TCOC :: Volume #18

#1767: Deity

Tang Zheng leaves ghost, returns to the world. 唐铮离开鬼界,回到人间。 Capital City, the people are assemble, after hearing the plan of Tang Zheng, all people have chosen silent. 京城,众人齐聚一堂,当听见唐铮的计划后,所有人都选择了沉默。 This matter is not only related to the ghost life or death, relates to the world the prosperity and decline. 这件事不但事关鬼界存亡,也关系到人间的兴衰。 If not successful, that really will then die for a righteous cause. 若是不成功,那便会真的成仁。 Wu Junshan and Lan Yu look at each other one, stands the statement. 武君山蓝语对视一眼,率先站出来表态。 Little Zheng, we support you, on the mountain of sword, gets down sea of fire, we are your vanguard.” 小铮,我们支持你,上刀山,下火海,我们都是你的急先锋。” In the Tang Zheng heart already got over an emotion, the looks at parents so support themselves, in the heart is moved, the nod said: Thanks!” 唐铮心中早已释怀,看着父母如此支持自己,心中感动,点头说:“谢谢!” cough cough! 咳咳 Suddenly, Tang Dahai walked. 忽然,唐大海走了进来。 He had taken care of the natural lifespan, did not ask the humans affair, this people loudly discussed that has not called him, but he heard the rumor, came voluntarily. 本来他已经颐养天年,不问世事,这次众人大讨论都没有叫他,但他听见风声,自行前来。 My this enjoyed such long peaceful life the old bones, should move the physique, the light plays does not work, the body can rust. Little Zheng, don't you shut out grandfather old bones?” “我这把老骨头享了这么久的清福,也该活动一下筋骨了,光耍不做事,身体是会锈掉的。小铮,你不嫌弃爷爷这把老骨头吧?” The statement of Tang Dahai made one that Tang Zheng rubbed stand, moved forward hurriedly, said: Grandfather, you......” 唐大海的表态令唐铮蹭的一下站了起来,急忙迎上前去,说:“爷爷,你……” Tang Dahai wields conveniently, the heroic spirit said fully: You , to reject, that do not open the mouth, my regard has decided that the tour of this Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), I decided. Cultivated was so long, I also just want to try my skill, if you this desire did not satisfy me, I will die in the future did not die content.” 唐大海随手一挥,豪气十足地说:“你若想拒绝,那就别开口了,我心意已决,这天外天之行,我去定了。修炼了这么久,我也正想试一下自己的身手,你若连这点愿望都不满足我,那我将来死了也不瞑目。” The words hence, Tang Zheng where has also been able to reject, only has smiles bitterly to say grateful: Thanks grandfather's support.” 话已至此,唐铮哪里还能拒绝,唯有感激地苦笑道:“谢谢爷爷的支持。” Does not need again the multi- spoken languages, other person of one after another stand the statement, must go to Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) to kill the four directions greatly, defeats Hao Son of Heaven. 无需再多言语,其他人纷纷站起来表态,一定要去天外天大杀四方,打败昊天王。 Tang Zheng has not done any mobilization, the duty of mobilization has successfully completed, looks at everybody's excited appearance, Tang Zheng is having mixed emotions, gratified. 唐铮根本没做什么动员工作,动员的任务就圆满完成了,望着大家激动的样子,唐铮百感交集,欣慰不已。 These, everybody made the final conditioning and adjustment on , waited for Dragon Clan to arrive, we and ghost army converged, rushes toward Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven).” Tang Zheng announced. “这几日,大家做最后的修整和调节,等龙族一到,我们与鬼界大军汇合,奔赴天外天。”唐铮宣布道。 Following on the several th, everybody with a sudden burst head, inevitably must adjust best own condition, greets the forthcoming war. 接下来几日,大家都卯足了劲头,势必要将自己的状态调整到最佳,迎接即将到来的大战。 Bang! 轰隆! In the sky resounded the Heaven-shaking bang, golden light overspread the sky, dyed the golden color the entire world, was especially magnificent. 天空中响起惊天巨响,金光铺满了天空,将整个世界都染成了金色,格外壮观。 All over the world, all people cannot help but are looking at the sky, is perplexed. 普天之下,所有人都不由自主地望着天空,不明所以。 That pressure that but in the sky transmits made one change countenance. 但天空中传来的那股威压令人动容。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Right, what monster had to come?” “对啊,是有什么怪物来了吗?” Flustered. 人心惶惶。 Suddenly, golden light flashes dodges, a huge form appears above nine days, huge monster, most essential is such, almost all people have recognized. 忽然,金光一闪,一个巨大的身影出现在九天之上,庞然大物,最关键是那样子,几乎所有人都认了出来。 Dragon! 龙! The world vibrates, the innumerable both eyes eyeballs have witnessed all these, possibly is not false. 天下震动,无数双眼睛见证了这一切,不可能是假的。 Everybody looked at each other in blank dismay, at once, what to do actually did not know should. 大家面面相觑,一时之间,竟然不知道该怎么办了。 The screamers have it, crazy running away has it, the kneeler also has it. 尖叫者有之,狂逃者有之,跪拜者也有之。 World myriad, to mention just a few. 世相万千,不一而足。 Suddenly , the golden light flashes through together, another Gold Dragon appears above nine days. 突然,又是一道金光闪过,又一条金龙出现在九天之上。 Coordinated process!” “又一条龙!” The screams resound through four wildly, when people have not recovered, the golden light whiz whiz flashing, then, Gold Dragon appears above the vault of heaven one after another, dense and numerous, blocked the sky, has composed a military might uncommon Dragon Clan army. 惊呼声响彻四野,在人们还没回过神来时,金光嗖嗖的闪动,然后,一条又一条金龙出现在苍穹之上,密密麻麻,遮天蔽日,组成了一支威武不凡的龙族大军。 Immediately, the world people were scared, what to do does not know should. 登时,天下人都被吓呆了,不知该怎么办。 sōu! 嗖! Suddenly, the form shoots up to the sky together, direct impact on the Dragon Clan army, as if not fear that terrifying Dragon's Prestige. 忽然,一道身影冲天而起,直冲向龙族大军,仿佛根本不惧怕那恐怖龙威 Everybody eyes one bright, is staring at this form as if by prior agreement, guessed his status unceasingly. 大家眼睛一亮,不约而同地盯着这个身影,不断地猜测他的身份。 This all over the world, dares to challenge the Dragon Clan person, perhaps also only then that person!” “这普天之下,胆敢挑战龙族的人,也恐怕也只有那个人吧!” Definitely is, has, and only then he!” “肯定是,有且只有他一人!” The Tang Zheng hearsay already caused a clamor, many people were not strange, therefore, sees this counter potential, but on person, has thought of Tang Zheng naturally. 唐铮的传闻早就甚嚣尘上,不少人已经不陌生了,所以,看见这个逆势而上的人,自然而然地想到了唐铮 Tang Zheng stopped above nine days, stood proudly, is looking at the Dragon Clan army, even was gratified. 唐铮停在了九天之上,傲然而立,望着龙族大军,甚至欣慰。 Suddenly, Dragon Clan one after another salutes to Tang Zheng respectfully, compared with Tang Zheng body and Dragon Clan, huge monster, tiny like ants. 突然,龙族纷纷唐铮毕恭毕敬地行礼,唐铮的身躯和龙族相比,一个庞然大物,一个渺小如蝼蚁。 But Dragon Clan one after another prostrates oneself to salute to him, shouts loudly Dragon Shen. 龙族纷纷向他拜倒行礼,高呼龙神。 This has shocked the world person thoroughly. 这一幕彻底震惊了天下人。 In the universal idea of people, Dragon Clan keeps aloof throughout, symbolizes the unsurpassed status and right, but now, Dragon Clan prostrates oneself to Tang Zheng unexpectedly. 在人们的普遍观念中,龙族始终是高高在上,象征无上的地位和权利,但如今,龙族竟然向唐铮拜倒。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Many people suspected were one vertigo. 不少人怀疑自己是不是眼花了。 They have scratched the eye, blinked, finally determined one do not have the vertigo, all these real. 他们擦了擦眼,又眨了眨眼,最终确定自己并没有眼花,这一切都是真的。 Hissing! 嘶! People extremely angry holding breath cold air, facial color splendidly, gives a thumbs up, silent praises. 人们愤愤倒吸凉气,面色精彩至极,紧接着,又竖起大拇指,无声地赞扬。 This...... Too broke off good. 这……太牛掰了。 All over the world, the mood of people have not been able to describe in the spoken language. 普天之下,人们的心情已经无法用言语来形容了。 Deity! 天神! In many person hearts braves this thought that has regarded as Tang Zheng the deity. 不少人心中冒出来这个念头,将唐铮视为了天神。 Shouted loudly, other people echoed immediately, immediately, the deity cheers resounded through the world. 一声高呼,其他人立即附和,登时,天神的欢呼声响彻天地。 Tang Zheng places so the upper air, he of keen ears and sharp eyes, actually also heard these sounds, treats with indifference, by his present strength, calls a deity as if not to be overrated. 唐铮身处如此高空,耳聪目明的他,竟然也听见了这些声音,淡然处之,以他如今的实力,称呼一声天神似乎也不为过。 Tang Zheng nods to the Dragon Clan army, said: Walks, first goes home, after the darkness, after the ghost army converges, we again. If this way, perhaps, the people will be frightened to have problems.” 唐铮龙族大军点点头,说:“走吧,先回家,等天黑后和鬼界大军汇合后,我们再出发。若是再这样下去,恐怕,人们会被吓出问题。” Dragon King leads Dragon Clan, said respectfully: Respectfully follows Dragon Shen to order.” 龙王率领龙族,恭恭敬敬地说:“谨遵龙神命令。” Whiz whiz sōu! 嗖嗖嗖! The golden light twinkle, flies unceasingly to ground, looked like in the sky has the golden meteor shower, was lifelong unforgettable, was lifelong difficult to meet. 金光闪烁,不断地向地面飞去,就像是天空中下起了金色的流星雨,终身难忘,终身难遇。 Capital City, after the Dragon Clan army descends, changed the human form, otherwise, stirs the controversy surely. 京城,当龙族大军降落下来后,已经变化成了人形,否则,必定引起轩然大波。 Dragon King and other Dragon Clan size up in all directions, looks at this novel world. Initially, they have almost lived in this world, is greedy of this world, has had the devil fruit. 龙王等龙族四处打量,看着这个新奇的世界。当初,他们差点就一直生活在这个世界上,是这个世界的贪婪,结出了恶魔果实。 Other people greeted the Dragon Clan army in the open area, some Witch Clan and being selective Martial Artist, one after another looks at this special team. 其他人已经在空地上迎接龙族大军,巫族和一些精挑细选的武者,纷纷看着这支特殊的队伍。 Relations of many person not too clear Tang Zheng and Dragon Clan, countless of guess. 许多人都不太清楚唐铮龙族的关系,猜测的不计其数。 But the respectful appearance of looks at Dragon Clan to Tang Zheng, they knows great strength that Tang Zheng prestige and fierce place imagines. 看着龙族唐铮的恭敬模样,他们知道唐铮的威望和厉害之处远比自己想象的更加强大。 Tang Zheng introduced simply, said to Dragon King: You tired most of the day, first rest quite a while.” 唐铮简单地介绍了一下,对龙王说:“你们劳累了大半天,先休息半天。” Midnight, cold wind blows, entire Capital City decreased temperature, although this was the first month of summer, but this temperature was also appalling. 半夜,一阵阴风吹来,整个京城都降温了,这虽然是初夏了,但这温度也令人毛骨悚然。 Whish! 哗! A giant ghost door opened in the villa area, luckily, did not have other people, otherwise, they will frighten others surely. 一扇巨大的鬼门开在了别墅区内,幸亏,没有其他人,否则,他们必定会吓到别人。 This is late at night, is the Yin Qi richest time. 这已是后半夜,乃是阴气最浓郁的时候。 Ghost all living things can appear in the world freely, but does not need to be worried about the threat of Yang Qi. 鬼界众生可以自如地出现在人间,而不用担心阳气的威胁。 Ksitigarbha from the ghost gate, other person of closely associated, one after another reminded precipitous location of this mountain. 地藏王率先从鬼门中走了出来,其他人如影随形,纷纷提醒这座山的险峻之处了。 Ksitigarbha saw the Dragon Clan army, although they turned into the person, does not have the means to cover own truth about the matter completely. 地藏王一眼就看见了龙族大军,虽然他们变成了人身,却没办法完全遮挡住自己的庐山真面目。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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