TCOC :: Volume #17

#1681: Foreign character and style

Ye Dingdang, military and Liu Qingmei are first time pass through the gate of space personally. 叶叮当、武和柳轻眉是第一次亲自穿越空间之门。 Previous time they treat in the Xumi world, does not have the opportunity to experience all these, now is entirely different, after entering the gate of space stared in a big way the eyeball. 上次她们是待在须弥天下中,没机会体验这一切,如今大不相同,当进入空间之门后就瞪大了眼珠。 However, an all around darkness, anything cannot find, is greatly disappointed. 然而,四周一片黑暗,什么也瞧不见,不禁大失所望。 Had not realized that any unusual mystery, suddenly sees the light at present, returned to the world. 尚未体会到什么非同寻常的玄妙,眼前豁然开朗,又回到了人间。 Above nine days, bone-chilling cold cold wind is blowing bugle and beating drums the cheeks, this sobers, turns head to look, the gate of space has been closed. 九天之上,凛冽的冷风吹打着脸颊,这才清醒下来,回头一望,空间之门已经关闭了。 Ye Dingdang honk the mouth, was saying spookily: So to be how quick, I did not have anything to feel.” 叶叮当嘟着嘴,幽幽地说:“怎么这么快,我都还没什么感觉。” The military and Liu Qingmei nod as if by prior agreement, look the color of regret. 武和柳轻眉不约而同地点头,面露遗憾之色。 Tang Zheng laughs loudly: Passes through the space also on that a matter, you have not thought is so complex and mysterious.” 唐铮放声大笑:“穿越空间也就那么回事,没你们想的那么复杂和神秘。” Liu Qingmei said: That is to you, to other us or people, this is the hard-to-pass gap.” 柳轻眉道:“那是对你而言,对我们或者其他人,这是难以逾越的鸿沟。” Always, you can also pass through the gate of space on the 1st freely.” Tang Zheng said assuredly. “总有一日,你们也可以自由穿越空间之门。”唐铮笃定地说。 Several people return to the world the place unexpectedly not internally, lowers the head looks, they passed through other countries unexpectedly. 几人回到人间的地方竟然不是在国内,低头一瞧,他们竟然穿越到了其他国家。 sōu! 嗖! A fighter aircraft passed over gently and swiftly from the front, several people had a scare. 一架战斗机从面前掠过,几人都吓了一跳。 Ye Dingdang on excited jumps da to get up at the somersault cloud, said: „, Fighter aircraft, we and it compare, who is actually fiercer.” 紧接着,叶叮当就兴奋的在筋斗云上蹦跶起来,说:“哇,战斗机耶,我们和它比一下,究竟谁更厉害。” Tang Zheng reluctantly white she, really anxiouss to stir up trouble . Moreover, does this Sir bully the game of child to be interesting? 唐铮无奈地白了一眼她,真是唯恐天下不乱,况且,这种大人欺负小孩儿的游戏有意思吗? Somersault cloud, throws off this iron lump.” “筋斗云,甩掉这铁疙瘩。” Issues an order, somersault cloud picks up the speed, just likes is only together same, flies away under the fighter aircraft nose, suddenly vanished on the radar. 一声令下,筋斗云加快速度,恍如一道光一样,从战斗机眼皮底下飞走,眨眼就消失在了雷达上。 The pilots change colors with amazement looks at this, the chin is about to fall. 飞行员骇然失色地看着这一幕,下巴都快掉了。 This small farce increased a pleasure, Ye Dingdang always enjoyed, said excitedly: Next time I must go to Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), although passes through does not have the meaning, but passed through to finish many not nous, was too interesting.” 这一个小闹剧只是增添了一点乐趣,叶叮当乐此不疲,兴奋地说:“下次我还要去天外天,虽然穿越的时候没意思,但穿越过去了却有许多未知性,太有意思了。” Tang Zheng uses temporarily as has not heard. 唐铮权当没听见。 Liu Qingmei actually steadily appreciates below scenery, has an average man beautiful that from the upper air bird's eye view is hard to understand. 柳轻眉却目不转睛地欣赏下方的风光,从高空俯瞰有一种常人难以领略的美。 We as if arrived at the Anne country.” Liu Qingmei said suddenly. “我们似乎到了安妮的国家了。”柳轻眉忽然说道。 Ye Dingdang one startled one calls out in alarm for the first time: Anne, I had have not seen her for a long time, her person returned to homeland unexpectedly quietly.” 叶叮当一惊一乍地惊呼起来:“安妮,我有好久没见她了,她竟然一个人悄悄地回国了。” with a low voice, three both eyes light look as if by prior agreement to Tang Zheng. 话音方落,三双目光不约而同地望向唐铮 Tang Zheng was bewildered, has touched under nose, said: Visits me with this look?” 唐铮莫名其妙,摸了下鼻子,道:“怎么用这种眼神看我?” Wu who has been silent said: Anne departs, isn't keeps your side not to hope?” 一直沉默不语的武说:“安妮离去,不就是留在你身边没希望吗?” Tang Zheng does not know whether to laugh or cry, said: This closes my anything matter.” 唐铮哭笑不得,道:“这又关我什么事。” Does not close your matter to be strange!” Ye Dingdang be relentless said that Liu Qingmei and military nod together. “不关你的事才怪!”叶叮当毫不留情地说,柳轻眉和武一起点头。 Tang Zheng does not open the mouth simply, how to say in any case is his mistakes. 唐铮索性不开口了,反正怎么说都是他的错。 Ye Dingdang rolled one's eyes, said mischievously: Or do we see Anne? Then, I have not gone to her country.” 叶叮当眼珠一转,促狭地说道:“要不我们下去见一见安妮?说起来,我还没去过她的国家呢。” Liu Qingmei and military hurried nod approval. 柳轻眉和武急忙点头赞成。 The opportunity that 3 : 1, Tang Zheng simply has not refuted, can only depress the cloud top. 三比一,唐铮根本没有反驳的机会,只能压下云头。 In the ground many people find white clouds to drop from the clouds, one after another stared in a big way the eyeball surprisedly, was looking at this miracle. 地面上许多人瞧见一朵白云从天而降,纷纷惊讶地瞪大了眼珠,瞧着这一幕神迹。 The overseas do not compare after all overseas, most people do not know existence of Cultivator, really by this fearing. 国外毕竟不比国外,大部分人都不知道修者的存在,着实被这一幕给惊住了。 Especially the looks at four people jump down from the white clouds helplessly, some people even crawl in the place, in the mouth loudly shout God, lowers the head prostrates oneself. 尤其是眼睁睁地看着四个人从白云上跳下来,有人甚至匍匐在地,口中大呼上帝,纳头拜倒。 Ye Dingdang covers the mouth titter, said: This group of foreigners worked as the deity us, was really interesting.” 叶叮当掩嘴偷笑,道:“这群老外把我们当神仙了,真是有趣。” Walks, do not scare others.” Tang Zheng drew three people, a blink is vanishing before the people, all were ordinary just like the illusion. “走吧,别吓坏人家了。”唐铮拉着三人,一眨眼就消失在了众人面前,一切宛如梦幻一般。 The royal family castle, several people have not intruded arbitrarily, although they can be quietly enter the castle, but this will create the difficulty to the imperial family, both sides are not the enemies, naturally does not need such to do. 王室城堡,几人并没有擅自闯入,虽然他们可以悄无声息地进入城堡,但这样会给皇室造成困扰,双方又不是敌人,自然没必要这么做。 When they arrive at the castle, Anne waited here, stared in a big way the eyeball pleasantly surprised, stared is staring at Tang Zheng, not minced matter own innermost feelings. 当他们到达城堡时,安妮已经在此等候了,惊喜地瞪大了眼珠,直勾勾地盯着唐铮,丝毫不掩饰自己的内心。 Anne was really too happy, she expensive was a princess, does not know that many people want to approach her, in these people completely was the elite person is outstanding. 安妮真是太高兴了,她贵为公主,不知多少人想接近她,这些人中尽是精英人杰。 However, the goods must lose compared with the goods, the person must die compared with the person. 然而,货比货得丢,人比人得死。 These person and compared with Tang Zheng, one is a ground space, simply does not have the commeasurability. 这些人与唐铮相比,一个是地上一个天上,根本没有可比性。 Anne is planned to forget Tang Zheng, because, she has not hoped to have the small space side Tang Zheng. 安妮原本是打算忘记唐铮,因为,她根本没希望在唐铮身边有一席之地。 After has not thought of returning to homeland, this missing has not been weaken, instead gets stronger and stronger, particularly under the pursue offensive of many people, this feeling is especially intense. 没想到回国之后,这种思念没有减弱,反而愈演愈烈,尤其是在许多人的追求攻势之下,这种感觉尤为强烈。 Even if so, she also bore looked for the Tang Zheng thought that after all, she was the princess status, had own pride as before. 纵然如此,她也忍住了去找唐铮的念头,毕竟,她是公主身份,依旧有自己的骄傲。 She has tried hard, finally actually ends in failure, she wants to crawl to attempt very much again one time, but in front of Tang Zheng, she actually does not have this courage. 她已经努力了一番,最终却以失败告终,她很想爬起来再尝试一次,但在唐铮面前,她竟然没有这种勇气。 All these are because Tang Zheng walks is getting higher and higher, is getting more and more far with her distance, she has not dared to attempt again. 这一切都是因为唐铮走的越来越高,与她的距离越来越远,她已经不敢再去尝试了。 Anne occurred simultaneously pleasantly surprised moved forward to meet somebody, when three people descend, the imperial family knew through the special channel, Anne has dressed up specially, early greets them. 安妮惊喜交加地迎了上去,三人降落下来时,皇室就已经通过特殊渠道知晓了,安妮特意打扮了一番,早早地来迎接他们。 Her innermost feelings are somewhat disturbed, does not know that they can come to the castle, now looks like, own desire has been realized, they came. 她内心有些忐忑,不知他们会不会来城堡,如今看来,自己的愿望实现了,他们果真来了。 Ye Dingdang has pushed Tang Zheng, pouting, said: Princess greeted you to come.” 叶叮当推了唐铮一把,努了努嘴,说:“公主殿下迎接你来了。” She does not greet me.” “她又不是迎接我一个人。” We set off, you is a lead.” Ye Dingdang said with a smile mischievously. Before she took strict precautions against to cling to tenaciously other woman close Tang Zheng, as if since his previous tribulation strength big eruption, she has seen through. “我们都是陪衬,你才是主角。”叶叮当促狭地笑道。以前她严防死守其他女人接近唐铮,似乎自从他上次劫力大爆发后,她看开了许多。 The military and Liu Qingmei vision brilliant are also looking at him. 武和柳轻眉也目光灼灼地望着他。 Saw with own eyes Anne to arrive front, Tang Zheng impossible aloof. 眼见安妮走到了面前,唐铮不可能无动于衷。 After all, this is her castle, that many both eyes eyeball looks at, if not give her the face, is too rather unreasonable. 毕竟,这是她的城堡,那么多双眼看着呢,若是不给她面子,未免太不近人情。 Tang Zheng said with a smile lightly: Anne, does not see for a long time.” 唐铮淡淡地笑道:“安妮,好久不见。” Anne cannot repress, excited came a hug with Tang Zheng, said excitedly: You can come to really be good.” 安妮按捺不住,激动的与唐铮来了一个拥抱,激动地说:“你能来真是太好了。” Immediately, other three females looked that is even more thought-provoking to the Tang Zheng vision, Tang Zheng cannot bear show the whites of the eyes. 登时,其他三女看向唐铮的目光越发耐人寻味,唐铮忍不住翻白眼。 Anne realized that other three female vision, leave the bosom of Tang Zheng reluctant to part, courtesy hugs with three people, said: Welcome everybody to come to my home.” 安妮察觉到其他三女的目光,恋恋不舍地离开唐铮的怀抱,又与三人礼节性地拥抱一下,说:“欢迎大家来我的家。” Your family|home is really big.” Ye Dingdang pointed at the grand castle to say. “你的家真大。”叶叮当指着宏伟的城堡说。 Anne said comfortably: Also greatly.” 安妮习以为常地说:“也就大一点而已。” Everybody knows that this view, the imperial family castle has historical background modestly very much, has witnessed the rise and fall, likely is a silent old man. 大家都知道这是谦虚地说法,皇室城堡是很有历史底蕴的,见证了兴衰存亡,像是一个沉默的老者。 My father and queen mother have prepared the sumptuous evening banquet, welcomes your arrivals.” Anne guided several people to enter the castle. “我的父王和母后准备了丰盛的晚宴,迎接你们的到来。”安妮引导着几人进了城堡。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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