TCOC :: Volume #18

#1750: Sinlung god

The leaders sprouted to draw back intent, sees with own eyes the black hole to vanish, he fast runs away to the distant place. 首领已经萌生退意,眼见黑洞消失,他飞快地向远处逃遁。 Where runs away!” “哪里逃!” Tang Zheng shouted at one, changed, changed to Dragon body, the whole body auspicious sign transpiration, he also turned into the purple dragon unexpectedly. 唐铮断喝一声,摇身一变,也化作了龙身,浑身紫气蒸腾,他竟然也变成了紫龙。 The Tang Zheng huge body is not inferior to leader, Dragon's Tail sweeps, the air shakes fiercely. 唐铮的庞大身躯不亚于首领,龙尾一扫,空气剧烈震荡。 Roar “吼” Tang Zheng face upwards dragon roar, changes to together purple light, has blocked instantaneously the way of leader. 唐铮仰天龙吟,化作一道紫光,瞬间就拦住了首领的去路。 The leaders stop panic-stricken, break shout to clear the way: „Will you so be why formidable?” 首领惊慌失措地停下,断喝道:“你为什么会这么强大?” Tang Zheng smiled, said: You did not brag unmatched in the world, can destroy completely Dragon Clan? Today we looked that is Dragon Clan extinguishes, Dragon Slayer perishes.” 唐铮笑了笑,说:“你不是自诩天下无敌,要灭掉龙族吗?今天我们就看是龙族灭,还是屠龙士亡。” The leader look fluctuates erratically, bites the giant dragon tooth, the whole body silver light is rising suddenly, said: I and you spelled!” 首领眼神变幻不定,咬着巨大的龙齿,浑身银光暴涨,道:“我和你拼了!” sōu! 嗖! The leaders have fired into Tang Zheng, he understood not to have the escape route, only fights to win or die, perhaps also has a slim chance of survival. 首领冲向了唐铮,他已经明白没有退路,唯有背水一战,或许还有一线生机。 Hū! 呼! Dragon Claw throws, silver light everywhere. 龙爪扑来,银光漫天。 Tang Zheng wields Dragon Claw similarly, the purple light soars, a purple silver coins ray fights mutually, incomparably bright. 唐铮同样挥动龙爪,紫光腾飞,一紫一银两道光芒相互争锋,无比地灿烂。 Other people can only see these two rays, vanished including their forms, in the eye completely by this purple and silver fills up. 其他人只能看见这两道光芒,连他们俩的身影也消失了,眼中完全被这紫色和银色所填满。 Unknowingly, the subtle change appeared, the silver light is defeated and dispersed gradually, the purple light gets the winning side. 不知不觉,微妙的变化出现了,银光渐渐溃散,紫光占据上风。 People heart one tight, has thought of the reason as if by prior agreement, the breath is also rapid. 众人心头一紧,不约而同地想到了缘由,呼吸也跟着急促起来。 Dragon Clan is excited, Dragon Slayer is fear. 龙族是兴奋,屠龙士是恐惧。 The Jiutian Xuannu sentiment did not grip to tighten the fist from Restricted Area, both eyes has shone, whispers: Tang Zheng, great!” 九天玄女也情不自禁地攥紧了拳头,双眼放光,嘀咕道:“唐铮,好样的!” Everybody thinks after the leader fused the dragon god fragment, the skill increases, perhaps Tang Zheng was powerless. 大家都以为首领融合了龙神碎片之后,功力大增,唐铮恐怕无力回天了。 Who thinks that Nine Yang Saint Body will have the so mysterious effect, once after he broke that life and death critical junction, he looks like the volcanic eruption is the same, the strength is the leaping up rocket is likely ordinary. 谁又会想到九阳圣体会拥有如此神奇的效果,一旦他突破了那生死大关之后,他就像是火山喷发一样,实力像是蹿火箭一般。 If the one had only known, should do this matter earlier.” Jiutian Xuannu thought that but read hence, was unavoidably shy. “若是早知如此,就应该早点做这事儿。”九天玄女心想,但一念至此,又免不了害羞。 That many people reconcile her and Tang Zheng, she repels this act naturally, causes her and Tang Zheng has been neither friendly nor aloof, does not have the breakthrough last step. 那么多人撮合她和唐铮,她天然地排斥这种行径,导致她和唐铮一直若即若离,没有突破最后一步。 Actually, she does not lie down repugnantly Tang Zheng, in fact was already attracted by the Tang Zheng charisma, but she had not discovered. 其实,她并不讨厌躺唐铮,实际上早已被唐铮的人格魅力所吸引,只是她一直不曾发现而已。 What she dislikes is about others her decision, her life take responsibility, does not obey others' arrangement or about. 她讨厌的是别人左右她的决定,她的人生自己做主,不听从别人的安排或左右。 At this moment, her body and mind all belonged to Tang Zheng, great strength of looks at Tang Zheng, in heart both proud and happy, all these had her merit. 此刻,她身心皆属于唐铮了,看着唐铮的强大,心中既骄傲又幸福,这一切有她的一份功劳。 The sound of fight is gradually low and deep, roaring of leader also becomes weak, the purple light gets the winning side firmly. 战斗的声音渐渐低沉,首领的咆哮也变得虚弱起来,紫光更是牢牢地占据上风。 The form of both sides appears once more. 双方的身影再次显现出来。 Tang Zheng is powerful, the leader is the light of setting sun, collapsed at the first blow. 唐铮气势如虹,首领已是夕阳之光,不堪一击了。 Tang Zheng also shocks in the great strength of Avatar, at this moment, he and Avatar combine, the strength overlay of both sides, this is the reason of all-around crush leader. 唐铮也震惊于分身的强大,此刻,他和分身合二为一,双方的实力叠加,这才是全方位碾压首领的原因。 The leaders are not willingly, makes dying struggling once more, tries to escape this tribulation. 首领不甘心,再次做垂死的挣扎,试图逃过这一劫。 Tang Zheng controlled the overall situation, the leader has the change slightly, Tang Zheng has clarified his intention, disdained to smile, Dragon Claw wielded toward the midair. 唐铮掌控全局,首领稍有异动,唐铮已经弄清楚了他的意图,不屑一笑,龙爪朝半空中一挥。 One group of purple light shoot up to the sky, finally this group of purple light stopped in the midair, started to fluctuate rapidly, shortly will turn into Big Hole. 一团紫光冲天而起,最后这一团紫光停在了半空中,开始迅速地变幻,顷刻间就变成了一个大洞 Purple Big Hole, was different from formerly black hole. 一个紫色的大洞,有别于先前的黑洞。 Tang Zheng smiles, Heaven Swallowing Technique promoted, without a doubt, the might will be no comparison between them. 唐铮会心一笑,吞天术升级了,毫无疑问,威力将不可同日而语。 Sure enough, purple hole attraction very terrifying, although is hanging in the midair, the goal of aims at actually only then leader, other people have not felt the suction. 果不其然,紫洞吸引力十分恐怖,虽然悬挂于半空中,所针对的目标却只有首领一人,其他人根本没感觉到吸力。 This is Heaven Swallowing Technique after promotion, can attack accurate, but is not all -around non- difference attack. 这就是升级后的吞天术,可以精准打击,而不是全方位无差别攻击。 The leaders formerly had asked for advice the Heaven Swallowing Technique might, after seeing the purple hole, the mind megascism, tries to escape, however, the attraction solidly locks him, he cannot escape. 首领先前领教过吞天术的威力,见到紫洞后,心神剧震,试图逃跑,然而,吸引力牢牢地锁定他,他根本逃不掉。 „” “啊” He face upwards to roar, already realized that the difference of purple hole, his point cannot work loose. 他仰天咆哮,已然体会到紫洞的区别,他一点也挣脱不掉。 sōu! 嗖! He cannot help but flies to the purple hole, keeps wielding Dragon Claw, swinging Dragon's Tail, in the mouth exudes to roar dragon roar, but all these are the futile efforts, he little approaches to the purple hole. 他不由自主地向紫洞飞去,不停地挥动龙爪,摆动龙尾,口中发出声声咆哮龙吟,可这一切都是徒劳,他还是一点点地向紫洞靠近。 Tang Zheng changes, changes to the person, fast overtook the leader, a palm lays out, light, as if no a minacity. 唐铮摇身一变,化作人身,飞快地追上了首领,一掌拍出,轻飘飘的,仿佛没有一点威胁性。 His palm printed gently on the body of leader, immediately, the leader whole body shook, the huge body shivered. 他的手掌轻轻地印在了首领的身上,登时,首领浑身一震,巨大的身躯颤抖起来。 The silver light of his whole body goes to the Tang Zheng palm class, the speed is getting more and more fast. 他浑身的银光向唐铮的手掌流去,速度越来越快。 The leaders shouted loudly panic-stricken: Tang Zheng, what are you making?” 首领惊恐地大喊大叫:“唐铮,你在做什么?” Tang Zheng said with a smile: You took away not to be your thing, I double to take now.” 唐铮笑道:“你拿走了不属于你的东西,我现在加倍取回来。” You are attracting my skill.” The leaders understand finally that in the eye completely is with amazement, struggling was fiercer. “你在吸我的功力。”首领终于明白过来,眼中尽是骇然,挣扎的更加厉害了。 Do not plow the air, you are the spent force, struggled is also useless.” Tang Zheng said that stimulates to movement Heaven Swallowing Technique rapidly. “别白费力气,你已是强弩之末,挣扎也没用了。”唐铮说道,迅速地催动吞天术 The purple light on the palm flood, the skill of leader like is flies together the straight below waterfall, fast flows to Tang Zheng within the body. 一道紫光在手掌上泛了起来,首领的功力像是飞流直下的瀑布一样,飞快地流向唐铮的体内。 After these skill processes refine, by the Tang Zheng absorption fusion, shortly , the leader was been completely gloomy on the whole body, is also gloomy including the look. 这些功力经过炼化之后,完全被唐铮吸收融合,没多久,首领就浑身黯淡无光了,连眼神也暗淡下去。 Dragon Clan sees that already understood leader game is as good as lost, cheers all. 龙族见状,已然明白首领大势已去,无不欢呼起来。 Divine Dragon causes the military might!” “神龙使威武!” Divine Dragon causes the military might!” “神龙使威武!” The cheers are shocking. 欢呼声震天。 Dragon Slayer thorough despaired, at this moment does not run away, when treats. 屠龙士彻底绝望了,此刻不逃,更待何时。 Whiz whiz sōu! 嗖嗖嗖! Dragon Slayer likely are stray curs, tries to flee. 一个个屠龙士像是丧家之犬,试图逃离。 Jiutian Xuannu bellows: Blocks them!” 九天玄女大吼一声:“拦住他们!” Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The Dragon Clan army is the tide sweeps across likely generally, Dragon Slayer did not have the morale, where is the Dragon Clan match, finally a surviving strength shortly also nothing left. 龙族大军像是潮水一般席卷过去,屠龙士已经没有了士气,哪里是龙族的对手,最后残存的一点力量顷刻间也荡然无存。 The leaders glimpsed this, the heart like the dying embers, exhausts the whole body strength, loudly exclaimed: I am not willingly 首领瞥见了这一幕,心如死灰,用尽全身力气,大吼道:“我不甘心” The sound stops suddenly, because, his dragon god fragment had been absorbed by Tang Zheng completely, he stared round the eye, vanished in the purple hole. 声音戛然而止,因为,他的龙神碎片被唐铮完全吸收了,他瞪圆了眼睛,消失在了紫洞之中。 The purple hole vanishes rapidly, the purple light writings of Tang Zheng whole body, look like a purple Sun, is sending out the dazzling purple light in the midair. 紫洞迅速消失,唐铮浑身的紫光大作,就像是一个紫色的太阳,在半空中散发着耀眼的紫光。 Dragon Clan one after another gains ground to look up to the sky, looks at this, opened the mouth dull all, shock in heart was indescribable. 龙族纷纷抬起头仰望天空,呆呆地看着这一幕,无不张大了嘴巴,心中的震撼难以言喻。 Dragon King is at the point of death, at this moment as if also restored an energy, has stood the body, the vision brilliant is staring at Tang Zheng. 龙王气息奄奄,此刻似乎也恢复了一点精力,站直了身体,目光灼灼地盯着唐铮 He pounded a lower jaw, muttered: Dragon...... Gods......” 他砸吧了一下嘴,喃喃自语:“龙……神……” Tang Zheng completely immerses during wonderful experience, although the skill of leader enormous and powerful like flood, what is most important to him is the dragon god fragment. 唐铮完全沉浸在美妙的体验之中,首领的功力虽然浩浩荡荡如洪水,但对他而言最重要的是龙神碎片。 At this moment, he already complete collection complete dragon god fragment, is having the qualitative transformation. 此刻,他已经完全集齐了龙神碎片,发生着质的蜕变。 Once Dragon Clan collection Qi Longshen fragment, and completely after the fusion, will evolve the new dragon god, now, Tang Zheng accomplishes finally. 龙族一旦集齐龙神碎片,并且完全融合之后,将会进化成新的龙神,如今,唐铮终于办到了。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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