TCOC :: Volume #17

#1680: Swings on the straight 90,000 li (0.5km)

Everywhere ray sprinkles on the open land hard rock, everybody looks at all these, do not know at a loss will have anything to change. 漫天光芒洒落在蛮荒地坚硬的岩石上,大家茫然地看着这一切,不知会发生什么变化。 Suddenly, together sight of green from open land steadily. 忽然,一道绿意从蛮荒地上长了出来。 A grass! 一株小草! The people call out in alarm unthinkably. 众人匪夷所思地惊呼起来。 Other places grow a grass, naturally does not need surprisedly, but this is an open land. 其他地方长出一株小草,自然无需惊讶,但这是蛮荒地。 Open land myriad things not fresh, this is the matter of publicity. 蛮荒地万物不生,这是人尽皆知的事。 It is said once had the big divine ability powerhouse to try to change all these, finally exhausts the skill, ends in failure. 据说曾经有大神通的强者试图改变这一切,最后穷尽功力,也以失败告终。 After this, nobody dares to overreach oneself again. 从此之后,再也没人敢不自量力。 At present this actually gives everybody to take a profound class, originally the open land is by no means the real myriad things not fresh, but, can achieve this point is not the average person. 眼前这一幕却给大家上了深刻的一课,原来蛮荒地是并非真的万物不生,只是,可以做到这一点的不是一般人。 Kunpeng! 鲲鹏! All people look up it neatly, its had revealed itself deeply shocks. 所有人齐刷刷地抬头望着它,被它的小试牛刀深深地震撼了。 The ray integrated bare rock completely, the little sight of green is long on the rock, everybody's screams are gradually getting more and more. 光芒完全融入了光秃秃的岩石,一点点绿意在岩石上长出来,渐渐,大家的惊呼声越来越多。 Because, these is long has the grass incessantly, other plants. 因为,这些长出来的不止有小草,还有其他植物。 The vitality gathers in the open land, the momentum is getting more and more vast, makes the open land appearance big change, changed beyond recognition. 生机在蛮荒地上汇聚,声势越来越浩大,令蛮荒地容貌大变,焕然一新。 Many person excited dancing with joy, wild dog is one of them, on jumps down the string, reveals in speech and appearance excitedly. 不少人激动的手舞足蹈,野狗就是其中之一,上跳下串,兴奋溢于言表。 Everybody is very clear, they in open land life a long time, vitality abundant barbarian open land compared with spiritless barbarian open land good too multiple. 大家都很清楚,他们将会在蛮荒地生活很长一段时间,生机盎然的蛮荒地比死气沉沉的蛮荒地好太多倍。 Here will turn into the paradise, or homeland? 这里将会变成乐园,或者说家园吗? Many favours did not sprout from Restricted Area this thought. 许多人情不自禁地萌生了这个念头。 Several big leaders looked that awes to Little Bai and Tang Zheng vision, the tigers mouth seizes the food, under wins such important Kunpeng from Hao Son of Heaven, this enough has proven their strengths. 几大掌门看向小白唐铮的目光敬畏起来,虎口夺食,从昊天王手下夺走如此重要的鲲鹏,这已经足够证明他们的实力。 But thinks of this matter, in many person hearts one gloomy, heavyheartedly, asked disturbedly: Kunpeng is so important, you have also ruined the palace wall and sky city, if Hao Son of Heaven makes the soldier invade one's territory, we what to do? Is our strength so weak, can resist?” 但一想到这事,许多人心中一黯,忧心忡忡,忐忑地问道:“鲲鹏如此重要,你们还毁掉了皇城和天空之城,万一昊天王引兵来犯,我们怎么办?我们实力还这么弱,抵挡得住吗?” The Little Bai chest has the foot, 11 repeat Tang Zheng has analyzed the situation and stake. 小白胸有成足,把唐铮分析过的局势和利害关系11复述出来。 Several big leaders fell into silent, finally, has to acknowledge that Little Bai stands to reason. They are half believing and half doubting regarding the matter of so-called Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) rebellion. 几大掌门陷入了沉默,最后,不得不承认小白言之有理。只是,他们对于所谓的天外天造反之事将信将疑。 After all, they have not experienced a world about hundred years of history, is hard to imagine the weak one to join up to burst out the how formidable strength. 毕竟,他们并没有经历过人间近百年的的历史,难以想象弱者联合起来可以迸发多么强大的力量。 Little Bai vowed solemnly that they cannot discover rebuttal the reason, only has accepts this reality resentfully. 小白信誓旦旦,他们又找不出反驳的理由,唯有悻悻地接受这个现实。 All people of emergence of Kunpeng to the open land has hit the one breath, the disturbed thoughts become inspired, in the future will be getting more and more bright. 鲲鹏的出现给蛮荒地中所有人打了一口气,忐忑的心思变得振奋起来,未来越来越光明了。 Other, Tang Zheng taught matter of Little Bai about the day chess on the several th with concentration. 余下几日,唐铮潜心传授小白关于天棋之事。 Once he departs, the day chess will make Little Bai take over control, but was a pity that they are unable to absorb in the day chess the strength of enormous and powerful stars. 一旦他离去,天棋将会让小白接管,只是可惜他们无法吸收天棋中浩浩荡荡的星辰之力。 These day Tang Zheng have absorbed the strength of many stars actually. 这几日唐铮倒是吸收了不少星辰之力。 The Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) strength of stars is unexpectedly richer than the world, making him benefit greatly, his skill had the huge promotion. 天外天中的星辰之力竟然比人间还要浓郁,令他受益匪浅,他的功力有了巨大的提升。 He is Enlightenment Seventh Grade for sometime, but he had not expected that too breaks through quickly, after all, cultivation level more arrives at behind, is more difficult to break through. 他已经是大乘七品有段时间,但他并没有期望太快突破,毕竟,修为越到后面,越难突破。 Only if looks like Little Bai to have huge chance, may make the huge breakthrough within the short time. 除非像小白有天大的机缘,才可在短短时间之内有巨大的突破。 Tang Zheng is calm, for a while . Moreover, his Pure Yang Energy temporarily has not been controlled eagerly, has not melted truly. 唐铮心平气和,并不急于一时,另外,他的纯阳之力只是暂时得到控制,并没有真正地化解。 If too breaks through cultivation level quickly, Pure Yang Energy suddenly to increase, present balance whether can also maintain, that was an issue. 若是太快突破修为,纯阳之力暴增,如今的平衡是否还能保持,那都是一个问题了。 The Little Bai sharpness is greatly strengthened, although for several days, gradually has actually perceived through meditation many essences of day of chess, although does not have the means alone cloth next day chess, but controls the existing day chess to have more than enough to spare. 小白领悟力极强,虽然短短几日,却已经渐渐参悟了天棋的不少精髓,虽然没有办法独自布下天棋,但控制现有的天棋已经绰绰有余。 Little Bai knew about the day chess gradually that effectively realized the extraordinariness and great of day chess, had a bigger confidence to the future. 小白对天棋逐渐了解,才真正地认识到天棋的非凡与伟大,不禁对未来有了更大的信心。 Just before leaving before, Tang Zheng had found Ye Yuan, he decided that keeps Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) Witch Clan, here challenge and opportunity are more. 临行之前,唐铮找到了叶辕,他决定将巫族留在天外天,这里的挑战和机遇更多。 Although danger numerous, but this has the major function to the growth of Witch Clan. 虽然危险重重,但这对巫族的成长有大作用。 Then, Witch Clan and Little Bai relate significantly, keeps side Little Bai is also the matter in reason. 说起来,巫族小白关系匪浅,留在小白身边也是情理之中的事。 Listened to the arrangement of Tang Zheng, although Ye Yuan to keeping Tang Zheng, works for him, but he is the person of being righteous, understands that the Tang Zheng good pain is attentive, naturally had not opposed. 听了唐铮的安排,虽然叶辕更向留在唐铮身边,为他效力,但他是深明大义之人,明白唐铮的良苦用心,自然没有反对。 Therefore, person who this time comes are many, the person who goes back actually tailed off were too many, be only the Ye Dingdang three female and Asura and four returned to the world along with Tang Zheng likely. 于是,这次来的人很多,回去的人却变少了太多,只有叶叮当三女、修罗和四象随着唐铮回人间。 On point of departure, in the open land has stood the person, the short several days, in the open land grew the trees, believes soon, in the open land decides however can turn into the luxuriant forest. 临别之际,蛮荒地上站满了人,短短数日,蛮荒地上已经长出了树木,相信用不了多久,蛮荒地上定然可以变成茂盛的森林。 Moreover, Kunpeng displays divine ability, does not know that what from where lane the mountain peaks of several floats, floated above the open land, school of new look, vitality abundant. 另外,鲲鹏施展神通,不知何从何处弄来了几个漂浮的山峰,漂浮在蛮荒地上方,更有一派新气象,生机盎然。 All people heard that Tang Zheng must leave, how one after another wants to experience them to pass through the gate of space. 所有人听说唐铮要离开,纷纷想见识一下他们如何穿越空间之门。 Many correct path people from were pursued Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) by big in the past, although personally experiences has passed through the gate of space, but that after is in a hurry, had not realized that passes through the gate of space mystery. 不少正道中人当年就是从被大阵驱逐到天外天的,虽然亲身经历过穿越空间之门,但那毕竟是仓促之间,并没有体会穿越空间之门的奥妙。 Moreover, initially the scared ingredient was in the majority, where has the thoughts observation. 另外,当初恐慌的成分居多,哪里有心思观察。 Tang Zheng and Ye Dingdang three females step the somersault cloud, flies slowly toward nine days above, one after another waves goodbye. 唐铮叶叮当三女踏上筋斗云,徐徐地朝九天之上飞去,纷纷挥手告别。 A vision focuses on them in pairs. 一双双目光聚焦在他们身上。 The Little Bai sentiment does not shout from Restricted Area greatly: Master, you must come back earlier.” 小白情不自禁地大喊道:“主人,你一定要早点回来。” Tang Zheng nods the head slightly, in the eye completely is the color of encouragement. 唐铮微微颔首,眼中尽是鼓励之色。 Little Bai fully realized that the Tang Zheng regard, said firmly: Master, you could rest assured that I will certainly protect good all these, in the future you come back, our teams will grow even stronger.” 小白深知唐铮的心意,坚定地说道:“主人,你放心,我一定会保护好这一切,将来你回来,我们的队伍将会更加壮大。” These day Little Bai have sent many scouts, attacks on own initiative, asks around the Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) situation. 这几日小白已经派出去不少探子,主动出击,四处打探天外天的情况。 As if such as Tang Zheng expects , the Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) undercurrent surges, as if some people could not sit still, must raise up revolts against the flag of Hao Son of Heaven. 似乎真的如唐铮所料,天外天暗流涌动,似乎真有人坐不住了,要竖起反抗昊天王的大旗。 Their a series of motions in palace wall has spread over Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven) each corner, deeply has shocked everyone. 他们在皇城的一系列行动已经传遍了天外天每一处角落,深深地震撼了每一个人。 The scouts seize the chance to propagandize the open land, making everybody know that once emperor's clan returned . Moreover the strength is how formidable. 探子趁机宣传蛮荒地,让大家知道曾经的皇族回归了,而且实力是多么强大。 All that the verbal statements are no guarantee, the palace wall has are the best evidence. 空口无凭,皇城所发生的一切就是最好的证据。 Some people on rushing to the road in open land, as if there is meaning of going for shelter. 有人已经在赶往蛮荒地的路上,似乎有投奔之意。 Everything is difficult to do at very beginning, so long as has started the first artillery, that following matter successed when conditions are ripe. 万事开头难,只要打响了第一炮,那后面的事就水到渠成了。 The Tian Chanzi long-cherished wish, all day racked one's brains, how plans makes Clear Void Sect more formidable, after Clear Void Sect declines day after day, Merit Law in many schools also lose, or was lost. 天禅子夙愿已了,整日殚精竭虑,谋划如何让清虚门更加强大,清虚门日渐衰落后,许多门派中的功法也遗失,或者失传了。 Tian Chanzi then emphatically reorganizes millennium ago Sect big divine ability, then does not hide contraband teaches to the same side, won the applause from the whole audience. 天禅子便着重整理千年前的师门神通,然后毫不藏私地传授给同门,赢得了满堂彩。 His look is looking at Tang Zheng complex, bright sound track: Tang Zheng, goes back to tell me disciple Shishi, making her exercise martial arts assiduously, next time will arrive at Tianwatian (Heaven outside the Heaven), will conduct for her for the master specially returns to the Sect grand ceremony.” 他神色复杂地望着唐铮,朗声道:“唐铮,回去告诉我徒儿诗诗,让她刻苦练功,下次来到天外天,为师将特意为她举办回归师门的大典。” Moreover, your Little Brat takes care much, especially was careful that your Pure Yang Energy, youngster, the firepower is prosperous, making your Hongyan (young beauty) friend share much.” “另外,你小子多多保重,尤其小心你的纯阳之力,年轻人,火力旺,让你身边的红颜知己多分担一点。” Tang Zheng cannot help laughing. 唐铮哑然失笑。 The Ye Dingdang three people shamed the anger to stare Tian Chanzi one, urged: „The fellow who do not listen to this to never revere talked nonsense, we a bit faster walked, otherwise, does not know that a while also said any absurd words to come.” 叶叮当三人羞怒地瞪了天禅子一眼,催促道:“别听这个为老不尊的家伙瞎说,我们快点走,否则,不知一会儿还说出什么荒唐的话来。” sōu! 嗖! The somersault cloud skyrockets 90,000 li (0.5km). 筋斗云扶摇直上90000里。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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