TOTM :: Volume #10

#956: 20 years( 8400 make up)

Mount Luofu. 罗浮山。 Nine really lowly maid, fast come out to suffer to death!” “九真贱婢,速速出来受死!” Haha, did the side door's first major faction Mount Luofu, turn into the turtle?” “哈哈,旁门第一大派罗浮山,变成缩头乌龟了么?” Outside the mountain in the sea stopped many large ships, has sword light to depart invites the war. 山外大海中停了许多楼船,有剑光飞出邀战。 Naturally, they only dare to defend the mountain great formation surrounding to be boisterous, does not dare to go one step beyond the prescribed limit absolutely, therefore can only use the methods of some lows, in stimulation the person goes out. 当然,他们只敢在守山大阵外围聒噪,绝对不敢越雷池一步,因此只能用些下三滥的手段,刺激阵中之人外出。 The Mount Luofu main body is the most precious object, refining up after Luofu Old Ancestor pains sacrifice, can receive and instruct the strength of bottom Essence Magnetism mineral lode, forms Early Heaven Essence Magnetism great formation! 罗浮山本体就是一件至宝,经过罗浮老祖苦心祭炼,能接引地底元磁矿脉之力,形成先天元磁大阵 Coordinates Xumi pro and con imperial palace great formation again, float Mount Luofu and foundation are the outside and inside, the prestige can be extraordinary mutually! 再配合须弥正反九宫大阵,悬浮的罗浮山与底座互为表里,威能非凡! According to the view of Aaron, in nine True Immortal mother hands, can work as half Yuan god to cause! 按照亚伦的看法,在九真仙娘手中,能当半个元神来使! But provokes, mostly is Golden Pill sect, some Golden Pill does not even have...... 而来挑衅的,大多都是金丹宗门,有的甚至连金丹都没有...... Comes many to enter is dead characters! 来多少入阵都是个死字! Even if Yuan god Old Monster, the skill, breaks formation method to consume many strengths superficially, must be worried about nine True Immortal mother jade stone entirely burn, thorough detonation bottom Essence Magnetism god thunder, surrounding area several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) the terrifying prestige that changes into the inaccessible remote area can with the causes and effects. 纵然元神老怪,功力浅薄一点的,打破阵法都要耗费不少力气,更要担心九真仙玉石俱焚,彻底引爆地底元磁神雷,将方圆数万里化为绝域的恐怖威能与因果。 Therefore, so long as close entrance, when the turtle, is very safe. 因此,只要封闭山门,当缩头乌龟,就十分安全。 Doing to ....... 奈何....... Bold!” “大胆!” In the sky light shout, is actually nine True Immortal mothers cannot repress, indignant drew a sword, had/left great formation, slaughtered with the enemy in the same place. 天空之中一声轻咤,却是九真仙娘按捺不住,愤而拔剑,出了大阵,与敌人厮杀在一起。 sword light howls, nine True Immortal mother swords leave like the dragon, aimed at beforehand vulgar language many Golden Pill Ancestral Master to fiercely attack. 剑光呼啸,九真仙娘剑出如龙,瞅准了之前污言秽语最多的一名金丹宗师猛攻。 She after all is side door's first Luofu true inheritance, resulted in Luofu Old Ancestor to lose the treasure, the strength is doing in side door Golden Pill to calculate that extremely —— ran into Li Yingyun to support dozens moves of that! 她毕竟是旁门第一的罗浮真传,又得了罗浮老祖遗宝,实力在一干旁门金丹之中都算绝顶——遇到李英云都能多撑数十招的那种! The tenth sword high and low, she took that Golden Pill Old Ancestor life, making Ascetic on ship look grief-stricken. 只是第十剑上下,她就取了那名金丹老祖的性命,让一条船上的修士如丧考妣。 But at this time, has in void of ambush early, leaps two Golden Pill Ancestral Master, C fire god thunder, pounded together ruthlessly in nine True Immortal mother vests. 但此时,早有埋伏的虚空中,也跃出两位金丹宗师,一道丙火神雷,狠狠砸在了九真仙娘背心。 On nine True Immortal mother faces dark red, emits magic treasure that Luofu Old Ancestor sacrifice refining up to protect the body, this is going against besieging of wanton bombing, returns in the middle of formation method. 真仙娘脸上一阵殷红,放出罗浮老祖祭炼的一件法宝护体,这才顶着狂轰滥炸的围攻,又退回阵法当中。 Oh!” “唉!” Aaron with the aid of the strength of Essence Magnetism, transfers greatly arrives at the formation method gateway place, opens the channel, receives and instructs nine True Immortal mothers, sighed: Why is Master this? When tomorrow, sound-insulated formation method will also complete on the arrangement, did not need to listen to these again......” 亚伦借助元磁之力,一个大挪移就来到阵法门户处,打开通道,接引九真仙娘,叹息一声:“师父这又是何必?等到明日,隔音阵法也就布置完成,就不用再听这些了......” Covers the ear, can work as these people not to exist? How did my vast Luofu...... turn into so the appearance?” “捂住耳朵,就可以当这些人不存在么?我泱泱罗浮......怎么就变成了如此模样?” Nine True Immortal mothers shouted: Now is precarious, if works as the turtle again, you looked disciple who these sincerity leave behind, how many will also leave?” 真仙娘喝道:“如今已是风雨飘摇,若再当缩头乌龟,你看那些真心留下的弟子,又会走掉多少?” Walks walks, biggest cat kitten 2-3 ..... were most not dreaded. ‘走就走呗,最好大猫小猫2-3只.....最不受忌惮。 This world competes, does not look at for a while the victory and defeat, but looked who can live for a long time......’ ‘这世间争夺,很多都不是看一时胜负,而是看谁能活得长久......’ In the Aaron heart shows the whites of the eyes, naturally, this words, he does not dare to say absolutely. 亚伦心中翻了個白眼,当然,这种话,他是绝对不敢说出口的。 Otherwise, nine True Immortal mothers can first rip him! 否则,九真仙娘都能第一个撕了他! ........ ........ In an instant, is 20 years passes. 转眼间,又是二十年过去。 Aaron shot a look at External Realm, sees only the major schools that besiege to disperse most probably. 亚伦瞥了眼外界,只见围攻的各大门派已经散了大半。 After all others have the respective domain and base industry...... unable to live in idleness with Mount Luofu. 毕竟人家都有各自的地盘、基业......不能一直跟罗浮山干耗着。 Meanwhile, his attribute column also slightly has the change: 与此同时,他的属性栏也略有变化: Name: Xinchen( Fang Yu and Aaron)】 【姓名:辛辰(方玉亚伦)】 Talent: Immortal and Unaging, not in 【天赋:长生不老、不在算中】 Age: 630 【年龄:630】 realm: Profound light 境界:玄光】 cultivation method: The Taiyi five spirits ban ( Something went wrong ) after ( 7932100000 ), Sky Sword after ( Something went wrong ), Taiyi Essence Magnetism god 功法:太乙五灵经、都天剑经、太乙元磁神禁】 ...... ...... As the present Mount Luofu Lord only disciple, was once Luofu true inheritance, Aaron various Fajie has passed on. 作为如今罗浮山主的唯一弟子,又是曾经的罗浮真传,亚伦已经诸法皆传。 Not only refining up three in Luofu five big true inheritance, is also perceiving through meditation Xumi pro and con imperial palace great formation, and has the attainments. 不仅将罗浮五大真传中的三门炼就,同时也在参悟须弥正反九宫大阵,并且颇有造诣。 At least, by his time Taiyi Essence Magnetism profound light cultivation base, the coordinate say/way foundation, operates Mount Luofu mountain-protecting great formation, no issue. 至少,以他此时的太乙元磁玄光修为,配合阵道根基,操纵罗浮山护山大阵,没有一点问题。 Beautiful woman Master looks at old many actually......” “倒是美人师父看着苍老了许多......” Oh, these years she cannot endure patiently, several going out fencing, injured essence qi , will possibly harm the life .... “唉,这些年她忍耐不住,多次外出斗剑,着实伤了元气,甚至可能会有损寿元....” Aaron sighed, in changed over to the disciple place. 亚伦叹息一声,转入内门弟子处。 Present Mount Luofu does not have the grand occasions of entrance door 100,000 disciples, the palace building that these entrance door disciples occupy also abandons all. 如今的罗浮山早已没了外门十万弟子的盛况,那些外门弟子居住的宫殿楼宇也尽数废弃。 Several hundred entrance door disciples who only remain, now moves into safer in entrance completely, lives in the environment better in disciple cave mansion, was slightly turned misfortune into a blessing. 仅剩的数百外门弟子,现在全部搬入更加安全的内山门,住在环境更佳的内门弟子洞府之中,也算是小小因祸得福了一把。 Aaron walks into a cave mansion directly, saw that many Ascetic gather round an old man, even many mortals. 亚伦直接走入一处洞府,就见到不少修士围着一老者,甚至还有不少凡人。 Jade Senior Brother......” “玉师兄......” This old man side Xiaolong, but he is senile now, is on the verge of death. 这老者正是方晓龙,只不过如今他已老态龙钟,行将就木。 The muddy old eyes opens, is looking at Aaron, shouted one lowly. 浑浊的老眼张开,望着亚伦,低低叫了一声。 Jade master ancestor!” “玉师祖!” Now Aaron in Mount Luofu, under a person, above ten thousand people, seriously is it may be said that powerful, many side Xiaolong descendants salute upon meeting. 如今亚伦在罗浮山中,可谓一人之下,万人之上,当真威风凛凛,许多方晓龙的子孙都来见礼。 „, I deliver you......” “罢了,我来送送你......” Aaron sighed, said. 亚伦叹息一声,说道。 side Xiaolong to dying is beyond astral, does not have the wonder of long life , the buckle essence qi, to the limit, the medicine and stone acupuncture needle is difficult spirit now. 方晓龙到死都是个外罡,也就没有延寿之妙,又折损过元气,如今已经到了大限,药石难灵。 Many thanks the clansman comes to deliver me ....., I also want to see mirror elder brother, what a pity, what a pity .... “多谢族兄前来送我.....唉,我还想见一见镜哥儿,可惜,可惜.... side Xiaolong sighed, put out the final one breath. 方晓龙叹息一声,吐出了最后一口气。 In cave mansion, immediately weeping sound heavenshaking...... 洞府之中,顿时哭声震天...... Aaron sent off side Xiaolong, is walking in Mount Luofu aimless. 亚伦送走了方晓龙,在罗浮山漫无目的地走着。 At this time, the profound light flew together, revealed a girl student: Eldest Senior Brother ..... External Realm latest information!” 这时候,一道玄光飞来,露出其中一名女弟子:“大师兄.....外界最新情报!” Some Mount Luofu after all background, even if were encircled, can communicate with External Realm, receives some news. 罗浮山毕竞有些底蕴,纵然被围,还是能与外界沟通,获得一些消息。 “Oh?” “哦?” Aaron received the jade pendant, divine thought sweeps, on the face appears to sneer: Li Yingyun was surrounded by day demon sect Old Monster Chi Huo, enough 17 years, Omei motionless...... really also plans!” 亚伦接过玉佩,神念一扫,脸上就浮现出一丝冷笑:“李英云被天魔门赤火老怪困住,足足一十七年,峨眉一动不动......果然也是算计啊!” The information on jade pendant is very simple. 玉佩上的情报很简单。 One of Righteous Way two schools, the south Shanghai school palm that shares the honor with Omei teaches, year ago south goes to gaze the section continent floating, together Tianhe Yuan god, magic power enormous and powerful just like nine days of Milky Way, initiates extinguishes the world flood, submerging seven demon sect entrances and total altars/jars ..... the demon sect disciple casualty were innumerable, finally sparred to win Old Monster Chi Huo, almost hit his demon fire Yuan god extinguishes, easily saved Li Yingyun. 正道两派之一,与峨眉齐名的南海派掌教,年前飘然前往南瞻部洲,一道天河元神,法力浩荡宛若九天银河,发起灭世大水,淹没了七个魔门山门、总坛.....魔门弟子死伤无数,最终又斗法胜了赤火老怪,将他的魔火元神打得几乎熄灭,轻易就将李英云救了出来。 But by this causes and effects, or was closed for 17 years, although Li Yingyun has not been injured, the overbearing temper was actually rubbed, the little darling did obeisance the south Shanghai school palm to teach for the master, henceforth concurred two long, the magical skill increases! 而受此因果,或者说被关了十七年,李英云虽然没有受伤,骄横的性子却被磨了许多,乖乖拜了南海派掌教为师,从此身兼两家之长,道行更增! Li Yingyun natural beauty is attractive, External Realm passes on its has the capital of first becoming an immortal......’ ‘李英云天姿灵秀,外界都传其有一世成仙之资......’ Aaron puts down the information, the corners of the mouth appears to sneer: Also is the generation of big destiny, if originally this destiny only uses, can first become an immortal, but Omei minute/share ends South Sea minute/share, kills people too many, involving the causes and effects were too many, obtains treasure, dead auspicious, these must consume destiny......, when this big destiny was consumed, only feared that the fate pitiful ....... I dare to assert, even if Omei can all send to fly upwards, this person is actually not able to fly upwards absolutely, stayed behind necessary , to continue the causes and effects bad debts of Omei!” 亚伦放下情报,嘴角就浮现出一丝冷笑:“也是大气运之辈,本来这气数若只自己用,是能一世成仙,但峨眉分完南海分,又杀人太多,牵扯因果太多,获得宝物、遇难成祥,这些都要消耗气运......等到这一身大气数被消耗完了,只怕下场凄惨.......我敢断言,纵然峨眉能全派飞升,此人却也绝对无法飞升,必要被留下,承接峨眉的因果烂账!”
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