TCOC :: Volume #19

#1854: Bitter enemies

The grandson nine Duke is lost in thought that look fluctuates erratically, in the mouth muttered: Deity Secret Art, he actually knows the deity Secret Art.” 孙九公怔怔出神,眼神变幻不定,口中喃喃自语:“天神诀,他竟然知道天神诀。” Who?” Bai Luo heard sound, had a big shock called out. “谁?”白落听到了门外的声音,大惊失色地叫道。 Bang! 砰! Bai Luo holds the wind to sweep, the front door accordingly opens, grandson nine Duke expositions in two people of lines of sight. 白落掌风一扫,大门就应声而开,孙九公暴露在二人的视线之中。 Tang Zheng is calm, he already discovered that grandson nine Duke stand in out of the door, teaches as for him falls the deity Secret Art white, has not evaded him, instead said that listens intentionally to him. 唐铮波澜不惊,他早就发现孙九公站在门外,至于他传授白落天神诀,也并没有避讳他,反而是故意说给他听的。 Now looks like, the grandson nine Duke really knows the deity Secret Art, the response so is unexpectedly big. 现在看来,孙九公果然知道天神诀,反应竟然这么大。 Is it possible that he also like the Fengtu city main, wants to practice the god? 莫非,他也像酆都城主一样,想修炼成神? Head of the clan Sun, is you.” Bai Luo is a little embarrassed, raises slightly slightly. “孙族长,原来是你。”白落有点不好意思,微微欠身。 The Tang Zheng slight bow, did not say a word. 唐铮只是微微点头,一言不发。 The grandson nine Duke has made a red painted-face, oneself had no intention to listen secretly is grasped present, explained hastily: Two, I just arrived, does not intend to listen secretly you to talk.” 孙九公闹了个红脸,自己无意偷听被抓了一个现行,连忙解释:“二位,我只是刚到而已,不是有意偷听你们谈话。” Tang Zheng beckoned with the hand, is as deep as a well said: Might as well, this is not any secret, has not wanted to evade head of the clan Sun.” 唐铮摆摆手,高深莫测地说:“无妨,这也不算什么机密,并没想要避着孙族长。” Listened to this saying, the grandson nine Duke relaxed, but unavoidably curious, asked: „Is this not secret?” 听了这话,孙九公松了口气,但又不免好奇,问:“这还不算机密?” In the past god presented such one startled certainly the colorful talent, actually regret fell from the sky, although the posterity understands very little, but has the insider after all. Thinks that head of the clan Sun is one of the insiders.” Tang Zheng asked. “当年神界出现了那样一个惊才绝艳的天才,却遗憾的陨落了,虽然后人知之甚少,但毕竟还是有知情人。想必孙族长就是知情人之一吧。”唐铮问。 The grandson nine Duke has hesitated , the nod acknowledged: „, Old Man had seen him in the past fortunately, but has not resulted in its true line, has learned a lesson. Afterward the deity Secret Art was lost, I after repeated setbacks, asked around, did not have a clue. Does not know where you can come?” 孙九公迟疑了下,点头承认:“正是,老朽当年有幸见过他,但没得其真传,一直引以为憾。后来天神诀失传,我几经周折,四处打听,也没有一点线索。不知你是从哪里得来的?” Head of the clan Sun suspects the deity Secret Art the truth, is natural. As for its origin, I said inconveniently that the truth, hehe, I pass to you, you knew.” Tang Zheng is graceful, not the meaning that the deity Secret Art hides. “孙族长怀疑天神诀的真伪,也是理所应当。至于它的来历,我不便多说,真伪嘛,呵呵,我传给你,你就知道了。”唐铮落落大方,并没有将天神诀藏起来的意思。 This made the grandson nine Duke be surprised. 这令孙九公大吃一惊。 Deity Secret Art such important Divine Ability, Tang Zheng must pass to him unexpectedly, this was also too natural. 天神诀如此重要的神通,唐铮竟然要传给他,这也太大方了。 The grandson nine Duke feels helpless, said: Deity Secret Art was too important, how could easily to divulge to an outsider.” 孙九公不知所措,说:“天神诀太重要了,岂能轻易外传。” Tang Zheng smiled deprecatingly, said: Perhaps, that was also to think in the past the deity Secret Art is too important, did not have the prompt to divulge to an outsider, the pearl fled the capital. My Tang Zheng will not do this matter. Let alone, if nobody cultivates, the deity Secret Art again fiercely is also in vain however.” 唐铮不以为意地笑了笑,说:“或许,当年那位也是认为天神诀太重要,才没有及时外传,以至于明珠蒙尘。我唐铮可不会做这种事。何况,若是没人修炼,天神诀再厉害也是枉然。” The grandson nine Duke is filled with emotion, was subdued by Tang Zheng these words. 孙九公感慨万千,被唐铮这番话所折服。 Bai Luo has not heard deity Secret Art, but also thinks that is general Divine Ability, hears two people of dialogs, knows the deity Secret Art the value. 白落没听说过天神诀,还以为是一般的神通,听到二人的对话,才知天神诀的价值。 Tang Zheng, the deity Secret Art is so important, do you want to teach to me really?” Bai Luo erratically asked surprisedly. 唐铮,天神诀这么重要,你真的要传授给我?”白落惊疑不定地问。 The person of practicing, any Divine Ability is very precious, average person not easily to divulge to an outsider, because, this is the key that subdue. 修行之人,任何一种神通都十分珍贵,一般人绝不会轻易外传,因为,这是自己制胜的关键。 Tang Zheng actually does not hide contraband, has subverted their cognition greatly. 唐铮却一点也不藏私,大大地颠覆了他们的认知。 The jade Jane Digei two people that Tang Zheng will prepare already, said: Deity Secret Art in jade Jane, the deity Secret Art constructs the god bridge, reaches the god boundary, by the Saint being been enthralled the method.” 唐铮将早已准备的玉简递给二人,说:“天神诀就在玉简中,天神诀乃是建神桥,达神境,由圣入神的法门。” Two people received jade Jane, mind impatiently immersion in, immediately by deity Secret Art shocks mysteriously, the petrification is in-situ. 二人接过玉简,心神迫不及待地沉浸其中,立刻就被天神诀的神奇所震撼,石化在原地。 Long time, two people of sleepiness, gratefully looks at Tang Zheng. 半晌,二人如梦初醒,感激涕零地看着唐铮 Grandson nine Duke tears, said: Toward hears say/way, the evening dies to be possible, this life is predestined friends sees the deity Secret Art, died with no regrets.” Tang Zheng said with a smile: Is has a look to be insufficient merely, you must practice.” 孙九公老泪纵横,说:“朝闻道,夕死可矣,今生有缘见到天神诀,死而无憾了。”唐铮笑道:“仅仅是看看可不够,你们还要修炼呢。” Grandson nine Duke looks one gloomy, said: Deity Secret Art is truly mysterious, but cultivates it to believe the strength, otherwise, is unable to construct the god bridge , to promote cultivation level. Although this god is big, but the strength of belief is the god clan is in sole possession, we do not have the strength of belief, therefore, does not have the means practice deity Secret Art.” 孙九公神色一黯,说:“天神诀确实神奇,但修炼它必须要信仰之力,否则,无法建神桥,提升修为。这神界虽大,但信仰之力乃是神族独有,我们都没有信仰之力,所以,根本没办法修炼天神诀。” The grandson nine Duke are difficult to conceal the disappointed mood. 孙九公难掩失望的心情。 Falls the facial color white one stiffly, drooped the head. 白落面色一僵,也耷拉起了脑袋。 Tang Zheng laughs: Haha, the strength of belief has what Nan.” 唐铮大笑:“哈哈,信仰之力有何难。” His finger, two strength lasings, submerge two people of bodies. 他的手指一点,两股力量激射而出,没入二人的身体。 All these occur are too quick, falls not to respond white that the grandson nine Duke thick eyebrows select, wants to revolt against actually radically without enough time, helplessly looks at that strength submerges oneself within the body. 这一切发生太快,白落根本没反应过来,孙九公的浓眉一挑,想反抗却根本来不及,眼睁睁地看着那股力量没入自己体内。 If Tang Zheng is an enemy, he affirmed that died an untimely death at the scene. 唐铮是敌人,他肯定已横死当场了。 Grandson nine public spirits startled, guessed that actually Tang Zheng cultivation level was in the what kind degree, can achieve this point. 孙九公心惊不已,猜测唐铮修为究竟到了何等程度,才能做到这一点。 Bai Luo asked impatiently: What thing is this?” 白落心急火燎地问:“这是什么东西?” She discovered that own within the body were many a energy, but has not injured her, is very curious. 她发现自己体内多了一股能量,但没有伤害她,不禁十分好奇。 „The strength of belief.” Tang Zheng said four characters superficially. “信仰之力。”唐铮轻描淡写地说出四个字。 The grandson nine Duke and fall white yelled with one voice: „The strength of belief?” 孙九公和白落异口同声地大叫:“信仰之力?” Tang Zheng smilingly said: „The strength of these beliefs enough make you practice some time , to promote part of cultivation level, in the future, when you have used up, I give the strength of your new belief again.” 唐铮笑眯眯地说:“这些信仰之力足够让你们修炼一段时间,提升一部分修为,将来,等你们用完了,我再给你们新的信仰之力。” Two people looked that changes again and again to the Tang Zheng look, did not know likely he is common. 二人看向唐铮的眼神一变再变,像是不认识他一般。 The strength of belief so is easy to obtain? 信仰之力是那么容易得到的吗? Listens to the Tang Zheng expression to be as if extremely easy to obtain. 怎么听唐铮的语气仿佛唾手可得。 This has subverted their cognition completely. 这完全颠覆了他们的认知。 „Your how that many some strength of belief?” The grandson nine Duke cannot bear, asks. “你怎么有那么多信仰之力?”孙九公忍不住,问道。 Tang Zheng smiles: You, so long as knows that does not need to worry the strength of belief, the total involvement investment practice deity Secret Art then. Not is only you cultivates the deity Secret Art, earth good clan all people can practice the deity Secret Art.” 唐铮神秘一笑:“你们只要知道不用发愁信仰之力,全身心地投入修炼天神诀即可。不但是你们修炼天神诀,土行族所有人都可以修炼天神诀。” „Do they have the strength of belief?” The grandson nine Duke blurted out that asked. “那他们都有信仰之力?”孙九公脱口而出地问。 Tang Zheng nods. 唐铮点头。 The grandson nine Duke thinks a little dizziness. 孙九公觉得有点眩晕。 The world change is too rapid, is the strength of belief the cabbage? 世界变化太快,信仰之力是大白菜吗? So easily can obtain. 如此轻而易举就能得到。 In this god, only then I can provide the strength of such many belief for you.” Tang Zheng adds. “这神界之中,只有我一人能为你们提供如此之多的信仰之力。”唐铮补充道。 The grandson nine Duke nods dull, suddenly, the miraculous glow dodges, asked: „Are you god clan?” 孙九公呆呆地点头,忽然,灵光一闪,问:“难道你是神族?” God clan?” Tang Zheng is stunned, laughs. “神族?”唐铮愕然,一阵大笑。 However also no wonder grandson nine Duke misunderstanding, after all, the strength of belief is exclusive of god clan, if not the god clan, is impossible to have these many strength of belief. 不过也难怪孙九公误会,毕竟,信仰之力是神族的专属,若非神族,不可能拥有这么多信仰之力。 This is also not the common god clan, must the status in the god clan be extraordinary, can have these many strength of belief.” The grandson nine Duke muttered analyzes. “这还不是一般的神族,必须在神族中地位非凡,才能拥有这么多信仰之力。”孙九公喃喃自语地分析。 You think that I do look like the god clan?” Tang Zheng asked mischievously. “那你认为我像神族吗?”唐铮促狭地问道。 Grandson nine Duke looks at Tang Zheng, firmly shake the head: Like, the god clan is not the enemy of my earth good clan, they are supercilious, looks radically does not raise dust the good clan, disdains to speak with my gate, will not do your this matter absolutely.” 孙九公怔怔地看着唐铮,坚定地摇头:“不像,神族是我土行族的敌人,他们目中无人,根本看不起土行族,都不屑与我门说话,绝对不会做你这种事。” Tang Zheng raises the brow, high and low takes a look at grandson nine Duke, is very accidental. 唐铮扬起眉头,上下打量孙九公,十分意外。 The grandson nine Duke dared to say frankly the earth good clan was the enemy of god clan. 孙九公竟敢直言不讳地说土行族是神族的敌人。 Tang Zheng comes god to be so long, except for in nine heard others to dare to say quiet flagrantly that has not seen other people to dare to say again, he asked curiously: „Do earth good clan and god clan have a grudge?” 唐铮来神界这么久,除了在九幽听到过别人敢明目张胆这么说,再也没见其他人敢这么说,他不免好奇地问:“土行族和神族有仇吗?” Grandson nine Duke numerous nods: Naturally, this enmity has continued the innumerable years, was only a pity that our strength is too weak, has no way to take revenge.” 孙九公重重点头:“当然,这个仇持续了无数岁月,只可惜我们实力太弱,没法复仇。” Wish everybody National Day joyful! 祝大家国庆快乐!
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