TCOC :: Volume #18

#1743: Game is as good as lost

The leaders fled from the day fire in an extremely difficult situation, the whole body is sending out the burnt taste. 首领狼狈不堪地从天火中窜了出来,浑身散发着焦糊味儿。 He victory is in sight, has not actually thought that has encountered this, he occurred simultaneously panic-stricken, is staring Tang Zheng inconceivable. 他本来胜利在望,却没想到遭遇了这一出,他惊恐交加,不可思议地瞪着唐铮 Well? 咦? He immediately by the Tang Zheng condition attracting, Tang Zheng fell into the day hot sea completely. 他马上就被唐铮的状况给吸引住了,唐铮完全陷入了天火的海洋。 The leaders have tried day hot taste, very clear day hot might. 首领尝试过天火的滋味儿,很清楚天火的威力。 Ha, you must die without doubt, I thought how you also compete for Dragon Corner/Horn with me.” The leaders are complacent, in the eye completely is the happy expression. “哈哈哈,你必死无疑了,我看你还怎么和我争夺龙角。”首领得意洋洋,眼中尽是笑意。 In this 18 th still strength of the war on only remaining Jiutian Xuannu one people. 这第18层上就只剩下九天玄女一人尚有一战之力了。 But she where is the match of leader. 可她又哪里是首领的对手。 The vision of leader passed over gently and swiftly Jiutian Xuannu, disdain said: „Do you also want to fight with me?” 首领的目光掠过九天玄女,不屑地说:“你还想和我打吗?” Jiutian Xuannu glanced his one eyes lightly, showed neither approval nor disapproval, has nipped the lip, walked toward Tang Zheng directly. 九天玄女淡淡地瞟了他一眼,不置可否,咬了下嘴唇,径直向唐铮走去。 Leaders fiercely one dull, at once laughs wildly: „ Ha, if were really scared by me, 首领猛地一呆,旋即狂笑:“哈哈哈,果真是被我吓破了胆儿, Brings about own destruction unexpectedly, I in province begin. ” 竟然自寻死路,也罢,省的我动手。” Jiutian Xuannu ignores, others not clear Tang Zheng condition, she is clear. 九天玄女置若罔闻,别人不清楚唐铮的状况,她却一清二楚。 His explodes the body, Pure Yang Energy likely was the flood of bursting a dike, divulged completely. 他这是爆体了,纯阳之力像是决堤的洪水,完全地宣泄出来。 Shortly after Tang Zheng life. 唐铮命不久矣了。 That Dragon Slayer leader will win, obtains Dragon Corner/Horn, Dragon Clan thoroughly is eliminated. 屠龙士首领就会获胜,得到龙角,龙族将会被彻底消灭。 Moreover, the ambition of leader definitely is not limited to this, will be difficult to guarantee him also to attack other world. 另外,首领的野心肯定不止于此,难保他还会攻击其他世界。 Perhaps, the world will bear the brunt, that is what kind of disaster, Jiutian Xuannu will not need to think, has been able to guess correctly 12. 或许,人间就会首当其冲,那将会是怎样的灾难,九天玄女不用去多想,也已经可以猜到12。 Who can save all these? 谁能挽救这一切? Stops all these. 或者制止这一切。 Her line? 她行吗? She has given immediately the negative answer. 她立刻就给出了否定的答案。 Dragon King? 龙王呢? Dragon King is unable to defend oneself, how possibly to succeed. 龙王自身难保,怎么可能成功。 As for his father Heavenly Emperor? 至于他父亲天帝呢? Compared with the leader, Heavenly Emperor also misses many, perhaps in the future also by the violent treachery of leader. 与首领相比,天帝还差很多,恐怕将来也会遭了首领的毒手。 Thinks of here, the Jiutian Xuannu heart maliciously twitched several. 一想到这里,九天玄女心头就狠狠地抽搐了几下。 She moves toward Tang Zheng at the same time, flame incarnadine her double pupil, her footsteps little become firm. 她一边走向唐铮,火焰染红了她的双眸,她的脚步一点点变得坚定起来。 Before she arrives at the flame, takes a deep breath, calm, turned head to look at a leader. 当她走到火焰前时,深吸一口气,平心静气,扭头望了一眼首领。 The leaders look the self-satisfied color. 首领面露得意之色。 Jiutian Xuannu did not say a word, steps forward one step, entered in the flame directly. 九天玄女一言不发,跨出一步,径直走进了火焰中。 Bang! 轰! The flame makes use, wrapped Jiutian Xuannu rapidly, their forms disappeared after the flame. 火焰趁势而起,迅速地包裹住了九天玄女,两人的身影都消失在了火焰之后。 The leaders are looking at the flame, suddenly a sense of being lost and lonely, sighs with emotion: „After from now on, in this world I did not have the match.” 首领怔怔地望着火焰,忽然有一种失落感,感慨道:“从今之后,这世界上我就没有对手了。” He gained ground, has observed closely the dragon corner in midair, the unwilling heart said: I did not believe unable to subdue you, in the past you robbed my, now I take thousand times of ten thousand times of places to seize.” 他抬起头,盯住了半空中的龙角,不甘心地说:“我就不信收服不了你,当年你抢走我的,如今我要千倍万倍地夺回来。” sōu! 嗖! He jumps to leap, has fired into Dragon Corner/Horn in a threatening manner. 他纵身一跃,气势汹汹地冲向了龙角。 Stop!” “住手!” dragon roar transmits from the stairway, Dragon King was scarred to clash, tried to intercept the leader. 一声龙吟从楼梯口传来,龙王伤痕累累地冲了上来,试图拦截首领。 The leaders turn head to look, disdains completely, said: You do not know to escape, but also dares to clash to bring death, I help you.” 首领扭头一瞧,满是不屑,道:“你不知道逃跑,还敢冲上来送死,那我就成全你。” The leaders stopped in the midair, nine Dragon Claw have aimed at Dragon King together. 首领停在了半空中,九道龙爪一起对准了龙王。 Dragon King also wielded nine Dragon Claw, Magical Treasure Saint also flew, attacked together fierce to the leader. 龙王也挥动九道龙爪,法宝圣器也飞了起来,一起凶猛地攻向首领。 Collapses at the first blow!” “不堪一击!” Leader cold snort|hum, whiz whiz whiz, rays presently, nine Dragon Claw attack for the first time together to Dragon King. 首领冷哼一声,嗖嗖嗖,一道道光芒乍现,九道龙爪一起攻向龙王。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In fierce explosive sound, 剧烈的爆炸声中, Dragon King layer on layer falls on the floor, the whole body blood like the note , is hard to crawl. 龙王重重地摔在楼板上,浑身鲜血如注,再也难以爬起来。 Dragon King is at the point of death is looking at the high-spirited leader, the unwilling heart clenched the teeth. 龙王气息奄奄地望着意气风发的首领,不甘心地咬紧了牙关。 The leaders disdain to say with a smile: You also want to keep off me, wishful thinking.” 首领不屑笑道:“你也想挡我,痴心妄想。” Your this rebel, you dies like a dog.” Dragon King aura exclaimed weakly. “你这个叛徒,你不得好死。”龙王气息微弱地吼道。 The leaders laugh wildly, does not pay attention to Dragon King, has observed closely Dragon Corner/Horn steadily. 首领狂笑起来,根本不理会龙王,目不转睛地盯住了龙角。 Then stopped, nobody met again to disturb me.” “这下都消停了,没有谁再会来打扰我了。” His Dragon's Tail pendulum, flies to the dragon corner/horn. 他的龙尾一摆,就飞向龙角。 Dragon Corner/Horn is sending out mysterious ray, when the leader claw tail and using, keep attacking the dragon corner/horn, that mysterious ray counter-attacks immediately. 龙角散发着神秘的光芒,当首领爪尾并用,不停地攻击龙角时,那神秘光芒立刻反击。 The leaders have not flinched, just shook draws back a distance, fierce does not fear the deathtrap to rush. 首领并没有退缩,刚震退一段距离,又悍不畏死地冲上去。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 In Langya Pavilion as if resounded startling thunderclap sounds, Langya Pavilion has creaked keeps ringing, as if momentarily possible avalanche. 琅琊阁中仿佛响起了一道道惊雷声,琅琊阁嘎吱嘎吱地响个不停,似乎随时都可能崩塌。 In Dragon King eye revealed desperate color, game is as good as lost, nobody can keep off. 龙王眼中露出绝望之色,大势已去,无人能挡了。 He has closed the eye desperately, Dragon Clan must but really therefore encountered the disaster of extermination of the clan? 他绝望地闭上了眼睛,难道龙族真的就要因此而遭遇灭族之灾了吗? Two drops of clear tears fall from Dragon King corner of the eye, but all these are inevitable, is unable to recall. 两滴晶莹的眼泪从龙王眼角滑落,但这一切都无可避免,无法挽回。 Bang! 轰! Dragon Corner/Horn comes under an attack, erupts the brilliant eye-catching ray. 龙角又受到一次攻击,爆发出绚烂夺目的光芒。 All voice between world vanished, Dragon King and leader stared in a big way the eyeball as if by prior agreement, could not give a thought to an piece of blind sound in ear, was looking at Dragon Corner/Horn dull. 天地间的一切声音都消失了,龙王和首领不约而同地瞪大了眼珠,顾不得耳朵里的一片盲音,呆呆地望着龙角。 Dragon Corner/Horn fierce swaying, the brilliant eye-catching ray vanished. 龙角一阵剧烈的摇晃,绚烂夺目的光芒消失了。 In Dragon King heart one gloomy, knows the matter that one most are not willing to see happened. 龙王心中一黯,知道自己最不愿意见到的事发生了。 The leaders cheer ecstatically, in world has resounded his voice, deafening. 首领欣喜若狂地欢呼起来,天地间响起了他的声音,震耳欲聋。 Ha, I have succeeded finally, Dragon Corner/Horn, you finally were my.” “哈哈哈,我终于成功了,龙角,你终于是我的了。” The leader lasing, has flown in front of the dragon corner/horn, his some are even incredible, oneself like this were unexpectedly successful. 首领激射而出,飞到了龙角面前,他甚至有些不可置信,自己竟然就这样成功了。 He stretched out Dragon Claw, the probe has grasped to the dragon corner/horn. 他伸出了龙爪,试探地抓向龙角。 Does not have the formidable strength to rebound again, his Dragon Claw touched Dragon Corner/Horn clearly. 再没有强大的力量反弹出来,他的龙爪真真切切地摸到了龙角。 Hissing! 嘶! He cannot help but inhaled cold air, both eyes bloomed the none remaining, Dragon Claw has gotten together hold of Dragon Corner/Horn immediately. 他不由自主地吸了一口凉气,双眼绽放一道精光,龙爪立刻就握紧了龙角。 A mysterious strength sends out from the dragon corner/horn, the eyes of leader are even more bright, is ordinary just like the stars. 一股神秘的力量从龙角上散发出来,首领的眼睛越发明亮,宛若星辰一般。 This is the dragon god true strength, most formidable and the most important strength.” “这才是龙神真正的力量,最强大、最重要的一股力量。” The energy in this Dragon Corner/Horn containing has surpassed the dragon god fragment, is a dragon god most formidable energy. 这龙角中所蕴含的能量超过了龙神碎片,乃是龙神最为强大的一股能量。 Has not thought that in vain cheap this Dragon Clan rebel. 万万没想到,白白便宜了他这个龙族叛徒。 Dragon King heart like the dying embers, he knows certainly in Dragon Corner/Horn the great strength of energy, now cheap the rebel, the strength of rebel will be more formidable. 龙王心如死灰,他当然知道龙角中能量之强大,如今便宜了叛徒,叛徒的实力将会更强大。 Dragon Clan game is as good as lost, was powerless. 龙族大势已去,无力回天了。 Vigor of his remnant soul vanishes into thin air, was nothing left. 他残魂的一点精气神烟消云散,荡然无存了。 He has swept a that group desperately also in the day fire of flaming combustion, shakes the head desperately. 他绝望地扫了一眼那团还在熊熊燃烧的天火,绝望地摇摇头。 Roar “吼” The leaders roared, the sound like the rolling thunder, in Dragon Corner/Horn brimmed with one group of rays, wrapped lived in his Dragon Claw, and quickly, covered his whole body completely. 首领咆哮一声,声如滚雷,龙角中洋溢出一团光芒,包裹了住了他的龙爪,并且以迅雷不及掩耳之势,完全笼罩住了他全身。 Dragon Scale of his whole body shines the silver ray, silver Dragon Scale new is one after another long. 他周身的龙鳞亮起银色的光芒,一块又一块银色龙鳞新长出来。 Dragon Scale of leader are getting more and more, close, is one builds the precisest armor likely. 首领的龙鳞越来越多,细细密密,像是一层打造最精密的铠甲。 Compared with other Dragon Clan, his Dragon Scale is closer, obviously the anti- attack ability will be also more intrepid. 与其他龙族相比,他的龙鳞更细密,显然抗打击能力也将会更强悍。 Dragon King closes the eye simply, whatever the tears dragon eye corner/horn falls, does not endure to look at this desperate one again. 龙王索性闭上眼睛,任由眼泪龙眼角滑落,不忍再看这令人绝望的一幕。 The leader whole body from inside to outside, is having the tremendous changes. 首领全身从里到外,正发生着翻天覆地的变化。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” His laughter keeps reverberating in Langya Pavilion. 他的笑声不停地回荡在琅琊阁中。 Broken security chapter, please with search engine search keyword 破防盗章节,请用搜索引擎搜索关键词 Cloud / comes to the pavilion, appointed various types of novels you watch 云/来阁,各种小说任你观看
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