TCOC :: Volume #17

#1682: International comes toward

The evening banquet ended, guests and hosts having a good time, Anne leaves Tang Zheng reluctant to part, having three female to visit the castle. 晚宴结束,宾主尽欢,安妮恋恋不舍地离开唐铮,带着三女去参观城堡。 The king and Tang Zheng arrive at the castle roof, looks out into the distance the night scene of this city. 国王与唐铮来到城堡最高处,远眺这座城市的夜景。 This urban too many tall buildings, instead have not been many low outdated buildings, is entirely different from the domestic tall buildings, instead has a unique flavor. 这座城市并没有太多高楼大厦,反而是许多低矮的老式建筑,与国内的高楼大厦截然不同,反而别有一番风味。 The king is observing the Tang Zheng profile, spoke the moral nature words, initially first meeting, he absolutely cannot think that this youngster will arrive this time this step. 国王观察着唐铮的侧脸,说心底话,当初第一次见面,他也万万想不到这个年轻人会走到今时今日这一步。 On road that your excellency, other imperial family state heads in this piece of mainland in catching up, tomorrow will arrive, knows that you like the low key, therefore this meeting will keep secret.” The king said that he expensive is a king, actually politely calls Tang Zheng by your excellency, fully explained the Tang Zheng status. “阁下,这片大陆上的其他皇室元首已经在赶来的路上,明天就将会到达,知道你喜欢低调,所以这次会晤将保密。”国王说道,他贵为国王,却以阁下尊称唐铮,足以说明唐铮的地位。 Tang Zheng was startled, he accidentally passed by, so drags in lots of people unexpectedly. 唐铮吃了一惊,他只是偶然路过,竟然如此兴师动众。 Not this necessity.” “没这个必要吧。” The king said benignly: The news that you come to had already spread over this mainland through each secret channels, they are impossible to sit by and do nothing. These days, matter that your motherland has, everybody looks in the eye, therefore, they so impatiently will catch up.” 国王和颜悦色地说:“你现身的消息早就通过各个秘密渠道传遍了这片大陆,他们不可能坐视不理。这段时间,你的祖国所发生的事,大家都看在眼中,所以,他们才会如此迫不及待地赶来。” The Tang Zheng doubt asked: What matters does this close their?” 唐铮狐疑地问:“这关他们什么事?” The king smiles bitterly, the heart said that you do not know, installs intentionally silly. But he do best to convince explained: Your excellency as well as Cultivator under was too fierce, subverts them sufficiently, therefore......” 国王苦笑起来,心说你是真不知道,还是故意装糊涂。但他苦口婆心地解释:“阁下以及手下的修者太厉害了,足以颠覆他们,所以……” The king has not said that but meaning was self-evident. 国王没有说完,但意思已经不言而喻。 Tang Zheng is suddenly enlighted, these imperial families were worried that the homicide to their countries, has subverted their rule, no wonder so impatiently catches up. 唐铮恍然大悟,这些皇室是担心他杀到他们的国家,颠覆了他们的统治,难怪如此迫不及待地赶来。 Is this searches his bottom? 这是来探他的底? Sums? 或者,来求和? This looked like in the ancient times international came toward! 这岂不是像古代的万国来朝! Heart Siyuan of king is more complex than Tang Zheng, actually also secretly rejoiced that luckily the good daughters, early to become a buddhist get to know with Tang Zheng. 国王的心思远比唐铮复杂,却也暗自庆幸,幸亏自己有一个好女儿,早早地与唐铮结缘。 Although has not built the fruits of virtue, but both sides' relations at least are intimate with compared with other imperial families, this had the situation, is insufficient like other imperial families in constant anxiety. 虽然没有修成正果,但双方的关系至少比其他皇室亲近,这就有了先机,不至于像其他皇室那样惶惶不可终日。 Now, his status when production costs rise , prices rise too, showed off in many imperial families, usually does not thrust out the face to be on good terms with the person with him with him. 如今,他的地位水涨船高,在诸多皇室中可是出尽了风头,平常与他不和之人也都腆着脸与他交好。 The king enjoyed this taste. 国王太享受这种滋味儿了。 They are really the blind worries.” Tang Zheng raises the corners of the mouth facetiously. “他们真是瞎担心。”唐铮戏谑地扬起嘴角。 In the king heart moves, asks: „Don't you have the idea to this mainland?” 国王心中一动,问道:“难道你对这片大陆没有想法?” Idea? 想法? Well what this mainland has, can place on a par with Deva? 这片大陆有什么好的,可以与天界相提并论吗? Naturally not! 自然不可以! Such being the case, he might as well develops Deva well, that is his basis, can receive his control. 既然如此,那他还不如好好地开发天界,那才是他的根本,可以受他的掌控。 The king is not fully correct the Tang Zheng thoughts, is looking at him anxiously. 国王猜不透唐铮的心思,惴惴不安地望着他。 Tang Zheng urgently was not delivering thoroughly words, was mysterious said: This mainland actually also good.” 唐铮并不急着把话讲透,故弄玄虚地说:“这片大陆其实也不错。” In the king heart thump, changes colors with amazement is looking at Tang Zheng, thinks subconsciously he has the idea to this mainland. 国王心中咯噔一下,骇然失色地望着唐铮,下意识地认为他对这片大陆有想法。 If other people said like this that before or trades does said that he definitely will snort contemptuously. 若是其他人这样说,或者换做以前说,他肯定会嗤之以鼻。 This is supercilious simply. 这简直就是目中无人。 But he more understood that inside story clearer Tang Zheng is not supercilious, but has this strength. 但他越了解内情越明白唐铮并非是目中无人,而是真有这个实力。 In the king heart said frightenedly: How do you prepare to do?” 国王心中惴惴地说:“那你准备怎么做?” That must to look first they anything will do tomorrow.” Tang Zheng said mystically that making the heart of king sink, but kept comforting itself. “那得要先看他们明天什么做。”唐铮神秘地说,令国王的心沉了下去,但又不停地安慰自己。 According to the relations of Anne and Tang Zheng, should he not start to this country? 依照安妮唐铮的关系,他应该不会对这个国家下手吧? Be that as it may, in the king heart lacked self-confidence as before, worried, when other people returned to the room to rest, he also alone called the study room Anne. 话虽如此,国王心中依旧没有底,心事重重,等到其他人都回房休息了,他还把安妮单独叫到了书房。 Anne immerses in the joy, completely had not discovered that worry of father, spoke thoughtlessly to ask: What matter has?” 安妮沉浸在喜悦中,全然没有发现父亲的担忧,随口问道:“有什么事吗?” My dear daughter, can actually you know Tang Zheng to have what idea to our country?” The king asked straightforwardly. “我亲爱的女儿,你可知唐铮对我们国家究竟有什么想法?”国王直接了当地问道。 Anne is confused, asked puzzled: What idea will he have to our country?” 安妮一头雾水,不解地问:“他对我们国家会有什么想法?” My silly daughter.” The king loves tenderly caresses her head lightly, in the heart is moving, the shift topic, said simply: You and he really not possible?” “我的傻女儿。”国王怜爱地轻抚着她的头,心中一动,索性转移话题,说:“你与他真的没可能吗?” On the Anne face floats off a sunset glow, made excuses said: I...... Also does not know.” 安妮脸上浮起一朵红霞,支支吾吾地说:“我……也不知道。” You is a my daughter, what makes coyly? This is not your style, likes furiously pursuing, I have not believed my woman not to pursue.” The king encourages to say. “你是我的女儿,扭扭捏捏做什么?这可不是你的风格,喜欢就奋力去追,我还不信我女人追不到。”国王鼓励道。 Anne said afraid: But he was too outstanding, his woman is also very outstanding.” 安妮心虚地说:“但他太优秀了,他身边的女人也都很优秀。” Daughter, you are also very outstanding!” “女儿,你也很优秀!” Anne looking up, erratically is looking at the king surprisedly, asked: „Do I have the opportunity really?” 安妮仰起头,惊疑不定地望着国王,问:“我真的有机会吗?” Naturally has the opportunity!” “当然有机会!” Anne has as if roused the fighting spirit. 安妮似乎又鼓起了斗志。 The king recalls to mind on the dinner table occasionally has mentioned a matter, urged: Have not forgotten your Master Tian Chanzi, listened to their meanings is Tian Chanzi went to another world, although the meaning of my not too clear these words. But you completely have the reason to go back, you did not have the studies to have, how can leave Master? Like this you can continue to follow side him, but can also avoid awkwardly.” 国王记起餐桌上偶尔提及过的一件事,叮嘱道:“你还别忘了你师父天禅子,听他们的意思是天禅子去了另外一个世界,虽然我不太明白这句话的意思。但你完全有理由回去,你还没有学业有成,怎么能离开师父?这样你就可以继续跟在他身边,还可以避免尴尬。” In the Anne said heart moved, is eager to try. 安妮被说的心中一动,跃跃欲试。 I can whereabouts Tang Zheng state clearly that you do not need to act, guarantee the reason that makes him unable to discover to decline certainly.” The king said confidently. “我会去向唐铮言明,你无需出面,保准让他找不出推辞的理由。”国王信心十足地说。 Anne has not rejected, the corners of the mouth have brought back the smiling face, in the dim light of night, bewitches to seize the soul. 安妮没有拒绝,嘴角勾起了笑容,在夜色之中,勾魂夺魄。 Next day, the colorful Yanggao photo, several luxurious airplanes land on the airport, then, luxurious motorcades drive into the imperial family castle. 翌日,艳阳高照,数架豪华飞机降落在机场,然后,一个个豪华车队驶入皇室城堡。 Although the king had said can be low-key, but these imperial families go on a journey, how possible low key to result. 虽然国王说过会低调,但这些皇室出行,怎么可能低调得起来。 The news that the major imperial families get together in looked like gave the wing, has flown into the ears of many people with high aspirations. 各大皇室齐聚的消息就像是插了翅膀,飞进了许多有心人的耳朵里。 News that the recombination Tang Zheng dropped from the clouds yesterday, all influence where can not understand that they go to Tang Zheng. 再结合昨日唐铮从天而降的消息,各方势力又哪里会不明白他们是冲着唐铮去的。 Immediately, everybody to this time met to be full of the curiosity, does not know that what spark will collide, or what conclusion drew. 登时,大家都对这次见面充满了好奇心,不知道会碰撞出什么样的火花,或者做出什么样的结论。 Will the world setup therefore change? 世界格局是否会因此变化? In the castle, Tang Zheng sits on the chair steadily, the work of reception is under the charge to the king, in any case his not familiar these royal family members. 城堡中,唐铮稳稳地坐在椅子上,接待的工作由国王负责,反正他也不熟悉这些皇室成员。 This time comes person status to be mostly prominent, issues an order, some corner of world must shake three to shake. 这次的来人大多身份显赫,一声令下,世界的某个角落就要抖三抖。 Some matter kings kiss, some are the royal family core member arrive, person who without exception, does not dare to despise. 有些事国王亲至,有些是王室核心成员到达,无一例外,都没有敢轻视的人。 Tang Zheng sits quietly Diaoyutai, the looks at continuous person, unemotionally. 唐铮稳坐钓鱼台,看着络绎不绝的人,面无表情。 Anne sits by him, collects comes excessively, the appearance said affectionate: Do not look that their surface is supporting, actually afraid fierce.” 安妮坐在他旁边,凑过头来,模样亲昵地说:“别看他们表面撑着,其实心虚的厉害。” The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth twitched, the corners of the mouth have squeezed out a forced smile, Anne was actually impolite, pertinent. 唐铮嘴角抽搐了一下,嘴角挤出一丝苦笑,安妮倒是一点不客气,一针见血。 Other imperial family people looks at Tang Zheng and Anne intimate appearance, throws the look that envies all. 其他皇室中人看着唐铮安妮亲密的样子,无不投来羡慕的眼神。 They do not envy Tang Zheng to be lucky in love, but envies Anne unexpectedly with Tang Zheng to be so intimate, advantage of being close to somebody first moon/month, envy countless people. 他们不是羡慕唐铮艳福不浅,而是羡慕安妮竟然可以与唐铮如此亲近,近水楼台先得月,羡煞无数人。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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