TCOC :: Volume #18

#1749: Keeps the mountain, does not worry not to have the firewood fever!

The mist and dust was ripped to be split up by various shock-waves, is difficult to sustain. 烟尘被各种冲击波撕成四分五裂,难以为继。 The people vaguely saw two forms finally, speed surprisingly quick, has Magical Treasure to dance in the air, the brilliant ray is especially eye-catching. 众人终于依稀看见了两个身影,速度奇快,更有法宝飞舞,绚烂的光芒格外夺目。 Tang Zheng and leader face each other across a great distance, the profound storehouse sword cannot how the leader, his whole body puts on the thick armor, flood silver ray., 唐铮和首领遥遥相对,玄藏剑并没能奈何首领,他浑身穿着厚厚的铠甲,泛着银色的光芒。, The profound storehouse sword several times hit armor, only collides the intense spark, actually cannot injure the leader slightest. 玄藏剑几次击中铠甲,只碰撞出激烈的火花,却未能伤害首领分毫。 This is his Dragon Scale, the profound storehouse sword does not have the means to break through this armor.” “这是他的龙鳞所化,玄藏剑没办法突破这层铠甲。” Tang Zheng clearly recognized the reality, in the heart has shocked, must know the profound storehouse sword, but Saint. 唐铮认清了现实,心中震撼,要知道玄藏剑可是圣器。 However, this armor is leader true body Dragon Scale, the supernatural power that contains is not inferior to the profound storehouse sword. 然而,这铠甲是首领真身龙鳞所化,所蕴含的神力丝毫不亚于玄藏剑。 Tang Zheng gets a sudden inspiration, the heart has an idea, sees only him to offer a sacrifice to the profound storehouse sword, the purple light jumps to shoot from his fingertip together, fell on the profound storehouse sword. 唐铮灵机一动,心生一计,只见他祭起玄藏剑,一道紫光从他手指尖迸射而出,落在了玄藏剑上。 The leaders have not been serious, said facetiously: Your sword, although is fierce, but is still the futile effort, cannot break through my defense.” 首领并没有当一回事,戏谑地说:“你的剑虽然厉害,但依然是徒劳,根本攻不破我的防御。” Tang Zheng smiles, said: Real?” 唐铮神秘一笑,道:“真的么?” The voice falls, the profound storehouse sword flew, looked like was formerly same, but on sword blade were many purple light. 话音一落,玄藏剑飞了出去,就像是先前一样,只是剑身上多了一点紫光。 The leaders raise the hand proud, both hands interlock, the dense and numerous armor have covered entirely his both arms, wraps any inch flesh perfectly. 首领骄傲地扬起手,双手交错,密密麻麻的铠甲布满了他的双臂,完美地包裹住任何一寸肌肤。 Saw with own eyes that the profound storehouse sword has flown front, the purple light rises sharply suddenly, a purple dragon appears on the profound storehouse sword, is twining the sword blade. 眼见玄藏剑飞到了面前,紫光忽然大涨,一条紫龙出现在玄藏剑上,缠绕着剑身。 Shortly, the profound storehouse sword turned into the purple, but the purple Runge apparent eye of sword head. 顷刻间,玄藏剑变成了紫色,而剑头的紫龙格外显眼。 The leaders do not realize finally wonderfully, draws back backward anxiously, while exclaimed: What is this?” 首领终于意识到不妙,一边向后急退,一边吼道:“这是什么?” He has never seen the purple dragon, but actually felt the intense threat, the instinct realized that the important matter was not wonderful. 他从未见到过紫龙,但却感受到了强烈的威胁,本能地意识到大事不妙。 In Tang Zheng heart one happy, has not thought that temporarily conceives a plan will receive the so good effect. 唐铮心中一喜,没想到临时起意会收到如此好的效果。 This purple Dragon Ke is not simple, but is his Nascent Soul. 这紫龙可不简单,而是他的元婴所化。 After he breaks through to the Saint boundary, Nascent Soul can leave his body. 当他突破到圣境之后,元婴就可以离开他的身体了。 This was he once long-awaited divine ability, now eventually realizes. 这是他曾经梦寐以求的神通,如今终于实现了。 He naturally wants to test a might. 他自然想要实验一番威力。 The effect is very remarkable, the leader sees the purple dragon, retrocedes unexpectedly in a panic, this fully explained all. 效果很显著,首领见到紫龙,竟然仓惶后退,这足以说明一切。 Now draws back, late!” Tang Zheng cries, profound storehouse sword speed speeds up. “现在才退,晚了!”唐铮大叫一声,玄藏剑速度加快。 Bang! 砰! The profound storehouse sword has hit the armor, the silver light and purple light explodes shoots, however, the silver immediately was only pressed. 玄藏剑击中了铠甲,银光和紫光爆射,然而,银光立刻就被压了下去。 pū! 噗! On the armor presented a fissure, the purple light quickly seeped, easily accomplished general, the fissure rapidly expanded. 铠甲上出现了一道裂痕,紫光迅速地渗透进去,摧枯拉朽一般,裂痕迅速扩大。 The purple dragon flew from the profound storehouse sword, twines arm of leader, his half arm bathes in the purple light. 紫龙从玄藏剑上飞了出去,缠绕住首领的手臂一圈,他的半截手臂都沐浴在紫光之中。 „” “啊” The leaders eat the pain to call out pitifully, looks the panic-stricken color, does not have the means to work loose the purple dragon. 首领吃痛惨叫起来,面露惊骇之色,却没办法挣脱紫龙。 Roar!” “吼!” dragon roar, the leader changed, changes to an silver dragon, the arm turned into huge Dragon Claw, but the purple dragon grew perceptibly against the wind, twined his Dragon Claw stubbornly. 一声龙吟,首领摇身一变,化作了一条银龙,手臂变成了巨大的龙爪,但紫龙迎风见长,死死地缠绕住他的一只龙爪 Dragon Claw turned into lavender from the silver, as if momentarily possibly does not guarantee. 龙爪已经从银色变成了淡紫色,似乎随时都可能不保。 The leaders roared again and again, other Dragon Claw grasped to the purple dragon. 首领连连咆哮,其他龙爪抓向紫龙。 How could Tang Zheng sits waiting for death, the personal appearance dodges, palm black hole appears, immediately covers the leader, loudly exclaimed: Swallows the day!” 唐铮岂能坐以待毙,身形一闪,掌心一个黑洞出现,立刻就罩住了首领,大吼道:“吞天!” Hū! 呼! The aura between world flies rapidly to the black hole. 天地间的气息迅速地向黑洞飞去。 Other people do not stand steadily, flies to the black hole. 其他人站立不稳,飞向黑洞。 Jiutian Xuannu hurried took out several Saint, have built a protecting wall in front of Dragon Clan, avoids Dragon Clan being inhaled in the black hole. 九天玄女急忙祭出几件圣器,在龙族前面筑起了一道防护墙,避免龙族被吸入黑洞中。 Other Dragon Slayer so were unlucky, some strength slightly weak Dragon Slayer pitiful yell sounds have flown into the black hole, vanishes does not see. 其他屠龙士就没这么幸运了,一些实力稍弱的屠龙士惨叫声飞进了黑洞,消失不见。 Dragon Slayer courage entirely cold, sprouted has drawn back intent, looked at a leader, turns around runs away. 屠龙士肝胆俱寒,已经萌生了退意,望了一眼首领,许多掉头就逃。 This played exemplary role likely, other Dragon Slayer follow the example, has no more to do with run away. 这像是起了示范作用,其他屠龙士有样学样,拔腿就逃。 Do not let them run away!” Dragon King suffocates, actually used whole body strength to call out. “别让他们逃了!”龙王奄奄一息,却使出浑身力气叫道。 Blocks them! The clansmen, the opportunity of revenging came, kills!” Dragon Clan has the protecting wall, the pinkeye bellows. “拦住他们!族人们,报仇的机会来了,杀!”龙族有防护墙,红眼大吼起来。 Dragon Clan was hunted and killed these many years, now finally feels proud and elated, by other [say / way] also body, the blood debt that Dragon Slayer owes, must present. 龙族被猎杀这么多年,如今终于扬眉吐气,以彼之道还施彼身,屠龙士欠下的血债,现在要如数奉还。 Kills!” “杀!” The war cry is shocking, Dragon Clan and Dragon Slayer battled in one. 喊杀声震天,龙族屠龙士又激战在了一起。 And formerly compared the huge difference, Dragon Slayer game is as good as lost, Dragon Clan has been powerful, got the winning side firmly. 只是和先前相比有了巨大的区别,屠龙士的大势已去,龙族气势如虹,牢牢地占据了上风。 The leaders have no time to divert attention, although saw with own eyes that own subordinate was besieged, does not have the means to rush to rescue. 首领无暇分心,虽然眼见自己的手下被围攻,却根本没办法驰援。 The purple dragon made him badly battered. 紫龙已经令他焦头烂额了。 He blamed himself to be too careless secretly, if not for were too negligent, made purple Dragon Jinshen, has tied down him, how he so will be also distressed. 他暗自责怪自己太粗心,若不是太大意,令紫龙近身,缠住了他,他又怎么会如此狼狈。 Tang Zheng also very clear this point, he uses the general idea of leader, unexpectedly was really unexpectedly effective. 唐铮也很清楚这一点,他就是利用首领的大意,出其不意,竟然真的奏效了。 His where is willing to miss this golden opportunity. 他哪里肯错失这个大好机会。 Heaven Swallowing Technique solidly locks the leader, is tearing his body, making his several Dragon Claw not have the means to attack the purple dragon. 吞天术牢牢地锁定首领,撕扯着他的身体,令他几个龙爪根本没办法攻击紫龙。 The leaders have to branch out major part thoughts, resists the Heaven Swallowing Technique attraction, he very clear, once were drawn the black hole, that means that the life is worrying. 首领不得不分出一大部分心思,抵御吞天术的吸引力,他很清楚一旦被吸进黑洞,那就意味着性命堪忧。 As for the purple dragon, will not always want his life. 至于紫龙,总不会要了他的性命。 Which is the lighter and which is the heavier, he is clear, naturally must stress the small enlargement. 孰轻孰重,他一清二楚,自然要抓小放大。 Tang Zheng did not count on this strikes fatally, sees with own eyes resistance Heaven Swallowing Technique that the leader is thrown into confusion, his goal was achieved. 唐铮本来就不指望这一击致命,眼见首领手忙脚乱的抵御吞天术,他的目的就达到了。 Breaks!” “断!” Only listens to him to bellow, that Dragon Claw of leader had been bound completely by the purple light, turned into the purple. 只听他大吼一声,首领的那一条龙爪已经完全被紫光裹住,变成了紫色。 Bang! 砰! A resounding, the Dragon Claw break, has been separated from the body of leader. 一声脆响,龙爪断裂,脱离了首领的身体。 The purple dragon likely is general of triumphal returning, wields own small claw complacently, has flown back to Tang Zheng within the body directly, 紫龙像是凯旋的将军,洋洋得意地挥动自己的小爪子,直接飞回了唐铮体内, „” “啊” Leader's pitiful yell roared to follow on somebody's heels, resounds through the entire space, deafening, many Dragon Clan and Dragon Slayer bled profusely from the head, almost by this sound breaking five main internal organs (entrails). 首领的惨叫咆哮接踵而至,响彻整个空间,震耳欲聋,许多龙族屠龙士七窍流血,差点被这声音给震碎了五脏六腑。 Is looking at the leader panic-strickenly, when sees Dragon Claw that he is cut off, shocks. 一个个惊骇地望着首领,当看见他断掉的龙爪时,更加震撼。 Leader whole body silver light rises suddenly, body inflated unexpectedly, the dragon horn silver light of top of the head presently, has braved from the top of the head for the first time little, became longer. 首领浑身银光暴涨,身躯竟然又膨胀了许多,头顶的龙角银光乍现,一点点地从头顶冒了出来,变得更长了。 Whoosh! 唰! The lasing of silver light from the dragon corner/horn, in the first neckband spouts a blood together, with this silver light fusion, if quickly Lightning has fired into the black hole. 一道银光从龙角上激射而出,首领口中喷出一道鲜血,与这道银光融合,快若闪电地冲向了黑洞。 Bang! 轰! Does the black hole shivers fiercely, sway, ripples ripples, disintegrated, vanishes in the sky. 黑洞剧烈颤抖,摇摇晃晃,荡漾起一圈圈涟漪,土崩瓦解,消失在了天空中。 The Tang Zheng heart trembles, this strikes an inexplicable invincible might, definitely is that blood is the result. Heaven Swallowing Technique was routed the first time. 唐铮心头一颤,这一击有一股莫名的神威,肯定是那一口鲜血所致。吞天术被击溃还是第一次。 However, Tang Zheng was not worried that instead was somewhat happy. 不过,唐铮并不担心,反而有些高兴。 The leaders have confused own situations, to help oneself to use this type to injure own divine ability unexpectedly, that blood was Heart Blood of leader, contained the greatest invincible might. 首领已经自乱阵脚,为了自救竟然用了这种伤害自己的神通,那一口鲜血乃是首领的心血,蕴含了莫大的神威。 Lost some Heart Blood, leader had the internal injury, the battle efficiency greatly has naturally sold at a discount. 失去了这部分心血,首领就有了内伤,战斗力自然大打折扣。 The leaders broke Heaven Swallowing Technique by luck, looks at Tang Zheng, the eye pupil deep place had the fear by far, he knew his declining tendency. 首领侥幸破掉了吞天术,远远地看着唐铮,眼眸深处已经有了恐惧,他已经知道自己的颓势了。 I cannot delay again, this Little Brat too weird, is it possible that purple dragon is Avatar that he practices, although I have achieved the Saint boundary, actually also almost can have Avatar, he my one step, this explained the issue first.” “我不能再耽搁下去,这小子太邪门儿了,那紫龙莫非是他练出来的分身,我虽然达到了圣境,却还差一点才能有分身,他却先我一步,这已经说明了问题。” Keeps the mountain not to worry not to have the firewood fever, the leader is very clear this truth. 留得青山在不愁没柴烧,首领很清楚这个道理。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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