TCOC :: Volume #18

#1753: Along regard

Tang Zheng speechless looks at fiery Ye Dingdang, first two big. 唐铮无语地看着炯炯有神的叶叮当,一个头两个大。 Ye Dingdang instigates Fang Shishi, said: Shishi, do you also want to listen? Do not deny that we are sisters, amn't this I clear?” 叶叮当怂恿方诗诗,说:“诗诗,你是不是也想听?别否认,咱们都是姐妹,这点我还不清楚吗?” Fang Shishi lowered the head shy, does not dare to look at each other with it. 方诗诗害羞地垂下了头,不敢与之对视。 Tang Zheng is at wit's end, rolled one's eyes, face said with an evil smile: You want to know that is what feels? You personally experience, such feeling is more profound.” 唐铮无计可施,眼珠一转,一脸坏笑道:“你想知道是什么感觉吗?那你还是亲身体验一下,这样感觉更深刻。” Then, his hand is dishonest. 说罢,他的手就不老实起来。 Ye Dingdang like is receives an electric shock, calls out in alarm. 叶叮当像是触电一样,惊呼起来。 But where she runs away the Tang Zheng evil clutches, one held, the big hand sneaked in the clothes. 但她哪里逃的过唐铮的魔掌,一把就抓住了,大手已经钻进了衣服里面。 Fang Shishi has not thought that the Tang Zheng such big courage, whiz one jumped down from the leg of Tang Zheng, is the frightened fawn leaps up likely to the entrance. 方诗诗没想到唐铮这么大胆子,嗖的一下就从唐铮的腿上跳了下来,像是受惊的小鹿向门口蹿去。 I must go back to rest.” “我要回去休息了。” „Isn't this your room?” Ye Dingdang is suppressing the trembling feeling in heart, shouts. “这不就是你自己的房间吗?”叶叮当强忍着心中的颤栗感,喊道。 Fang Shishi actually turns a deaf ear, whiz one fled. 方诗诗却充耳不闻,嗖的一下就窜了出去。 „It is not loyal, is the sisters.” The Ye Dingdang hidden bitterness said. “不讲义气,还是姐妹呢。”叶叮当幽怨地说。 Tang Zheng laughs: Who asked you to get to the bottom, now I must punish you.” 唐铮哈哈大笑:“谁叫你刨根问底的,现在我要惩罚你了。” The voice falls, Tang Zheng pressed Ye Dingdang on the bed, Ye Dingdang shouted tenderly intermittently, enhanced one another's beauty with the noise of the rain of out of the window, scores a wonderful music movement. 话音一落,唐铮就把叶叮当压在了床上,叶叮当娇呼阵阵,与窗外的雨声交相辉映,谱出了一篇美妙的乐章。 In the morning, the air is fresh, many people early woke up. 清晨,空气清新,许多人早早地醒来了。 Fang Shishi is soundless arrives at oneself room entrance, the sound in inclining the head and listening attentively room. 方诗诗蹑手蹑脚地来到自己房间门口,侧耳倾听房间内的动静。 Mu Hongyan saw, asked curiously: Shishi, what are you making?” 沐红颜看见了,好奇地问道:“诗诗,你在做什么?” Fang Shishi has a guilty conscience, is patting the chest, said: Does not have, nothing?” 方诗诗做贼心虚,拍着胸口,说:“没,没什么?” This is your room, but also has something to listen secretly.” Mu Hongyan cannot help laughing say. “这是你的房间,还有什么可偷听的。”沐红颜哑然失笑道。 Nannan behind braves from Mu Hongyan, was crooked the head saying: Sister Shishi has definitely done the misdemeanor, is right?” 囡囡沐红颜身后冒出来,歪着脑袋说:“诗诗姐肯定干了坏事,对不对?” Fang Shishi blushes saying: Nannan, you dare to be unfair to me unexpectedly, looked how I tidy up you.” 方诗诗红着脸说:“囡囡,你竟然敢冤枉我,看我怎么收拾你。” She strikes an attitude to plunge Nannan, Nannan chuckle smiles, behind hides to Mu Hongyan, called out: chuckle, mother saves me, mother saves me.” 她作势就扑向囡囡,囡囡咯咯直笑,向沐红颜身后躲去,叫道:“咯咯咯,妈妈救我,妈妈救我。” Creak! 嘎吱! The gate opened, broke this, Fang Shishi is executed likely decided the body incantation, has turned head mechanically. 门开了,打断了这一幕,方诗诗像是被施了定身咒,机械地扭过头来。 Several both eyes eyeballs are staring at the entrance, saw only Tang Zheng to walk. 双眼睛盯着门口,只见唐铮走了出来。 Tang Zheng!” “啊唐铮!” Elder brother!” “哥哥!” Mu Hongyan and Nannan called as if by prior agreement, inconceivable looks at he. 沐红颜囡囡不约而同地叫了出来,不可思议地看着他。 Tang Zheng beckoned with the hand to say natural: Early.” 唐铮潇洒地摆摆手说:“早啊。” Mu Hongyan eye socket one red, cannot attend to other people presenting, fast threw the bosom of Tang Zheng, this days she was difficult to sleep day and night, has been worried about the Tang Zheng safety. 沐红颜眼眶一红,顾不得其他人在场,飞快地扑进了唐铮的怀抱,这段日子她日夜难眠,一直在担心唐铮的安危。 Has not thought that he like this towering appears before him, this huge pleasant surprise made her give up acting with constraint, put into the bosom of Tang Zheng. 没想到他就这样突兀地出现在他面前,这一份巨大的惊喜令她放弃了矜持,投入了唐铮的怀抱。 Nannan instead slow a racket, looks at has put mother in Tang Zheng bosom, honk the mouth was saying: Mother so was how quick, snatched my position.” 囡囡反而慢了一拍,看着扑在唐铮怀中的母亲,嘟着嘴说:“妈妈怎么那么快,抢了我的位置。” Tang Zheng closely held in the arms Mu Hongyan, in heart also melts generally, has felt her blazing sentiment clearly. 唐铮紧紧地搂住沐红颜,心中也熔化了一般,清晰地感受到她炽烈的感情。 Pats her back gently, the Tang Zheng gentle voice was saying: Sister Mu, you fortunately?” 轻轻地拍着她的后背,唐铮柔声说道:“沐姐,你还好吗?” Mu Hongyan nods: I am very good, you how?” 沐红颜点头:“我很好,你怎么样了?” Her both hands try to find out on Tang Zheng that is very afraid he to have any accident, lacks arm few leg. 她双手在唐铮身上摸索起来,深怕他有什么闪失,缺胳膊少腿儿的。 His good very!” The Ye Dingdang sound behind resounds in Tang Zheng. “他好的很!”叶叮当的声音在唐铮身后响起。 Mu Hongyan fixes the eyes on to look, saw Ye Dingdang, immediately, she is suddenly enlighted, why Fang Shishi listened secretly in the entrance a moment ago. 沐红颜定睛瞧去,看见了叶叮当,登时,她恍然大悟,为何刚才方诗诗在门口偷听了。 Originally she already knows that Tang Zheng came back . Moreover, last night he definitely was Ye Dingdang treats in the same place. 原来她早就知道唐铮回来了,而且,昨晚他肯定是和叶叮当待在一起。 Read hence, the Mu Hongyan hidden bitterness gouged Tang Zheng one, where Tang Zheng has been able unclear her thoughts, said hurriedly: Last night came back to be too late, fear disturbed everybody, I have not disclosed.” 一念至此,沐红颜幽怨地剜了唐铮一眼,唐铮哪能不清楚她的心思,急忙说:“昨晚回来太晚,害怕打扰大家,我就没有声张。” The Mu Hongyan mind is magnanimous, naturally cannot care about the matter that these are small-minded, said gently: You came back to be good. Your Pure Yang Energy......” 沐红颜胸怀大度,自然不会在乎这些小肚鸡肠的事,温婉地说:“你回来就好了。你的纯阳之力……” His Pure Yang Energy all melted.” Ye Dingdang first said: He hugs the beautiful woman to turn over, is almost too happy to think of home and duty.” “他的纯阳之力全化解了。”叶叮当抢先说道:“他抱得美人归,差点乐不思蜀呢。” „? Jiutian Xuannu did she agree?” Mu Hongyan is overjoyed, actually stops suddenly, brilliant is staring at not far away. “啊?九天玄女她同意了?”沐红颜大喜过望,却又戛然而止,灼灼地盯着不远处。 Jiutian Xuannu also went out of the room, look looked indifferently toward here. 九天玄女也走出了房间,神色淡然地朝这边望来。 Does not need Tang Zheng to reply that Mu Hongyan also knew the answer, Tang Zheng and Jiutian Xuannu has facilitated the good deed, he then can stand before everybody safe and sound. 不用唐铮回答,沐红颜也知道了答案,唐铮九天玄女已经促成了好事,他这才能安然无恙地站在大家面前。 Mu Hongyan thanked Jiutian Xuannu, leisurely strolled walks toward her, said: Thank you saves him.” 沐红颜衷心地感谢九天玄女,信步就朝她走去,说:“谢谢你救他。” The Jiutian Xuannu look was indifferent, said: I save him for others.” 九天玄女神色淡然,说:“我救他并非是为了别人。” But I must thank you, not only I, in this room all people must thank you.” Mu Hongyan said. “但我还是要谢谢你,不只是我,这屋子里所有人都要感谢你。”沐红颜说道。 Jiutian Xuannu had not replied again, but looks to Tang Zheng. 九天玄女没有再回答,而是向唐铮望去。 Tang Zheng held Nannan, said: Everybody is a whole family, do not thank, other people, called to have the breakfast.” 唐铮抱起了囡囡,说:“大家都是一家人,别谢来谢去了,其他人呢,都叫起来吃早餐。” Besides Qingmei, other people are not at home. The military and Li Xiaotian went to the Southern Yunnan management general situation, Ling'er have been still being busy making a movie.” Mu Hongyan introduced. “除了轻眉外,其他人都不在家。武和栗笑天去了滇南主持大局,灵儿还在忙着拍戏。”沐红颜介绍道。 During the speeches, Liu Qingmei also walked from room, muttered said: Very early in the morning was so lively, what happened?” 说话间,柳轻眉也从房间走了出来,喃喃自语地说:“大清早这么热闹,发生什么事了?” Suddenly, she was displayed likely has decided the body incantation, stayed in same place, was looking at Tang Zheng. 突然,她像是被人施展了定身咒,呆在了原地,怔怔地望着唐铮 Tang Zheng puts down Nannan, stretches out the arms toward Liu Qingmei, said: Sister Mei, you get up late, turns into the big lazybones carefully.” 唐铮放下囡囡,朝柳轻眉张开双臂,说:“眉姐,你起来最晚哦,小心变成大懒虫。” The Liu Qingmei elegant face was crimson, said: How are you that the glib?” 柳轻眉俏脸绯红,说:“你怎么还是那么油腔滑调?” Tang Zheng laughs, does not give a thought to other person of blazing looks, he walked directly grasped Liu Qingmei in the past. The Liu Qingmei whole body is startled, wants to break free of his arms, actually reluctant to part walks arm in arm in his arms. 唐铮大笑一声,也不顾其他人炽热的眼神,他直接走过去抱住了柳轻眉柳轻眉浑身一怔,想挣脱掉他的怀抱,却又恋恋不舍地依偎在他怀里。 Bold action that other person of looks at Tang Zheng do not evade, look micro different, has Jiutian Xuannu to understand his action. 其他人看着唐铮毫不避讳的大胆举动,眼神微异,只有九天玄女理解他的举动。 After he achieves Saint boundary cultivation level, the innermost feelings had the tremendous changes. 他达到圣境修为之后,内心发生了翻天覆地的变化。 He does not care about others' vision, only sought the innermost feelings to understand, along regard . Moreover, on this day within also almost nobody can gesticulate to him. 他不在乎别人的目光,只求内心通达,顺心意,而且,这天地间也几乎没人可以对他指手画脚了。 He silent has taken an oath all these, other people gradually have also understood, the look becomes excited. 他无声地宣誓了这一切,其他人也渐渐读懂了,眼神变得激动起来。 They are not willing covertly to be together with Tang Zheng, he chooses frankly and uprightly, this to them is a greatest inspiration. 他们都不愿和唐铮偷偷摸摸地相处,他选择光明正大,这对他们而言是一种莫大的鼓舞。 Good, called in family|home other people together, everybody very much wants certainly to know that I exactly had anything, we had the breakfast, while narrated me at the matter of dragon territory.” “好啦,叫上家里其他人一起,大家一定会很想知道我到底发生了什么,我们一边吃早餐,一边讲述我在龙域的事。” News of Tang Zheng return made in the family|home live it up thoroughly, like was the new year's celebration, countless people cheered, everybody was assemble, extremely busy. 唐铮归来的消息令家里彻底热闹起来,像是过年一样,无数人欢呼起来,大家齐聚一堂,热闹非凡。 Tang Zheng looks at these familiar faces, that proceeds from the bottom of one's heart the sentiment, the mood changes, he persists in struggling in the dragon territory, these people are he strongest backing, is his strength source. 唐铮看着这一张张熟悉的面孔,还有那发自肺腑的感情,心情跌宕起伏,他在龙域坚持奋斗到底,这些人就是他最坚强的后盾,是他的力量来源。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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