TCOC :: Volume #18

#1746: Nirvana

Nascent Soul changes to the purple dragon, auspicious sign transpiration, mysterious incomparable. 元婴化作紫龙,紫气蒸腾,神秘无比。 The purple dragon has not ruled in one corner of the kingdom, but is the ray dodges, changes very small, walks randomly along the meridians of Tang Zheng. 紫龙并没有偏安一隅,而是光芒一闪,变的十分微小,沿着唐铮的经脉游走起来。 The place visited, the body of Tang Zheng experienced has been repeatedly tempered general quenching, changed even more indestructible. 所过之处,唐铮的身体经历了千锤百炼一般的淬炼,变的越发坚不可摧。 His Chaos Diamond Secret Art has practiced to Realm that does not extinguish, at this moment, this Realm enhanced once more, achieves Realm that the genuine mortal body has not destroyed does not extinguish. 他的混沌金刚诀已经修练到不灭的境界,此刻,这个境界再次提高了,达到了真正的肉身不毁不灭的境界 After this, if some people can kill him, does not pass the mortal body absolutely. 从此之后,若真有人可以杀了他,绝对不是通过肉身。 The purple light seeps from his flesh surface, was also wrapped by this purple light including Jiutian Xuannu, the purple light also seeped her flesh unexpectedly, making her benefit greatly. 紫光从他的肌肤表面渗透出来,连九天玄女也被这层紫光包裹住,紫光竟然也渗透进了她的肌肤,令她受益匪浅。 Has not known how long, the two forms in day fire stopped the movement, has achieved harmony of nature and man Realm. In you have me, in me has you, the thing I two forget. 不知过了多久,天火中的两个身影停止了动作,达到了天人合一的境界。你中有我,我中有你,物我两忘。 Enormous and powerful, flows through Jiutian Xuannu within the body compared with flame more blazing Pure Yang Energy, then returns to the body of Tang Zheng, but Pure Yang Energy no longer moved restlessly, instead becomes very docile, warm such as the jade is common. 浩浩荡荡,比火焰更炽烈的纯阳之力流经九天玄女体内,然后又返回唐铮的身体,但纯阳之力已经不再躁动,反而变得十分温顺,温暖如玉一般。 Moreover, pasts from Tang Zheng within the body compared with millennium cold ice colder Pure Yin Energy, becomes is as warm as in spring, flowed in the meridians of Jiutian Xuannu, making her as if fall into the hot spring. 另外,比千年寒冰更寒冷的纯阴之力也从唐铮体内流转回来,也变得温暖如春,在九天玄女的经脉中流淌,令她仿佛掉进了温泉之中。 They open eyes spookily, just now that mounts the extremely happy flash, each other sentiment has not closed the eye from Restricted Area, immerses in Realm that provides much food for thought. 两人幽幽地睁开眼,方才那登上极乐的一瞬间,彼此都情不自禁地闭上了眼睛,沉浸在那回味无穷的境界中。 At this moment after opening eyes, each other in eye not shy, instead a heart has the happiness of cleverness, in two both eyes eyeballs only has each other, in world also only remaining each other. 这一刻睁开眼后,彼此眼中没有羞涩,反而有一种心有灵犀的甜蜜,两双眼睛中唯有彼此,天地间也只剩下彼此。 Tang Zheng hugs into the arms her gently, Jiutian Xuannu cleverly by in his bosom, did not have ordinary swift and fierce. 唐铮轻轻地把她搂入自己怀里,九天玄女乖巧地靠在他的怀中,没有了平常的凌厉。 At this moment, she turned into such as the water generally gentle woman, only need looks at one, as if completely will fall into her look. 这一刻,她变成了如水一般温柔的女人,只消看一眼,仿佛就会完全陷入她的眼神中。 four eyes contact, the Tang Zheng gentle voice said: Fu Yao, thank you.” 四目相对,唐铮柔声说道:“伏瑶,谢谢你。” Fu Yao stretches out the finger, places on his lip gently, shakes the head gently, said: I must thank you.” 伏瑶伸出手指,轻轻地放在他嘴唇上,轻轻摇头,说:“我也要谢谢你。” The Tang Zheng vision looks like the scanner is ordinary, from top to bottom has swept her, eye one bright, the corners of the mouth brought back have wiped the happy expression, said: You arrived at Enlightenment Ninth Grade.” 唐铮的目光就像是扫描仪一般,从上到下扫过她,眼睛一亮,嘴角勾起了一抹笑意,道:“你到了大乘九品。” Enlightenment Ninth Grade, Jiutian Xuannu long-awaited Realm, even if to her, is unattainable. 大乘九品,九天玄女梦寐以求的境界,纵然是对她而言,也是可望而不可即。 At least she thinks that she is impossible to break through to Enlightenment Ninth Grade in a short time. 至少她认为自己短时间内不可能突破到大乘九品 Never has to think one have come true unexpectedly, this is the happiness of accident. 万万没想到自己竟然梦想成真了,这是意外之喜。 In her heart has mixed emotions, naturally knows that all these are the Tang Zheng merit, if not for is well distributed with the Tang Zheng Yin-Yang, Pure Yang Energy and Pure Yin Energy connection fusion, she is impossible to have this fortuitous encounter. 她心中百感交集,自然知道这一切都是唐铮的功劳,若不是和唐铮阴阳调和,纯阳之力纯阴之力交汇融合,她根本不可能有此奇遇。 One cloudy one positive, after two violent physique fusions, the might that erupts made one to be hard to imagine. 一阴一阳,两种极端的体质融合后,所爆发的威力叫人难以想象。 Jiutian Xuannu somewhat rejoiced that he is life-saving, actually also helps oneself, when their harmony of nature and man, the mind blends, does not need any character, understood each other thoughts. 九天玄女有些庆幸,自己是救人,其实也是自救,当两人天人合一的时候,心灵交融,无需任何一个字,都已经明白了彼此的心思。 In their hearts has each other, but no one has mentioned, when but the mind blends, the secret of this moral nature most deep place completely presents, cannot keep. 他们的心中都有彼此,只是谁都不曾提起,但当心灵交融时,这心底最深处的秘密完全呈现出来,根本藏不住。 Jiutian Xuannu brilliant is looking at Tang Zheng, even more could not completely understand Tang Zheng by her present vision, was very curious his cultivation level. 九天玄女灼灼地望着唐铮,以她如今的眼光越发看不透唐铮了,不禁十分好奇他的修为 Her father is Heavenly Emperor, she also knows that Heavenly Emperor in exploring Enlightenment Ninth Grade later Realm, arrived at Enlightenment Ninth Grade now, during is dark had induced. 她的父亲是天帝,她也知道天帝一直在探索大乘九品之后的境界,如今自己已经到了大乘九品,冥冥之中已经有所感应。 After this, definitely also has more profound Realm. 这之后肯定还有更高深的境界 Knowledge is infinite, the practice is also without limits. 学无止境,修炼也无止境。 Therefore, after she sees the Tang Zheng present condition, the sentiment from Restricted Area does not want to know his Realm. 所以,当她看见唐铮如今的状况后,情不自禁地想知道他的境界 The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth bring back the happy expression that wipes to be as deep as a well, said: You are Enlightenment Ninth Grade cultivation level, definitely had guessed correctly after this, has more profound practice Realm.” 唐铮嘴角勾起一抹高深莫测的笑意,道:“你已经是大乘九品修为,肯定已经猜到这之后还有更高深的修炼境界吧。” Nod that Jiutian Xuannu appears to understand but not really understand, eye one bright, as if has guessed correctly anything, brilliant is staring at Tang Zheng, as if in the answer of anticipating her heart thinking. 九天玄女似懂非懂的点头,眼睛一亮,似乎猜到了什么,灼灼地盯着唐铮,似乎在期待她心中所想的答案。 Only listens to Tang Zheng to say categorically: „After Enlightenment Ninth Grade, really has new Realm, that is the Saint boundary.” 只听唐铮斩钉截铁地说道:“大乘九品之后确实有新的境界,那就是圣境。” Saint boundary?” The Jiutian Xuannu volume enhanced much, is staring at Tang Zheng steadily, asked: „Have you achieved Saint boundary?” “圣境?”九天玄女的音量提高了不少,目不转睛地盯着唐铮,问道:“那你达到了圣境吗?” Tang Zheng smiles lightly, the nod said: Yes. I have completely solved oneself Nine Yang Saint Body crisis, originally Pure Yang Energy is I maximum capital. The luck the calamity depends on, calamity the luck bends down, each other mutual promotion of the five elements accompanying. Nine Yang Saint Body made me have to explode the crisis of body, but once similarly I have solved this crisis, the Nine Yang Saint Body physique made me benefit greatly, cultivation level had the tremendous changes, exceeded the Saint boundary.” 唐铮淡淡一笑,点头说:“是的。我彻底解决了自己九阳圣体的危机,原来纯阳之力才是我最大的资本。福兮祸所依,祸兮福所伏,彼此相生相伴。九阳圣体令我有爆体的危机,但同样一旦我解决了这个危机,九阳圣体的体质就让我受益匪浅,修为发生翻天覆地的变化,一举突破到了圣境。” Congratulations!” Jiutian Xuannu from the happiness of bottom of one's heart. “恭喜!”九天玄女发自肺腑的开心。 This is your merit.” Tang Zheng said sincere. “这都是你的功劳。”唐铮真挚地说。 We let us not patronize are thanking each other, outside situation is more dangerous, we solve the crisis first.” The Jiutian Xuannu reminder said. “咱们也别光顾着谢彼此,外面的情况更危险,咱们先解决危机吧。”九天玄女提醒道。 Stands to reason.” A Tang Zheng move, two clothes fall on conveniently each other, a blink, they are well-dressed, leisurely strolls walks on the fire outside upwards. “言之有理。”唐铮随手一招,两套衣服就落在彼此身上,一眨眼,两人就穿戴整齐,信步就朝天火外走去。 The day fire could not injure these two people, as if turned into their part, particularly Jiutian Xuannu, can control the day fire unexpectedly. 天火已经伤害不了这二人,仿佛变成了他们的一部分,尤其是九天玄女,竟然也可以操控天火。 Her move, one group of day fires have flown conveniently into her palm, keeps jumping, actually could not injure her slightest. 她随手一招,一团天火就飞入了她的掌心,不停地跳跃,却伤不了她分毫。 Bang! 轰! The day fire jumped fiercely, sends out an explosive, then changes to sparks, goes to the lasing in all directions. 天火猛地跳了一下,发出一声爆响,然后化作一道道火花,向四面八方激射而去。 Then, their forms once more appear, the imposing manner had the tremendous changes, looks as if by prior agreement toward front. 然后,两人的身影就再次显现出来,气势发生了翻天覆地的变化,不约而同地朝前面望去。 The Dragon Slayer leader big form on the introduction view, he changed to the human form immediately once more, stands proudly, the silver coated kpillsk is floating, the imposing manner is mystical, making one to ascertain airtight. 屠龙士首领高大的身影立刻就引入眼帘,他已经再次化作了人形,傲然而立,银衣飘飘,气势神秘,叫人捉摸不透。 His foot is lying down a person Dragon King. 他的脚边躺着一个人龙王。 Dragon King restored the body of real dragon, Dragon Scale that the golden light overflowed is completely gloomy, but Dragon King suffocates, the eye partly opens the semi-closure, as if momentarily possibly closes, cannot open again. 龙王已经恢复了真龙之身,原本金光四溢的龙鳞完全黯淡无光,而龙王更是奄奄一息,眼睛半睁半闭,似乎随时都可能合上,再也睁不开。 Suddenly, Dragon King heard the huge sound, stared in a big way an eye difficultly, looked in the sound origin direction. 突然,龙王听见了巨大的动静,艰难地瞪大了一点眼睛,朝声音的来源方向望去。 „” “啊” In his heart calls out in alarm one, like yes damn is staring at present this, is unable to believe. 他心中惊呼一声,像是见鬼一样盯着眼前这一幕,根本无法相信。 Tang Zheng and Jiutian Xuannu. 唐铮九天玄女 These two familiar forms plunge into the view, he also thinks that was dazzled at point of death. 这两个熟悉的身影跳入眼帘,他还以为是自己弥留之际看花了眼。 But some people do not think one are dazzled. 但有人不会认为自己看花眼。 Perfectly round that the leader eyeball stares, is staring at two people maliciously, he has a dream cannot think that these two can also live, the imposing manner of main these two had the tremendous changes. 首领眼珠瞪的浑圆,狠狠地盯着二人,他做梦也想不到这两人还能活下来,最主要这两人的气势发生了翻天覆地的变化。 His eyes see Jiutian Xuannu are Enlightenment Ninth Grade cultivation level, within the short time, does she accomplish all these? 他一眼就看出九天玄女已经是大乘九品修为,短短时间之内,她是怎么办到这一切的? The leaders cannot think through. 首领也想不通。 But this indicates anything, was self-evident. 但这预示着什么,已经不言而喻。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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