TCOC :: Volume #18

#1766: Reached the stage of perfection

Tang Zheng and Ksitigarbha look at each other one, had already found out a clue, this definitely was Wu Lingwang formerly the repercussions of matter of doing. 唐铮和地藏王对视一眼,已然想出了一点端倪,这肯定是武灵王先前所做之事的后遗症。 Tang Zheng transports the space principle darkly, understands clearly in Xiong, said seriously: „The energy of ghost suction by Wu Lingwang too, this causes the ghost energy not to be steady, calamity.” 唐铮暗运空间法则,更加了然于胸,严肃地说道:“鬼界的能量被武灵王吸走太多,这才导致鬼界能量不稳,天塌地陷。” The Ksitigarbha nod said: So, but do we have the means to stand firm ghost temporarily?” 地藏王点头说:“正是如此,但我们有办法暂时稳住鬼界吧?” Ksitigarbha does not have the full assurance, only has to Tang Zheng inquired. 地藏王也没有十足的把握,唯有向唐铮询问。 Tang Zheng pondered a while, the nod said: We collaborate, should be able to achieve this point.” 唐铮思考了一会儿,点头道:“我们联手,应该可以做到这一点。” That also waits for anything.” Ksitigarbha is impatient. “那还等什么。”地藏王迫不及待。 Other people stared in a big way the eyeball, still shaken, if the ghost energy were unstable, that this world might the destruction. 其他人瞪大了眼珠,惊魂未定,若是鬼界能量一直不稳定,那这个世界就有可能毁灭。 After all, ghost already was not the macrocosm, but was the microcosm. 毕竟,鬼界早已不是大世界,而是小世界了。 Come.” “来吧。” Tang Zheng revolution space principle, whole body skill is assigned away from the capital. 唐铮运转空间法则,浑身功力外放。 Ksitigarbha is also so, they lift off as if by prior agreement slowly, finally float above vault of heaven. 地藏王也是如此,两人不约而同地冉冉升空,最终悬浮在了苍穹之上。 The sky is torn to pieces, likely is the shatter glass jar, has covered entirely the spider web same fissure. 天空支离破碎,像是破碎的玻璃瓶子,布满了蜘蛛网一样的裂痕。 Whiz sōu! 嗖! Two rays flushed from Tang Zheng and Ksitigarbha body, direct impact vault of heaven. 两道光芒从唐铮和地藏王身体中冲了出去,直冲苍穹。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Two Lei Ming bangs, sky fierce swaying, the space principle to is spreading in all directions, little stable sky. 两声雷鸣般的巨响,天空一阵剧烈的摇晃,空间法则正向四面八方蔓延,一点点地稳固天空。 The space principle looks like the glue water, caked these cracks little, making it be insufficient to continue the magnification. 空间法则就像是胶水,一点点地粘结起了那些裂纹,令其不至于继续扩大化。 The eyeballs of other people quickly stared, looks at this marvelous sight, the mood surged, is unable to be tranquil. 其他人的眼珠子都快瞪出来了,看着这一副奇景,心情激荡不已,无法平静。 Tang Zheng and Ksitigarbha imitate the benevolence to have cleverness to be common, turns around the direction, whiz whiz, two ray direct impacts to the earth. 唐铮和地藏王仿佛心有灵犀一般,又掉转方向,嗖嗖,两道光芒直冲向大地。 Bang in the sound, the earth stopped the dehiscence, these deeply do not see the bottom the gully also to stabilize. 轰隆声中,大地停止了开裂,那些深不见底的沟壑也稳定下来。 The Ksitigarbha body sways, he is only Enlightenment Ninth Grade cultivation level, but room principle most consumes the skill. 地藏王身体摇晃起来,他只是大乘九品修为,而施展空间法则是最消耗功力的。 You rest, the following work I complete.” “你休息吧,接下来的工作我来完成。” They have completed the most difficult part, the work that but concludes is not an easy matter. 两人已经完成了最艰难的部分,但收尾的工作也不是一件容易的事。 Ksitigarbha deeply looked at his one eyes, is this Saint boundary cultivation level? 地藏王深深地看了他一眼,这就是圣境修为吗? Experienced just now that fierce battle, really also has the ample force to do such many matters, is not Enlightenment Ninth Grade can compare seriously. 经历了方才那一场恶战,竟然还有余力做这么多事,当真不是大乘九品可以比拟的。 He desires something greatly, if can achieve the Saint boundary, that should be the how wonderful experience. 他不禁心向往之,若是可以达到圣境,那该是多么美妙的体验啊。 That is the Cultivator true ultimate pursue, but non- is Enlightenment Ninth Grade. 那才是修者真正终极的追求,而非是大乘九品 The Tang Zheng heart not gets off one's main subject, the whole body erupts the radiant ray, looks like a hot sun, skyrockets, integrated that to cover entirely spider web in unexpectedly the sky. 唐铮心无旁骛,浑身爆发出璀璨的光芒,就像是一个烈日,扶摇直上,竟然融入了那布满蜘蛛网似的天空中。 The ray extremely in dazzling, other people are unable to look straight ahead. 光芒太过于耀眼,其他人根本无法直视。 These spider webs healed gradually, that flash when the ray vanishes suddenly, all cracks completely vanish without the trace. 那些蜘蛛网渐渐愈合了,当光芒忽然消失的那一刹那,所有裂纹完全消失无踪。 Everybody is looking at this, particularly that just likes the Spiritual God ordinary person. 大家怔怔地望着这一幕,尤其是那个犹如神灵一般的人。 Intrepid! 强悍! In everybody heart only has this thought that the surging emotions fluctuates, does not have the means to describe own feelings completely. 大家心中唯有这一个念头,心潮起伏,根本没办法完全形容自己的心情。 Tang Zheng flutters slowly, just likes the deity descends to earth, vacillates including the Ksitigarbha also mind. 唐铮慢慢地飘下来,犹如天神下凡,连地藏王也心神动摇。 „Is this god?” “这就是神吗?” Tang Zheng has not paid attention to mood that everybody surges, bows the head the earth of looks at dehiscence, helpless sigh. 唐铮没理会大家激荡的心情,俯首看着开裂的大地,无奈的叹息一声。 He can make the vault of heaven heal is the limit, does not have the ability to make the earth heal. 他能够令天穹愈合已是极限,根本没能力让大地愈合。 Only can for the time being so.” Tang Zheng said reluctantly. “只能暂且如此了。”唐铮无奈地说。 Ksitigarbha seems to be awakening from a dream, transports space principle darkly, sensation ghost, discovered carefully ghost has stabilized, but this also temporary, still had the risk. 地藏王如梦初醒,暗运空间法则,仔细地感知鬼界,发现鬼界已经稳定下来,但这也是暂时的,仍然有风险。 Only has energy that the opposite party wins also comes back, ghost can true stable such as beginning. 唯有将对方夺走的能量还回来,鬼界才能真正的稳固如初。 However, Ksitigarbha has endless emotion as before, if not for there is Tang Zheng to assist, he cannot achieve now this step, perhaps ghost truly ruined. 不过,地藏王依旧感慨不已,若不是有唐铮相助,他根本做不到如今这一步,鬼界恐怕就真正地毁掉了。 This is the friendly reason, the reason that initially he had, has had the great accomplishment now. 这就是善缘,当初他结下的缘,如今结出了硕果。 Pecking and sipping, has the fate, is the causal circle. 一饮一啄,自有定数,乃是因果循环。 Tang Zheng, thank you!” Ksitigarbha said sincerely. 唐铮,谢谢你!”地藏王诚恳地说道。 Tang Zheng shakes the head, said ashamed: This matter actually also because of me, matter that if not for I do in Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), they definitely will not project in the idea your ghost.” 唐铮摇摇头,惭愧地说:“这件事其实也因我而起,若不是我在天外天做下的事,他们肯定也不会将主意打到你们鬼界上。” Ksitigarbha has not gone into seriously a reasoning, but shook the head to say directly: Otherwise, even if not you, their greeds day after day will also surge upward, will stare finally also at our ghost, commits the similar crime.” 地藏王没有深究个中缘由,而是直接摇头说:“不然,即便不是你,他们的贪欲也会日渐高涨,最终也会盯上我们鬼界,犯下同样的罪行。” Tang Zheng no longer disputed, asks: What to do then do you prepare?” 唐铮不再争执,问道:“接下来你准备怎么办?” Recaption is the ghost energy.” Ksitigarbha said. “取回属于鬼界的能量。”地藏王说。 Tang Zheng has thought deeply a while, said: Good, you and I go to Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) together, Hao Son of Heaven think of every means that absorb ghost the energy, definitely has the big movement, Little Bai they are not necessarily able to resist.” 唐铮深思了一会儿,说:“好,你和我一起去天外天,昊天王费尽心思,吸收鬼界的能量,肯定有大动作,小白他们未必能抵挡得住。” What does that need have to prepare?” “那需要有什么准备吗?” Hao Son of Heaven is under numerous, if we want the storm, that must gather all troops, the army presses, fights to win, cannot to the opportunity that the opposite party stages a comeback.” Tang Zheng clenched teeth, has set main key. “昊天王手下众多,我们若是要强攻,那也必须集合所有的人马,大军压进,一战而胜,决不能给对方东山再起的机会。”唐铮一咬牙,定下了基调。 Ghost all living things are very special, does not have the means to stay for a long time including the world, whether can battle in Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) for a long time?” Ksitigarbha said in the heart to worry. “鬼界众生十分特殊,连人间也没办法久留,是否能够长时间在天外天作战?”地藏王说出了心中担忧。 odd|surplus Mo Lve hesitates, says with a smile: If before, I definitely am unable to answer you this issue, because, Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) and world and ghost have not the small difference. Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) not own child and mother, does not have own ghost, after the myriad things die, the soul vanishes in ghost. But now Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) has absorbed the ghost energy, that has part of characteristics of ghost, for example Yin Qi.” 余默略一沉吟,笑道:“若是以前,我肯定无法回答你这个问题,因为,天外天和人间、鬼界都有不小的区别。天外天没有自己的子母界,也就是没有自己的鬼界,万物死后,灵魂消失在鬼界之中。但如今天外天吸收了鬼界的能量,那就拥有鬼界的一部分特性,比如说阴气。” Ksitigarbha understands everything right off, eye one bright, said: So that's how it is. Can that i.e. we be free in the Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) motion?” 地藏王一点即透,眼睛一亮,说:“原来如此。那就是说我们可以在天外天行动自如了?” That is natural! Even if cannot temporarily, but my room principle, can transfer Yin Qi between world, enabling you to be safe and sound.” “那是当然!即便暂时不能,但我施展空间法则,也能调动天地间的阴气,让你们可以安然无恙。” The looks at Tang Zheng confident appearance, Ksitigarbha not worried again that said: We when?” 看着唐铮信心十足的样子,地藏王再无担忧,说:“那我们什么时候出发?” In the Tang Zheng heart moved, looks at exhausted ghost all living things saying: Does not worry, everybody experienced such a fierce battle, needs to rest and build up strength. Moreover, once we march, that is the operation not turning head arrow, must plan a sure card. Moreover, we must transfer the combatants who all can transfer.” 唐铮心中一动,望了一眼疲惫的鬼界众生说:“不着急,大家经历了这么一场恶战,需要休养生息。而且,我们一旦进军,那就是开工没有回头箭,必须谋划一个万全之策。另外,我们必须调动所有能调动的战斗人员。” You were said that continued our ghost army?” “你是说不止我们鬼界大军?” „, This also has a bearing on the life or death of world, the world naturally should strive . Moreover, I will relate Dragon Clan, our tripartite influence, marches Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) together, must eliminate Hao Son of Heaven.” “正是,这也关系着人间的存亡,人间自然应该出一份力,另外,我会联系龙族,我们三方势力,一起进军天外天,务必要消灭昊天王。” During the spoken languages, Murderous Qi is steaming, the look of wrath, a giant lotus flower spreads from his, finally changes to a lotus throne, odd|surplus Motuo. 言语之间,杀气腾腾,金刚怒目,一朵巨大的莲花从他脚下蔓延出来,最后化作一座莲台,将余默拖了起来。 Ksitigarbha eye one bright, said: Congratulates you! The ksitigarbha already reaches the stage of perfection, marches into peak.” 地藏王眼睛一亮,道:“恭喜你!地藏经已臻化境,步入巅峰。” Tang Zheng nods the head slightly, is not surprised in own change. 唐铮微微颔首,并不惊讶于自身的变化。 The ksitigarbha after was bound by a common cause with the destiny of ghost, at this moment, he already merges into one organic whole with the destiny and destiny of ghost, the ksitigarbha after had the tremendous changes. 地藏经本来就与鬼界的命运休戚相关,此刻,他已将鬼界的气运和命运与自己融为一体,地藏经就发生了翻天覆地的变化。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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