TCOC :: Volume #18

#1747: The Langya pavilion collapses

The vision of leader moves between Tang Zheng and Jiutian Xuannu, only saw Jiutian Xuannu cultivation level, actually cannot completely understand Tang Zheng cultivation level. 首领的目光在唐铮九天玄女之间移动,只看出了九天玄女修为,却看不透唐铮修为 What did this indicate? 这说明什么? He is well aware. 他心知肚明。 That was Tang Zheng cultivation level has not been inferior to him, had Saint boundary cultivation level, only had so, he will unable to completely understand the Tang Zheng actual situation. 那就是唐铮修为已经不亚于他了,也拥有了圣境修为,唯有如此,他才会看不透唐铮的虚实。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? The leader mind megascism, he fused Dragon Corner/Horn the energy, this has achieved the Saint boundary. Tang Zheng formerly also assigned to hang one, in short did such time possibly also break through? 首领心神剧震,他是融合了龙角的能量,这才达到了圣境。唐铮先前还命悬一线,这么短的时间内怎么可能也突破了? Does he have what fortuitous encounter? 他难道也有什么奇遇? The leaders scratch and tear the scalp unable to think through. 首领抓破头皮也想不通。 He naturally does not know that Tang Zheng is Heaven Walker, once has compromised Pure Yang Energy in within the body, walks after Gate of Death came back, that will have the earth-shaking change. 他自然不知道唐铮天行者,一旦调和了体内的纯阳之力,从鬼门关走了回来后,那就会发生天翻地覆的变化。 The complexion of leader became very serious, stares at Tang Zheng stubbornly, the vision is not putting aside the slightest. 首领的脸色已经变得十分严肃,死死地盯着唐铮,目光不移开分毫。 The Tang Zheng vision also framed on the leader, in the heart also thump, he also saw the leader is Saint boundary cultivation level, this explained that he fused Dragon Corner/Horn the energy. 唐铮的目光也定格在了首领身上,心中也咯噔了一下,他也看出首领是圣境修为,这已经说明他融合了龙角的能量。 Tang Zheng looks up, Dragon Corner/Horn has not existed, this fully explained all. 唐铮抬头望去,龙角已经不复存在,这足以说明一切了。 The leaders broke silent, is staring Tang Zheng stubbornly, asked: How do you accomplish?” 首领率先打破了沉默,死死地瞪着唐铮,问道:“你是怎么办到的?” Tang Zheng smiles, said: Only permits you to achieve the Saint boundary, doesn't allow others to achieve the Saint boundary?” 唐铮浅浅一笑,说:“就只准你达到圣境,不允许别人达到圣境吗?” Such remarks, in the Jiutian Xuannu heart in great surprise, the looks at leader, the novice no wonder could not completely understand inconceivable his cultivation level, he also had achieved Saint boundary cultivation level. 此言一出,九天玄女心中大惊,不可思议地看着首领,新手难怪看不透他的修为,原来他也达到了圣境修为 Her vision back and forth moves between Tang Zheng and leader, deliberately considered that two people who is actually fiercer. 她的目光在唐铮和首领之间来回移动,寻思二人究竟谁更厉害。 The leaders are dumbfounded, layer on layer cold snort|hum, said: On your Little Brat decides however has the strangeness, I have not really been mistaken, you seriously are my heart big trouble, is more annoying than that Dragon King.” 首领哑口无言,重重地冷哼一声,说:“你小子身上定然有古怪,我果然没看走眼,你当真是我的心头大患,比那个龙王还烦人。” Tang Zheng and Jiutian Xuannu hear Yanchao Dragon King looks, Dragon King is at the point of death, but looked that is sending out the none remaining to the Tang Zheng vision. 唐铮九天玄女闻言朝龙王望去,龙王气息奄奄,但看向唐铮的目光中散发着精光。 Jiutian Xuannu overruns hurriedly , helping up Dragon King, comforts saying: Do not be worried that all will be good, Tang Zheng is Dragon Clan will take responsibility, revenges for you.” 九天玄女急忙冲过去,扶起龙王,安慰道:“别担心,一切都会好起来,唐铮会为龙族做主,为你报仇。” „...... Thanks!” Dragon King said weakly, in the vision has been full of the gratitude. “……谢谢!”龙王虚弱地说道,目光中充满了感激。 At first, he is be forced to Tang Zheng compromises, but he from the bottom of one's heart, feels grateful Tang Zheng now wholeheartedly. 起初,他对唐铮是迫于无奈才妥协,但如今他是发自肺腑,真心实意地感激唐铮 If not for Tang Zheng, Dragon Clan will suffer the calamity of extermination of the clan surely. 若不是唐铮,龙族必定会遭受灭族之祸。 Now although has risk of extermination of the clan as before, but at least had a ray of hope. 如今虽然依旧有灭族的风险,但至少有了一线希望。 Seals him to cause as Divine Dragon is my this life wisest decision.” In Dragon King heart thinks silently. “封他为神龙使是我这一生最明智的决定。”龙王心中默默地想到。 Tang Zheng and leader confront, at daggers drawn, the invisible imposing manner has been fermenting, including Jiutian Xuannu is unable near body. 唐铮和首领对峙,已经剑拔弩张,无形的气势在彼此之间酝酿,连九天玄女也无法近身了。 That type made one be afraid from trembling of bottom of one's heart. 那种发自肺腑的颤栗令人不寒而栗。 How you achieve the Saint boundary, similarly is the dead end, first falls you firmly, then I destroy completely Dragon Clan again.” The leaders said with clenched jaws. “你达到圣境又如何,同样是死路一条,先坚决掉你,然后我再灭掉龙族。”首领咬牙切齿地说。 Tang Zheng refuted: „After Dragon Slayer from now on, will vanish from the world thoroughly.” 唐铮反驳道:“屠龙士从今之后将彻底从世界上消失。” Fails to agree, they have had nothing to say. 话不投机,两人已经没有什么可说的了。 sōu! 嗖! sōu! 嗖! They changed to two Daoguang to be the same, suddenly vanished. 两人都化作两道光一样,眨眼消失。 Bang! 轰! A shocking bang, impact wave direction flushes away in all directions, worked as several, Langya Pavilion all around presented several Big Hole, looked like windows. 一声震天巨响,冲击波向四面八方冲去,哐当几声,琅琊阁四周出现了几个大洞,就像是一个个窗户。 The wind from fills in all directions, was being swept across by this impact wave band. 风从四面八方灌进来,紧接着又被这股冲击波带着席卷出去。 Langya Pavilion is keeping ringing of creaking, creakies. 琅琊阁更是嘎吱嘎吱的响个不停,摇摇欲坠。 They stopped as if by prior agreement, is distanced is not far, stares at the opposite party stubbornly, the spark of hatred is connecting in the midair. 两人不约而同地停了下来,相距并不远,死死地盯着对方,仇恨的火花在半空中交汇。 Dies!” “去死!” The leaders bellow, the finger, bolt of white silk common silver light blinks. 首领大吼一声,手指一点,一股匹练一般的银光眨眼即至。 Tang Zheng has wielded the profound storehouse sword, the profound storehouse sword erupted a bigger might in the Saint boundary master hand, only listens to a sword cry, everywhere is the sword light. 唐铮挥动了玄藏剑,玄藏剑在圣境高手手中爆发了更大的威力,只听一声剑鸣,漫天都是剑光。 Heaven Flying Immortal Sword Technique, is Primal Chaos Yin Yang Sword Technique, is unable with it comparing favorably. 无论是天外飞仙剑法,还是太极两仪剑法,都无法与之媲美。 Tang Zheng Sword Technique sublimated completely, does not have the fixed style, completely along with the thought attack of Tang Zheng. 唐铮剑法已经完全升华了,没有固定的招式,完全是随着唐铮的意念攻击。 Not incurs to win to incur. 无招胜有招。 This is very mysterious Realm, Realm that the average person is unable to imagine. 这是一种十分玄妙的境界,一般人根本无法想象到的境界 But after Tang Zheng breaks through to Saint boundary, these are self-taught completely, likely is inherent general. 但当唐铮突破到圣境后,这些全部无师自通,像是与生俱来一般。 Whoosh! 唰唰唰! The profound storehouse sword flew, welcomed that bolt of white silk silver light. 玄藏剑飞了出去,迎上那匹练般的银光。 Bang! 轰隆! After two rays clash, shoots up to the sky, the Langya Pavilion crown will shortly change to the ruins, everywhere dances in the air. 两股光芒对撞后,冲天而起,琅琊阁的顶部顷刻间化作废墟,漫天飞舞起来。 Hū! 呼! Strong winds have blown from several people of top of the heads, they look up, only sees above nine days the dusky sky. 一股狂风从几人头顶刮过,他们抬头望去,只看见九天之上灰蒙蒙的天空。 Dragon King and in Jiutian Xuannu eye flashes through the panic-stricken color, formerly that intense fight cannot shake Langya Pavilion, now two talented people start to fight, the Langya Pavilion crown was moved. 龙王和九天玄女眼中都闪过惊骇之色,先前那么激烈的战斗都没能撼动琅琊阁,如今两人才开始战斗,琅琊阁的顶部就被掀掉了。 This fully explained powerful of their strength, big of Saint boundary might. 这足以说明两人实力之强悍,圣境威力之大。 They have not responded that the fight of Tang Zheng and leader gets stronger and stronger, creaks, the floor fierce sound sways. 他们还没反应过来,唐铮和首领的战斗愈演愈烈,嘎吱嘎吱,地板剧烈的响动摇晃起来。 Bang! 轰! Also is a bang, floor collapsed. 又是一声巨响,地板坍塌了。 Dragon King and Jiutian Xuannu fall to falling downwards as if by prior agreement, hit on the next floor. 龙王和九天玄女不约而同地向下坠落,撞在下一层地板上。 Suddenly, a bright attracted the Jiutian Xuannu attention, she fixes the eyes on looks, unexpectedly is a very sharp ray. 突然,一道亮光吸引了九天玄女的注意力,她定睛一瞧,竟然是一股十分锋利的光芒。 Saint! 圣器! In her heart one cold, recalled to mind the introduction about Langya Pavilion, in Langya Pavilion that this standing upside down each, not only has the dragon god fragment, Saint. 她心中一凛,记起了关于琅琊阁的介绍,这座倒立的琅琊阁中每一层不但有龙神碎片,还有圣器。 Formerly, they only came to the dragon god fragment . Moreover, these Saint did not have the too major function to Tang Zheng and leader, their attention naturally not on Saint. 先前,他们只冲着龙神碎片而来,况且,这些圣器对唐铮和首领也没太大的作用,他们的注意力自然不在圣器上。 But at this moment, Jiutian Xuannu actually by the Saint attraction. 但此刻,九天玄女却被圣器吸引住了。 Dragon King saw the Jiutian Xuannu thoughts, said: Takes quickly, do not fall into the hand of Dragon Slayer.” 龙王看出了九天玄女的心思,道:“快取过来吧,别落入屠龙士的手中。” The Jiutian Xuannu personal appearance dodges, has grasped Saint in the hand, she did not have with enough time Saint in careful resolution hand, discovery under foot fiercely sways. 九天玄女身形一闪,已经把圣器抓在了手中,她还没来得及仔细分辨手中的圣器,就发现脚下一阵剧烈摇晃。 Creak! 嘎吱! The ground presents huge fissures, works as one, she crashes to under directly, Dragon King did not have the strength of revolt, is more distressed and dangerous. 地面出现一条条巨大的裂痕,哐当一声,她径直向下方坠落,龙王没有了反抗之力,更加狼狈和危险。 Jiutian Xuannu knows that this Langya Pavilion could not preserve, the fight solid might of two was too big, therefore, her big hand searched held Dragon King, the whole body erupted the dazzling ray, protected them. 九天玄女知道这琅琊阁是保不住了,那两人的战斗实在威力太大了,于是,她大手一探就抓住了龙王,浑身爆发耀眼的光芒,护住了两人。 Walks!” “走!” She jumps to leap, flushes away to downstairs directly, the place visited, sees in the Saint then rapid income pouch. 她纵身一跃,直接向楼下冲去,所过之处,见到圣器便迅速收入囊中。 Before long, she under the bottommost basic unit building, met other Dragon Slayer and Dragon Clan, both sides intense battle. 不一会儿,她就下到了最下面基层楼,遇见了屠龙士和其他龙族,双方正在激烈的厮杀。 But Langya Pavilion creakies, making both sides very restless, looks the startled color. 琅琊阁摇摇欲坠,令双方都十分不安,面露惊慌之色。 Exits quickly, Langya Pavilion must collapse.” Jiutian Xuannu loudly exclaimed. “快出去,琅琊阁要塌了。”九天玄女大吼道。 Dragon Clan hear speech/words has a big shock, particularly sees Dragon King that suffocates, feels helpless. 龙族闻言大惊失色,尤其是看见奄奄一息的龙王,更是不知所措。 Dragon Slayer sees Jiutian Xuannu, Dragon King in her hand, the one after another eye shines, the devils clash. 屠龙士看见九天玄女,还有她手中的龙王,纷纷眼睛发亮,凶神恶煞地冲上来。 If can put to death Dragon King, that is the greatest merit, regarding Dragon Slayer is a significance significant matter. 若是能够诛杀龙王,那可是莫大的功劳,对于屠龙士而言是一件意义重大的事。 Moreover, after putting to death Dragon King, if can swallow his dragon soul, that strength has qualitative to leap. 另外,诛杀龙王后,若是能够吞噬掉他的龙魂,那实力更是有质的飞跃。 Dragon King looks like Tang Xuanzang meat, attracted Dragon Slayer, making them attack fierce. 龙王就像是唐僧肉,吸引住了屠龙士,令他们凶猛地攻了过来。 Other Dragon Clan see that scolds loudly, tries to prevent all these. 其他龙族见状,大声呵斥,试图阻止这一切。 However, the far water could not rescue near fire. 然而,远水救不了近火。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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