng shows a faint smile, withdraws from the main hall. 唐铮微微一笑,退出正殿。 The opposite party half step pursued, as if has observed closely Tang Zheng. 对方快步追了上来,似乎盯住了唐铮 Tang Zheng is astonished however, the opposite party vision is very sinister, but puts in an appearance in a hurry, as if saw a way. 唐铮讶然,对方眼光很毒辣,只是匆匆照面,似乎看出了一点门道。 Tang Zheng strolls, leaves the temple, arrives at the back side of the mountain, stands before the cliff, stops to look, at the foot of the hill is a city. 唐铮闲庭信步,离开庙宇,来到后山,站在峭壁前,驻足远望,山脚下是一座城市。 peng peng! 砰砰 Resounds the sound of footsteps, that person pursued, when sees Tang Zheng calmly to stand near the cliff, stops the footsteps subconsciously, in the eye the none remaining twinkle, looks the color of doubt. 身后响起脚步声,那人追了上来,当看见唐铮静静地站在悬崖边,下意识地停下脚步,眼中精光闪烁,面露狐疑之色。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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