TCOC :: Volume #17

#1684: It is not does not report, the time has not arrived

The royal family member mind shakes greatly, does not have the means to refute, can only dull looks at Tang Zheng. 皇室成员心神巨震,却没办法反驳,只能呆呆地看着唐铮 Tang Zheng does not pay attention to their moods, said straightforwardly: First, you thing that robbed from my motherland, the original presented in the past, paid for the past actions.” 唐铮不理会他们的心情,直截了当地说:“第一,当年你们从我的祖国抢夺的东西,原物奉还,并且,为当年的所作所为买单。” Tang Zheng had not said that with enough time the second condition, all people have as if blasted out the pot, discussed that one after another gets up. 唐铮还没来得及说第二个条件,所有人仿佛炸开了锅,议论纷纷起来。 But these established countries in the past imperialism, passed over gently and swiftly do not know that many China/Huaxia resources, many antique national treasures entered their national museum, self-satisfied showed the world. 这些老牌国家当年可是帝国主义,掠过了不知道多少华夏的资源,许多古董国宝进了他们的国家博物馆,洋洋自得的向世人展示。 Many golden silver were also won by them, enriches their state treasuries, before this account, Tang Zheng has not thought that has not thought they have hit on the cutting edge unexpectedly on own initiative, that together is solved simply. 许多黄金白银也被他们夺走,充实他们的国库,这笔账以前唐铮没想起来,没想到他们竟然自己主动撞到了刀口上,那索性就一起解决掉。 Ate me to spit to me, took me also to come back to me! 吃了我的给我吐出来,拿了我的给我还回来! Each imperial family has not expected Tang Zheng even to propose that this condition, this was too harsh, if they have done, that maliciously hits own face. 各个皇室都没有料到唐铮竟然会提出这个条件,这太苛刻了,若是他们真的那么做了,那就是狠狠地打自己的脸。 Not only the imperial family face countenance not saves, the dignity of country greatly will also sell at a discount, the popular resentment definitely seethes with excitement. 不但皇室颜面无存,国家的尊严也将会大打折扣,民怨肯定沸腾。 No matter Tang Zheng their home meets the seething popular discontent, in the past they passed over gently and swiftly may once think the China/Huaxia people. 唐铮才不管他们国内是不是会民怨沸腾,当年他们掠过的时候可曾想过华夏的人民。 Can trade a condition?” Some people asked weakly. “可不可以换个条件?”有人弱弱地问道。 Trades a condition?” Tang Zheng sneers, my words just said that you did forget? It seems like I must give you long memory.” “换个条件?”唐铮冷笑,“我的话刚说完,你们就忘记了吗?看来我要给你们长点记性。” His facial color sinks, each imperial family thought that the giant stone presses in the chest, cannot pant for breath, had an impotent person to turn the supercilious look directly. 他的面色一沉,各个皇室觉得巨大的石头压在胸口,根本喘息不过来,有身体虚的人直接翻起了白眼。 The senior king and Anne are the exceptions, they have not suffered this pressure, changes colors with amazement looks at each other. 老国王和安妮是例外,他们俩并没有遭受这股威压,骇然失色地看着彼此。 The senior king does not have these imperial families so to be worried actually that each time the world war, they are the neutral countries, therefore, they have not invaded China/Huaxia, does not need to be worried about this point actually. 老国王倒是没有这些皇室这般担心,每次世界大战,他们都是中立国,所以,他们没有入侵过华夏,倒是不用担心这一点。 However, he understood very much the moods of other imperial families, then, the reputation of imperial family thoroughly destroyed. 不过,他很理解其他皇室的心情,如此一来,皇室的名声就彻底毁了。 This move looked like hits the snake to hit seven cuns (2.5cm), through this event, the imperial family completely swept dignifiedly, in the future wanted to rise was very difficult, management own one mu three points of place that can only know one's place. 这一招就像是打蛇打了七寸,经此一役,皇室威严尽扫,将来想要重新崛起就十分困难了,只能安分守己的经营自己的一亩三分地。 After the moment, the Tang Zheng cancellation pressure, the people felt that a whole body loosen, feels relieved, pants for breath in gulps, nobody dares to refute again. 片刻后,唐铮撤销压力,众人感觉浑身一松,如释重负,大口大口地喘息,再也没人敢反驳了。 Second, the international cooperation, your country does not permit to create obstacles for our country, at the international important matter follows the lead by our country, does not permit in your country to treat as the second-class citizen the China/Huaxia people.” Tang Zheng adds. “第二,国际合作上,你们国家不准刁难我国,国际大事上以我国马首是瞻,不准把在你们国家的华夏人民当做二等公民。”唐铮补充道。 Follows the lead to China/Huaxia! 华夏马首是瞻! These characters made each imperial family big, this said , can only become the little brother? No one wants to become little brother for a lifetime. 这几个字令各个皇室头都大了,这岂不是说以后只能当小弟?谁也不想一辈子当小弟。 Tang Zheng saw their thoughts, sneers saying: Isn't willing? I imitated you to set up the action of foreign settlement in my country in the past, I also set up several foreign settlements in your country.” 唐铮看出了他们的心思,冷笑道:“不愿意是吧?那我效仿你们当年在我的国家设立租界的举动,我也在你们国家设立几个租界吧。” „It is not good, is not good!” Each imperial family looks like rattle-drum of swaying , compared with this condition, as if the proposition of Tang Zheng was not difficult to accept. “不行,不行!”各个皇室把头摇晃的像拨浪鼓似的,与这个条件比起来,似乎唐铮的提议也不是那么难接受了。 I, only then these two conditions, if complies, everybody lives in peace with each other, if not comply, that was sorry that tomorrow will have anything, I do not guarantee. In any case these days also idle very much, I did not mind moves the physique.” “我只有这两个条件,若是答应的,大家相安无事,若是不答应,那抱歉,明天会发生什么,我就不保证了。反正这几日也闲的很,我不介意活动一下筋骨。” Tang Zheng moved the body, the joint has made the sound. 唐铮活动了一下身体,关节发出啪啪的声响。 Each imperial family surface like dying embers, hesitant for a long time, said: We go back to consider.” 各个皇室面如死灰,犹豫许久,道:“我们回去考虑一下。” Does not have the time to consider to you that now gives me the answer, agreed that did not agree that simple, why is simply womanishly fussy.” Tang Zheng direct rejection. “没有时间给你们考虑,现在就给我答案,同意,还是不同意,简单干脆,何必婆婆妈妈。”唐铮直接拒绝。 This......” imperial family had nothing to say in reply. “这……”皇室无言以对。 Tang Zheng has stood, said: My belly was hungry, when I use the supper, if has not given me the answer, I regard as did not agree.” 唐铮站了起来,道:“我肚子饿了,等我用晚餐,若是还没给我答案,那我就视为不同意。” Then, did not return walked, did not pay attention to each imperial family that was dumbfounded. 说罢,头也不回地走了,根本不理会大眼瞪小眼的各个皇室。 Anne set out to pursue hurriedly. 安妮急忙起身追了上去。 Each imperial family encircled senior king immediately in the middle, said chaotically, the senior king was besieged and pursued to block off, is miserable beyond description, only had the forced smile, being equal that Tang Zheng this threw down in an atomic bomb, he actually relaxed comfortable, disregarded, may painstakingly he. 各个皇室马上就把老国王围在了中间,七嘴八舌地说了起来,老国王被围追堵截,苦不堪言,唯有苦笑,唐铮这丢下的相当于一颗原子弹,他倒是轻松自在,不管不顾,可苦了他啊。 Be that as it may, but the happy expression of senior king eyes pupil deep place actually showed that he as if with can enjoy this feeling, at least these usually have not placed the imperial family in eye to hold him him. 话虽如此,但老国王眼眸深处的笑意却显示他似乎和能享受这种感觉,至少那些平常没把他放在眼中的皇室都不得不捧着他了。 The Anne vision is looking at Tang Zheng blazingly, said: Your these two two will definitely cause the earthquake.” 安妮目光炽烈地望着唐铮,说:“你这两条两个肯定会引起地震的。” Tang Zheng smiles lightly, said: How in the past they treated my motherland, they are well aware, the present was this they repays a debt. My motherland has an old saying, is not does not report, the time has not arrived. If they have not done these misdemeanors, has planted, because, will not swallow today's bitter fruit.” 唐铮淡淡一笑,道:“当年他们如何对待我的祖国,他们心知肚明,如今是该他们还账了。我的祖国有句古话,不是不报,时候未到。若是他们没有做过这些坏事,种下了因,也就不会吞下今日的苦果。” Anne appears to understand but not really understand nods, facial color slightly one gloomy, said: My country? What to do do you prepare?” 安妮似懂非懂地点头,面色微微一黯,道:“那我的国家呢?你准备怎么办?” Tang Zheng stops the footsteps, said: Your country has not done these misdemeanors, naturally did not need to be worried.” 唐铮停下脚步,说:“你的国家没有做过那些坏事,当然不用担心了。” In the Anne heart a loosen, said: Thank you!” 安妮心中一松,道:“谢谢你!” Said that stood on tiptoes the tip of the toe to kiss one on the cheeks of Tang Zheng. 说完踮起脚尖在唐铮的脸颊上亲了一口。 Tang Zheng one dull, has traced under the cheeks subconsciously. 唐铮一呆,下意识地摸了下脸颊。 Yo, this kissed.” The Ye Dingdang sound resounds, three females walked together. “哟,这就亲上了。”叶叮当的声音响起,三女一起走了过来。 In Anne heart shy, actually does intentionally calm. 安妮心中害羞,却还是故作淡定。 Āiyā, we came to disturb your good deed.” Ye Dingdang has gouged Tang Zheng one, teased. 哎呀,我们来是不是打扰了你们俩的好事啊。”叶叮当剜了唐铮一眼,打趣道。 Tang Zheng turned under supercilious look innocently, this does not close my matter, is she on own initiative own. 唐铮无辜地翻了下白眼,这不关我的事,是她主动亲的啊。 The military and Liu Qingmei also meaningfully looks at Tang Zheng, he thought that he jumped in the Yellow River unable to wash clean, did not explain simply. 武和柳轻眉也意味深长地看着唐铮,他觉得自己跳进黄河也洗不清了,索性不去解释。 My belly was hungry, first eats meal.” He has traced under the belly intentionally, said. “我肚子饿了,先去吃饭。”他故意摸了下肚子,说。 You deceive the ghost, your several months do not eat the thing hungrily not to go bad.” Ye Dingdang has seen directly through him. “你骗鬼呢,你几个月不吃东西也饿不坏。”叶叮当直接就拆穿了他。 Liu Qingmei is not willing Tang Zheng to admit defeat, changes the topic, said: A moment ago you said is good, does was good, these big powers invaded us in the past, today must make their both capital and interest also come back.” 柳轻眉不愿唐铮一直吃瘪,岔开话题,说:“你刚才说的太好,也做的太好了,这些列强当年侵略我们,今天就要让他们连本带利地还回来。” The military also layer on layer nods, said: In the past many Martial Artist seniors fought for the country in that aggression, the hero sacrificed, then changed us this time to live. You such do, calculates that had finished the wishes of these seniors.” 武也重重点头,道:“当年许多武者前辈在那一次次侵略中为国而战,英雄牺牲,然后才换来我们今时今日的生活。你这么做,也算了却了那些前辈的心愿。” Tang Zheng sighs with emotion: Initially I studied the history time, saw the aggression and humiliation that my motherland suffers, wish one could to pass through to that mammoth time, is the country goes to battle. This time exactly is the chance coincidence, although cannot pass through, but we can also make up now in the same old way.” 唐铮感慨道:“当初我学历史的时候,看到我的祖国所遭受的侵略和屈辱,恨不得穿越到那个波澜壮阔的时代,为国出征。这次恰好是机缘巧合,虽然不能穿越回过去,但现在我们也可以照样弥补回来。” Ye Dingdang hated the wicked as if they were personal enemies, the shall be grateful as a personal favor said: Therefore, we think you do was good, that did not investigate that you were a womanizer.” 叶叮当本就嫉恶如仇,感同身受地说:“所以,我们一致认为你做的太棒了,那就不追究你沾花惹草了。” A Tang Zheng heavy line. 唐铮一头黑线。 Anne changes the topic hurriedly, said: „Will they accept your condition?” 安妮急忙岔开话题,说:“他们会答应你的条件吗?” The Tang Zheng corners of the mouth raised, are as deep as a well to smile. 唐铮嘴角一扬,高深莫测地笑了起来。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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