TCOC :: Volume #19

#1858: The gods cause

Tang Zheng stands near the cliff, naturally knows that the opposite party pursued. Net 唐铮站在悬崖边,当然知道对方追了上来。网 This person of over 20 years old, in full flower, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, martial-looking somewhat scholarly, but the body has one mysterious makings. 此人20余岁,风华正茂,剑眉星目,英武中有几分儒雅,但身上有一种神秘的气质。 The average people cannot realize, actually cannot hide the truth from Tang Zheng. 普通人察觉不到,却瞒不过唐铮 This person is also blazing with anger the looks at Tang Zheng back, as if must completely understand the penetrating him. 此人也正目光如炬地看着唐铮的背影,似乎要将他看个透彻。 „Who may I ask your excellency is?” This person hesitant quite a while, finally opens the mouth to ask. “敢问阁下是什么人?”此人犹豫半天,终于开口问道。 Tang Zheng has turned around slowly, widow who does not remarry looks at he, said: I am only in a hurry a traveler.” 唐铮徐徐转过身来,古井不波地看着他,说:“我只是一个匆匆过客而已。” Traveler?” This person looks the color of doubt, I do not look like, your excellency body has the aura that I am familiar with, you are very formidable, formidable to making everyone shrinks back at the sight.” “过客?”此人面露狐疑之色,“我看不像,阁下身上有一种我熟悉的气息,你很强大,强大到令每个人都望而却步。” Oh? 哦? Tang Zheng eye one bright, this person was actually insightful, saw out of the ordinary of Tang Zheng unexpectedly, therefore said: Your cultivation level is not weak, the vision is actually not bad.” 唐铮眼睛一亮,此人倒是有眼光,竟然也看出了一点唐铮的与众不同,于是赞道:“你的修为不弱,眼光倒是也不差。” This person cannot completely understand Tang Zheng, but Tang Zheng sweeps off, already the purity that he looks. 此人看不透唐铮,但唐铮一眼扫去,已将他看的一清二楚。 The person of this world cultivates system to be entirely different, is another practice method, each Realm also and Tang Zheng world has the difference of heaven and earth. 这个世界的人修炼系统截然不同,乃是另外一种修炼方法,每个境界也和唐铮的世界有天壤之别。 over compliments me, I am young, the practice also has a long way to go.” This person does not claim credit actually, instead said modestly: My name was odd/surplus Zhitian, may I ask your excellency given name.” 过奖,我还年轻,修炼还有很长的路要走。”此人倒是不居功,反而谦虚地说:“我叫余知天,敢问阁下名讳。” odd/surplus Zhitian.” Tang Zheng twittering, your name is not ordinary, my name is very simple, Tang Zheng.” “余知天。”唐铮呢喃一句,“你的名字可不一般,我的名字很简单,唐铮。” Tang Zheng, I remembered.” odd/surplus knows the day saying: As for my name, is a long story.” 唐铮,我记住了。”余知天说道:“至于我的名字,说来话长。” I saw you to be in temple a moment ago, as if thinks otherwise to the idol, is it possible that aren't you letter god?” odd/surplus knows the day doubts to ask. “我刚才见你在神庙中,似乎对神像不以为然,莫非你不是信神?”余知天疑惑地问道。 I do not believe.” Tang Zheng replied truthfully. “我不信。”唐铮如实回答。 odd/surplus knew the day eyelid to beat, said: „When does not believe in the god, disaster tribulation arrives, the Spiritual God will not bless you, will only have the sincere good faith god, the Spiritual God will bless. Don't you understand this truth?” 余知天眼皮跳动了下,说:“不信神,灾劫降临时,神灵不会庇佑你,唯有虔诚信神,神灵才会庇佑。你不明白这个道理吗?” Tang Zheng smiles to ask: It seems like you is a very reverent follower.” 唐铮笑问道:“看来你是一个很虔诚的信徒。” No!” odd/surplus knows the day to shake the head: I am not a follower, but is the god causes.” “不!”余知天摇头:“我不是信徒,而是神使。” „Does god cause?” “神使?” Then was one's turn Tang Zheng to be startled, has never listened to this name. 这下轮到唐铮吃惊了,从未听过这个名字。 „, The messenger of god, temple protector.” odd/surplus knew the day to say proudly that raised the head slightly. “正是,神的使者,神庙守护者。”余知天自豪地说,微微扬起头。 In Tang Zheng heart imposing, god clan is entirely different in the influences and styles of two worlds of human beings, is looser in the Tang Zheng world, but this world also brightly causes unexpectedly. 唐铮心中凛然,神族在两个人界的影响力和行事风格截然不同,在唐铮的世界更松散,而这个世界竟然还有神使。 This indicated that the opposite party is own enemy. 这说明对方是自己的敌人。 Tang Zheng maintains composure, said: All over the world, does the god cause to be many?” 唐铮不动声色,说:“普天之下,神使应该不少吧?” Yes, we come from the shintoism, the god cause walk in world, disseminates the brilliance and decree of god, lets ten thousand spirit belief gods, reverent follower who is the god.” “是的,我们都来自神道教,神使行走世间,传播神的光辉和旨意,让万灵信仰神,做神的虔诚信徒。” Shintoism.” Tang Zheng noted these three characters keenly, this group of gods caused are not simple community, but was the organization is strict, has composed unexpectedly also shintoism. Net “神道教。”唐铮敏锐地注意到了这三个字,这群神使不是简单的一个群体,而是组织严密,竟然还组成了一个神道教。网 Immediately, Tang Zheng has had the strong interest to this shintoism, asked beyond the shadow: Shintoism where?” 登时,唐铮对这神道教产生了浓厚的兴趣,开门见山地问:“神道教在哪里?” odd/surplus knew the day surprise saying: „Do you want to go to the shintoism? That is not general place.” 余知天诧异地说:“你想去神道教?那可不是一般的地方。” „Don't you disseminate the brilliance of god? If convinced me, making me believe the god, hehe, then to you, absolutely was great merit one.” Tang Zheng said meaningfully. “你们不是传播神的光辉吗?若是将我说服,让我信仰神,呵呵,那对你们而言,绝对是大功一件。”唐铮意味深长地说。 odd/surplus knows the day to be confused: How I a little cannot understand your meaning. But disseminates the brilliance of god is the responsibility that our gods cause, I observe you am the quite bright reason, pours is not.” 余知天一头雾水:“我怎么有点听不懂你的意思。但传播神的光辉乃是我们神使的职责,我观你还是颇有神缘,倒也不是不可以。” That also waits for anything.” “那还等什么。” odd/surplus knew the day hesitant, said: Good, comes along with me, you were careful that in this world the cultivator were not many, instead is Martial Artist runs amuck, if makes Martial Artist discover us, will cause the unnecessary trouble on the contrary.” 余知天犹豫了一下,说:“好吧,随我来,你小心哦,这世界上修行者已经不多了,反而是武者横行,若是让武者发现我们,反倒会引起不必要的麻烦。” Tang Zheng suddenly, the heart said Cultivator of this world is called the cultivator, actually has not changed as for the Martial Artist name. 唐铮恍然,心说这个世界的修者叫做修行者,至于武者的名字倒是没变。 This point has the similarity with my world actually, Martial Artist occupies the absolute quantity, the Cultivator quantity is few.” Tang Zheng ponders over secretly. “这一点倒是和我的世界有相似之处,武者都占据绝对的数量,修者数量很少。”唐铮暗自琢磨。 „Isn't Martial Artist the follower of god?” 武者不是神的信徒吗?” Naturally is, but we practice the method not to be different, therefore some people have the prejudice, in the average person eyes, the cultivator has the difference with Martial Artist, but in the god causes in the eye, between the two is the same, has not distinguished.” “当然是,只是我们修炼方法不一样,所以有些人有成见而已,在普通人眼中,修行者和武者有区别,但在神使眼中,二者之间都是一样的,没有区别。” You treat impartially actually.” “你们倒是一视同仁。” That is natural.” “那是自然的。” odd/surplus knows the day finger forward, the flying sword that handle cold light sparkles appears before the cliff, odd/surplus Zhitian greeted Tang Zheng, said: Comes up quickly, the shintoism is very far, we must fly for two days to be able.” 余知天手指向前一点,一柄寒光闪闪的飞剑出现在悬崖前,余知天招呼唐铮,说:“快上来吧,神道教很远,我们要飞行两天才能到。” Your treasured sword is actually not bad.” “你的宝剑倒是不差。” Naturally, this is King Qi.” odd/surplus knew the day smilingly saying that was very satisfied to own Magical Treasure. “当然,这是一件王器。”余知天笑眯眯地说,对自己的法宝很满意。 King Qi? It seems like the rank of this world Magical Treasure is different.” Tang Zheng remember. Even if King Qi, looked like in Tang Zheng is also too weak. “王器?看来这个世界法宝的等级也不一样。”唐铮记下了。即便是王器,在唐铮看来也太弱了。 Comes up quickly, us.” odd/surplus knows the day urging to say. “快上来呀,我们出发了。”余知天催促道。 Tang Zheng jumped up the flying sword, said: You show the way.” 唐铮跳上了飞剑,说:“你指路。” „?” “啊?” odd/surplus knows the day to be perplexed, had not actually pondered that said: Came to a stop.” 余知天不明所以,却没细想,说:“站稳了。” Sou! 嗖! Flying sword fast to forward flight, brings to flow all at once, mountain breeze bone-chilling cold, howls in the ear bank. 飞剑快速向前飞了出去,带起一股气流,山风凛冽,在耳畔呼啸。 Was too slow, we a bit faster.” Tang Zheng said. “太慢了,我们快点吧。”唐铮说。 odd/surplus knows the day cheeks red one: I, only then this speed.” 余知天脸颊一红:“我只有这个速度。” I come.” “那我来吧。” The Tang Zheng words just said that the flying sword exudes a wild sound from out of the blue, as if the light flew together. 唐铮的话刚说完,飞剑发出一股狂暴的破空声,仿佛是一道光飞了出去。 „” “啊” odd/surplus knows the day to call out in alarm, has swayed, almost crashes from the flying sword. 余知天惊呼起来,摇晃了一下,差点从飞剑上坠落下去。 Was careful.” The Tang Zheng reminder said. “小心了。”唐铮提醒道。 odd/surplus knows the day dull looks at under foot, is his flying sword? How speed such rapidness. 余知天呆呆地看着脚下,这还是他的飞剑吗?怎么速度如此之快。 He turns head to look to Tang Zheng, in the eye completely is color with amazement, who this person is, strength terrifying, is his entire life is so rare. 他扭头看向身旁的唐铮,眼中尽是骇然之色,此人是谁啊,实力如此恐怖,乃是他生平罕见。 His strength and say/way main equally high?” “难道他的实力和道主一样高?” Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Suddenly, flying sword shivers fiercely, seems hard to withstand such quick speed, must disperse has put up generally. 突然,飞剑剧烈颤抖起来,似乎难以承受这么快的速度,要散架了一般。 odd/surplus knows the day of small heart peng peng play to jump, called out loudly: Stops, stops quickly, my flying great wild goose sword is about unable to withstand.” 余知天小心脏砰砰剧跳,大声叫道:“停,快停下来,我的飞鸿剑快承受不住了。” All right , to promote grade, it can withstand.” “没事,提升一下品级,它就能承受住了。” „Is promotion grade so easy?” odd/surplus knows the day not to smile bitterly, this person said quite relaxed, as if the promotion grade is the matter of a few words. “提升品级有那么容易吗?”余知天苦笑不得,这人说的好轻松,仿佛提升品级就是一句话的事。 Bang! 轰! Flame soared, wraps the flying great wild goose sword, has interrupted odd/surplus Zhitian the train of thought. 一股火焰腾空而起,包裹住了飞鸿剑,也打断了余知天的思绪。 His panic-stricken looks at this. 他惊恐地看着这一幕。 Flame of emerging out of thin air in keeping quenchings his flying great wild goose sword, but their two stand on the flying great wild goose sword, has not actually come under an influence. 凭空出现的火焰在不停的淬炼他的飞鸿剑,但他们两个站在飞鸿剑上,却没受到一点影响。 odd/surplus knows day and the flying great wild goose sword regard is interlinked, immediately feels the flying great wild goose sword to have the qualitative change. 余知天和飞鸿剑心意相通,立刻就感受到飞鸿剑正在发生着质的变化。 He in refiner . Moreover, is flight while refiner.” odd/surplus knows the day not to know that described own feelings with any word. “他在炼器,而且,是一边飞行一边炼器。”余知天已经不知用什么词来形容自己的心情了。 This Divine Ability hears something never heard of before, sees what one never saw before. 这种神通闻所未闻,见所未见。 He can determine that does not have this Divine Ability including the say/way hosts of shintoism. 他可以确定连神道教的道主都没有这种神通
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