TCOC :: Volume #19

#1827: The strength of business belief

The strength of belief! 信仰之力! Tang Zheng raises up the ear, in the heart moves, asks: „Is the strength of belief useful?” 唐铮竖起耳朵,心中一动,问道:“信仰之力有用吗?” The servants as if look at idiot general looks at Tang Zheng, said: „Won't few hero, your this know?” 店小二仿佛是看白痴一般看着唐铮,说:“少侠,你不会连这也不知道吧?” The Tang Zheng surface did not change color saying: I live is too far away, friendless and unlearned, but also please be liberal to grant instruction.” 唐铮面不改『色』地说:“我住的太偏远,孤陋寡闻,还请不吝赐教。” „The function of strength of belief was big.” The servants raise the brow, is energetic, sky over the hand direction has referred, said: Reason that you know the god clan are formidable , because they practice do not use Spirit Stone, but is the strength of belief, this is one very high-level strength, once fuses the strength of belief, the practice speed is twice the result with half the effort.” “信仰之力的作用大了。”店小二扬起眉头,精神十足,手指向上空指了指,说:“你知道神族之所以强大,乃是因为他们修炼不用灵石,而是信仰之力,这是一种十分高级的力量,一旦融合信仰之力,修炼速度事半功倍。” Tang Zheng is suddenly enlighted: So that's how it is.” 唐铮恍然大悟:“原来如此。” The servants sighed spookily, said disappointedly: You , if no Spirit Stone, does not have the strength of belief, you walk, goes to the city to stroll to develop the vision to be also good.” 店小二幽幽地叹息一声,失望地说:“你若是没灵石,也没信仰之力,那你就走吧,去城里逛一逛开拓一下眼界也不错。” Since this person is remote area, without Spirit Stone, the strength of belief is more impossible to have, why wastes time. 这人既然是偏远之地来的,没有灵石,信仰之力就更不可能有,何必白费口舌呢。 Tang Zheng has seen through the thoughts of servant, cannot help laughing, the vision falls above the jade box, is interested in the day profound marvelous ability actually. 唐铮识破了店小二的心思,哑然失笑,目光落在玉盒之上,倒是对天玄神功感兴趣。 In order to have a limited view of the leopard, if on this day profound marvelous ability looks like so fiercely, the cultivating Refining Body department that that really the servant said can look at lost, discovers many issues. 以管窥豹,这天玄神功若真像店小二说的这般厉害,那可以从中看出神界的修炼体系,发现许多问题。 On this day the profound marvelous ability I wanted.” Tang Zheng pointed at the jade box to say. “这天玄神功我要了。”唐铮指着玉盒说。 The servants squeeze a smiling face, said: Few hero, you do not have Spirit Stone, does not have other treasure exchanges, the day profound marvelous ability cannot give you.” 店小二挤出一丝笑容,说:“少侠,你没有灵石,也没有其他宝贝交换,天玄神功可不能给你。” Oh! 唉! Another servant also disappointedly shakes the head, turns around to depart resentfully. 另一个店小二也失望地直摇头,悻悻地转身离去。 Tang Zheng said with a smile lightly: I truly do not have these, but I have the strength of belief.” 唐铮淡淡地笑道:“我确实没这些,可我有信仰之力。” Anything! 什么! Two servants as if were executed Body Locking Technique, the petrification is in-situ. Moment, they quickly grasp the meaning of something, as if awakening from a dream response, brilliant is staring at Tang Zheng, asked: „Do you have the strength of belief?” 两个店小二仿佛被施了定身法,石化在原地。须臾,他们一个激灵,如梦初醒般地反应过来,灼灼地盯着唐铮,问:“你有信仰之力?” Tang Zheng all smiles nod: Yes.” 唐铮满面笑容地点头:“是。” Can trade, can definitely trade, on this day the profound marvelous ability was your.” Servant almost excited speaking incoherently. “可以交易,完全可以交易,这天玄神功是你的了。”店小二差点激动的语无伦次。 Cut the Saint blade is also your.” Another servant is too busy supplemented. “斩圣刀也是你的了。”另一个店小二忙不迭地补充。 These two changes quick stem from the expectation of Tang Zheng, this point show important of strength of belief exactly nature. 这两人的变化之快出乎唐铮的预料,这一点恰恰说明信仰之力的重要『性』。 Tang Zheng has practiced the god, understands the value of strength of belief, but he still many questions, said: Wants the strength of belief, simple! But you must answer me truthfully several issues.” 唐铮已修炼成神,明白信仰之力的可贵之处,但他仍有许多疑问,说:“想要信仰之力,简单!但你们必须如实回答我几个问题。” Does not have the issue!” They with one voice, obviously are to believing the strength win. “没问题!”两人异口同声,显然是对信仰之力志在必得。 „The strength of belief is god clan uses, why do you want the strength of belief? Difficult Daoist kind of Cultivator also to use the strength of belief?” The Tang Zheng sinking sound asked. “信仰之力是神族所用,为何你们想要信仰之力?难道人修者也能利用信仰之力?”唐铮沉声问道。 He has created the new book from heaven, to be advantageous each strength of race use belief, this is the greatest merit, is the greatest merit. 他创造了新天书,以便于各个种族利用信仰之力,这是莫大的功劳,更是莫大的功德。 He does not believe the god clan to proliferate the strength of his belief, making the world person fuse the use . Moreover, the average person wants to use the strength of belief, is far from an easy matter. 他不信神族会将自己的信仰之力扩散开来,令天下人融合利用,而且,一般人想要利用信仰之力,也绝非易事。 If not for the new book from heaven, the average person has no way to use the strength of belief, can only feel powerless and frustrated. 若不是新天书,一般人也根本没法利用信仰之力,只能望洋兴叹。 The finger of servant places the mouth, has made the movement of keeping silent, said cautiously: Few hero, this is secret, but, looked that is predestined friends in us, I brave the danger to tell you. The words said that beforehand Cultivator does not have the strength of means use belief, the strength of belief is the god clan special supplies, but afterward in Cultivator some people founded Merit Law, the named deity Secret Art, the deity Secret Art can make Cultivator use the strength of belief.” 店小二的手指放在嘴边,做了个噤声的动作,小心翼翼地说:“少侠,这可是机密,不过,看在我们有缘,我就冒着危险告诉你吧。话说以前修者是没办法利用信仰之力的,信仰之力是神族的特供,但后来修者中有人开创了一部功法,名为天神诀,天神诀可以让修者利用信仰之力。” Deity Secret Art?” The Tang Zheng spirit shakes. “天神诀?”唐铮精神一震。 This and his new book from heaven has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, is Cultivator creates unexpectedly, he has the hero to pity the friend feeling of hero greatly. 这和他的新天书有异曲同工之妙,竟然也是修者所创,他大有英雄惜英雄的知己感。 This person where?” He asked impatiently. “这人在哪里?”他迫不及待地问道。 Died!” The servants regretted that said. “死了!”店小二惋惜地说。 „, Did this person die unexpectedly? Dies?” “啊,这种人竟然死了?怎么死的?” The servants have referred to the sky. 店小二指了指天空。 Tang Zheng heart one cold, understands, this person died in the god clan hand. 唐铮心头一凛,心领神会,这人是死在神族手中了。 The care wants to come, this is not but actually strange. The strength of belief is the god clan special supplies, this person actually wants to bribe, to do with the god clan right, naturally by the violent treachery of god clan. 细细想来,这倒也不奇怪。信仰之力是神族的特供,这人却想染指,岂不是与神族做对,自然会遭来神族的毒手。 He He, the god clan keeps aloof, the delusion has enslaved humanity, his heart may execute.” Tang Zheng sneers, stuns the world. “呵呵,神族高高在上,妄想一直奴役人类,其心可诛。”唐铮冷笑,语出惊人。 Two who this frightens tremble, puts out a hand to cover his mouth hastily, said still shaken: Chaotic do not say, meeting deceased person.” 这吓的两人直哆嗦,连忙伸手捂他的嘴,惊魂未定地说:“别『乱』说,会死人的。” Tang Zheng thinks otherwise, said: I did not say that is.” 唐铮不以为然,说:“我不说就是。” Two people feel relieved, deeply looked at Tang Zheng one, the heart said that is really the small place, the experience is superficial, the young bull does not fear the tiger. 二人如释重负,深深地看了唐铮一眼,心说果然是小地方来的,见识浅薄,初生牛犊不怕虎。 Remember, let alone later this words, otherwise invites trouble, this is offers to your advice free of charge.” The servants reminded well-meaning. “记住,以后别说这种话,否则惹祸上身,这算是免费赠送给你的忠告。”店小二善意地提醒。 You have the deity Secret Art, therefore wants the strength of belief?” Tang Zheng asked curiously. “难道你们有天神诀,所以才想要信仰之力?”唐铮好奇地问。 The servants shook the head saying: Our low status, how possibly has this type of marvelous ability rare book, but other people have, we help to collect the strength of belief, other totally does not know.” 店小二摇头说:“我们地位低下,怎么可能有这种神功秘籍,但其他人有,我们只是帮助收集信仰之力,其他的一概不知。” Another servant approves of nod. 另一个店小二赞同地点头。 Tang Zheng deeply looked at two people of one, smiled meaningfully, does not go into seriously, said straightforwardly: „, I am not many asked.” 唐铮深深地看了二人一眼,意味深长地笑了笑,也不深究,直截了当地说:“也罢,我不多问。” We did not ask that which you believe the strength are come, this is the custom, to ensure the safety of both sides.” The servants said prudently. “我们也不问你信仰之力是哪来的,这是规矩,为了确保双方的安全。”店小二慎重地说。 „The how many strength of belief do I want to give you?” Tang Zheng asked. “那我要给你多少信仰之力?”唐铮问。 The servant eyes have shone, asked: How many do you have?” 店小二眼睛亮了起来,问道:“你有多少?” Under Tang Zheng heart imposing, wealth not dew white, the strength of this belief is too important, does not need therefore to bring in the unnecessary trouble. 唐铮心下凛然,财不『露』白,这信仰之力太重要,没必要因此引来不必要的麻烦。 Little.” “一点点。” The servants said disappointedly: Even if little, was precious. I only need one bottle then.” 店小二失望地说:“即便是一点点,也弥足珍贵了。我只需要一瓶即可。” He takes out a devil wood bottle, said: This is the jar that a Yuan wood practices, can put the strength of belief, the bystander cannot discover.” 他取出一个小木瓶,说:“这是元木练成的瓶子,可以盛放信仰之力,外人发现不了。” This small blockhead bottle is minimum, obviously precious of strength of belief, merely one vial can trade the day profound marvelous ability. 这小木头瓶极小,可见信仰之力之珍贵,仅仅一小瓶便可换来天玄神功。 However, Tang Zheng is interested in the Yuan wood, said intentionally: „A Yuan wood really has this function.” 不过,唐铮对元木更感兴趣,故意说道:“元木竟然有这个功能。” Naturally, the strength of belief is different from the general strength, the god clan is easy to induce, but a Yuan wood is the god world lives, is indomitable spirit, has the out of the ordinary strength, the induction of strength and god clan isolation belief.” “当然,信仰之力不同于一般力量,神族容易感应到,而元木乃是神界天地所生,顶天立地,具有非同凡响的力量,隔绝信仰之力和神族的感应。” The servants said incessantly that surprise looks at Tang Zheng, asked: „Doesn't your strength of belief put with the Yuan wood?” 店小二滔滔不绝地说,诧异地看着唐铮,问:“难道你的信仰之力不是用元木盛放的?” Tang Zheng smiled, did not speak, his strength of belief filled the whole body, why must other thing put. 唐铮笑了笑,并不明言,他的信仰之力充满全身,又何须别的东西盛放。 „A Yuan wooden bottle gives me.” “元木瓶给我吧。” Tang Zheng received the Yuan wooden bottle. 唐铮接过元木瓶。 Two servants both stared in a big way the eye, paid attention to his every action and every movement. 两个店小二都瞪大了眼睛,注意他的一举一动。 However, the free time of a blink, Tang Zheng a Yuan wooden bottle will give back to the servant, said: „The strength of belief packed.” 然而,一眨眼的工夫,唐铮就将元木瓶还给店小二,说:“信仰之力装满了。” The servants lower the head to look inconceivable, in a Yuan wooden bottle has packed the strength of belief, two people look at each other one, dew inconceivable panic-stricken color. 店小二不可思议地低头瞧去,果然,元木瓶中装满了信仰之力,二人对视一眼,『露』出不可思议的惊骇之『色』。 How they have not seen clearly Tang Zheng to accomplish. 他们根本没看清楚唐铮是怎样办到的。 Requested earnestly everybody to pay attention to my micro letter public number: Tang flute 恳请大家关注我的微信公众号:唐箫 The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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