TCOC :: Volume #19

#1856: Nebula

Tang Zheng has an emotional tie with these six world, asked: Which world these world are, where, do you know?” 唐铮心系这六个世界,问到:“这几个世界是哪些世界,在哪里,你知道吗?” The grandson nine Duke said with a smile bitterly and astringently: I know certainly, I told you.” 孙九公苦涩地笑道:“我当然知道,也罢,我都告诉你吧。” Obviously, the grandson nine Duke does not think that Tang Zheng can make anything, is only he diligently, he is at wit's end, can only all tell him. 显然,孙九公并不认为唐铮能做什么,只是他孜孜不倦,他无计可施,只能全告诉他。 Tang Zheng listens in reverent attention immediately. 唐铮立刻洗耳恭听。 These world are very mixed, besides god, two worlds of human beings, a Fengtu, ghost, demon, monster, phoenix, a dragon territory.” “这几个世界很杂,除了神界之外,还有两个人界,一个酆都,一个鬼界,一个魔界,一个妖界,一个凰界,一个龙域。” Tang Zheng surprised staring in a big way eye, in his known world, besides Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) and nine quiet, unexpectedly without exception, is the world that the strength of god clan belief originates. 唐铮惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,他已知的世界中,除了天外天和九幽之外,竟然无一例外,全都是神族信仰之力来源的世界。 Essential also two worlds of human beings, this is Tang Zheng is unexpected. 最关键还有两个人界,这是唐铮始料不及的。 In addition, demon, what monster and phoenix are? 除此之外,魔界,妖界和凰界是什么? He also knows nothing. 他也一无所知。 Head of the clan Sun, can you say the related these two worlds of human beings, demon, monster and phoenix specific information?” Tang Zheng asked. “孙族长,你能说一说有关这两个人界,魔界,妖界和凰界的具体信息吗?”唐铮问道。 So long as I know that my certain knowledge said all, all told you.” The grandson nine Duke said incessantly. “只要我知道的,我一定知无不言,全告诉你。”孙九公滔滔不绝的说起来。 So-called two worlds of human beings, one is the world that Tang Zheng came from, another world of human beings and his world are similar, humanity also grows continually, is the matter absolute leadership, naturally also has not the small difference, for example the world setup, cultivates the method and system, this and Tang Zheng world has discrepancies. 所谓的两个人界,其中一个就是唐铮来自的世界,另外一个人界和他的世界相仿,人类也是生生不息,乃事绝对的主导,当然也有不小的区别,比如世界格局,修炼方法和体系,这和唐铮的世界都有出入。 Tang Zheng already guessed correctly in the boundless universe to continue a world of their humanity, is actually not surprised. 唐铮早就猜到茫茫宇宙中不止他们一个人类的世界,倒是并不惊讶。 Very sobbed, the humanity of another world also received the god clan to enslave unexpectedly, turns into them to believe the source of strength. 只是十分唏嘘,另外一个世界的人类竟然也受神族奴役,变成他们信仰之力的源泉。 This is really fellow sufferers, altogether breathes, same destiny. 这真是难兄难弟,共呼吸,同命运。 Obviously, that world has not presented Tang Zheng this talent, has not clearly recognized own destiny, does not have to resist for this reason. 显然,那个世界没有出现唐铮这种天才,没有认清自己的命运,也没有为此而抗争。 In addition, demon is the Demon God world, listening to this name not to be difficult to understand that they worship to god clan, in demon is Demon God, this as if in simulation god clan. 此外,魔界乃是魔神的世界,听这名字就不难理解他们对神族的崇拜,魔界之中都是魔神,这仿佛是在模拟神族。 Monster is also the world of monster clan, does not have humanity. 妖界也是妖族的世界,没有人类。 Tang Ling'er is the monster, definitely has something in common with the monster clan of monster. 唐灵儿就是妖,和妖界的妖族肯定有共同之处。 Phoenix and Dragon Yu look like very much, what in the phoenix survival is a phoenix clan, they are the same with Dragon Clan, was revered by humanity is the god beast, is very formidable. 凰界和龙域很像,但在凰界生存的是凤凰一族,他们和龙族一样,都被人类尊为神兽,无比强大。 I know is these, told you completely, as for these world concrete positions, ancestor also one by one explored.” Sun Jiugong was saying, took out an ancient map. “我知道的就是这些,全部告诉你了,至于这些世界具体的方位,先祖也都一一探索出来。”孙九公说着,取出了一张古老的地图。 Tang Zheng is overjoyed, received the map hastily, launches slowly. 唐铮大喜过望,连忙接过地图,徐徐展开。 Whoosh! 唰! The light soars from the map together, is unpredictable in everybody top of the head, finally changes to bunch of nebulas. 一道光从地图上腾空而起,在大家头顶变幻莫测,最终化作一团团星云。 In this nebulas has nine highlights, splendid. 这片星云中有九个亮点,熠熠生辉。 Nebula chart!” Bai Luo blurted out that said. “星云图!”白落脱口而出,叫了起来。 Grandson nine Duke nods: Nebula chart, this is the ancestor consumes the nebula chart of innumerable Heart Blood plan, nine highlights that in the nebula chart labels are nine world of correspondence, is the world that the strength of god clan belief originates.” 孙九公点头:“正是星云图,这是先祖耗费无数心血绘制的星云图,星云图上所标注的九个亮点就是对应的九个世界,也就是神族信仰之力来源的世界。” Tang Zheng curious sizing up nebula chart, he is first time sees the nebula chart, unavoidably is somewhat curious, stares the big eye, immersion in, did not say a word. 唐铮好奇的打量星云图,他是第一次见星云图,不免有些好奇,瞪大眼睛,沉浸其中,一言不发。 The grandson nine Duke and Bai Luo sees being enthralled that he looks, also with rapt attention holds the breath, calmly looks at he. 孙九公和白落见他看的入神,也都凝神屏息,静静地看着他。 The grandson nine Duke already do not know that looked at many nebula charts, did not have any attainment experience. 孙九公早就不知看了多少遍星云图,一直没什么心得体会。 Besides nine positions of world, does not have other contents again. 除了九个世界的方位之外,再无其他内容。 But the same nebula chart in the Tang Zheng eye completely is another picture. 但同样的星云图在唐铮眼中完全是另外一幅景象。 Wonderful! Really is wonderful, I have not thought labels each world with the nebula the position? The map in conventional significance has not suited, only has nebula chart type of three-dimensional map, the position of labelling each world can prepare completely.” “妙!实在是妙,我怎么从来没想过用星云来标注各个世界的方位呢?常规意义上的地图已经不适合了,唯有星云图这种立体的地图,才能完全准备的标注各个世界的位置。” This reminded him subconsciously of a day of chess, took the world as the chessgame, how grand vast. 这让他下意识的想起了天棋,以天地为棋局,多么宏伟浩大。 But currently Tang Zheng had the sensibility of deeper level. 但现在唐铮有了更深层次的感悟。 „The beforehand idea and cognition had the limitation, took the world as the chess, was not truly grand vast. Must take the universe as the chess, the step next day chess in this nebulas, takes each stars world as the board game piece, this can play the pinnacle the might of day chess.” “以前的想法和认知还是太有局限性了,以天地为棋,算不上真正的宏伟浩大。要以宇宙为棋,在这片星云上步下天棋,以每个星辰世界为棋子,这样才能将天棋的威力发挥到极致。” Tang Zheng has smiled suddenly. 唐铮忽然笑了起来。 He knows why initially the ancestors of earth good clan had not succeeded. 他知道为何当初土行族的先祖没有成功了。 They do not know the day chess, is unable to mobilize so the terrifying strength, naturally cannot succeed. 他们不知道天棋,无法调动如此恐怖的力量,自然不会成功。 But Tang Zheng is different, he has a day of chess, and is skilled in. 唐铮不一样,他有天棋,而且十分精通。 So long as gives his enough time, the research is thorough, gets down the day chess successful arrange, that result was no comparison between them. 只要给他足够的时间,研究透彻,将天棋成功的布下去,那结果就不可同日而语了。 The grandson nine Duke and Bai Luo sees Tang Zheng not to have laughing of indication, is surprised, the grandson nine Duke asked disturbedly: Tang Zheng, you how?” 孙九公和白落见唐铮毫无征兆的大笑,大吃一惊,孙九公忐忑地问道:“唐铮,你怎么了?” Tang Zheng recovers, smilingly looks at grandson nine Duke, the grandson nine Duke by being confused that he sees. 唐铮回过神来,笑眯眯地看着孙九公,孙九公被他看的一头雾水。 What issue does this nebula chart have?” “这星云图有什么问题吗?” Tang Zheng smilingly shakes the head: „An issue does not have, instead important very much, lets my universality of contradictions, has thought through the essential issue.” 唐铮笑眯眯地摇头:“一点问题都没有,反而重要的很,让我茅塞顿开,想通了许多关键的问题。” Grandson nine Duke shameless one red, he has studied the innumerable nebula charts, has achieved nothing, Tang Zheng only looked at one unexpectedly on universality of contradictions. 孙九公老脸一红,他研究了无数次星云图,都一无所获,唐铮只看了一眼竟然就茅塞顿开。 This disparity was also too big. 这差距也太大了。 What key question have you thought through?” Falls white unclearly, curious asking. “你想通了什么关键问题?”白落不明就里,好奇的问道。 Tang Zheng smiles: I had confirmed that you naturally know.” 唐铮神秘一笑:“等我验证了,你们自然就会知道。” Bai Luo regrettable nod. 白落遗憾的点点头。 The grandson nine Duke recovers, said: Nebula chart wastes in my hands purely, since you have comprehended, that gives to you, the treasured sword presents as a gift the hero, this pearl will not flee the capital.” 孙九公回过神来,说:“星云图在我手中纯粹是浪费,既然你有所领悟,那就送给你,宝剑赠英雄,这才不会明珠蒙尘。” Tang Zheng said with amazement: Nebula chart is so precious, in the past definitely was the earth good clan ancestors has consumed innumerable Heart Blood and diligently, can draw up successfully......” 唐铮惊讶地说:“星云图如此珍贵,当年肯定是土行族先祖耗费了无数心血和努力,才能绘制成功……” The grandson nine Duke actually beckons with the hand, said: You have spoken discreetly, nebula chart does not have a point to use in my hands, instead made it lose the proper value. I donate you it, you truly will certainly display his value, this was not has wasted Heart Blood of ancestor.” 孙九公却摆摆手,说:“你言重了,星云图在我手中没有一点用,反而让它失去了应有的价值。我将它赠予你,你一定会真正的发挥他的价值,这才不算浪费了先祖的一番心血。” Grandson nine Duke sincere in words, Tang Zheng no longer hesitates, a big hand move, the nebula chart was received in the hand by him, turned into a place picture roll to get up. 孙九公言辞恳切,唐铮不再犹豫,大手一招,星云图就被他收入手中,变成了一张地图卷起来。 Head of the clan Sun, you could rest assured that I will certainly not make Heart Blood of earth good clan ancestor waste.” The Tang Zheng forceful commitment said. “孙族长,你放心,我一定不会让土行族先祖的一番心血白费。”唐铮铿锵有力的承诺道。 The grandson nine Duke gratified nods have smiled. 孙九公欣慰的点头笑了起来。 You then what to do? Can go to these world?” Grandson nine Duke curious guesses. “你接下来怎么办?是不是要去这几个世界?”孙九公好奇的猜测。 Tang Zheng graceful acknowledgment: Yes, knows oneself and other side, can be undefeated in many battles, I can one by one visit these world, perhaps, only then penetrated these world, I can find out perfect means truly, cuts off the source of strength of god clan belief thoroughly.” 唐铮落落大方的承认:“是,知己知彼,方能百战不殆,我会一一拜访这几个世界,或许,只有深入了这些世界,我才能真正的想出一个十全十美的办法,彻底斩断神族信仰之力的源泉。” The grandson nine Duke does not think before this Tang Zheng will succeed, but observes its word, view its line, at this moment, his viewpoint vacillated. 孙九公此前并不认为唐铮会成功,但察其言,观其行,此时此刻,他的这个观点不禁动摇了。 Is it possible that can he succeed really? 莫非他真的能成功? Grandson nine Duke half believing and half doubting, but the heart of hearts has sound more and more greatly him certainly to succeed! 孙九公将信将疑,但内心深处有个声音越来越大他一定会成功! 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