TCOC :: Volume #19

#1855: Nine world

The god clan unexpectedly and earth good clan has a grudge, Tang Zheng is unexpected, but this to him is a good news. 神族竟然和土行族有仇,唐铮始料不及,但这对他而言是一个好消息。 Actually the gratitude and grudges of god clan and earth good clan are what, whether head of the clan Sun did speak in detail?” Tang Zheng asked curiously. “神族和土行族的恩怨究竟是什么,孙族长可否详谈?”唐铮好奇地问。 The grandson nine Duke deeply looked at Tang Zheng one, said: Told you also to might as well, the earth good clan was one of the god earliest races. When epoch-making, god was born two race god clans and earth good clans.” 孙九公深深地看了唐铮一眼,说:“告诉你也无妨,土行族乃是神界最早的种族之一。开天辟地之时,神界诞生了两个种族神族与土行族。” Tang Zheng is dumbfounded, the earth good clan really has such glorious history, moreover when is god is epoch-making on birth race. 唐铮目瞪口呆,土行族竟然有这么悠久的历史,而且是神界开天辟地时就诞生的种族。 Facial expression that grandson nine Duke looks at Tang Zheng and fall white, is not difficult to guess the thoughts that they exclaim in surprise, the forced smile said: „The practice talent of god clan is good, is by far our earth good clan. Accumulates over a long period of time, the earth good clan was flung by far in behind, the god clan keeps aloof, poses as the master of god, launched the innumerable wars to us, finally compelled the great wild goose honored mountain range us, this severely cold barren land, wants to make us run its own course.” 孙九公看着唐铮和白落的神情,不难猜测他们惊叹的心思,苦笑道:“神族的修炼天赋奇佳,远胜我们土行族。日积月累,土行族远远地被甩在了后面,神族高高在上,以神界的主人自居,并且,向我们发动了无数次的战争,最后将我们逼到了鸿钧山脉,这个严寒不毛之地,想让我们自生自灭。” Quite ruthless, similarly is the god birth race, quite under Brother in the hand and foot, why does the god clan want this violent treachery?” Bai Luo said indignantly. “好狠,同样是神界诞生的种族,相当于兄弟手足,神族为什么要下此毒手?”白落义愤填膺地说。 The grandson nine Duke self-ridicules saying: God clan does not have, when we are the brothers hand and feet, thinks that we are inborn, is the god shame, therefore has wanted to eliminate us, finally the discovery cannot eliminate, forces us to the great wild goose honored mountain range, anticipated that we perish in the so bad environment. Was only a pity that our earth good clan arduously, lived tenaciously.” 孙九公自嘲道:“神族可没当我们是兄弟手足,认为我们天生矮小,是神界的耻辱,所以一直想消灭我们,最后发现消灭不了,就逼迫我们到鸿钧山脉,期待我们在如此恶劣的环境中灭亡。只可惜,我们土行族艰苦卓绝,顽强地活了下来。” Fierce!” Tang Zheng heartfelt saying, he must achieve all these very much clearly is the what kind difficulty, must put in the great effort and sacrifice. “厉害!”唐铮由衷的赞道,他很清楚要做到这一切是何等的艰难,要付出多大的努力和牺牲。 Immediately, he has profound respect to the earth good clan. 登时,他对土行族肃然起敬。 This historical bystander almost does not know, only then our earth good clan know. After all, god clan so to us, we naturally toward tooting one's own horn, goes to have the relations with them on own initiative.” The grandson nine Duke said bitterly and astringently. “这段历史外人几乎不知道,也只有我们土行族自己知晓。毕竟,神族如此对我们,我们自然也不会往脸上贴金,主动去与他们扯上关系。”孙九公苦涩地说。 Earth good clan is very great, does not need the relations with the god clan, because, such instead from falling sale price.” Tang Zheng said. “土行族很伟大,没必要和神族扯上关系,因为,那样反而是自降身价。”唐铮说道。 Grandson nine Duke stunned, laughs: Good that ha, said that our earth good clan is not a companion with the god clan, naturally does not want the relations with them. However, if the god clan listened to you, they definitely will defeat the bone to raise the ash you, soul destroyed/terror-stricken.” 孙九公一阵错愕,大笑起来:“哈哈哈,说的好,我们土行族才不与神族为伍,自然也不想和他们扯上关系。不过,若是神族听了你的话,他们肯定会把你挫骨扬灰,魂飞魄散。” The Tang Zheng chuckle, said: I did not say like this, they also want like this to me.” 唐铮轻笑了下,说:“我不这样说,他们也想这样对我。” That actually, you have the deity Secret Art and belief strength of after all.” The grandson nine Duke said meaningfully. “那倒是,毕竟你拥有天神诀和信仰之力。”孙九公意味深长地说。 „The gratitude and grudges of earth good clan and god clan have continued these many years, should settle when the time comes, this time once in a thousand years opportunity.” Tang Zheng said straightforwardly. “土行族和神族的恩怨持续了这么多年,是该了结到时候了,这次正是千载难逢的机会。”唐铮直接了当地说。 We did not have the strength before, now had the deity Secret Art and belief strength, we naturally must settle this gratitude and grudges with the god clan.” In grandson nine Duke eyes ignites the flaming fighting spirit. “我们以前是没实力,现在有了你的天神诀和信仰之力,我们当然要和神族了结这段恩怨。”孙九公眼中燃起熊熊的斗志。 But, who you are, why has the deity Secret Art and belief strength of? I cannot completely understand you, you are not the god clan, how can accomplish these?” Grandson nine Duke doubts asked. “不过,你到底是什么人,为何拥有天神诀和信仰之力?我看不透你,你不是神族,可又怎么能办到这些?”孙九公疑惑地问。 He racks brains, cannot find out this answer. 他绞尽脑汁,也想不出这个答案。 Tang Zheng hesitant, said: Allows me to keep guessing first, in the future, you naturally can know.” 唐铮犹豫了一下,说:“容我先卖个关子,将来,你们自然会知道。” He came from the world, if his status exposure, can spread in the god clan ear, the world will come two gods, the god clan to increase to the what kind degree to the world hostility. 他来自人间,若是他的身份曝光,会不会流传到神族耳中,人间来了两个神,神族对人间敌意将会增加到何等程度。 He does not need to want also to guess correctly. 他不用去想也能猜到一点。 For the security of world, he has to hide his identity. 为了人间的安全,他不得不隐藏自己的身份。 The grandson nine Duke brilliant is staring at Tang Zheng, as if pondered in the balance, finally, he nodded saying: Good, I believe you, I anticipate to know the day of the answer very much.” 孙九公灼灼地盯着唐铮,似乎在权衡思考,最终,他点头说:“好,我信你,我很期待知道答案那一天。” „On the day of will have.” Tang Zheng said assuredly. “会有那一天的。”唐铮笃定地说。 Head of the clan Sun, since the gratitude and grudges of earth good clan and god clan are so remote, you definitely did know many information of god clan?” “孙族长,既然土行族和神族的恩怨如此久远,那你们一定知道神族的许多信息了?” Naturally, knows oneself and other side, our earth good clan can live . Moreover, most understood own is the match, we have been the god clan innumerable year of matches, had already familiarized the god clan.” The grandson nine Duke are patting the chest, naturally said. “当然,知己知彼,我们土行族才能活下来,而且,最了解自己的就是对手,我们做了神族无数年的对手,早已摸透了神族。”孙九公拍着胸膛,理所当然地说。 Tang Zheng is these words. 唐铮等的就是这句话。 These days, he had been pondering copes with the means of god clan. 这段时间,他一直在思考对付神族的办法。 Means that he and quiet Lord collaborates to make, he teaches the deity Secret Art to the earth good clan, this is one point. 无论是他和幽主联手制定的办法,还是他将天神诀传授给土行族,这都是其中的一环。 But is only these also insufficiently defeats the god clan. 但只是这些还不够击败神族。 background of god clan is too deep, so long as they have the strength of continuous belief, even if were defeated, that has the opportunity of staging a comeback. 神族的底蕴太深厚,只要他们有源源不断的信仰之力,即便失败了,那就有东山再起的机会。 He and god clan the war have an opportunity. 他和神族的大战只有一次机会。 One time decides the victory and loss . Moreover, wants the god clan unable to stand up from failure again. 一次定输赢,而且,要神族再也翻不了身。 What the god clan is livelihood is what? 神族赖以生存的是什么? The strength of belief! 信仰之力! This is their sources of forces, only has to cut off them to believe the origin of strength, can defeat the god clan from the foundation. 这是他们的力量源泉,唯有斩断他们信仰之力的来源,才能从根基上击败神族。 Tang Zheng has thought this means that had not actually begun to take effect, because, he was short of the essential information. 唐铮想到了这个办法,却一直没有着手实施,因为,他欠缺了关键的信息。 The emergence of earth good clan has solved this difficult problem. 土行族的出现解决了这个难题。 This is the happiness of accident. 这是意外之喜。 The grandson nine Duke listened to an overtones, asked curiously: You want to know that what relates the information of god clan?” 孙九公听出了一点弦外之音,好奇地问:“难道你想知道什么关系神族的信息?” Naturally.” Tang Zheng smilingly said: I want to know that actually god clan the strength of belief came from which world.” “当然。”唐铮笑眯眯地说:“我想知道神族的信仰之力究竟来自哪些世界。” „The strength of belief from which world?” “信仰之力来自哪些世界?” Grandson nine Duke looks at Tang Zheng, said astonished: „Do you want to know this unexpectedly?” 孙九公惊愕地看着唐铮,说:“你竟然想知道这个?” What issue has?” “有什么问题吗?” Does not have the issue, but is very curious you to know that what this goal is?” The grandson nine Duke asked. “没问题,只是很好奇你想知道这个的目的是什么?”孙九公问。 Cuts off the origin of strength of god clan belief.” Tang Zheng said calmly, but these words actually likely are together the startling thunderclap, making Bai Luoqing not call out in alarm from Restricted Area, like looking at monster looks at Tang Zheng. “斩断神族信仰之力的来源。”唐铮从容地说,但这句话却像是一道惊雷,令白落情不自禁地惊呼起来,像看怪物一样看着唐铮 The grandson nine Duke are also difficult to cover startled accommodates, asked: „Do you really have this idea? I urged you to cancel this thought.” 孙九公也难掩惊容,问:“你竟然有这个想法?我劝你打消这个念头。” Why?” “为什么?” Because, the ancestors of earth good clan had thought of this means that but it is a pity that has not succeeded.” The grandson nine Duke shakes the head, said resentfully. “因为,土行族的先祖就曾经想到过这个办法,但遗憾的是没成功。”孙九公摇摇头,悻悻地说。 The Tang Zheng eye one brightly, said excitedly: Hero sees slightly with, this was explaining that this means are feasible.” 唐铮眼睛一亮,激动地说:“英雄所见略同,这正说明这个办法可行。” Grandson nine Duke looks at Tang Zheng, said reluctantly: „Haven't you listened clearly? The earth good clan has not succeeded.” 孙九公无奈地看着唐铮,说:“你没听清楚吗?土行族没成功。” Tang Zheng smiled, said: I have not disparaged the meaning of earth good clan, but I have not attempted, I am not definitely willingly.” 唐铮笑了笑,说:“我并没有贬低土行族的意思,但我自己没尝试过,我肯定不甘心。” Sun Jiugong said: You do not hit the south wall not to turn head, have the breadth of spirit, but I must say that this road walks does not pass.” 孙九公说:“你是不撞南墙不回头,有气魄,但我还是要说这条路走不通。” Tang Zheng had not been convinced obviously. 唐铮显然并没有被说服。 „Because the ancestor had tried this means that therefore, I happen to know your issue the answer. God clan the strength of belief came from nine world, besides god, another eight world, but each world and god has space Seal.” “正因为先祖曾经尝试过这个办法,所以,我正好知道你的问题的答案。神族的信仰之力来自于九个世界,除了神界之外,还有另外八个世界,但每个世界和神界都有空间禁制。” Tang Zheng in the heart, said: Unexpectedly nine world, besides god, Fengtu also definitely are one of them.” 唐铮记在心中,说:“竟然有九个世界,除了神界之外,酆都也肯定是其中之一。” Naturally, this is well-known, Fengtu is the god clan from nine snatches quiet, another seven world are bigger than Fengtu, contribution the strength of belief are also more.” “当然,这是众所周知的,酆都是神族从九幽抢来的,另外七个世界比酆都还要大,贡献的信仰之力也更多。” The Tang Zheng heart said the world that I come is one of them, other also has six world, these six world where? 唐铮心说我来的世界就是其中之一,余下的还有六个世界,这六个世界在哪里? Starting today, this book strives to renew one chapter every day. 从今天开始,本书争取每天更新一章。
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