TCOC :: Volume #18

#1752: Returns to the world

The world, one group of people already were worried about Tang Zheng long time, does not know how he goes to the dragon territory good and bad fortune, particularly Tang Zheng Pure Yang Energy, this is the key point that everybody is worried about. 人间,一群人早已担心唐铮多日,不知他去龙域吉凶如何,尤其是唐铮纯阳之力,这更是大家担心的重点。 To them, this days experience one day like a year simply. 对他们而言,这段日子简直就是度日如年。 Kacha! 咔嚓! Lightning has delimited the nighttime sky together, outside is the squally shower. Also Lightning passes through the world together, has torn the sky, as if links the earth also to rip open together. 一道闪电划过夜空,外面已是狂风骤雨。又是一道闪电贯穿天地,撕裂了天空,似乎连大地也要一起撕开。 No one has seen above nine days, crosses Lightning of world with that two forms emerged out of thin air in the world. 谁都不曾看见九天之上,伴随着那横贯天地的闪电,两个身影凭空出现在了人间。 Tang Zheng and Jiutian Xuannu return from the dragon territory, cannot attend to the violent storm, flies directly to the family|home. 唐铮九天玄女从龙域归来,顾不得狂风暴雨,径直向家飞去。 Regardless of the wind and rain, evades these two people of points, flies to both sides. 无论风雨,均避这二人的锋芒,向两旁飞去。 Fang Shishi and Ye Dingdang push on a bed, listening to the thunderclap rumor noise of the rain of out of the window, Fang Shishi to say heavyheartedly: How did not know him.” 方诗诗叶叮当挤在一张床上,听着窗外的雷声风声雨声,方诗诗忧心忡忡地说:“不知道他怎么样了。” Ye Dingdang honk the mouth, has been holding in the arms an arm of Fang Shishi, asked mischievously: „Did you think him?” 叶叮当嘟着嘴,搂住了方诗诗的一条手臂,促狭地问道:“你想他了?” Fang Shishi is staring at Ye Dingdang steadily, does not show one's ignorance, asked back: „Don't you think him?” 方诗诗目不转睛地盯着叶叮当,丝毫不露怯,反问道:“难道你不想他?” Ye Dingdang cold snort|hum, said: This mindless fellow, left with Jiutian Xuannu single male and female, I do not think him.” 叶叮当冷哼一声,说:“这个没心没肺的家伙,和九天玄女孤男寡女地离开了,我才不想他。” Fang Shishi said mischievously: Whose does that is midnight have a dream is still calling his name?” 方诗诗促狭地说:“那是谁半夜做梦还在叫他的名字呢?” Ye Dingdang cheeks one red, is charmingly angry: Did not permit saying that otherwise, I did not accompany you.” 叶叮当脸颊一红,娇嗔道:“不准说了,否则,我不陪你了。” Fang Shishi cannot help laughing say that said heavyheartedly: Good, we change a topic. You thought that he will succeed? Will Jiutian Xuannu save him?” 方诗诗哑然失笑道,忧心忡忡地说:“好,那我们换个话题。你觉得他会成功吗?九天玄女会救他吗?” Ye Dingdang look one cold, is silent, said: If other women, definitely are unable to resist his charm, but this person is Jiutian Xuannu, unusual, he was not necessarily able to succeed.” 叶叮当神色一凛,沉默起来,道:“若是其他女人,肯定无法抵挡住他的魅力,可这人是九天玄女,非同一般,他就未必能成功了。” Fang Shishi shakes the head saying: I look not necessarily, do not look at such simple of Jiutian Xuannu rejection, but the Tang Zheng charm is not small.” 方诗诗摇头道:“我看未必,你别看九天玄女拒绝的如此干脆,但唐铮的魅力可不小。” Snort, got up his working as on several of us, Jiutian Xuannu was not necessarily able to be swindled.” Ye Dingdang muttered. “哼,也就我们几个上了他的当,九天玄女未必会上当。”叶叮当咕哝道。 If starts over from the beginning, you are also willing this to work as?” Fang Shishi asked. “若是从头再来,你还甘愿上这个当吗?”方诗诗问道。 Ye Dingdang was silent, had nothing to say in reply, for a long time resentfully nodded: Oh, even if the abyss, so long as there are him, I still without hesitation will also jump.” 叶叮当沉默了,无言以对,许久才悻悻地点头:“唉,纵然是万丈深渊,只要有他在,我也依然会毫不犹豫地跳进去。” Fang Shishi said with a smile: Yes, this is his charm, swoonsome.” 方诗诗笑道:“是啊,这就是他的魅力,令人着迷。” Kacha! 咔嚓! Also Lightning passed over gently and swiftly together, has covered two people of sounds. 又一道闪电掠过,盖过了二人的声音。 Suddenly, they discovered that in room were many silhouette, they had a scare, the nerve ties tight instantaneously, is ready. 突然,两人发现屋子里多了一个人影,两人吓了一跳,神经瞬间就紧绷起来,蓄势待发。 Must know that here guards sternly, not only there is spell formation, the soldier patrol of Witch Clan, almost nobody can be quietly rushes. 要知道这里可是守卫森严,不仅有阵法,还有巫族的战士巡逻,几乎没人可以悄无声息地闯进来。 Who?” “谁?” They had jumped down from the bed, stares covetously is coming the person. 两人已经从床上跳了下来,虎视眈眈地盯着来人。 Hehe, this how long has not seen, how to know me?” The Tang Zheng sound resounds, ponders asks. 嘿嘿,这才多久没见,怎么就不认识我了吗?”唐铮的声音响起,玩味地问道。 He is Saint boundary cultivation level, here defense exists in name only to him, therefore he and Jiutian Xuannu were quietly come. 他已是圣境修为,这里的防御对他而言形同虚设,所以他和九天玄女悄无声息地进来了。 The greater part of the night, he does not want to do is too grand, disturbing everybody to rest. 大半夜,他可不想搞的太隆重,打扰大家休息。 His hearing is excellent, any slightest sign of trouble is unable to escape his ear, therefore, he heard Fang Shishi and in the Ye Dingdang boudoir the secret conversation. 他听力过人,任何风吹草动都无法逃过他的耳朵,所以,他听见了方诗诗叶叮当的闺中私话。 Therefore, he temporarily after Jiutian Xuannu separates, entered their room. 于是,他暂时和九天玄女分开后,就神不知鬼不觉地进了两人的房间。 Hears the Tang Zheng familiar sound, Fang Shishi and Ye Dingdang simultaneously is startled, the expression becomes splendid, first has a big shock, is wild with joy. 听见唐铮的熟悉声音,方诗诗叶叮当同时一怔,表情变得精彩起来,先是大惊失色,然后欣喜若狂。 Ye Dingdang likely is a cheerful elf, whiz one flees, directly soars to Tang Zheng, does not give the opportunity that the opposite party responded, hung on Tang Zheng directly, was sloth is likely ordinary. 叶叮当像是一个欢快的精灵,嗖的一下就窜出去,直奔向唐铮,根本不给对方反应的机会,直接挂在了唐铮身上,像是一个树懒一般。 Tang Zheng closely grasped her conveniently, Ye Dingdang is smelling Tang Zheng flavor greedily, said crazily: You come back finally.” 唐铮顺手就紧紧地抱住了她,叶叮当贪婪地嗅着唐铮身上的味道,痴痴地说:“你终于回来啦。” Fang Shishi is relatively implicit, but also the surging emotions fluctuate at this moment, stares is staring at Tang Zheng, gradually moves toward him. 方诗诗相对含蓄,但此刻也心潮起伏,直勾勾地盯着唐铮,一步步走向他。 Their four eyes contact, in the eye is full of the affection, Tang Zheng put out a hand, gripped the hand of Fang Shishi firmly, the Fang Shishi heartstrings trembled, cleverly by his body. 两人四目相对,眼中都饱含深情,唐铮伸出了手,坚定地握住了方诗诗的手,方诗诗心弦一颤,乖巧地靠在了他的身上。 Immediately, a person hangs on Tang Zheng, a person by him, his both hands is not spatial, but the heart is the snow and ice melting seems to be ordinary, warm incomparable. 登时,一个人挂在唐铮身上,一个人靠在他身上,他双手不空,但心头仿佛是冰雪融化一般,温暖无比。 Fang Shishi closely is shaking the hand of Tang Zheng, listens powerful heartbeat that in his chest is hearing, twittering said: You are all right well.” 方诗诗紧紧地握着唐铮的手,听着他胸膛里传来的强有力心跳声,呢喃道:“你没事就好。” If you are well, is cloudless day. 你若安好,便是晴天。 This is the Fang Shishi simplest desire, now has eventually realized, not only rejoices and happy. 这便是方诗诗最朴素的愿望,如今终于实现了,既庆幸又幸福。 The hand of Ye Dingdang has traced several on Tang Zheng, as if must determine that he does have anything to change, carefully examines is staring at him, asked: „Do you escape this tribulation? Your did Pure Yang Energy, erupt?” 叶叮当的手在唐铮头上摸了几把,似乎要确定他有不有什么变化,审视地盯着他,问道:“你是怎么逃过这一劫的?你的纯阳之力呢,爆发了吗?” Tang Zheng gradually moves toward the bedside, places on Ye Dingdang the bed gently, oneself took advantage of opportunity to sit on the bed, one on the left and other on the right held Fang Shishi and Ye Dingdang in the bosom, making them sit on his thigh, said: My Pure Yang Energy erupted, but I have overcome this biggest danger.” 唐铮一步步走向床边,轻轻地将叶叮当放在床上,自己顺势坐在了床上,将方诗诗叶叮当一左一右抱在怀里,让她们坐在他的大腿上,说:“我的纯阳之力爆发了,但我已经克服了这个最大的危险。” „, Pure Yang Energy erupted!” Fang Shishi calls out in alarm one. “啊,纯阳之力爆发了!”方诗诗惊呼一声。 Ye Dingdang also stared in a big way the eyeball, closely examined impatiently: How do you overcome this danger?” 叶叮当也瞪大了眼珠,迫不及待地追问:“那你怎么克服这个危险的?” Fang Shishi also is obviously interested, brilliant is staring at him. 方诗诗显然也很感兴趣,灼灼地盯着他。 Tang Zheng has not concealed, said in a truth-seeking way: Fu Yao has saved me, she does not give a thought to the danger, rather rejection own life saves me.” 唐铮没有隐瞒,实事求是地说:“伏瑶救了我,她不顾危险,宁愿舍弃自己的生命救我。” Really is she! 果然是她! Fang Shishi and Ye Dingdang look at each other one, just now they were still guessing whether Jiutian Xuannu will compromise, now had the answer. 方诗诗叶叮当对视一眼,方才她们还在猜测九天玄女是否会妥协,如今已经有了答案。 Keeping aloof Jiutian Xuannu has compromised unexpectedly, has gone down the shrine, saved the Tang Zheng life. 高高在上的九天玄女竟然真的妥协了,走下了神坛,救下了唐铮的性命。 You said quickly in detail, the matter that among you have, the detail, we must listen particularly, do not want to conceal.” eight trigrams|gossip in Ye Dingdang heart burns aflame, does not depend on flexure not to say. “你快说详细点,你们俩之间发生的事,尤其是细节,我们要听,你别想隐瞒。”叶叮当心中的八卦之火熊熊燃烧起来,不依不挠地说道。 Fang Shishi also stared in a big way the eye, had not opposed. 方诗诗也瞪大了眼睛,没有反对。 Tang Zheng has smiled bitterly, matter 11 that in Dragon Yu has, immediately, Fang Shishi and Ye Dingdang deeply were attracted, is following the motion of Tang Zheng, the shall be grateful as a personal favor is ordinary. 唐铮苦笑了一下,将龙域中所发生的事11道来,登时,方诗诗叶叮当都被深深地吸引住了,跟随着唐铮的行动,感同身受一般。 Especially the Pure Yang Energy eruption of Tang Zheng, they have turned very quiet, although knew the result, but is unable to be tranquil as before. 尤其是唐铮纯阳之力爆发,两人更是屏住了呼吸,虽然已经知道了结局,但依旧无法平静。 After Tang Zheng lecture, two both eyes eyeballs size up Tang Zheng up and down, as to give to completely understand general him. 唐铮讲完后,两双眼睛上下打量唐铮,似乎想把他给看透一般。 How does this expression look at me?” Tang Zheng asked. “怎么这个表情看我?”唐铮问道。 You have achieved Saint boundary, what Realm is the Saint boundary?” Fang Shishi asked. “你已经达到了圣境,圣境是一种什么境界?”方诗诗问道。 Ye Dingdang asked as if by prior agreement: „When you and Jiutian Xuannu has the relations, is what felt?” 叶叮当不约而同地问:“你和九天玄女发生关系时,是什么感觉?” „......” Tang Zheng showed the whites of the eyes, a heavy line, only then Ye Dingdang of ancient spirit demon can ask this question. “……”唐铮翻了个白眼,一头黑线,也只有古灵精怪的叶叮当能问出这个问题。 He put out a hand to knock her head, said: „A your this head day thinks anything.” 他伸手敲了一下她的头,说:“你这脑袋一天想些什么呢。” The Fang Shishi elegant face was crimson, said: Dingdang, how you can ask this.” 方诗诗俏脸绯红,说:“叮当,你怎么能问这个。” Ye Dingdang shrugs, said: I am curious.” 叶叮当耸耸肩,说:“我就是好奇嘛。” She grasps an arm of Tang Zheng, makes an effort to rub gently in own chest, the soft and gentle words entreated: You said that is anything felt.” 她抱住唐铮的一条胳膊,使劲地在自己胸口磨蹭,软语哀求道:“你说嘛,是什么感觉。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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