TCOC :: Volume #18

#1744: Saint boundary

Roar “吼” Shocking dragon roar resounds through the world, the leader is having the tremendous changes, from inside to outside, from outside to inside, his imposing manner becomes more and more formidable, made one ponder over more and more airtight. 一声震天龙吟响彻天地,首领发生着翻天覆地的变化,由内而外,由外至内,他的气势变得越来越强大,越来越令人琢磨不透。 Dragon's Prestige that then sends out from the bone made one have profound respect. 那从骨子里散发出来的龙威令人肃然起敬。 He unexpectedly toward the direction transformation of dragon god. 他竟然正在朝着龙神的方向蜕变。 Dragon King delay is looking at the leader, had discovered this change, is helpless. 龙王呆滞地望着首领,也发现了这种变化,却无能为力。 slaughter Dragon actually must become Dragon Shen, this huge satire, this is to the satire of Dragon Clan, is the Dragon Clan total destruction. 一个屠龙者却要变成龙神,这岂不是天大的讽刺,这是对龙族的讽刺,是龙族的灭顶之灾。 Whish! 哗! The eye-catching ray erupts together from the leader, flooded to fill Langya Pavilion each corner, has not actually penetrated the flaming day fire. 一道夺目的光芒从首领身上爆发出来,充斥满了琅琊阁的每一个角落,却没有穿透熊熊的天火。 Dragon King has closed the eye subconsciously, is unable to look straight ahead this dazzling glare by his cultivation level. 龙王下意识地闭上了眼睛,以他的修为也无法直视这刺目的强光。 His breath as if must stop generally. 他的呼吸仿佛要停止了一般。 For a long time, when he opens eyes once more, when toward the leader looks, in the heart thump, thoroughly has fallen into the abyss, falls meets a cruel death general. 许久,当他再次睁开眼,朝首领望去时,心中咯噔一下,彻底跌入了万丈深渊,摔的粉身碎骨一般。 Because, the imposing manner of leader was entirely different, does not have swiftly and fiercely with aggressive, instead light like water, looks like the air is the same, if not the attention examined that cannot pay attention to be the same. 因为,首领的气势截然不同了,没有凌厉和霸气,反而平淡如水,就像是空气一样,若非注意查看,根本注意不到一样。 Dragon King is very certainly clear this to mean anything, he pounded a mouth, said off and on: He became Dragon Shen unexpectedly.” 龙王当然很清楚这意味着什么,他砸吧了一下嘴巴,断断续续地说:“他竟然变成了龙神。” This is the dragon god unique aura. 这就是龙神特有的气息。 Although Dragon King has not seen Dragon Shen, actually listens to the clan elder one generation to pass on one generation of places to narrate Dragon Shen all sorts of miracles, Dragon King has a vivid memory. 龙王虽然没有见过龙神,却听族中长辈一代传一代地讲述过龙神的种种神迹,龙王记忆犹新。 And a little description about dragon god aura, is exactly the same as this moment leader. 其中有一点就是关于龙神气息的描述,与此刻首领如出一辙。 Dragon King and does not know that his judgment is not accurate, the leader has not transformed to turn into a dragon shen truly, he half foot has stepped the past, actually also misses the last step. 龙王并并不知道自己的判断并不算准确,首领并没有真正地蜕变成龙神,他已经半只脚跨了过去,却还差最后一步。 Leader are very clear, he has not melted the closure god fragment completely, if he fused Tang Zheng that part of dragon god fragments, he can definitely transform to turn into a dragon god truly. 首领自己却很清楚,他并没有完全融合龙神碎片,若是他融合了唐铮那一部分龙神碎片,那他肯定就可以真正地蜕变成龙神。 However, he is wild with joy as before, because, his harvest is many, he finally broke through oneself long-awaited that together checkpoint. 不过,他依旧欣喜若狂,因为,他的收获颇丰,他终于突破了自己梦寐以求的那一道关卡。 Enlightenment Ninth Grade, this is horizontally natural moats in front of all Cultivator, nobody surmounts, but during cultivates the Enlightenment Ninth Grade person to be dark has a feeling. 大乘九品,这是横在所有修者面前的一道天堑,没有人跨越,但许多修炼到大乘九品的人冥冥之中有一种感觉。 That is above this Realm definitely also has higher Realm, knowledge is infinite, the practice is also without limits. 那就是这一个境界之上肯定还有更高的境界,学无止境,修炼也是无止境的。 Person who may surmount this natural moat is few. 可跨越这道天堑的人寥寥无几。 The leaders guessed that Dragon Shen surmounted this natural moat, therefore, he longed for even in dreams to step the past, this time he achieved wishes finally. 首领猜测龙神就是跨越了这道天堑,所以,他梦寐以求可以跨过去,这次他终于如愿以偿了。 Although does not have to transform to turn into a dragon shen completely, but his cultivation level really broke through, entered very mysterious Realm. 虽然没有完全蜕变成龙神,但他的修为是实实在在地突破了,进入了一个十分玄妙的境界 The present all as if had change quietly. 眼前的一切似乎都发生了悄然的变化。 He has a self-confidence, thinks one already unmatched in the world, nobody is his match. 他有一种自信,认为自己已经天下无敌了,没有人是他的对手。 He also immerses in that mysterious Realm, he pounded a lower jaw, muttered: Saint boundary, above Enlightenment is the Saint boundary.” 他还沉浸在那玄妙的境界之中,他砸吧了一下嘴,喃喃自语:“圣境,原来大乘之上是圣境。” He holds up his palm, high and low carefully observes, each meridians and blood vessel, even each muscle, each cell under his nose lifelike. 他举起自己的手掌,上下仔细地观察,每一条经脉、血管、甚至每一块肌肉,每一个细胞都在他的眼皮底下栩栩如生。 He looks up, world myriad things become bright. 他抬头望出去,天地万物都变得鲜活起来。 When his vision falls on Dragon King body, any secret of Dragon King non- hides, looks like a person stands before him stark naked, simply does not have the secret. 当他的目光落在龙王身上时,龙王的任何秘密都无所遁形,就像是一个人赤条条地站在他面前,根本没有秘密可言。 Dragon King feels his vision, shrank the body subconsciously, rolls up in the same place, the heart such as he of dying embers had had the fear unexpectedly. 龙王感受到他的目光,下意识地缩进了身体,蜷缩在一起,本来已经心如死灰的他竟然生出了恐惧。 Dies the person who does not fear actually also to fear, thus it can be seen, the magical skill of leader is deep, the strength is the what kind great strength. 一个连死都不怕的人竟然也恐惧起来,由此可见,首领的道行是何等深厚,实力是何等的强大。 Dragon King flinched backward, said: „Do you want to do?” 龙王向后退缩了一下,道:“你要干什么?” Ha Ha, naturally destroys completely Dragon Clan. Initially Dragon Clan pursued my time, I pledged that must make Dragon Clan regret, now I must complete my pledge finally, destroyed completely Dragon Clan, making you vanish from this world thoroughly, from now on, did not have Dragon Clan again.” The leaders said fervently. “哈哈,当然是灭掉龙族。当初龙族驱逐我的时候,我就发誓一定要让龙族后悔,如今我终于要完成自己的誓言了,灭掉龙族,让你们彻底从这个世界上消失,从今之后,再无龙族。”首领慷慨激昂地说。 Dragon King eyelid jumped fiercely several, was actually incapable of revolting. 龙王眼皮猛跳了几下,却无力反抗了。 Under the imposing manner suppression of leader, Dragon King does not export including the revolt words. 在首领的气势压制下,龙王连反抗的话都都不出口了。 He looked at a flaming day fire finally, accepted fate closes the eye, the Dragon Clan end came. 他最后望了一眼熊熊的天火,认命地闭上了眼睛,龙族的末日来了。 First starts from your this Dragon King, dies!” The leaders bellow, stretched out the claw to Dragon King, the silver claw covered Dragon King all of a sudden. “先从你这个龙王开始,去死吧!”首领大吼一声,冲龙王伸出了爪子,银色的爪子一下子就笼罩住了龙王。 Dragon King cannot move, flies rapidly to leader, under day hot shining, miserable incomparable. 龙王动弹不得,迅速地向首领飞去,在天火的照耀下,凄凉无比。 In the day fire, Jiutian Xuannu walked resolutely, the day fire swallowed her rapidly. 天火中,九天玄女毅然决然地走了进来,天火迅速地吞噬掉了她。 The outside looked that she turned into a hot person, immediately wanted the soul to fly to annihilate. 外界看去她变成了一个火人,马上就要魂飞湮灭了。 Jiutian Xuannu realized obviously the day fire and True Fire are entirely different, the might is huge, that type must break through the feeling of her body just likes Wan Chong worries. 九天玄女明显察觉到天火与真火截然不同,威力巨大,那种要突破她身体的感觉犹如万虫撕咬。 She frowned, endured strongly, approaches Tang Zheng step by step. She has found Tang Zheng, lies down in the place motionlessly, the life and death does not know. 她皱起了眉头,坚强地忍了下来,一步步靠近唐铮。她已经瞧见了唐铮,一动不动地躺在地方,生死不知。 She is very clear he definitely not dead, even if must die, is impossible such quickly dead. 她很清楚他肯定没死,即便要死,也不可能这么快死。 He can also be saved. 他还有救。 Only a some ray of hope on her. 唯有的一线希望就在她身上。 Tang Zheng stared in a big way the eyeball, flame has covered his eyeball, but was indistinct, he saw a person to walk. 唐铮瞪大了眼珠,火焰遮挡住了他的眼球,但隐隐约约,他看见一个人走了过来。 This Pure Yang Energy erupts before entirely different, before he falls into the comatose condition, this time instead incomparably sober. 这次纯阳之力爆发与以前截然不同,以前他都是陷入昏迷状态,这次反而无比地清醒。 Exactly because of this point, he is most painful, the day fire keeps firing him, this distress made him clench the teeth. 恰恰是因为这一点,他才是最痛苦的,天火不停地灼烧他,这种苦楚令他咬紧了牙关。 „Before I at the point of death, but can also make me suffer greatly dead?” In the Tang Zheng heart smiles bitterly. “难道我临死前,还要让我受尽折磨而死吗?”唐铮心中苦笑。 When he sees the Jiutian Xuannu form, the attention was attracted instantaneously, is staring at her steadily. 当他看见九天玄女的身影时,注意力瞬间就被吸引住了,目不转睛地盯着她。 Although there is a flame mask, but he guessed correctly the status of opposite party. 虽然有火焰遮挡,可他已经猜出了对方的身份。 In his heart moves, is it possible that does she want to save him? 他心中一动,莫非她要救他? Must know that initially Jiutian Xuannu had rejected him, he almost does not have any hope . Moreover, he is not willing to run counter to the Jiutian Xuannu wish, particularly at this matter. 要知道,当初九天玄女可是拒绝过他,他几乎不抱任何希望,而且,他也不愿意违背九天玄女的意愿,尤其是在这种事情上。 Jiutian Xuannu stopped before him, the squatting lower part of the body, was staring at Tang Zheng slowly steadily. 九天玄女停在了他面前,缓缓地蹲下身来,目不转睛地盯着唐铮 His clothes were already burnt down, the whole body is smooth, each spot clearly transparent presents under her nose. 他的衣服早就被烧光了,全身光溜溜的,每个部位都清晰明了地呈现在她的眼皮底下。 Especially some spot of body, looks like the long gun|spear of straight thrust vault of heaven, stands proudly, especially attraction eyeball. 尤其是身体的某个部位,就像是直刺苍穹的长枪,傲然而立,格外吸引眼球。 When the Jiutian Xuannu vision passed over gently and swiftly, cheeks red several points, but is not conspicuous under flame covering seal. 九天玄女目光掠过时,脸颊红了几分,但在火焰的掩印下并不显眼。 Jiutian Xuannu stimulates to movement own skill, has the marvelous ability to protect the body, is perfect including the clothes, but faces smooth Tang Zheng, her heart has raised the difficult situation. 九天玄女催动自己的功力,有神功护体,连衣服都完好无损,只是面对一个光溜溜的唐铮,她心头掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Tang Zheng saw clearly Jiutian Xuannu finally, he tries to open the mouth, actually the discovery does not open including the mouth, can only stare at her like the klutz. 唐铮终于看清楚了九天玄女,他试图开口,却发现连嘴巴都张不开,只能像木头人一样盯着她。 Suddenly, his pupil stared in a big way one, the whole body blood was more like the flood that burst a dike, flowed turbulently. 突然,他的瞳孔瞪大了一圈儿,浑身的鲜血更像是决堤的洪水,汹涌流淌。 Because, he saw to make one that the person bloodlines fell prostrate open, Jiutian Xuannu worked as his surface each article to take off own clothes unexpectedly. 因为,他看见了令人血脉偾张的一幕,九天玄女竟然当着他的面一件件地脱下了自己的衣服。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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