TCOC :: Volume #18

#1754: Disastrous defeat

Soul-stirring that the people listen , the facial color fluctuates erratically, is really the experience of Tang Zheng too stimulates thrillingly, particularly Jiutian Xuannu gives self up to save the times, the heart of people have hung, looks neatly to Jiutian Xuannu, is difficult to cover the color of gratitude. 众人听的惊心动魄,面色变幻不定,实在是唐铮的经历太惊险刺激,尤其是九天玄女舍身相救时,众人的心跟着悬了起来,齐刷刷地望向九天玄女,难掩感激之色。 The Jiutian Xuannu look is indifferent, as if said is not she is ordinary. 九天玄女神色淡然,仿佛说的不是她一般。 Without a doubt. Jiutian Xuannu does not need to do other matters, is gives self up to rescue the matter of Tang Zheng merely, then sufficiently won everybody's respect. 毫无疑问。九天玄女不用做其他的事,仅仅是舍身救下唐铮之事,便足以赢得大家的尊重。 The Heavenly Emperor happily looks at daughter, said: Yao, you have this courage, the father was happy for you.” 天帝欣慰地看着女儿,道:“瑶儿,你有此勇气,父亲替你高兴。” Jiutian Xuannu deeply looked at Heavenly Emperor one, said: This is my choice, moreover I also benefit greatly, not only looked to understand own heart, the skill also progressed by leaps and bounds.” 九天玄女深深地看了天帝一眼,说:“这是我自己的选择,而且我也受益匪浅,不但看明白了自己的心,功力也突飞猛进。” The feeling that Heavenly Emperor very curious daughter's cultivation level, some types could not completely understand unexpectedly, is busy at asking: Yao, your skill to what Realm?” 天帝一直很好奇女儿的修为,竟有种看不透的感觉,忙问道:“瑶儿,你的功力到了什么境界?” Enlightenment Ninth Grade.” 大乘九品。” Ah! Heavenly Emperor calls out in alarm one, both startled and happy, said: You also arrived at Enlightenment Ninth Grade unexpectedly, is in such a short time, is it possible that......” 啊!天帝惊呼一声,既惊又喜,道:“你竟然也到了大乘九品,还是在如此短的时间内,莫非……” Jiutian Xuannu had guessed correctly father's thoughts, the nod said: Truly, I, although has saved others he, benefits greatly, my skill is at the same time.” 九天玄女猜到了父亲的心思,点头道:“确实,我虽然救人了他,也受益匪浅,我的功力就是其中一方面。” Heavenly Emperor pounded a lower jaw, sighed with emotion: Danger is next neighbor to security, misfortune may is a blessing in disguise, is a long story seriously.” 天帝砸吧了一下嘴,感慨道:“福兮祸所伏,祸兮福所倚,当真是一言难尽啊。” The common people know that Nine Yang Saint Body and Nine Yin Saint Body are the fatal physique, very easy die young death, however, once broke through life and death Seal, the harvest is also huge. 世人都知道九阳圣体九阴圣体乃是致命的的体质,很容易夭折死亡,然而,一旦突破了生死禁制,收获也是巨大的。 Enlightenment Ninth Grade this is many person long-awaited Realm, may with, but cannot ask, not only cultivates diligently can achieve, this needs the huge chance. 大乘九品这是多少人梦寐以求的境界,可遇而不可求,不仅仅是努力修炼就可以达到的,这需要天大的机缘。 Heavenly Emperor has consumed how much year and Heart Blood, arrives this step, has not thought that the daughter achieved through the life-saving unexpectedly. 天帝耗费了多少年时间和心血,才走到这一步,未曾想女儿竟然通过救人就达到了。 Heavenly Emperor has mixed emotions, gratified incomparable. 天帝百感交集,欣慰无比。 Suddenly, in his heart one cold, looks toward Tang Zheng, the eye was splendid, said: Since Yao has achieved Enlightenment Ninth Grade, you?” 突然,他心中一凛,朝唐铮望去,眼睛熠熠生辉,说:“既然瑶儿都达到了大乘九品,那你呢?” I am Saint boundary cultivation level.” “我已经是圣境修为了。” Saint boundary?” Heavenly Emperor calls out in alarm said that other people are confused, are perplexed are looking at Tang Zheng, because, they have never heard this Realm. “圣境?”天帝惊呼道,其他人则一头雾水,不明所以地望着唐铮,因为,他们从未听说过这种境界 What Realm is Saint boundary?” Ye Dingdang curious grieving, asked impatiently. “圣境是什么境界?”叶叮当好奇心重,迫不及待地问道。 Tang Zheng had not replied with enough time that Heavenly Emperor could not repress, asks: What is Saint boundary felt?” 唐铮还没来得及回答,天帝已经按捺不住,问道:“圣境是什么感觉?” Heavenly Emperor is Enlightenment Ninth Grade, during is dark has a feeling, above Enlightenment Ninth Grade also has another Realm, is only extremely in illusory, at once, he is unable to touch. 天帝已是大乘九品,冥冥之中就有一种感觉,大乘九品之上还有另外一种境界,只是太过于虚无缥缈,一时之间,他根本无法触摸。 This time is different, Tang Zheng arrived at the Saint boundary unexpectedly, this has given his huge encouragement. 这次不一样了,唐铮竟然已经真的到达了圣境,这就给了他巨大的鼓励。 He wants to know all information about Saint boundary impatiently. 他迫不及待地想知道关于圣境的一切信息。 Tang Zheng looked at his one eyes lightly, said: „After arriving at the Saint boundary, in world all will change.” 唐铮淡淡地看了他一眼,说:“到达圣境后,天地间一切都将会发生变化。” Real?” “真的吗?” Tang Zheng smiles not to speak, obviously default. 唐铮笑而不语,显然是默认了。 Does not know when I can arrive at the Saint boundary.” “不知我什么时候才能到达圣境。” Other people cannot bear ask: Tang Zheng, you had not said that actually the Saint boundary is what Realm?” 其他人忍不住问道:“唐铮,你还没说圣境究竟是一种什么境界?” Tang Zheng smiled, said: Above Enlightenment Ninth Grade, another mysterious Realm, is the Saint boundary.” 唐铮笑了笑,说:“大乘九品之上,还有另外一个神奇的境界,便是圣境。” ! 哇! Exclamation resound, brilliant is staring at Tang Zheng, said: You are the Saint boundary, has helped, in that this world was nobody your match?” 一声声惊叹响起,灼灼地盯着唐铮,道:“你已是圣境了,太帮了,那这世界上没有人是你的对手了吧?” Tang Zheng does not dare to claim credit proudly, said: World such big, is so mysterious, even if I am the Saint boundary, is not necessarily able the unmatched in the world.” 唐铮可不敢居功自傲,说:“世界如此之大,如此神奇,纵然我是圣境,也未必可以天下无敌。” You were too modest.” “你太谦虚了。” Many people do not believe that recognized subconsciously he was the first under heaven. 许多人都不太相信,下意识地认定他就是天下第一了。 That then you what to do?” “那接下来你怎么办?” I must go to Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven).” “我要去天外天。” People heart one cold, understands that Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) is the urgent matter, Little Bai also in Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), actually the situation how, may not know. 众人心头一凛,明白天外天是当务之急,小白还在天外天,情况究竟如何,尚未可知呢。 I had a matter not to have said to you with enough time that you left these days, Yan Clan have come several times, inquired the Yan Qingyi news.” Mu Hongyan said heavyheartedly. “我有件事还没来得及给你说,你离开这段时间,燕家来过几次,打听燕青衣的消息。”沐红颜忧心忡忡地说。 Yan Qingyi. 燕青衣 The Tang Zheng heart moves, the consciousness immersed in Deva, after Yan Qingyi the sun took possession, by the black hole is pouched Deva. 唐铮心头一动,意识就沉浸到了天界之中,燕青衣被天道附体后,被黑洞吞进了天界。 After this, Tang Zheng does not have too to pay attention to her, after all, she in Deva, jumps da not to get up radically. 从此之后,唐铮也没有太关注她,毕竟,她是在天界之中,根本蹦跶不起来。 Yan Qingyi sits cross-legged to sit in Deva, suddenly, she opens eyes, is looking above nine days, said with a smile meaningfully: Tang Zheng, you came finally.” 燕青衣盘膝坐在天界之中,突然,她睁开眼,望着九天之上,意味深长地笑道:“唐铮,你终于又来了。” Obviously, she induced Tang Zheng. 显然,她已经感应到了唐铮 Yan Qingyi, you were stranded in this for a long time, reconsidered?” Tang Zheng asked. 燕青衣,你被困于此这么长时间,反思好了吗?”唐铮问道。 Yan Qingyi disdain said: Reconsideration? Why do I want to reconsider? This is your mistake, but is not my mistake. You imprison me in this, opposes with the sun, in the future you will be punished by the sun.” 燕青衣不屑地说:“反思?我为什么要反思?这是你的错误,而不是我的错误。你把我囚禁于此,与天道作对,将来你会受到天道的惩罚。” Tang Zheng is Saint boundary cultivation level, had a more profound understanding regarding the sun, said: How the sun punishes me, I and wait. But you refuse stubbornly to repent, haven't you been worried about your family member? They that are worried about you.” 唐铮已是圣境修为,对于天道有了更深刻的认识,说:“天道如何惩罚我,我且拭目以待。但你死不悔改,你没有担心过你的家人吗?他们那么担心你。” I have the sun, other is fabricated.” Yan Qingyi said forcefully. “我有天道,其他一切都是虚妄。”燕青衣铿锵有力地说。 Was seriously insane!” Tang Zheng said reluctantly. “当真是疯了!”唐铮无奈地说。 Tang Zheng, do not talk only, imprisons me in this is any skill, you have to plant us independent combat, looked that who is fiercer.” Yan Qingyi clamored unscrupulously. 唐铮,你别光说不练,把我囚禁于此算什么本事,你有种咱们单打独斗,看谁更厉害。”燕青衣肆无忌惮地叫嚣道。 This days, she had investigated Deva carefully, and tries to flee here, but eventually she gave up, because, all these are the futile efforts. 这段日子,她已经仔细地探查过天界,并试图逃离此处,但最终她放弃了,因为,这一切都是徒劳而已。 This Deva is a shackles, even if there is she huge skill, did not have the means to run away the birth day. 这天界就是一个牢笼,她纵有天大的本事,也没办法逃出生天。 Therefore, she has projected in the idea Tang Zheng, if he also enters Deva, whether he can do everything possible to seize him, forcing him to lead her to leave Deva. 于是,她将主意打到了唐铮头上,若是他也进入天界,自己是否能够想方设法捉住他,逼迫他带她离开天界。 She clamored to prod Tang Zheng intentionally. 她故意叫嚣激将唐铮 Tang Zheng is preparing to reject, suddenly, in the heart moves, said: Good, I help you.” 唐铮正准备拒绝,忽然,心中一动,道:“那好,我成全你。” The ray dodges, a person appeared in front of Yan Qingyi, smilingly looks at she, said: Yan Qingyi, don't you want to see me?” 光芒一闪,一个人出现在了燕青衣面前,笑眯眯地看着她,说:“燕青衣,你不是想见我吗?” This person of Tang Zheng, however, is actually not true Tang Zheng, is his Nascent Soul Avatar, but is interlinked with the Tang Zheng regard, exactly the same. 这人正是唐铮,然而,却不是真正的唐铮,是他的元婴分身,但和唐铮心意相通,一模一样。 Nascent Soul can pass through Deva voluntarily, this is Tang Zheng the matter that has no way to accomplish, this is Tang Zheng gets a sudden inspiration, divine ability that perceives through meditation. 元婴可以自行穿越天界,这是唐铮都没法办到的事,此乃唐铮灵机一动,参悟出来的神通 Yan Qingyi has become the test piece, happen to experiments the Nascent Soul strength. 恰好燕青衣就成了试验品,正好试验一下元婴的实力。 Yan Qingyi actually does not know that this is Nascent Soul Avatar, the eye pupil deep place hides the self-satisfied happy expression, the provocation was saying: Tang Zheng, you are willing to come finally.” 燕青衣却不知道这是元婴分身,眼眸深处藏着得意的笑意,挑衅道:“唐铮,你终于肯现身了。” Nascent Soul said: I stand before you, independent combat? Gives you again an opportunity, if you were defeated, what to do?” 元婴说:“我就站在你面前,你不是要单打独斗吗?再给你一次机会,若是你失败了,怎么办?” Yan Qingyi is biting the lip, said: That also you have that strength.” 燕青衣咬着嘴唇,说:“那也得你有那种实力。” The voice falls, she inspired the skill, hōng lóng lóng, the ground presented a giant gully, went nonstop to the Nascent Soul under foot. 话音一落,她引动了功力,轰隆隆,地面出现一条巨大的沟壑,直通元婴脚下。 The Nascent Soul under foot turned into void, he flies high to stand, faint smile looks at Yan Qingyi. 元婴脚下变成了一片虚空,他凌空而立,似笑非笑地看着燕青衣 The attack of Yan Qingyi naturally is not limited to this, the blotting out the sky strength from all directions, likely is superhuman hands, maliciously racket to Nascent Soul. 燕青衣的攻击自然不止于此,铺天盖地的力量又从四面八方,像是一个个巨掌,狠狠地拍向元婴 Nascent Soul has raised the hand, the average palm sweeps off, seems like the cloud poor business conditions is light, has the easily accomplished might, shortly, these attacks will disintegrate in invisible completely. 元婴举起了手,平平一掌扫去,看似云淡风轻,却拥有摧枯拉朽的威力,顷刻间,那些攻击完全瓦解于无形。 The tremendous strength strangles to death to Yan Qingyi, Yan Qingyi tries to revolt, goes all out to stimulate to movement the skill, however, all these settle down instantaneously. 巨大的力量绞杀向燕青衣,燕青衣试图反抗,拼命地催动功力,然而,这一切瞬间尘埃落定。 Yan Qingyi has defeated, whole body clothing by torn to pieces that the tremendous strength strangles to death, scattered about. 燕青衣败了,浑身的衣衫被巨大的力量绞杀的支离破碎,七零八落。
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