TCOC :: Volume #19

#1826: Newly-arrived

The city gate stands tall and erect, the city wall is impregnable, is hiding spell formation unexpectedly, generally the attack cannot rout the city wall. 城门高耸,城墙固若金汤,其中竟然藏着阵法,一般攻击都不能击溃城墙。 Tang Zheng looked at several surprisedly, god is not really ordinary, is widely divergent with the world city wall including the city wall. 唐铮惊讶地多看了几眼,神界果然不一般,连城墙都与人间的城墙大相径庭。 Incessantly is the city wall, those who most attract Tang Zheng is in the city gate is hanging a row of head that high, flutters against the wind 『』, these heads clearly are the heads of Cultivator, is also surviving the Cultivator strength. 不止是城墙,最吸引唐铮的是城门上高高悬挂的一排头颅,迎风飘『荡』,这些头颅分明是修者的头颅,其中还残存着修者的力量。 This particularly terrifying. 这一幕分外恐怖 About Tang Zheng observation Cultivator, discovered that their surface dew looked up one frightened, then immediately took back the vision, was very afraid others to discover. 唐铮观察左右的修者,发现他们面『露』恐惧地抬头望了一眼,便马上收回目光,深怕别人发现。 Cultivator that these behead actually has violated any matter, ends up to turn out so the pitiful condition unexpectedly.” Tang Zheng ponders over secretly, obviously about response, he does not have urgently to ask the exit / to speak. “这些斩首的修者究竟犯了什么事,竟落得如此惨状。”唐铮暗自琢磨,可见左右的反应,他没有急着问出口。 God is too strange to him, the bad risk is unpredictable, he decides to work as the transparent person, looks thinks that little said little does. 神界对他而言太陌生,凶险难测,他决定当透明人,多看多想,少说少做。 A man of big military might grasps axe yue, stands in the city gate, the bird's eye view under was walking past Cultivator from the entry. 一个高大威武的汉子手持斧钺,站在城门上,俯瞰着下方从门洞走过去的修者 He arrogantly, threatens straightforwardly: Your these Cultivator hears, anybody has dared to collude with the foreign enemy, this is the fate. Opposes with the god clan, does not know how their heads think matter also dry coming out that so courts destruction.” 他盛气凌人,直接了当地威胁:“你们这些修者听好了,任何人胆敢勾结外敌,这就是下场。与神族作对,不知他们的脑袋是怎么想的,如此自取灭亡的事也干的出来。” Opposes with the god clan? 与神族作对? Tang Zheng raises up the ear, heard these important phrases. 唐铮竖起耳朵,听到了这几个至关重要的字眼。 God also has Cultivator to dare with the god clan to do right, not only it seems like it is he, in even/including Shenjie some people are also discontented with god clan. 神界也有修者敢和神族做对,看来不仅是他,连神界中也有人对神族不满。 If can find these people, then has a thorough understanding to god. 若是能够找到这些人,那对神界就有一个深入的了解。 He looked at one toward that guy, the heart said that this is also a humanity, only then Enlightenment Realm, is so arrogant, is relies on the power of the master, depends is his back god clan. 他又朝那大汉望了一眼,心说这也是一个人类,只有大乘境界,如此盛气凌人,乃是狗仗人势,靠的全是他背后的神族。 Without a doubt, in humanity of god has many people are the running dog of god clan. 毫无疑问,神界的人类中有不少人是神族的走狗。 Audiences Cultivator passes through the city gate not silently, the lively picture in city heads on. 修者一言不发地走过城门,城中的热闹景象扑面而来。 Tang Zheng stares the big eye, looks around. 唐铮瞪大眼睛,举目四望。 In this city is particularly lively, various shops stand in great numbers, the cargo in shop is dazzling, is actually not the common thing, but is Magical Treasure, refiner or the Alchemy material, even also has the rare book of practice. 这城中分外热闹,各种店铺林立,店铺中的货物琳琅满目,却不是一般的东西,而是法宝、炼器或者炼丹的材料,甚至还有修炼的秘籍。 Tang Zheng eye one bright, as if has discovered the new continent. 唐铮眼睛一亮,仿佛发现了新大陆。 This is really one with the world entirely different world, his big feeling is new, paces back and forth before shops. 这真是一个和人间截然不同的世界,他大感新鲜,在一个个店铺前徘徊。 Day profound marvelous ability, the Saint boundary rare book, under the god boundary one of the strongest Merit Law, the reasonable price, treats both the young and old honestly.” “天玄神功啊,圣境秘籍,神境之下最强的功法之一,价钱公道,童叟无欺。” Cuts the Saint blade, cuts to kill the Saint boundary powerhouse sufficiently, in god, only this, crossed this village, does not have this shop.” “斩圣刀,足以斩杀圣境强者,神界之中,只此一件,过了这个村,就没这个店啊。” In each shop small two go all out to call that making Tang Zheng stare dumbfounded, other Cultivator were already unalarmed by strange sights, a face was indifferent, shape color departed in a hurry. 各个店铺中的小二卖力吆喝,令唐铮瞠目结舌,其他修者早已见怪不怪,一脸冷漠,形『色』匆匆地离去。 Such fierce rare book Magical Treasure, how they looked that does not look at one, is it possible that is really the experience is too broad, already ignored to these Magical Treasure?” “这么厉害的秘籍法宝,怎么他们看也不看一眼,莫非真是见识太广,早已对这些法宝熟视无睹了么?” In the Tang Zheng heart whispered. 唐铮心中嘀咕。 Before seeing Tang Zheng does not settle down, servant eyes one bright, as if saw the big customer, one entrains him, enthusiasm said hot: This few hero, looks at your root bone complete Jia, on this day the profound marvelous ability customizes for you, was inferior that the shop did speak in detail?” 唐铮驻足不前,店小二眼睛一亮,仿佛看见了大主顾,一把拽住他,热情似火地说:“这位少侠,一看你根骨齐佳,这天玄神功正是为你量身定做,不如进店详谈?” Next door shop small two also flushed, entrains another arm of Tang Zheng, fought said relatively: Few hero, the cutting Saint blade of our shop certainly matches with you, you greatly will certainly kill the four directions, the world praise.” 隔壁店铺的小二也冲了过来,拽住唐铮的另一条胳膊,争锋相对地说:“少侠,我们店的斩圣刀与你才是绝配,你一定会大杀四方,天下扬名。” Tang Zheng does not know whether to laugh or cry, about looks at two people, these two unexpectedly are also Cultivator, it seems like in this god does not have the average person, is Cultivator. 唐铮哭笑不得,看着左右二人,这两人竟然也是修者,看来这神界之中就没有普通人,都是修者 This is my customer, do you join in the fun?” The left servant opposed nonchalantly, asks. “这是我的客户,你来凑什么热闹?”左边的店小二横眉冷对,问道。 The right servant does not yield an inch, said: Few hero have not entered in your shop, called is your customer, he was also my customer, no?” 右边的店小二寸步不让,说:“少侠又没进你的店里,怎么叫是你的客户,他也是我的客户,不行吗?” You find fault intentionally, yes?” “你是故意找茬儿,是吧?” At the worst fights one.” The servants roll up the sleeves, since a ray flies from him, unexpectedly is Magical Treasure. “大不了打一架。”店小二挽起袖子,一道光芒从他背后飞起,竟是一件法宝 Hits hits, who feared who?” “打就打,谁怕谁?” In another servant hand ray dodges, is Magical Treasure, these two as if are not the first time, familiar and easy. 另外一个店小二手中光芒一闪,也是一件法宝,这两人似乎不是第一次,轻车熟路。 Tang Zheng broadens the outlook, said: Two beginning, I should not be interested in two things anxiously, may look greatly.” 唐铮大开眼界,说:“二位别急着动手,我对二位的东西都感兴趣,大可都看一下。” They then relinquish, receive Magical Treasure, exchanges the smiling face of flattering, said: „Does that few hero look at our day profound marvelous abilities first?” 两人这才作罢,收起法宝,换上讨好的笑容,说:“那少侠先看我们的天玄神功?” First looks at our cutting Saint blade?” Another is unwilling to fall behind. “先看我们的斩圣刀?”另外一个不甘落后。 cough cough! 咳咳 Sees them to be red in the face, must wage a war, Tang Zheng coughs, has stopped them: I look at a day of profound marvelous ability first.” 见两人面红耳赤,又要大动干戈,唐铮干咳一声,制止了他们:“我先看天玄神功吧。” A person is arrogant immediately, likely is the general of triumphal returning, another servant is indignant, does not have the means rebuttal. 一人立刻趾高气扬,像是凯旋的将军,另外一个店小二愤愤不平,却没办法反驳。 Tang Zheng enters the shop along with the servant, in this shop is bedecked with jewels, not only there is a rare book, there are various Magical Treasure, dazzling, these are bedecked with jewels are on Magical Treasure send out. 唐铮随着店小二走进店铺,这店铺中可谓珠光宝气,不仅有秘籍,也有各种法宝,琳琅满目,那些珠光宝气就是法宝上散发出来的。 The servants toward a highest row of shelf point, the ray dodge gently, a jade box flies light, falls into his hand. 店小二朝最高的一排货架轻轻一点,光芒一闪,一个玉盒轻飘飘地飞下来,落入他手中。 He lifts to Tang Zheng in front of cautiously, said: Few hero, this is the treasure of day profound marvelous ability our market town, please appraise.” 他小心翼翼地举到唐铮面前,说:“少侠,这就是咱们的镇店之宝天玄神功,请你品鉴。” The servants open the jade box, a multi-colored sunlight flies from the box, has illuminated the shop. 店小二打开玉盒,一道霞光从盒子中飞出来,照亮了店铺。 Another servant curled the lip, as if quite disdains. 另外一个店小二撇了撇嘴,似乎颇为不屑。 Tang Zheng fixes the eyes on looks, this jade Jane Po has the appearance, not only the multi-colored sunlight is intermittent, but also is lending a mysterious aura. 唐铮定睛一瞧,这玉简颇有卖相,不但霞光阵阵,而且散发着一股神秘气息。 Tang Zheng puts out a hand to take, servant closes the jade box, smilingly said: Few hero, day profound marvelous ability is Merit Law, can only look that cannot touch, otherwise, you looked at Merit Law in jade Jane directly, I also sell anything.” 唐铮伸手就想拿,店小二啪的一声关上玉盒,笑眯眯地说:“少侠,天玄神功乃是功法,只能看,不能碰,否则,你直接就将玉简中的功法看了去,那我还卖什么啊。” Tang Zheng shrinks reaches behind the back, said with a smile resentfully: Was I am impatient.” 唐铮缩回手,悻悻地笑道:“是我心急了。” The servants said: Day profound marvelous abilities and few hero are predestined friends . Moreover the reasonable price, treats both the young and old honestly, missed to be a pity.” 店小二说:“天玄神功与少侠有缘,而且价格公道,童叟无欺,错过可真的可惜了。” How much money?” “多少钱?” Ten thousand Spirit Stone.” “一万灵石。” Spirit Stone? 灵石 The Tang Zheng heart said that is it possible that the currency of god is Spirit Stone, but considers carefully, pours also logically. 唐铮心道,莫非神界的流通货币是灵石,不过细细思量,倒也顺理成章。 After all, in god is Cultivator, but Spirit Stone implication world Spirit Stone, is the practice must the spare parts. 毕竟,神界中都是修者,而灵石蕴含天地灵石,乃是修炼的必备品。 Ten thousand Spirit Stone are many, Tang Zheng does not have the concrete concept. 只是一万灵石是多少,唐铮没有具体概念。 Moreover, on him has not brought Spirit Stone, Heaven and Earth Profound Stone compared with existence of Spirit Stone high level, but was used to reconstruct Heavenly Stairs. 而且,他身上也没带灵石,天地玄石是比灵石更高级的存在,但都用来重建天梯了。 Sees Tang Zheng to be silent, the servant said hurriedly: Few hero, our prices were very just, ten thousand Spirit Stone, you could not buy suffering a loss, could not buy being swindled.” 唐铮沉默不语,店小二急忙说:“少侠,我们的价格很公道了,一万灵石,你买不了吃亏,买不了上当。” Tang Zheng smiled bitterly and astringently, both hands one, said: But I do not have Spirit Stone, this what to do?” 唐铮苦涩地笑了笑,双手一摊,说:“可我没有灵石,这怎么办?” Doesn't have Spirit Stone?” Two servants both were startled, as if stems from their expectations. “没有灵石?”两个店小二都吃了一惊,仿佛出乎他们的预料。 Their vision is sharp, high and low sizes up Tang Zheng, sees his Yushu to face the wind, person who is impressive, likely does not have Spirit Stone. 他们目光犀利,上下打量唐铮,见他玉树临风,气度不凡,怎么也不像是没灵石的人。 Few hero, do not have Spirit Stone, if you have other treasure, can exchange actually.” The servants proposed. “少侠,没有灵石,你若是有其他宝贝,倒是也可以交换。”店小二提议道。 Treasure I have actually, but cannot take the exchange.” Tang Zheng Magical Treasure is not every, will not actually be used to trade. “宝贝我倒是有,但不能拿出来交换。”唐铮法宝都不是凡品,却不会用来交易。 Servant surface color one stiff, actually squeezes a smiling face, looks all around about, asked cautiously in a low voice: „Do you have the strength of belief?” 店小二面『色』一僵,却还是挤出一丝笑容,环顾左右,小心翼翼地低声问:“那你有信仰之力吗?” Recommends everybody to pay attention to my micro letter public number: Tang flute, recently in reorganizing various materials in this book, the character, or beyond, can send to the public number regularly. 推荐大家关注我的微信公众号:唐箫,最近在整理本书中的各种资料,人物,或者番外,会定期发到公众号上。 The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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