TCOC :: Volume #18

#1765: The day treads the subsidence of the earth

Wu Lingwang Magical Treasure divine ability are general, in the world by the Magical Treasure murderous intention was covered completely. 武灵王的法宝神通广大,天地间完全被法宝的杀机笼罩。 „” “啊” The pitiful yell sound continuously, Messenger Ghost General one after another was affected, calls out pitifully to draw back to disperse, 惨叫声此起彼伏,鬼差鬼将纷纷受到影响,惨叫着退散开去、 Ksitigarbha tall Xuan Buddha, a palm lays out, a golden hand imprint drops from the clouds, in his mouth mumbled, Sanskrit gathered around the hand imprint, kept the Territory spin dancing in the air. 地藏王高宣一声佛号,一掌拍出,一个金色手印从天而降,他口中念念有词,一道道梵文汇聚在手印四周,不停地盘旋飞舞。 Ten thousand Buddha toward sect!” “万佛朝宗!” Four characters jump from ksitigarbha Wangkou, the world turned into golden color. 四个字从地藏王口中蹦出来,天地变成了一片金色。 Bang! 轰! The hand imprint has hit that Magical Treasure bright with many colors, bang in the sound, Magical Treasure presented fissures, but the hand imprint ray dodges, disintegrates. 手印击中了那五光十色的法宝,轰隆声中,法宝出现了一道道裂痕,而手印光芒一闪,也分崩离析。 Wu Lingwang inconceivable looks at this, that is his father passes to his Magical Treasure, is very fierce, actually like this was damaged. 武灵王不可思议地看着这一幕,那可是他父王传给他的法宝,十分厉害,竟然就这样受损了。 He formerly had not seen Ksitigarbha to have such formidable strength, was suppressed to punch by him completely crazily. 他先前可没有看出地藏王有这么强大的实力,完全是被他压制住在狂揍啊。 What's the matter?” Wu Lingwang the hysteria shouts wildly. “怎么回事?”武灵王歇斯底里地狂叫起来。 Amitabha, formerly I must divert attention to save other people, naturally cannot the total involvement with you to the war, now, I not have the extra worries, that then asks for the just time for ghost.” “阿弥陀佛,先前我要分心救其他人,自然不能全身心地与你对战,如今,我已没有后顾之忧,那便是替鬼界讨回公道的时候了。” sōu! 嗖! Ksitigarbha shoots up to the sky, the whole body blooming golden light, particularly both eyes suddenly opened, no longer is the benign countenance appearance, but turned into the angry glare diamond. 地藏王冲天而起,浑身绽放金光,尤其是双目暴睁,不再是慈眉善目的样子,而是变成了怒目金刚。 In ksitigarbha Wangkou mumbled, Jin Wen changed to Sanskrit to fly from his mouth, in the world resounded the bright ding to be ordinary, shakes the person heart. 地藏王口中念念有词,金文化作一道道梵文从他口中飞出来,天地间响起了煌煌钟声一般,震人心扉。 Other ghost all living things one after another kneel on the ground devotionally, both eyes looks to be well-grounded blazingly Tibetan King. 其他鬼界众生纷纷虔诚地跪在地上,双目炽烈地望着地藏王。 The Tang Zheng pupil shrinks, stares to be well-grounded steadily Tibetan King, in the heart sighed that Ksitigarbha is really fierce, this move of ten thousand Buddha toward the sect, the might is without a doubt, Magical Treasure of even/including Wuling king can break. 唐铮瞳孔一缩,也目不转睛地盯着地藏王,心中直感叹,地藏王果然厉害,这一招万佛朝宗,威力毋庸置疑,连武灵王的法宝都能破掉。 He instead idled, interesting looks at this. 他反而闲了下来,饶有兴趣地看着这一幕。 Wu Lingwang is not willingly, roars: Dies.” 武灵王不甘心,咆哮一声:“去死吧。” Whish! 哗! If together Can the lasing of ray of stars from damaging Magical Treasure, has worn out the sky, directly soars to Ksitigarbha. 一道灿若星辰的光芒从残损的法宝上激射而出,穿破了天空,直奔向地藏王。 Ksitigarbha tall Xuanfo, is a move of ten thousand Buddha toward the sect. 地藏王高宣佛号,又是一招万佛朝宗。 Bang! 轰隆! The ray explodes, brilliant incomparable, turned into colorfully ghost this dim world, once made the person unable to open eyes. 光芒爆炸,绚烂无比,将鬼界这昏暗的天地变成了五颜六色,一度让人睁不开眼。 Ksitigarbha narrowed the eye slightly. 地藏王微微眯起了眼睛。 Suddenly, in his heart one cold, the sense of crisis writings, dodge rapidly toward left, however, he was late one step. 突然,他心中一凛,危机感大作,迅速地向左闪躲,然而,他还是晚了一步。 Bang! 砰! A ray has hit his chest, he looks like hits extremely powerfully, the chest gets down rapidly hollowly, flies upside down backward. 一道光芒击中了他的胸膛,他就像是万钧之力击中,胸口迅速凹陷下去,向后倒飞出去。 The ray dissipates, other people saw this exactly. 光芒消散,其他人恰好看见了这一幕。 Ksitigarbha......” “地藏王……” Immediately, call out in alarm continuously, making one change countenance. 登时,一声声惊呼此起彼伏,令人动容。 A Tang Zheng secret passage slyness, Wu Lingwang uses diversionary tactics, let Ksitigarbha unexpectedly by. 唐铮暗道一声狡猾,武灵王声东击西,竟然让地藏王遭了道儿。 The Tang Zheng personal appearance dodges, caught Ksitigarbha, asked: You how?” 唐铮身形一闪,已经接住了地藏王,问道:“你怎么样了?” Ksitigarbha shook the head weakly, looks down a hollow chest, said difficultly: I am all right.” 地藏王虚弱地摇头,低头看了一眼凹陷的胸膛,艰难地说:“我没事。” You first therapy, I cope with him.” Tang Zheng puts down Ksitigarbha, soars, is blazing with anger, solidly has locked Wu Lingwang. “你先疗伤,我来对付他。”唐铮放下地藏王,腾空而起,目光如炬,牢牢地锁定了武灵王。 Wu Lingwang shunts vision afraid, said outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted: Tang Zheng, do you also want to bring death?” 武灵王心虚地躲开目光,色厉内荏地说:“唐铮,你也想来送死么?” Snort!” Tang Zheng layer on layer cold snort|hum, said: That looked that is you dies or I dies.” “哼!”唐铮重重地冷哼一声,道:“那看是你死还是我死。” Wu Lingwang retreats afraid backward, he understood Tang Zheng today we are no longer as we have been, oneself at all are not his match, let alone his Magical Treasure ruined. 武灵王心虚地向后退去,他已经明白唐铮今非昔比,自己根本不是他的对手,更何况他的法宝毁掉了。 Just now the second move of ten thousand Buddha has made Magical Treasure die in bed of old age toward the sect, now, he fiercest Magical Treasure did not have, where is the Tang Zheng match. 方才第二招万佛朝宗已经让法宝寿终正寝,如今,他连最厉害的法宝都没有了,又哪里是唐铮的对手。 Wu Lingwang had self-knowledge very much, decided to evade the point temporarily, tried to run away. 武灵王很有自知之明,决定暂避锋芒,试图逃走。 Tang Zheng has seen through his attempt, sneers saying: Offended somebody wants to walk, you also think was too beautiful, stays behind to me.” 唐铮一眼就识破了他的企图,冷笑道:“伤了人就想走,你也想的太美了,给我留下吧。” Hū! 呼! His big hand searches, the black hole presently, the huge attraction covered Wu Lingwang baseless for the first time instantaneously. 他大手一探,黑洞凭空乍现,巨大的吸引力瞬间就笼罩住了武灵王。 Wu Lingwang the facial color big change, said: „Does this want to surround me? Gives me to break!” 武灵王面色大变,道:“这就想困住我吗?给我破!” Wu Lingwang whole body, the energy outward diffusions of rushing, bang in the sound, the sky has torn continuously generally. 武灵王浑身一挺,一道道澎湃的能量源源不断地向外扩散,轰隆声中,天空撕裂了一般。 However, the black hole stabilizes as before reliably, Wu Lingwang does not have the means to break through the fetter of Heaven Swallowing Technique. 然而,黑洞依旧牢固稳定,武灵王根本没办法突破吞天术的束缚。 Then knows that what was overestimates one's strength?” Tang Zheng asked facetiously. “这下知道什么叫蚍蜉撼大树了吧?”唐铮戏谑地问道。 Wu Lingwang facial color one tight, dies to nip the mandibular joint, has put forth the skills. 武灵王面色一紧,死咬牙关,使出了浑身解数。 pū! 噗! A blood spouts, Wu Lingwang the imposing manner big change, the dispirited gets up. 一口鲜血喷出,武灵王的气势大变,萎靡起来。 Gives me to come!” “给我过来!” Tang Zheng bellows, Wu Lingwang closes up to Tang Zheng rapidly, he keeps struggling, however, all these are the futile efforts. 唐铮大吼一声,武灵王迅速地向唐铮靠拢,他不停地挣扎,然而,这一切都是徒劳。 Ghost all living things looks at this, dances with joy all, one after another cheers the call, is Tang Zheng keep it up cheers. 鬼界众生看着这一幕,无不欢欣鼓舞,纷纷欢呼呐喊,为唐铮加油助威。 Wu Lingwang bleeds profusely from the head, may not have the means to prevent to Tang Zheng to approach, he understands opportunity that one had not run away. 武灵王七窍流血,可还是没办法阻止向唐铮靠近,他明白自己已经没有逃走的机会。 But he did not allow one turn into captive, he contorts one's face in agony, the eyeball almost must jump from the eye socket. 可他不容许自己变成俘虏,他呲牙咧嘴,眼珠子几乎要从眼眶蹦出来了。 Tang Zheng, I died, my father will revenge for me, he will certainly kill you, you, died. The Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) destiny soars to the heavens, this ghost will certainly be destroyed in a moment.” 唐铮,我死了,我父王会替我报仇,他一定会杀了你,还有你们,都死定了。天外天的气运冲天,这鬼界必将毁于一旦。” In the Tang Zheng heart flashes through a difference, Wu Lingwang this is the dead will has decided that he shouted one not to be wonderful darkly, the personal appearance dodged, fires into Wu Lingwang. 唐铮心中闪过一丝异样,武灵王这是死志已定,他暗叫一声不妙,身形一闪,冲向武灵王。 Does not want!” “不要!” Tang Zheng only with enough time shouts one, tries to prevent, but all these without enough time. 唐铮只来得及大喊一声,试图阻止,可这一切都来不及了。 Bang! 轰! Wu Lingwang explodes in the sky, changes to everywhere ray to dissipate. 武灵王当空爆炸,化作漫天光芒消散。 Died! 死了! Tang Zheng in the midair, the deep sigh tone, the ray of looks at dissipation, Wu Lingwang knew too many secrets stiffly, if can capture alive him, decides however can know the news of many Hao Son of Heaven. 唐铮僵在了半空中,长叹口气,看着消散的光芒,武灵王知道太多秘密,若是能够活捉他,定然可以知道许多昊天王的消息。 However, he remembers the words that Wu Lingwang the final moment spoke, the Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) destiny as well as the ghost life or death. 不过,他还是记住了武灵王最后关头所说的话,天外天的气运以及鬼界的存亡。 In his heart moves, as if has guessed correctly a symptom. 他心中一动,似乎猜到了一点苗头。 Other people have not thought of these many issues, only saw Wu Lingwang dead, immediately, the tidal cheers were deafening, one looked in pairs to silent vision full is grateful and excited. 其他人没想到这么多问题,只看见武灵王死了,登时,潮水般的欢呼声震耳欲聋,一双双看向余默的目光中满是感激与兴奋。 This powerful enemy died finally, ghost was safe. 这个强敌终于死了,鬼界安全了。 Ksitigarbha therapy, his mood does not surge upward like other people, in his heart uneasy, looks to Tang Zheng. 地藏王已经疗伤完毕,他的心情可不像其他人那么高涨,他心中忐忑不安,望向唐铮 four eyes contact, each other look exchange, has as if understood the meaning of opposite party. 四目相对,彼此的眼神交流,似乎都读懂了对方的意思。 Bang! 轰隆! They had not said that with enough time words, ghost had Heaven-shaking to move the place the turbulence, the world swayed, the earth cracked unexpectedly. 两人都还没来得及说一声话,鬼界发生了惊天动地的动荡,天地摇晃起来,大地竟然开裂了。 This......” “这……” Tang Zheng and in Ksitigarbha heart thump, was this Wu Lingwang the words fulfills? 唐铮和地藏王心中咯噔一下,这是武灵王的话应验了吗? Ghost all living things keep silent immediately, looks at this, feels helpless dull, shouted loudly much panic-strickenly: How was this?” 鬼界众生立刻噤声,呆呆地看着这一幕,不知所措,不少心慌意乱地大喊大叫:“这是怎么了?” This was the day must tread, can fall?” “这是天要踏了,地要陷了吗?” „, What ghost did exactly have?” “啊,鬼界到底发生了什么?” Flustered, formerly clears off excitedly, helplessly looks at Tang Zheng and Ksitigarbha. 人心惶惶,先前的兴奋一扫而光,都不知所措地看着唐铮和地藏王。
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