TCOC :: Volume #18

#1748: Can't run away quick enough

Large quantities of Dragon Slayer rush ahead crazily to Dragon King, other Dragon Clan far water are difficult to rescue near fire. 大批屠龙士疯狂地冲杀向龙王,其他龙族远水难救近火。 How could Jiutian Xuannu sees somebody in danger and does nothing, in the hand several Saint have offered a sacrifice to altogether, the brilliant ray has illuminated Langya Pavilion. 九天玄女岂能见死不救,手中几件圣器一股脑地祭了出去,绚烂的光芒照亮了琅琊阁 Her Enlightenment Ninth Grade cultivation level already tall Guo these Dragon Slayer, there is a Saint again hand, even more powerful. 大乘九品修为已经高过了这些屠龙士,又有圣器再手,如虎添翼。 Dragon Slayer does not know that her real cultivation level, has not cared. 屠龙士并不知道她的真实修为,根本没放在心上。 Therefore, to disrupts in forefront several Dragon Slayer Magical Treasure first loudly, is their people are hit by Magical Treasure, assigns the mourning at the scene. 于是,冲在最前面的几个屠龙士法宝先轰然碎裂,然后是他们的人被法宝击中,命丧当场。 All these come is too quick, dazzling, has almost not seen clearly, has dropped down piece of Dragon Slayer. 这一切来的太快,令人眼花缭乱,几乎还没看清楚,已经倒下了一片屠龙士 „” “啊” The screams rise from all directions, following Dragon Slayer realized finally the situation changes, one after another stops the footsteps, or retreats backward. 惊呼声四起,后面的屠龙士终于意识到情况有变,纷纷停下脚步,或者向后退去。 However, Jiutian Xuannu is not Buddhism believers, immediately stimulates to movement Magical Treasure, erupts the fierce attack. 然而,九天玄女也不是善男信女,当即催动法宝,爆发猛烈的攻击。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 Also is large quantities of Dragon Slayer falls to the ground. 又是一大批屠龙士倒地。 In the face of Enlightenment Ninth Grade this absolute strength superiority, Dragon Slayer collapses at the first blow generally. 大乘九品这种绝对的实力优势面前,一般屠龙士不堪一击。 Dragon Clan had been blown by the Jiutian Xuannu strength, they have seen Jiutian Xuannu, formerly simply not so fierce, why changes such big in an instant? 龙族九天玄女的实力镇住了,他们都见过九天玄女,先前根本没有如此厉害,为什么转眼间变化如此之大? Dragon Clan looked at each other in blank dismay, does not understand profound and abstruse principles. 龙族面面相觑,都不明白其中的玄机。 Jiutian Xuannu has the superiority, but he while winning the pursuit, eliminates the plan of Dragon Slayer. 九天玄女占据优势,但他并没有趁胜追击,消灭屠龙士的打算。 Langya Pavilion creakies, momentarily possibly collapses, leaves this place is the urgent matter. 琅琊阁摇摇欲坠,随时都可能坍塌,离开此地才是当务之急。 Therefore, she stopped the attack, loudly exclaimed to Dragon Clan: All Dragon Clan, leave Langya Pavilion, quick!” 于是,她停止了攻击,冲龙族大吼道:“所有龙族,离开琅琊阁,快!” Dragon Clan looks subconsciously toward Dragon King, after all, Dragon King is Lord of the clan. 龙族下意识地朝龙王望去,毕竟,龙王才是一族之主。 Although Jiutian Xuannu has shown astonishing strength, but the prestige and status cannot place on a par with Dragon King as before. 九天玄女虽然展现了惊人的实力,可威望和地位依旧不能和龙王相提并论。 Dragon King saw the thoughts of oneself clansman, moves the lip, has almost exhausted the complete strength, said: Retreats!” 龙王看出了自己族人的心思,动了动嘴唇,几乎耗尽了全部力气,说:“撤退!” Issues an order, Dragon Clan nobody dares to revolt, flushes away to the exit / to speak like the tide generally. 一声令下,龙族没人敢反抗,像潮水一般向出口冲去。 Dragon Slayer tries to stop, but Jiutian Xuannu one man guards the pass, Yorozuo opens, Dragon Slayer radically nearly bodies of other Dragon Clan. 屠龙士试图阻拦,但九天玄女一夫当关,万夫莫开,屠龙士根本近不了其他龙族的身。 Luckily all around space is not big, otherwise, Jiutian Xuannu is unable to work as the general situation alone. 幸亏四周的空间并不大,否则,九天玄女也无法独当大局。 Dragon Slayer advances uninterruptedly, tries to fire into Jiutian Xuannu, but ends in failure finally. 屠龙士前赴后继,试图冲向九天玄女,但最终都以失败而告终。 Therefore, Dragon Slayer gets a sudden inspiration, simply transformation direction, direct impact on Langya Pavilion next. 于是,屠龙士灵机一动,索性转变方向,直冲向琅琊阁下一层。 Formerly Dragon Clan blocked the step that they went forward, now did not have impediment, they opened access to clash. 先前龙族挡住了他们前进的步伐,如今没有了阻挡,他们畅通无阻地冲了进去。 Jiutian Xuannu has not stopped, instead the corners of the mouth reveal the color of despising. 九天玄女没有阻拦,反而嘴角露出轻蔑之色。 Dragon Slayer brings about own destruction, happen to saved her to begin. 屠龙士是自寻死路,正好省了她动手。 Dragon Clan retreats rapidly, only remaining. 龙族迅速撤退,只剩下一个了。 Gold Dragon!” Jiutian Xuannu has recognized, asked: How haven't you retreated?” 金龙!”九天玄女一眼就认了出来,问道:“你怎么还不撤退?” I must wait for the master, master not to come.” Gold Dragon worried that said. “我要等主人,主人还没来。”金龙担忧地说。 In the Jiutian Xuannu heart is moved, urges: Do not be worried that Tang Zheng has the means that we leave here first.” 九天玄女心中感动,劝道:“你别担心,唐铮自有办法,我们先离开这里。” Gold Dragon tenaciously, shakes the head to say very firmly: No, I must wait for master.” 金龙十分固执,坚定地摇头道:“不,我要等主人。” Gold Dragon, are you so how tenacious?” Jiutian Xuannu has no alternative, sees truly cannot convince Gold Dragon, she pointed at a point to assign simply Gold Dragon. 金龙,你怎么如此固执?”九天玄女无可奈何,见确实劝不动金龙,索性她手指一点就把金龙给定住了。 Walks!” Jiutian Xuannu left hand Dragon King, right hand Gold Dragon, float Saint. “走吧!”九天玄女左手龙王,右手金龙,身后悬浮着圣器。 She flushes away to the opening walk as if flying. 她健步如飞地向口子冲去。 Has Dragon Slayer not to be willingly, makes use to launch the attack, however, the attack has not hit Jiutian Xuannu, that several Saint have kept off completely. 屠龙士不甘心,趁势发起攻击,然而,攻击没有击中九天玄女,那几件圣器完全挡了下来。 Jiutian Xuannu is safe and sound, Dragon Slayer instead was counter-attacked, assigns the mourning at the scene. 九天玄女安然无恙,屠龙士反而遭到反击,命丧当场。 Naturally, there is intelligent Dragon Slayer, saw Dragon Clan so impatiently to retreat, saw a clue, followed to retreat behind Jiutian Xuannu rapidly. 当然,也有聪明的屠龙士,见龙族如此心急火燎地撤退,看出了一点端倪,也迅速地跟在九天玄女后面撤退。 The Dragon Clan large unit withdrew Langya Pavilion, looks up, the Langya Pavilion remaining halves, the crown completely has only destroyed. 龙族大部队撤出了琅琊阁,抬头望去,琅琊阁只剩下半截,顶部已经完全摧毁。 Scary imposing manners pass from the ruins, frightening. 一道道骇人的气势从废墟中传出来,令人心惊胆战。 Dragon Clan then realized one are just now dangerous, completely walked in Gate of Death. 龙族这才意识到自己方才多么危险,完全是在鬼门关走了一遭。 Their one after another looked to Jiutian Xuannu, in vision has been full of the gratitude. 他们纷纷看向九天玄女,目光中充满了感激。 Other with Dragon Slayer sees this, is dumbfounded, has a lingering fear. 其他跟出来的屠龙士看见这一幕,也目瞪口呆,心有余悸。 They recover instantaneously, to keeping Dragon Slayer in Langya Pavilion shouted loudly: Langya Pavilion is about to collapse, a bit faster comes out.” 他们瞬间就回过神来,冲留在琅琊阁中的屠龙士大喊大叫:“琅琊阁快塌了,快点出来。” However, other Dragon Slayer cannot hear their sounds , to continue to go forward to other floors crazily. 然而,其他屠龙士根本听不见他们的声音,继续疯狂地向其他楼层前进。 After they arrive at Tang Zheng and floor of Dragon Slayer leader finally, had not shouted that with enough time, an intermittent shock-wave clashes from the two. 当他们终于到达唐铮屠龙士首领的楼层后,还没来得及喊出一声,一阵阵冲击波就从二者之间冲出来。 Dragon Slayer bears the brunt, turned into air directly, scatters with the wind. 屠龙士首当其冲,直接化成了空气,随风飘散。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Langya Pavilion resounded bangs, Langya Pavilion inclines. 琅琊阁响起一声声巨响,琅琊阁倾斜了。 Draws back quickly, Langya Pavilion collapsed immediately.” Jiutian Xuannu bellows, retreats to the distant place hurriedly. “快退,琅琊阁马上就坍塌了。”九天玄女大吼一声,急忙向远处退去。 Other Dragon Clan and Dragon Slayer have tacit understanding to retreat very much together backward, unexpectedly has forgotten battle, is staring at Langya Pavilion steadily. 其他龙族屠龙士很有默契地一起向后退去,彼此之间竟然忘记了厮杀,目不转睛地盯着琅琊阁 This Langya Pavilion has the special meaning to Dragon Clan and Dragon Slayer. 这座琅琊阁龙族屠龙士都有着特殊的含义。 And is burying the Dragon Clan older generation, but these are Dragon Slayer covet for a long time dragon soul. 其中埋葬着龙族的先辈,而这些又是屠龙士觊觎已久的龙魂。 Once fuses these Dragon Hun, Dragon Slayer will progress by leaps and bounds. 一旦融合这些龙魂,屠龙士将会突飞猛进。 Now, all these will turn into stretch of ruins along with collapsing of Langya Pavilion, nothing left. 如今,这一切随着琅琊阁的坍塌都将会变成一片废墟,荡然无存。 Dragon Clan lost the dragon soul of oneself older generation, Dragon Slayer also lost the opportunity of being promoted. 龙族失去了自己先辈的龙魂,屠龙士也失去了晋级的机会。 Both sides both great pain and grief, what goes around comes around. 双方都肝肠寸断,百转千回。 Langya Pavilion inclined is getting more and more fierce, the Dragon Slayer discovery of is not wonderful, tries to run away. 琅琊阁倾斜的越来越厉害,其中的屠龙士也发现不妙,试图逃出来。 However, all these late. 然而,这一切都晚了。 Bang! 轰! The earth trembles, Langya Pavilion hits the ground maliciously, the remnants of destroyed buildings to flies in all directions, like is Magical Treasure. 大地震颤,琅琊阁狠狠地击中地面,残垣断壁向四处飞去,像是一道道法宝一样。 Everybody prevents the avoidance hurriedly, but vision is actually not able to put aside the slightest, is staring at Langya Pavilion steadily. 大家急忙阻挡躲避,但目光却无法移开分毫,目不转睛地盯着琅琊阁 Langya Pavilion turned into the ruins, to everywhere mist and dust, likely is the sand storm, to takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 琅琊阁变成了废墟,冲起漫天烟尘,像是沙尘暴,向四面八方席卷而去。 The people offered a sacrifice to the Magical Treasure guard hastily, the mist and dust have tunnelled their vision. 众人连忙祭起法宝护身,烟尘挡住了他们的视线。 In the world does not have other sounds, the remaining Langya Pavilion falling to the ground sound residual sounds are only unceasing. 天地间没有其他声音,只剩下琅琊阁的倒地声余音不绝。 The people stared in a big way the eyeball, as if saw a clue, finally also had achieved nothing. 众人瞪大了眼珠,似乎看出一点端倪,最终也一无所获。 Suddenly, a sound broke all these, then looks like the violent storm is ordinary, the voice between world becomes noisy. 突然,一个声音打破了这一切,然后就像是狂风暴雨一般,天地间的声音又变得嘈杂起来。 The people are fearful and apprehensive, the heart jumped out throat quickly, because, they have realized. 众人心惊胆战,心脏快跳出嗓子眼了,因为,他们已经意识到这是怎么回事。 The fight of Tang Zheng and leader has not stopped, the flames of war spread the ground from Langya Pavilion. 唐铮和首领的战斗并没有停止,战火从琅琊阁上蔓延到了地面。 That a series of sound is the sound that both sides fight. 那一连串声音是双方战斗的声音。 Langya Pavilion was affected by their fights, turned into stretch of ruins. 琅琊阁都被两人的战斗波及,变成了一片废墟。 They have not drawn back distant, in order to avoid being brought disaster, encounters the unexpected misfortune. 那他们还不退的远远的,以免被殃及,遭遇无妄之灾。 Therefore, this time does not need Jiutian Xuannu to remind, Dragon Clan, is Dragon Slayer, the one after another tide ebb tide general, retreats to the distant place likely automatically, only strove for the farther the better from the battlefield. 于是,这次不用九天玄女提醒,无论是龙族,还是屠龙士,纷纷像潮水退潮一般,自动地向远处退去,只求距离战场越远越好。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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