TCOC :: Volume #19

#1828: The fish swallows the bait

The servants, this think disappointedly can see a Tang Zheng clue, finally actually has achieved nothing. 店小二失望之极,本以为可以看出唐铮的一点端倪,最终却一无所获。 But strength of one bottle of belief are more important than anything, this is most important. 但一瓶信仰之力比什么都重要,这才是重中之重。 The servants receive a Yuan wooden bottle cautiously, places the Tang Zheng control the jade box, opens by the face happily: Day profound marvelous ability was your.” 店小二小心翼翼地收起元木瓶,将玉盒放在唐铮手心,喜逐颜开:“天玄神功是你的了。” Tang Zheng has not opened the jade box with enough time, was entrained hurriedly by another servant, said: Few hero, have bought our cutting Saint blade first, then studies the day profound marvelous ability not to be late.” 唐铮尚未来得及打开玉盒,又被另一个店小二急匆匆地拽走,说:“少侠,先买了我们的斩圣刀,再研究天玄神功不迟。” At present in a flash, Tang Zheng arrived at the next door, the servant is pointing at a putting aside feldspar box, said: Cuts the Saint blade, you give me quickly strength of one bottle of belief, it was your.” 眼前一晃,唐铮已来到了隔壁,店小二指着束之高阁的一个长石盒,说:“斩圣刀就在其中,你快给我一瓶信仰之力,它就是你的了。” Servant both hands present the first fullmoon wooden bottle, in the eye completely is the frantic anticipation. 店小二双手奉上元木瓶,眼中尽是狂热的期待。 The strength of belief to Tang Zheng inexhaustible, he has not thought that received the Yuan wooden bottle, immediately gives back to the opposite party, puts out a hand to seize Stone He. 信仰之力对唐铮而言取之不尽,他并未多想,接过元木瓶,立刻又还给对方,伸手就夺过石盒。 Servant both hands are holding a Yuan wooden bottle, regards, if treasure, cautiously, cannot attend to Tang Zheng, flew to crash in the back house generally. 店小二双手捧着元木瓶,视若珍宝,小心翼翼,也顾不得唐铮,飞一般地冲进了后屋。 A Tang Zheng jade box, Stone He, the stride goes out of the shop, looks all around about, the person many mixed, he enters a secluded track, in the eye full is the anticipation. 唐铮一手玉盒,一手石盒,大步走出店铺,环顾左右,人多眼杂,他进入一条僻静小道,眼中满是期待。 First looks at a day of profound marvelous ability.” “先看天玄神功。” Pa! 啪! The jade box opens, a multi-colored sunlight broken box, what end is incomparably mysterious. 玉盒开启,一道霞光破盒而出,端的是无比神秘。 Tang Zheng narrows the eye slightly, takes up jade Jane, the mind sinks, Merit Law appears in the mind. 唐铮微微眯起眼睛,拿起玉简,心神沉入其中,一篇功法就显现在脑海之中。 Well? 咦? The Tang Zheng look changes, this Merit Law truly appealing to heaven profound marvelous ability, being very different that but as if introduced with the servant. 唐铮的眼神微变,这部功法确实叫天玄神功,但似乎和店小二介绍的相去甚远。 Saint boundary rare book? 圣境秘籍? By the Tang Zheng vision naturally can see that a day of profound marvelous ability is unworthy of the name. 唐铮的眼光自然可以看出天玄神功名不副实。 In his heart surges an unlucky premonition. 他心中涌起一股不祥的预感。 He opens Stone He hastily, a sharp ray clashes, the intermittent blade cry continues, five light ten color the blade light is especially brilliant. 他连忙打开石盒,一股犀利的光芒冲出来,阵阵刀鸣不止,五光十『色』的刀光格外绚烂。 However, when his vision falls on the blade, in the heart one suddenly, Bang, Stone He with cutting the Saint blade hits together on the wall, blasting open, changes to the fragment loudly. 然而,当他的目光落在刀上时,心中一突,砰的一下,石盒与斩圣刀一起撞在墙壁上,轰然炸裂,化作碎片。 This so-called can cut to kill the Saint boundary cultivation level cutting Saint blade to be the same with the day profound marvelous ability, is unworthy of the name. 这所谓的可以斩杀圣境修为的斩圣刀和天玄神功一样,都名不副实。 His premonition was confirmed. 他的预感被证实了。 He was deceived! 他被骗了! New arrival by the god two servants deceiving, if said that to make one to laugh aloud, lost to the grandmother family|home disgraced. 初来乍到就被神界的两个店小二给骗了,若是说出去,岂不是叫人笑掉大牙,丢人丢到姥姥家了。 He looks all around about, luckily does not have other people to find, otherwise, where this face toward shears. 他环顾左右,幸亏没其他人瞧见,否则,这张脸往哪里割。 Before arriving at finally, him has instead smiled, heaves a deep sigh: I pull rank, in god the god clan and humanity exist side by side, humanity survives under the high pressure of god clan, can it be that common people. Especially this servant, welcomed escorts, had to do with various people, already was the worldly person, deceived me has not been the difficult matter.” 临到最后,他反而笑了起来,摇头叹息:“我真是托大,神界中神族和人类并立,人类在神族的高压下生存,又岂是泛泛之辈。尤其是这店小二,迎来送往,与各种人打交道,早就是人精了,骗过我并不算难事。” His anger subsides gradually, instead came the interest. 他的怒火渐渐平息,反而来了兴趣。 Servant so impatiently wants the strength of belief, but does not enjoy to them, true secret has someone else. If can find this secretly person, could obtain the deity Secret Art, to have a limited view of leopard, obviously in god that unprecedented melts the elegant demeanor of now outstandingly able person, contrasts the new book from heaven, I definitely have discovered.” “店小二如此迫不及待地想要信仰之力,但绝不是给他们享用,真正的幕后另有其人。若是能找到这幕后之人,或许可以得到天神诀,以管窥豹,可见神界中那旷古烁今的奇人之风采,对比新天书,我肯定有更多发现。” He turns around then to walk toward two shops, he sees two shop front doors to shut tightly from afar, has not received a guest. 他转身便向两个店铺走去,远远地,他就看见两个店铺大门紧闭,已经不迎客了。 Such quickly has closed, was really the advantage, has deceived me, was very afraid I to come back to look for trouble.” Tang Zheng then understands in a flash. “这么快就关门了,果然是得了好处,骗了我,深怕我回来找麻烦。”唐铮转瞬便明白过来。 Actually thought he stops to rush asks, person many mixed, if destroys the opposite party front door, will bring in the unnecessary trouble inevitably. 他止住冲上去一问究竟的念头,人多眼杂,若是砸破对方大门,势必引来不必要的麻烦。 Especially on the street also has the soldier of patrol. 尤其街道上还有巡逻的士兵。 These are the subordinates of god clan. 这些都是神族的手下。 He does not think premature violent dew status. 他不想过早暴『露』身份。 He has shown by the true colors, but nobody shows many attention to his look, this explained that Nascent Soul Avatar does not know by too many people in god. 他一直以真面目示人,但没人对他的相貌表现出过多的关注,这说明元婴分身在神界之中并不为太多人知晓。 Perhaps, only then certain god clans know him. 或许,只有某些神族知道他。 The Tang Zheng rope nature directly frankly and uprightly shows by the appearance. 唐铮索『性』就直接光明正大地以正面目示人。 You deceive my strength of belief to be easy, but does not know that is my strength of belief, the regard is interlinked with me, quite in my light pointing the way.” “你们骗我的信仰之力容易,但不知道,那是我的信仰之力,与我相心意相通,就相当于我的指路明灯。” The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth bring back wipe the smiling face, he discovered that the strength of belief in these two shops, explained that they the strength of belief will not have carried off. 唐铮嘴角勾起一抹笑容,他发现信仰之力正在这两个店铺之中,说明他们并未将信仰之力带走。 Waits for gains without pains, I looked that finally where you strength of belief will take.” “守株待兔,我就看你们最终将信仰之力带往何方。” Tang Zheng tours leisurely in the city, calling that also after some shops, servant also gone all out, respective took out so-called heavy treasure. 唐铮优哉游哉地在城中游览起来,又经过一些店铺,店小二也正卖力的吆喝,各自祭出所谓的重宝。 Had learning from another's mistakes, Tang Zheng has smiled, special observation Cultivator, their cultivation level were widely divergent, various cultivation level had everything expected to find. 有了前车之鉴,唐铮一笑而过,专门观察身边的修者,他们的修为大相径庭,各种修为都应有尽有。 And also many Enlightenment Realm this master. 其中也不乏大乘境界这种高手。 But Saint boundary cultivation level, he has not seen. 但圣境修为,他一个人也没看见。 Unknowingly, he went to city center, a grand construction as if spring the bamboo shoots general that braves from the place, stands erect in him at present. 不知不觉,他来到了城中心,一栋宏伟建筑仿佛春笋从地中冒出来的一般,矗立在他眼前。 He looks up, this building is very big grandly, unexpectedly big hundred zhang (333m). 他抬头望去,这栋建筑十分高大雄伟,竟高大百丈。 And has the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity strength to pass on indistinctly, with the outside seems two world, Cultivator one after another that passed by evades, but far it, does not dare to approach. 其中有神秘莫测的力量隐隐约约地传出来,与外界仿佛是两个世界,路过的修者纷纷避而远之,不敢靠近。 This building seems devil's lair hell. 这栋建筑仿佛是魔窟地狱。 The Tang Zheng vision by the inscribed horizontal tablet attraction, submitted a written statement to city main prefecture finally together three ancient intent abundant large characters, in these three characters actually contains some mysterious strength. 唐铮的目光最终被一块匾额吸引,上书“城主府”三个古意盎然的大字,这三字中竟然蕴含某种神秘的力量。 This person of calligraphy is extremely fierce, only looks at these three characters, sufficiently appealing.” Tang Zheng sighed. “这人书法极其厉害,仅看这三字,就足以吸引人。”唐铮感叹。 City main prefecture entrance guards sternly, as if realized that his vision, the guard looks up, vision fire, charm of ignition. 城主府门口守卫森严,似乎察觉到了他的目光,守卫抬头望来,目光似火,有一种灼烧的魔力。 However, guards anything not to find, because, Tang Zheng first one step left, startled has not been up mighty waves. 然而,守卫什么也没瞧见,因为,唐铮抢先一步离开了,没有惊起一点波澜。 Transferred a great-circle, Tang Zheng has discovered a clue. 转了一大圈,唐铮发现了一点端倪。 In this city Cultivator is numerous, but nobody imperial flight, ordinary Cultivator, is that bearing stern soldier, carefully leads the way. 这城中修者众多,但没人御器飞行,无论是普通修者,还是那气度森严的士兵,都是一步一个脚印地前行。 To Cultivator, imperial flight not only simple, speed and quick, but these Cultivator, even if line color in a hurry, is conscientious. 修者而言,御器飞行既简单,速度又快,但这些修者即便行『色』匆匆,也是脚踏实地。 This stems from his expectation greatly. 这大大出乎他的预料。 Tang Zheng lowers the head to look at the tread, looking pensive, suddenly, he looks up the day, is suddenly enlighted, smiles: I knew.” 唐铮低头瞧着地面,若有所思,突然,他又抬头望天,恍然大悟,会心一笑:“我知道了。” Originally, outside this city and city entirely different, in the city the arrange has gotten down complex big unexpectedly, limits the person to fly specially. 原来,这城中与城外截然不同,城中竟然布下了复杂地大阵,专门限制人飞行。 Once the person imperial flight, will then trigger big, thus brings in the fatal disaster. 一旦人御器飞行,便会触发大阵,从而引来杀身之祸。 Battle efficiency sharp decline of Cultivator in city. 修者在城中的战斗力锐减。 This definitely is the method of god clan, in the city weakens the Cultivator strength, even if there is Cultivator of heart of rebelling, cannot turn any rough seas in the city.” “这肯定是神族的手段,城中削弱修者的力量,即便有反叛之心的修者,在城中也翻不起什么大浪。” Tang Zheng ponders over, has seen through profound and abstruse principles. 唐铮琢磨一番,识破了其中的玄机。 He does not have to challenge this big, the intention moves, the strength of that two bottles of belief had the sound. 他没有去挑战这个大阵,心念一动,那两瓶信仰之力有动静了。 His Shen Ruo You Dragon, the trace across streets, arrives at the shop , before instantaneously. 他沈若游龙,不着痕迹地穿过一条条街道,瞬间就来到店铺前。 Two shop gates opened a seam, two servant personal appearance dodge, moved sideways. 两个店铺门打开了一条缝,两个店小二身形一闪,已闪身而出。 They look at each other one, is not convinced mutually cold snort|hum, moves such as fast, the same direction to the city rushes. 他们对视一眼,互不服气地冷哼一声,动如脱兔,向城中同一个方向奔去。 Fish swallowed the bait finally.” “鱼儿终于上钩了。” Tang Zheng is closely associated, is in hot pursuit, that two people actually quite the same as unconsciously. 唐铮如影随形,紧追不舍,那二人却浑然不觉。 The quickest renewal read, 最快更新阅读, Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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