TCOC :: Volume #18

#1745: Purple dragon

A each article clothing takes off after Jiutian Xuannu, immediately by the day fire is given to swallow, changed to the ashes. 一件件衣衫从九天玄女身上脱下后,立即就被天火给吞噬,化作了灰烬。 Before long, Jiutian Xuannu nakedly has met with Tang Zheng, the eyeball of Tang Zheng as if must fall to the enemy in the Jiutian Xuannu body, looks at steadily. 不一会儿,九天玄女就和唐铮赤身相见了,唐铮的眼球仿佛要沦陷在九天玄女身体内,目不转睛。 Facing his blazing look, the Jiutian Xuannu double cheek is crimson, put out a hand gently, the finger just moved the flesh of Tang Zheng. 面对他炽烈的眼神,九天玄女双颊绯红,轻轻地伸出了手,手指刚一触碰唐铮的肌肤。 Whish! 哗! Pure Yang Energy as if found proclaimed the drain port, comes out from his within the body direct impact unexpectedly, just like the flood of bursting a dike, has crashed in Jiutian Xuannu within the body altogether. 纯阳之力仿佛找到了宣泄口,竟然从他体内直冲出来,宛如决堤的洪水,一股脑地冲进了九天玄女体内。 „” “啊” Although Jiutian Xuannu is Nine Yin Saint Body, is greatly strengthened to the Pure Yang Energy resistance, but this enormous and powerful Pure Yang Energy made her as before by the suffering. 九天玄女虽是九阴圣体,对纯阳之力的抵抗性极强,可这股浩浩荡荡的纯阳之力依旧令她备受煎熬。 She has not been panic-stricken, instead clenches teeth to be calm, the finger instead firmly held the Tang Zheng wrist|skill. 她没有惊慌失措,反而一咬牙就镇定下来,手指反而紧紧地抓住了唐铮的手腕。 ! 哗哗! Almost can hear the sound, is flood axis Jiutian Xuannu within the body, the cheeks of Jiutian Xuannu is likely getting more and more red, the breath is also rapid. 几乎可以听见声音,像是洪水流向九天玄女体内,九天玄女的脸颊越来越红,呼吸也急促起来。 Each air is having the burning feeling, making the throat as if probably be fired puts on. 每一口空气都带着火辣辣的感觉,令喉咙仿佛都要被灼烧穿了。 In her eyes pupil floated off the color of pain, what are more is incomparable firm and resolute, resolutely the Tang Zheng wrist|skill to own bosom. 她眼眸中浮起了痛苦之色,但更多的是无比的坚毅,毅然决然地把唐铮的手腕向自己怀里一拉。 Bang! 砰! Tang Zheng flew from the ground, hit her arms, they pasted intimately in the same place, just liked the firebrand meets Lie Huo, after this, was difficult to separate. 唐铮从地上飞了起来,撞进了她的怀里,两人亲密无间地贴在一起,犹如干柴遇烈火,从此之后,就再难分开了。 Jiutian Xuannu both hands grasped Tang Zheng, movement is very jerky, exceptionally is firm. 九天玄女双手抱住了唐铮,动作十分生涩,却异常坚定。 Tang Zheng stared in a big way the eye, purity that looked, his consciousness was also very sober, the looks at Jiutian Xuannu clumsy jerky movement, his heart like was the iceberg melts gradually. 唐铮瞪大了眼睛,看的一清二楚,他的意识也十分清醒,看着九天玄女笨拙生涩的动作,他的心像是冰山一样渐渐地融化了。 In his mind cannot help but flashes through with Jiutian Xuannu first meeting, that is in the Qin Shi Huang ancient grave, Qin Shi Huang tries to absorb Jiutian Xuannu Pure Yin Energy. 他的脑海中不由自主地闪过和九天玄女第一次见面,那是在秦始皇的古墓中,秦始皇试图吸收九天玄女纯阴之力 He actually collaborates with Jiutian Xuannu, finally, Tang Zheng has exceeded Qin Shi Huang by luck, this saves own life, has preserved the pureness of Jiutian Xuannu. 他却和九天玄女联手,最后,唐铮侥幸地胜过了秦始皇,这才保住自己的性命,也保全了九天玄女的清白。 They imitate the benevolence to have the cleverness, in mind flash through the same picture as if by prior agreement, although is the similar picture, the respective feeling is entirely different. 两人仿佛心有灵犀,脑海中不约而同地闪过相同的画面,虽然是同样的画面,各自的感受却截然不同。 If not for Tang Zheng, I already by the Qin Shi Huang violent treachery, he had the obligation to me, never said that also never requested me to repay a debt of gratitude.” “若不是唐铮,我早就遭了秦始皇的毒手,他对我有大恩,却从未挂在嘴边,也从未要求我报恩。” the new picture, like is shows a film one after another shows in two people of mind, their feelings were getting more and more profound. 一幕又一幕新的画面,像是放电影一样展现在二人的脑海中,两人的感触越来越深刻了。 Tang Zheng saw Jiutian Xuannu merit, she repeatedly boldly helps him, the how dangerous place, she clashes with him in the most dangerous first line. 唐铮看见了九天玄女身上的优点,她屡次奋不顾身地帮他,无论是多么危险的地方,她都和他冲在最危险的第一线。 What spirit is this one? 这是一种什么样的精神? Tang Zheng has profound respect, the heartstrings fluctuate, status of Jiutian Xuannu in his mind is time and time again clear day after day and full. 唐铮肃然起敬,心弦波动,一次又一次,九天玄女在他心目中的地位日渐清晰和饱满。 He does not need to think that the Jiutian Xuannu form repeatedly appears in his mind, can hardly be removed. 他根本不用去想,九天玄女的身影就屡次浮现在他的脑海中,挥之不去。 She looks like female celestial above nine days, before was unattainable, unattainable, now draws his side gradually, he will occasionally have the charming and gentle|enticing thought. 她就像是九天之上的仙女儿,以前遥不可及,高不可攀,如今渐渐拉到了他的身边,他偶尔会生出旖旎的念头。 At first, he has not been serious, but afterward everybody driving mention made Jiutian Xuannu melt Pure Yang Energy for him, this thoughts gradually are detachable. 起初,他没有当回事儿,但后来大家主动提及让九天玄女替他化解纯阳之力,这个心思才渐渐活络起来。 Jiutian Xuannu is that perfect, do oneself have opportunity (to) approach the woman really? 九天玄女是那么完美,自己真有机会一亲芳泽 He always cannot believe all these, does not dare to expect, even if everybody mentioned this matter repeatedly, he also evaded the subject, because, he does not want to run counter to the Jiutian Xuannu wish. 他始终不敢相信这一切,也不敢奢望,纵然大家多次提及此事,他也避而不谈,因为,他也不想违背九天玄女的意愿。 This Jiutian Xuannu devotes on own initiative, stems from his expectation completely, before her renounces opposes entirely different. 这次九天玄女主动献身,完全出乎他的预料,与她以前决绝地反对截然不同。 That intimate touch that but the body transmits does not do false. 但身体所传来的那种亲密的触感做不假。 His heartbeat also accelerates, particularly under the Jiutian Xuannu active guidance, his heart as if must jump out the throat jerkily. 他的心跳也加速起来,尤其是在九天玄女生涩地主动引导下,他的心脏仿佛都要跳出嗓子眼了。 Jiutian Xuannu looks at his fiery double pupil, in the heart is hard to take shyly, how may she possibly give up at this moment, only has to go all out to melt the shyness in heart, facilitates good deeds between two people on own initiative. 九天玄女看着他炯炯有神的双眸,心中羞涩难耐,可此刻她怎么可能放弃,唯有拼命地化解心中的羞涩,主动促成二人之间的好事。 Two bodies are complicated in the same place, before long on high and low fluctuates, Jiutian Xuannu completely grasped on own initiative, after experiencing initial sore spot, she adapts gradually, the tight pressed brow also gradually stretches. 两个身体交缠在一起,不一会儿就上下起伏起来,九天玄女完全掌握了主动,在经历了最初的痛处后,她渐渐适应过来,紧蹙的眉头也逐渐舒展开来。 The day fire fluctuates along with their movement capers, likely is the fluctuation of tumbling. 天火随着两人的动作跳跃起伏,像是翻滚的波动。 Pure Yin Energy plays the role gradually, bursts out from Jiutian Xuannu within the body, flows through Tang Zheng within the body, all the limbs and bones, Eight Extraordinary Meridians, was being flooded by Pure Yin Energy completely. 纯阴之力渐渐发挥作用,从九天玄女体内迸发出来,流经唐铮体内,四肢百骸,奇经八脉,全部被纯阴之力充斥着。 Pure Yang Energy obtains moistening of Pure Yin Energy, looks like the prolonged drought meets the timely rain the land, absorbs Pure Yin Energy greedily. 纯阳之力得到纯阴之力的滋润,就像是久旱逢甘霖的土地,贪婪地吸收纯阴之力 Continuous Pure Yin Energy flows out from Jiutian Xuannu within the body, but Jiutian Xuannu has not obstructed as before greatly, Nine Yin Saint Body is very special, is different from other bodies, Pure Yin Energy that contains may be called terrifying. 源源不断的纯阴之力九天玄女体内流出去,但九天玄女依旧没有大碍,九阴圣体十分特殊,不同于其他身体,所蕴含的纯阴之力堪称恐怖 In this short time is impossible to absorb his Pure Yin Energy. 这短短时间内根本不可能吸收完他的纯阴之力 Moreover, Pure Yang Energy enters her within the body, the Yin-Yang is well distributed, her cultivation level is also rubbing upward rises. 另外,纯阳之力进入她的体内,阴阳调和,她的修为也在蹭蹭的往上涨。 They benefit greatly, immerse in this wonderful Realm. 两人都受益匪浅,沉浸在这个美妙的境界之中。 Unknowingly, the Tang Zheng body surface has tied cold frost unexpectedly, the day fire does not have the means to melt this cold frost. 不知不觉,唐铮身体表面竟然结了一层寒霜,天火也没办法化解这一层寒霜。 Moreover, the Jiutian Xuannu skin surface is jumping the flame, she turned into a hot person likely. 另外,九天玄女皮肤表面跳跃着火苗,她像是变成了一个火人。 Their this entirely different responses made one express admiration, however, they immersed in Yin-Yang well distributed wonderful Realm, has not discovered this unusual place. 两人这种截然不同的反应令人啧啧称奇,然而,两人都沉浸在阴阳调和的美妙境界之中,并没有发现这奇特之处。 In the Tang Zheng purple palace, the purple ray has flooded all around, Nascent Soul has opened the eye fiercely, meridians and blood vessels grow rapidly, the skin turned into the transparency, purity that all these look. 唐铮紫府内,紫色的光芒已经充斥四周,元婴猛地睁开了眼睛,一条条经络和血管迅速生长,皮肤变成了透明状,把这一切看的一清二楚。 In the Nascent Soul eye presented look gradually, lifelike, Nascent Soul lived. 元婴眼睛里渐渐出现了神色,活灵活现,元婴真的活过来了。 sōu! 嗖! Nascent Soul turned a somersault unexpectedly, is swaying from side to side the forehead, rotates the eyeball turning round, sizes up own body carefully. 元婴竟然翻了一个跟头,扭动着头部,滴溜溜地转动眼珠,仔细地打量自己的身体。 Suddenly, he extended the arm, smiled well satisfied. 忽然,他伸展了一下胳膊,心满意足地笑了。 Meanwhile, in dragon seal of Tang Zheng forehead also the lasing leaves together the golden light, mixes with the day fire together. 与此同时,唐铮额头的龙印之中也激射出一道金光,与天火混合在一起。 A golden dragonet flew from dragon India , China suddenly, walks randomly along the body of Tang Zheng, arrives at the abdomen directly, the ray dodges, Gold Dragon vanished in his abdomen. 一条金色的小龙突然从龙印中飞了出来,沿着唐铮的身体游走,径直来到腹部,光芒一闪,金龙消失在了他的腹部。 The next second, Gold Dragon appears in front of Nascent Soul in purple palace. 下一秒,金龙出现在紫府中的元婴面前。 Nascent Soul like was the child saw toy, both sides shone stare at small Gold Dragon, the small hand are grasping, Gold Dragon simply has not escaped, was grasped by him directly in the control. 元婴像是小孩儿见到了玩具一样,双方放光地盯着小金龙,小手一抓,金龙根本没有逃脱,直接就被他抓在了手心。 Gold Dragon has not struggled, twined his small body following his arm rapidly, immediately, the golden light and purple light enhanced one another's beauty, was especially eye-catching and mysterious. 金龙并没有挣扎,顺着他的手臂迅速地缠绕住了他的小身体,登时,金光和紫光交相辉映,格外夺目而神秘。 Roar!” “吼!” Suddenly, small Gold Dragon face upwards dragon roar, the ray dodges, entered Nascent Soul within the body, the golden ray passes from the Nascent Soul skin, fuses with the purple light. 突然,小金龙仰天龙吟一声,光芒一闪,又钻进了元婴体内,金色的光芒从元婴皮肤下透出来,与紫光融合。 Time one minute one second of past, has not known how long, the golden light vanished, the Nascent Soul corners of the mouth brought back have wiped the mysterious smiling face, changed, changed to the coordinated process, was actually a purple dragon. 时间一分一秒的过去,不知过了多久,金光消失了,元婴嘴角勾起了一抹神秘的笑容,摇身一变,也化作了一条龙,却是一条紫龙。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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