TCOC :: Volume #17

#1683: Not having the condition may discuss!

The Ye Dingdang three females have not come out, they hide in the hidden place, interesting looks at this grand, naturally, many attention on Tang Zheng and Anne. 叶叮当三女并没有出来,他们躲在暗处,饶有兴趣地看着这隆重的一幕,当然,更多的注意力是在唐铮安妮身上。 Sees them to lower the head to talk in whispers, the Ye Dingdang unexpected happening asked: You looked that they is a match very much?” 见两人低头窃窃私语,叶叮当鬼使神差地问:“你们看他们俩是不是很般配?” Liu Qingmei and military are staring at her as if by prior agreement, the look is strange. 柳轻眉和武不约而同地盯着她,眼神怪异。 What do you think so me to make? I was speak thoughtlessly a saying.” Ye Dingdang shrugs, said lightly: You look at these royal family members, they definitely also like this think that thought pair of these two.” “你们这么看我做什么?我就是随口一说而已。”叶叮当耸耸肩,淡淡地说:“你看那些皇室成员,他们肯定也是这样想的,把这两人想成了一对儿。” Military coldly said: Ye Dingdang, do you also dislike his woman to be not enough?” 冷冷地说:“叶叮当,难道你还嫌他身边的女人不够多吗?” Ye Dingdang Hehe said with a smile: Naturally shut out! Best I to have monopolized him.” 叶叮当嘿嘿笑道:“当然嫌弃了!最好我一个人独占了他。” Your appetite is actually not small.” Wu said. “你的胃口倒是不小。”武说道。 Ye Dingdang embarrassed, open and aboveboard had not said: Do not tell me, haven't you thought this? Under the reality, does not have the means to realize this point.” 叶叮当一点也没不好意思,堂堂正正地说:“别告诉我,你们没想过这样?只是迫于现实,没办法实现这一点而已。” Liu Qingmei sighed spookily, had nothing to say in reply. 柳轻眉幽幽地叹息一声,无言以对。 Ye Dingdang is staring at Liu Qingmei mischievously, said: Teacher Liu, you said I said right?” 叶叮当促狭地盯着柳轻眉,道:“柳老师,你说我说的对吗?” Saw her to select the teacher status, the Liu Qingmei earlobe red passed, was angry saying: Doesn't make you do not call me teacher?” 见她点出老师身份,柳轻眉耳垂都红透了,嗔道:“不是让你不要叫我老师吗?” One day is a master, life-long is the master.” Ye Dingdang teased intentionally. “一日为师,终生为师嘛。”叶叮当故意调侃道。 Liu Qingmei knows that Ye Dingdang was also garrulous, did not pester this issue with her simply. 柳轻眉知道也叶叮当伶牙俐齿,索性与不她纠缠这个问题了。 And did not say that three females teased tease, various countries' royal family also gathered, talked in whispers, had greets to Tang Zheng in front of boldly directly. 且不说道三女调侃打趣,各国王室也都聚集在一起,窃窃私语,有大胆地直接到唐铮面前打招呼。 Tang Zheng is neither cold nor hot, not salty should not shout several pale, has Anne luckily in the side, acted as the recommender, introduced the person warmly. 唐铮不冷不热,不咸不淡地应呼几句,幸好有安妮在身边,充当起了介绍人,热情地介绍来人。 All royal family members take a seat, the Anne father also sits on own throne seat of honor, deeply looked at Tang Zheng one, according to countermeasure conduct that last night discussed. 所有皇室成员落座,安妮父王也坐在自己的宝座主位上,深深地看了唐铮一眼,按照昨晚商议的对策行事。 Only listened to him the air/Qi to say fully: In this beautiful season, honored guest came from far away, I represent the imperial family sincerely welcome to this beautiful state......” 只听他中气十足地说:“在这美丽的季节,诸位贵客远道而来,我代表皇室诚挚地欢迎诸位来到这美丽的国度……” A Official lengthy speech tells, but almost does not have the thoughts to listen, openly or covertly goes to Tang Zheng the vision. 一通官方的长篇大论娓娓道来,但几乎都没心思听,或明或暗地把目光投向唐铮 Tang Zheng motionless like the loosen, senior king just likes has not seen, said in any case verbosely, said: Purpose in coming, everybody is very clear, this matter I do not have the means to decide, therefore needs everybody to be assemble, profits by opinions from various sources.” 唐铮不动如松,老国王也恍若未见,反正絮絮叨叨地讲完,顿了一下,道:“诸位的来意,大家都很清楚,这件事我就没办法定夺,所以需要大家齐聚一堂,集思广益。” Nobody spoke, but the focal points of all vision on Tang Zheng. 没有人说话,但所有目光的焦点都在唐铮身上。 The senior king was well aware, smiles was saying: Naturally, this matter also is not only can decide completely, main decision-making power in respect Tang Zheng first in poor hand.” 老国王心知肚明,微笑着说:“当然,这件事也不仅是诸位就可以完全决定的,主要的决定权是在尊敬的唐铮先生手中。” The senior king spoke without reservation, did not give many imperial families to save face. 老国王直言不讳,丝毫不给诸多皇室留面子。 The royal family members listened, although facial skin bashful glowing red, does not have the means rebuttal. 皇室成员听了,虽然脸皮臊的红彤彤,却也没办法反驳。 The senior king to the hand signal that Tang Zheng has made invitation, said: I know that everybody wants to know the answer urgently, therefore, that present is spoken by Mr. Tang Zheng.” 老国王向唐铮做了一个请的手势,说:“我知道大家都迫切地想知道答案,所以,那现在就由唐铮先生讲话。” Pa! 啪啪啪! Applause resounding like surging tides, Tang Zheng is a focus of public attention, has not actually moved, does not need the applause to stop, then the clear and resonant voice said: I, if attacks country, your somewhat confidence can block me?” 掌声像潮水般的响起,唐铮万众瞩目,却没有动,也不待掌声停止,便朗声说道:“我若是攻击诸位的国家,你们有几分信心可以挡住我?” His opens the mouth earth-shakingly, was prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements, making the hearts of all people raise. 他这一开口就石破天惊,语不惊人死不休,令所有人的心都提了起来。 The senior king and Anne look at one mutually, has not thought that Tang Zheng is so simple simply, came straight to the point, hit everybody one to be caught off guard. 老国王和安妮互望一眼,也没想到唐铮如此简单干脆,单刀直入,打了大家一个措手不及。 Actually, Tang Zheng does not want to waste the time, and these imperial families manipulates strategically with it, might as well go home to accompany the family member and lover. 其实,唐铮是不想浪费时间,与其和这些皇室勾心斗角,不如回家陪陪亲人和爱人。 Royal family member looked at each other in blank dismay, at once, as if not know how should reply, their art contains, a few words want the partition to leave ten, ambiguous, making one estimate slowly. 皇室成员面面相觑,一时之间,似乎不知道该怎么回答,他们这些人都讲究含蓄,一句话要分拆出十句来讲,模棱两可,令人慢慢揣摩。 Tang Zheng did not urge that is curling upwards one leg on the other, comfortably by chair. 唐铮也不催促,翘着二郎腿,舒服地靠在椅子上。 Anne both sides shine looks at he, merely is a few words, has blown directly all people, asked that on this day under also who can achieve this point? 安妮双方放光地看着他,仅仅是一句话,直接就镇住了所有人,试问这天底下还有谁能做到这一点? Any head of state cannot achieve. 任何国家元首都做不到。 Mr. Tang Zheng, you said that was extremely conceited, too did not place in us the eye.” Some person of indignation, do not stand the rebuttal. 唐铮先生,你这么说太过于狂妄自大了,太不把我们放在眼中了。”有人不忿,站起来反驳。 Tang Zheng smiles lightly, said: Since you think me to be extremely arrogant, there, you can leave voluntarily, nobody blocks you.” 唐铮淡淡一笑,说:“既然你觉得我狂妄,本就在那里,你可以自行离开,没有人拦你。” That person of look is startled, the whole body imposing manner vanishes into thin air, dispiritedly and sat. 那人神色一怔,浑身气势化为乌有,颓废地又坐了回去。 Other person of looked at each other in blank dismay, do not dare to have the least bit to disrespect, seeks help from the senior king as if by prior agreement, after all, he is a host, relates significantly with Tang Zheng. 其他人面面相觑,更不敢有半点不敬,不约而同地向老国王求助,毕竟,他是东道主,又与唐铮关系匪浅。 Everybody hoped to read in the past friendship, spoke the word of praise for everybody. 大家都希望念在昔日的情分上,多为大家说说好话。 The senior king knows certainly that the thoughts of these people, actually cast down one's eyes, the nose view heart, as if has not found to be the same. 老国王当然知道这些人的心思,却眼观鼻,鼻观心,仿佛根本没瞧见一样。 This made the people more depressed. 这令众人更加沮丧。 „Do you want to attack our countries really?” Some people cannot repress to ask. “难道你真的要攻击我们的国家?”有人按捺不住问道。 If some people are not obedient, strikes the no reason why not.” Tang Zheng said light. “若是有人不听话,敲打一下未尝不可。”唐铮轻飘飘地说。 If we join up, depending on your strength, is not necessarily able to defeat us.” Some people were not convinced said that is too been really ruthless, tried to draw one game that the Tang Zheng imposing manner pressed. “若是我们联合起来,凭你的力量,未必可以击败我们。”有人不服气地说,着实被唐铮的气势压的太狠了,试图扳回一局。 Tang Zheng smiles, encourages saying: You may try greatly, whom in the future we will have a look at to win again who loses.” 唐铮轻轻一笑,鼓励道:“那你大可一试,将来我们再看看谁胜谁负。” A few words the opposite party stopping up, they are the imperial family, the big enterprise has lots of assets, inherits for several hundred over a thousand years, where dares with the Tang Zheng gambling. 一句话就把对方给堵了回去,他们是皇室,家大业大,传承数百上千年,哪里敢与唐铮赌。 This Heaven-shaking unrestrained gambling, they do not have any person to dare to play. 这种惊天豪赌,他们没有任何一个人敢玩儿。 Made all imperial families have nothing to say in reply in a few words, looked at each other in blank dismay, felt helpless. 三言两语令所有皇室无言以对,面面相觑,不知所措。 The Ye Dingdang three people find this, the vision was crazy, this is their spouses, strength of the can contend with these imperial families. 叶叮当三人瞧见这一幕,目光都痴了,这就是他们的爱人,一己之力就可以抗衡这些皇室。 This son, where looks, they can accompany in his side are huge being honored. 这种男儿,哪里去找,她们可以陪伴在他身边乃是天大的荣幸。 In the world does not know that many women are willing such to do, does not have the opportunity. 天底下不知有多少女人愿意这么做,却没有机会。 What to do did you say this crowd of imperial families to be able?” Ye Dingdang asked curiously. “你们说这群皇室会怎么办?”叶叮当好奇地问。 The Liu Qingmei analysis said: They will definitely compromise, this is their only choices.” 柳轻眉分析道:“他们肯定会妥协,这是他们唯一的选择。” Military approval nod: In the face of the absolute strength, any status, plans and method is pale and weak, cannot have an effect.” 武赞同地点头:“在绝对的实力面前,任何身份、心机、手段都苍白无力,根本起不了作用。” As if to verify her these words, has the royal family members to open the mouth saying: What to do do you prepare? What condition has? On the conference table, all can discuss.” 仿佛是为了印证她这句话,有皇室成员开口说道:“那你准备怎么办?或者,有什么条件?谈判桌上,一切都可以谈。” Tang Zheng body straight, leans forward, a boundless imposing manner blots out the sky to spew out, the person facial color big change of oppression, breathes heavily not to vent anger. 唐铮身体直了起来,向前微倾,一股磅礴的气势铺天盖地喷涌而出,压迫的人面色大变,喘不出气来。 These royal family members usually do not get angry from the prestige, is powerful, but looks like in front of Tang Zheng the baby faces the giant, an imposing manner did not have, instead oppressed is unable to say a word. 这些皇室成员平常不怒自威,气势十足,但在唐铮面前就像是婴儿面对巨人,一点气势也没有了,反而被压迫的无法言语。 This is not the negotiations, not having the condition may discuss. You only need to remember my words then!” Tang Zheng is loud and clear, just like the flat land startling thunderclap, all person mind of exploding shakes greatly. “这不是谈判,没有条件可谈。你们只需要记住我的话即可!”唐铮掷地有声,宛如平地惊雷,炸的所有人心神巨震。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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