TCOC :: Volume #18

#1764: Life and death old enemy

The ghost was saved from death, left the whirlpool coverage scope. 鬼魂死里逃生,离开了旋涡的覆盖范围。 Tang Zheng stands proudly, stands in the midair, brilliant is staring at that giant whirlpool. 唐铮傲然而立,站在半空中,灼灼地盯着那个巨大的旋涡。 The whirlpool had the change quietly, a face appears in the sky, although is very fuzzy, but Tang Zheng saw clearly, the pupil shrinks. 旋涡悄然发生了变化,一个面孔出现在天空中,虽然十分模糊,但唐铮还是看清楚了,瞳孔不由一缩。 Is you!” “是你!” Tang Zheng loses one's voice to call out in alarm, inconceivable looks at that huge form. 唐铮失声惊呼起来,不可思议地看着那巨大的身影。 Who is?” Ksitigarbha asked curiously, other people also elongated the neck, was looking at Tang Zheng curiously. “是谁?”地藏王好奇地问道,其他人也伸长脖子,好奇地望着唐铮 Everybody consumes so for a long time, who cannot know the opposite party is, Tang Zheng just now comes shortly, suddenly to discover the clue. 大家耗费如此长时间,都没能知晓对方是谁,唐铮才刚来没多久,竟然就发现了线索。 Is it possible that is this unusual place of Saint boundary? 莫非这就是圣境的非同寻常之处? Tang Zheng mutter said: Wu Lingwang!” 唐铮喃喃自语似地说:“武灵王!” Who Wu Lingwang is?” Ksitigarbha asked curiously. “武灵王是谁?”地藏王好奇地问道。 Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) enemy.” The Tang Zheng brain fast ponders that Wu Lingwang is Hao Son of Heaven's son, the powerhouse in Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), how to appear in the ghost sky. 天外天的敌人。”唐铮大脑飞快地思考起来,武灵王乃是昊天王之子,天外天中的强者,怎么会出现在鬼界的天空中。 Gate of another is space Wu Lingwang? 难道空间之门另外一头就是武灵王? What does he have to attempt? 他有什么企图? Ksitigarbha does not understand Wu Lingwang, but realized that the opposite party is very formidable, said hurriedly: Tang Zheng, must make Wu Lingwang stop as soon as possible.” 地藏王并不了解武灵王,但意识到对方十分强大,急忙说:“唐铮,必须让武灵王尽快停止。” Tang Zheng layer on layer nods, said: I understood!” 唐铮重重点头,道:“我明白了!” Whish! 哗! Calm automatic, the wave has raised all at once, appears the Heaven-shaking rough sea waves, surging forward sweeps across to that giant whirlpool. 无风自动,一股气浪掀了起来,显现出惊天巨浪,汹涌澎湃地席卷向那个巨大的旋涡。 pū! 噗! The whirlpool was torn a crack, the gate of space has no longer stabilized, shivers fiercely. 旋涡被撕裂开了一条裂缝,空间之门不再稳定,剧烈地颤抖起来。 Other ghosts thought immediately a whole body loosen, that type covered in attraction vanishes thoroughly. 其他鬼魂登时觉得浑身一松,那种笼罩在身上的吸引力彻底消失了。 The whirlpool gradually gathers, has to restore such as the beginning sign greatly. 旋涡又渐渐汇聚,大有恢复如初的迹象。 Resurges, you think really I am a vegetarian? To the comprehension of space principle, how you possibly surpass me!” “死灰复燃,你真以为我是吃素的吗?对空间法则的领悟,你怎么可能超过我!” Tittered several, these fissures expanded gradually, and there is a sign of gradual expansion, like was the spider web, has covered entirely the entire whirlpool gradually. 噗嗤几声,那些裂痕渐渐扩大,并且有逐步扩张的迹象,像是蜘蛛网一样,渐渐布满了整个旋涡。 Wu Lingwang the form rippled ripples, became fuzzy. 武灵王的身影荡漾起了一圈圈涟漪,变得模糊起来。 This is not genuine Wu Lingwang, but is Wu Lingwang, definitely is some mystique, then his body photographic printing in the ghost sky. 这并非是真正的武灵王,而是武灵王在施法,肯定是某种秘法,然后将他的身影印在了鬼界的天空之中。 Wu Lingwang, you have shown the clue, you have made these many, wants to pat?” “武灵王,你已经露出了端倪,你做了这么多,就想拍拍屁股走人吗?” Tang Zheng Heaven Swallowing Technique displays instantaneously, the weather changes suddenly, these torn to pieces whirlpools, was actually attracted by the Heaven Swallowing Technique black hole. 唐铮吞天术瞬间就施展出来,天色骤变,那些支离破碎的旋涡呼啦一声,竟然就被吞天术的黑洞吸引过来。 Shouted Hū! 呼! The whirlpool cannot escape the black hole, shortly, the whirlpool vanished in the black hole generally. 旋涡根本没能逃过黑洞,顷刻间,一般旋涡消失在了黑洞之中。 Wu Lingwang the form is also unexpectedly clear. 武灵王的身影竟然又清晰起来。 Because, he by Heaven Swallowing Technique locking, although is two world of being incompatible, Wu Lingwang as before has not actually escaped Heaven Swallowing Technique. 因为,他已经被吞天术给锁定了,虽然是格格不入的两个世界,武灵王却依旧没有逃脱吞天术 The Tang Zheng heart like the bright mirror, nature clear has locked Wu Lingwang, where can make him leave in light of this, the intention moves, the skill increases. 唐铮心如明镜,自然清楚自己锁定了武灵王,哪能让他就此离开,心念一动,功力大增。 Bang! 轰! In the sky has a crack, crosses the sky, even if the sky is very dim, this fissure is also very clear, strikes the eye astonishingly, made person courage entirely to crack. 天空中出现一道裂缝,横贯天空,纵然天空十分昏暗,这道裂痕也十分清晰,触目惊人,令人肝胆俱裂。 Wu Lingwang, gives me to come!” “武灵王,给我过来!” Tang Zheng bellowed, in the fissure presented the half body unexpectedly, was not Wu Lingwang, who was also. 唐铮大吼一声,裂痕中竟然出现了半边身子,不是武灵王,又是何人。 Wu Lingwang stared in a big way the eyeball, inconceivable looks at this, his true body was in Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), thought the absolute safety. 武灵王瞪大了眼珠,不可思议地看着这一幕,他真身乃是在天外天,自认为绝对安全。 Has not thought that when oneself carry out the task that the father appoints, he will encounter such formidable resistance unexpectedly. 万万没想到,自己执行父亲指派的任务时,他竟然会遇到这么强大的阻力。 After Hao Son of Heaven experienced the war, realized that own strength is bad, if thinks that crush exceeds the match, must try another method. 昊天王经历了大战后,意识到自己的实力不济,若想碾压式地胜过对手,必须另辟蹊径。 He ponders diligently, finally has projected in the idea ghost. 他冥思苦想,最终将主意打到了鬼界身上。 Ghost and world are child and mother are not the secrets, if Hao Son of Heaven absorbs the energy of ghost, that world destiny will also be damaged. 鬼界和人间乃是子母界本不是秘密,昊天王若是吸取鬼界之能量,那人间气运也将受损。 You are weak I, once the world destiny weakens, the odds of success of Hao Son of Heaven big several points. 你弱我强,一旦人间气运削弱,那昊天王的胜算就大了几分。 Ghost is a breach, Hao Son of Heaven sends the son to carry out the task, oneself close up the practice, prepares for the final war. 鬼界就是突破口,昊天王派儿子执行任务,自己则闭关修炼,为最后的大战做准备。 Wu Lingwang after the direction of Hao Son of Heaven, the skill progressed by leaps and bounds, has achieved Enlightenment Ninth Grade, has separation from the Saint boundary, is equally matched with Ksitigarbha. 武灵王经过昊天王的指点,功力已经突飞猛进,达到了大乘九品,距离圣境只有一线之隔,和地藏王不相上下。 But Wu Lingwang has Saint Magical Treasure that Hao Son of Heaven grants, to ghost, leads by the overwhelming superiority unexpectedly. 但武灵王拥有昊天王赐予的圣器法宝,对上鬼界,竟然以压倒性的优势遥遥领先。 When Ksitigarbha not thinks to have victory in the hand, unexpectedly some people go bad his good deed. 地藏王没想过胜券在握之际,竟然有人坏他的好事。 He hears that familiar roaring, in the heart imposing, inconceivable, roared: Tang Zheng, is you!” 他听见那一声熟悉的怒吼,心中凛然,不可思议,咆哮道:“唐铮,是你!” This roared to resound through ghost, the Tang Zheng name likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, in ghost nobody does not know that saw the enemy actually also to know, everybody thinks Tang Zheng divine ability were general, immeasurably deep. 这一声咆哮响彻鬼界,唐铮的名字如雷贯耳,鬼界中没有谁不知道,见敌人竟然也知道,大家更觉唐铮神通广大,深不可测。 Originally you knew.” Ksitigarbha is suddenly enlighted. “原来你们认识。”地藏王恍然大悟。 Tang Zheng said: Not only knew that is the old enemy.” 唐铮道:“不但认识,还是宿敌。” The Ksitigarbha pupil shrinks, said: That present what to do?” 地藏王瞳孔一缩,道:“那现在怎么办?” And looked that I seize him.” Tang Zheng explodes roars, personal appearance dodges, skyrockets, direct impact on that giant whirlpool. “且看我将他擒来。”唐铮爆吼一声,身形一闪,扶摇直上,直冲向那巨大的旋涡。 Wu Lingwang the half body card in the whirlpool, the body grew compared with before unexpectedly the big section, fierce fearsome. 武灵王的半边身子卡在旋涡之中,身躯竟然比以前长高了好大一截,狰狞可怖。 Heaven Swallowing Technique!” 吞天术!” sōu! 嗖! The black hole covers in Wu Lingwang the top of the head, the huge attraction tears stiffly him, resists that terrifying the strength of space. 黑洞笼罩在武灵王头顶,巨大的吸引力硬生生地将他撕扯过来,抵挡住那恐怖的空间之力。 „” “啊” Wu Lingwang called out pitifully panic-strickenly, looks at Tang Zheng, exclaimed inconceivable: „Were you so how fierce?” 武灵王惊骇地惨叫起来,不可思议地看着唐铮,吼道:“你怎么这么厉害了?” Since Hao Son of Heaven indicated him, after his skill increases, multiplies to own confidence, thinks that Tang Zheng at all was not his match. 自从昊天王点拨了他,他功力大增后,对自己信心倍增,认为唐铮根本不是他的对手了。 The strength that but at this moment, Tang Zheng shows made him have one deep fear. 但此刻,唐铮所展现出来的实力令他有一种深深的恐惧。 No, this not real!” “不,这不是真的!” His hysteria roared, was not willing to believe this brutal reality. 他歇斯底里地咆哮起来,不愿相信这个残酷的现实。 Tang Zheng cold snort|hum, said: Wu Lingwang, you do not keep Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) on last legs, actually comes ghost to suffer to death, I help you.” 唐铮冷哼一声,道:“武灵王,你不苟延残喘地留在天外天,却来鬼界受死,那我就成全你。” pū! 噗! The black hole intensifies the effort, Wu Lingwang has attracted from Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) directly, the form dodges, he has stood sky over ghost. 黑洞加大力度,武灵王径直从天外天吸了过来,身影一闪,他已经站在了鬼界上空。 Tang Zheng wields conveniently, kā chā, just like the Lightning passing over gently and swiftly expansive sky, gate of whirlpool that huge space was torn to pieces, vanishes into thin air. 唐铮随手一挥,咔嚓一声,宛如闪电掠过长空,那个巨大的空间之门旋涡支离破碎,烟消云散。 Wu Lingwang turns head to look, looks the desperate color, he cannot open the door of closure space like Tang Zheng at will. 武灵王扭头望去,面露绝望之色,他可不像唐铮这样可以随意地打开关闭空间之门。 He did not have that ability. 他还没有那个能力。 He has drawn support from the ability of Hao Son of Heaven, can make a connection with Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) and ghost the gate of space. 他是借助了昊天王的能力,才能打通天外天和鬼界的空间之门。 Wu Lingwang contorts one's face in agony, repulsive in appearance, looks all around for one week, discovered that several big King of Hell and Ksitigarbha have soared, encircles him. 武灵王呲牙咧嘴,面目可憎,环顾一周,发现几大阎王和地藏王已经腾空而起,将他团团围住。 Outside also has various Messenger Ghost General, overlapping, watertight that he encircles, a scarlet-red eye is staring at him in pairs, wished one could to accept uncritically him. 外面还有各种鬼差鬼将,层层叠叠,将他围的水泄不通,一双双赤红的眼睛盯着他,恨不得将他生吞活剥了。 Ghost by this great misfortune, they naturally cannot let off this chief criminal, already hated to the marrow of the bones to him. 鬼界遭此大劫,他们自然不会放过这个罪魁祸首,早就对他恨之入骨了。 Wu Lingwang knew in the heart that this matter is unable to be friendly, the enemy is threatening, he by strength of the, perhaps is a bloody battle. 武灵王心知此事无法善了,敌人来势汹汹,他凭借一己之力,恐怕是一场血战。 His takes a deep breath, offered a sacrifice to new Magical Treasure, both eyes has exploded opens the eyes, exclaims: Kills my you not to be unqualified!” 深吸一口气,祭起了新法宝,双眼爆睁,吼道:“杀我你们还不够格!” Whish! 哗! Lasing of a ray from Magical Treasure goes, in the world was covered by this ray completely, blocks the sky, terrifying extremely. 一道光芒从法宝中激射而去,天地间完全被这道光芒所覆盖,遮天蔽日,恐怖万分。
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