TOTM :: Volume #10

#957: The palm teaches

Time in a hurry not counting year! Mount Luofu! In Aaron cave mansion. 时光匆匆不计年!罗浮山!亚伦洞府内。 Surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) world essence qi rebellion, just like a funnel. 方圆百里天地元气暴动,宛若一个漏斗。 Are innumerable the Luofu disciples who practice and sits in meditation to go out of the cave mansion, looks out this, on the face is showing the look that various envy screen envy: „ The Pill Formation phenomenon...... Eldest Senior Brother...... the say/way entered Golden Pill...... " 无数正在修行、打坐的罗浮弟子走出洞府,遥望着这一幕,脸上露出各种羡幕嫉妒的神色:“结丹异象……大师兄……道入金丹了……" The Aaron look is tranquil, reassignment within the body magic power, the innumerable Taiyi Essence Magnetism god light/only gathers, by him by special secret method, was gathered five colors Golden Pill. 亚伦神色平静,调动体内法力,无数太乙元磁神光汇聚,被他以独门秘法,汇聚成一颗五色金丹 This is Taiyi Essence Magnetism Golden Pill! 此乃太乙元磁金丹! For side door Golden Pill in extremely, will build up on the Yuan god in the future, then yes- Taiyi Yuan god! 为旁门金丹中的绝顶,日后炼就元神,便是--太乙元神! Being possible be called Mount Luofu is most authentic true inheritance! 堪称罗浮山最为正宗不过的真传! „ When hearsay Li Yingyun concentrates Gold Formation Pill, nine Pill Formation phenomenon, I only three types...... did not recite poetry. “传闻李英云凝结金丹之时,有九种结丹异象,我才区区三种……就不念诗了。 Aaron opens the double pupil, swallows into that Taiyi Essence Magnetism Golden Pill the abdomen, subsequently counted on the fingers: 80 years? Really hundred years of Golden Pill...... I also calculated spiritual cultivation the small talent......” 亚伦睁开双眸,将那一颗太乙元磁金丹吞入腹中,继而掐指一算:“八十年么?果然百年金丹……我也算修道界的小天才了……” " These for 80 years every day study hard, were short in gu technique actually studiously, only study one type- flying sword is expensive "这八十年来每日用功,倒是在蛊术方面用功少了,只研究出一种--飞剑 …… ,!” He springs together sword light conveniently. 他随手弹出一道剑光 This " the flying sword guis together sword light, can fuse above any sword, improvement progression. 这"飞剑蛊’就是一道剑光,可以融合于任何一口剑器之上,提升级数。 flying sword gu that if six refine, even if takes possession every iron, can make it turn into true dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword that six refine instantaneously! 若是六炼的飞剑蛊,哪怕附身一口凡铁,也能令其瞬间变成一口六炼的真正仙家飞剑! Is only the promotion difficult...... wants to become six to refine the flying sword gu, at least must swallow true dwelling place of celestial beings flying sword...... one to go, has not resulted is opportunistic. " “只是提升困难……想要成为六炼飞剑蛊,至少得吞噬一口真正的仙家飞剑……一来一去,还是没得取巧。" Aaron sighed. 亚伦叹息一声。 At this moment, spirit talisman across the cave mansion, arrives in front of him together. 就在这时,一道灵符穿过洞府,来到他面前。 His brow wrinkle, world essence qi fluctuates slightly, changes into air/Qi to capture the big hand imprint, grasps this spirit talisman, puts near the ear. 他眉头微微一皱,天地元气波动,化为一气擒拿大手印,将这道灵符抓起,放到耳边。 Spreads nine True Immortal mothers' voices from inside. 从里面就传出九真仙娘的声音。 Aaron gets the head slightly, the figure moves. 亚伦略微领首,身形一动。 Next quarter, just like shatter void general, his form arrived in nine real palaces directly. 下一刻,宛若破碎虚空一般,他的身影直接来到了九真殿中。 The energy of such transmission , can only in Mount Luofu Essence Magnetism great formation range, be able to use at will. 此等传送之能,也只能在罗浮山元磁大阵范围之内,才能随意使用。 However Aaron is perceiving through meditation the strength of two-pole Essence Magnetism, prepares to study more transmission methods. 不过亚伦正在参悟两极元磁之力,准备研究出更多的传送手段。 Once succeeds, can the twinkling ask that simply in the Five Continents back and forth, surpasses any escape light. 一旦成功,简直可以瞬息问在五大洲来回,超过任何遁光 Pays a visit Master! " “拜见师父!" Aaron saw that the old nine True Immortal mothers sit well the jade chair, hastily good a ritual. 亚伦见到苍老的九真仙娘端坐玉椅,连忙行了一礼。 " Good, good, good! " "好,好,好!" Nine True Immortal mothers look at this disciple, satisfaction were saying: „ Spiritual cultivation more than hundred years then enter step Golden Pill......, even if are authentic in Daoism, were certainly Dingtian, if the teacher still, must hold the banquet broadly, the invitation four seas dispersed the immortal, celebrated for disciple! " 真仙娘望着这个徒儿,满意道:“修道不过百余年便进阶金丹……哪怕在玄门正宗,也是绝顶天才了,若老师仍在,必会广开宴席,邀请四海散仙,为徒儿贺!" Master......” 师父……” Aaron actually good a ritual: Also please give up that thought...... in these 80 years, these besiege our school, didn't 11 diverge?” 亚伦却行了一礼:“还请您放弃了那个念头吧……这八十年中,那些围攻我们的门派,不是都一一散去了么?” „...... Cannot put down for the master.” “为师……放不下。” Nine True Immortal mothers sighed: " You are really I most outstanding disciple, why has known for the master wants...... good! Must holding the position of teaching passes to you for the master, then from expelling Mount Luofu, from now is loose cultivator, can revenge for the teacher wholeheartedly! 真仙娘叹息一声:"你果然是我最出色的弟子,已经知道为师想干什么……不错!为师要将掌教之位传给你,然后自逐出罗浮山,从此以后便是一散修,可以一心一意为老师报仇了! master Enru mountain! 师恩如山! Nine True Immortal mothers have actually resolved to revenge, before kissing/betrothal what, have the school to worry about. 真仙娘其实早就立志报仇,亲何之前有门派挂心。 Also was worried that own action, will bring in the total destruction to Luofu 也担心自己的举动,会给罗浮引来灭顶之灾 Now no lack of successors to conduct, in her heart gratified at the same time, felt that finally can put down the heavy burden, subsequently schemed the revenge wholeheartedly. 如今后继有人,她心中欣慰的同时,也感觉终于可以放下重担,继而一心一意图谋复仇了。 Also asked Master to think, the Omei potential was big, the forcing side door, showdown Demon Way, could not be stopped, when evaded the point temporarily. " “还请师父三思,峨眉势大,力压旁门,对决魔道,锐不可当,当暂避锋芒。" Aaron deep good a ritual, urged. 亚伦深深行了一礼,劝道。 My intent has decided that you do not need to talk too much.” “我意已决,你不必多言。” Nine True Immortal mothers make together the illusory law seal, above has the Essence Magnetism god actinic is restriction, submerges Aaron within the body directly ;This is hub of the mountain-protecting great formation, I have transmitted to you all, starting today, you were a palm teach. 真仙娘打出一道虚幻法印,其上有元磁神光化为禁制,直接没入亚伦体内;“此乃本门护山大阵之枢纽,我已经尽数转交给你,从今日开始,你就是本门掌教了。 Omei with the Demon Way fencing, this heaven-sent opportunity, will not be going to and Omei fencing for the master on own initiative......” “峨眉正与魔道斗剑,此天赐良机也,为师也不会主动去与峨眉斗剑……” Nine True Immortal mothers change into together the flowing light, the moment departs Luofu. 真仙娘化为一道流光,须臾就飞出罗浮。 Master......” 师父……” The hand of Aaron stretches out weak: „ Do not walk quickly...... has what treasure also first to confess! " 亚伦的手无力地伸出:“别走得那么快……有什么宝贝也先交代一下啊!" In palace, a silence. 殿堂之内,一片寂静。 After the moment, Aaron as if the bystander was common, rubbed the face, sat in nine True Immortal mother's original positions. 片刻后,亚伦才仿佛没事人一般,揉了揉脸,坐在了九真仙娘原本的位置上。 Actually he also knows, in Luofu Old Ancestor tool refining method, cannot leave behind too treasure. 其实他也知晓,以罗浮老祖炼器手段,也留不下太多宝物 Has this Mount Luofu magic treasure, already foot. 有这座罗浮山法宝,就已经足矣。 " ...... Must dig Luofu Old Ancestor grave, making the flying sword guswallow that 12 day remnant sword? "不过……要不要挖了罗浮老祖的坟,让飞剑蛊’吞了那一十二口都天残剑? " Eh…… my , but Luofu three generations of palms teach, the taken over first matter, dug the grave of Ancestral Master master, the general laughter greeting letter, seriously the general laughter greeting letter...... "呃……我这但罗浮三代掌教,接任的第一件事,就是挖了祖师爷的坟,哄堂大孝、当真哄堂大孝啊…… Sits well position of a while palm teaching, Aaron counts on the fingers a ball. 端坐掌教之位一会儿,亚伦才屈指一弹。 When! 当! A golden bell resounds. 一口金钟呜响。 Subsequently, dozens streams light/only fly into the main hall, appears the Luofu disciple, saw Aaron to sit nine True Immortal mothers' positions, some surprise. 继而,数十道流光就飞入大殿,现出其中的罗浮弟子,见到亚伦坐了九真仙娘的位置,都有些诧异。 Third Junior Brother, this is......” martial charm asks. 三师弟,这是……”武媚问道。 By her, but also follows Yuan 在她旁边,还跟着元元子 Un, in the past the Eastern Sea fencing defeated, piece of chaos, Eldest Senior Brother three Senior Brother died, martial charm was therefore separate 嗯,当年东海斗剑而败,一片大乱,大师兄师兄都死了,武媚因此失散 Then looked, brought back one Yuan while convenient 然后就找了回来,顺带还捎回了一个元元子 Ahem…… Master has the important matter to go out, will hold the position of teaching to pass to me, who opposed? " 咳咳……师父有要事外出,将掌教之位传给了我,谁反对?" Aaron coughs lightly, is the Golden Pill pressure on sweep the audience. 亚伦轻咳一声,属于金丹的威压扫过全场。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, then prostrates oneself together: „ Sees the palm to teach! "……" Topic, " 众人面面相觑,然后一起拜倒:“见过掌教!""题," The Aaron somewhat subtle induction, as if not only Mount Luofu, overflowed the loose side door destiny, is approaching itself to concentrate. 亚伦有些微妙的感应,似乎不仅罗浮山,就连原本溢散的旁门气数,都在向自己集中。 However his nine refine to develop the compass, but moves slightly, erased this all sorts of signs, making one is unable to discover the clue. 不过他有九炼演天盘,只是略微一动,就抹掉了这种种迹象,令人无法发现端倪。 Even, but also compiled a false root foot origin, and destiny...... is the special pit is skilled in Early Heaven uncanny prediction! 甚至,还编造了一份虚假的根脚来历、以及气数……就是专坑精通先天神算者! Recently wrote the letter/believes with along with the gate, has an accident " recently E week and demon sect, has an accident? " 最近题信与随门,又出了什么事"最近峨周与魔门,又出了什么事?" Waving makes other disciples draw back, Aaron only left behind martial charm with Yuan, asks: „ I was closing up recently break through Golden Pill, how also didn't know immortal cultivation realm? " 挥手让其它弟子退下,亚伦只留下了武媚与元元子,开口询问道:“我最近都在闭关突破金丹,也不知修仙界如何了?" " Since 80 years ago, since south Shanghai school „the Tianhe honorable personsaved Li Yingyun...... the Daoism orthodox school and Demon Way connects the fencing, respective casualty serious......, but overall, Demon Way loses is bigger, nine big demon biographies, four were hit to extinguish the inheritance directly......” "自从八十年前,南海派“天河真人’去救了李英云以来……玄门正宗与魔道接连斗剑,各自死伤惨重……但总体而言,魔道损失更大,九大魔传,有四支被直接打灭了传承……” Although martial charm the sound is of pleasant to hear, the words that but said that made one be afraid sufficiently, made Aaron see scenery of immortal cultivation realm chaos and plunging the people into disaster! 武媚虽然声音好听,但说出的话语,却足以令人不寒而栗,更让亚伦看到了一幅修仙界大乱、生灵涂炭之景! " The External Realm really good danger, is the Mount Luofu security...... "外界果然好危险,还是罗浮山安全…… In the Aaron heart spits one. 亚伦心中吐一句。 Before, demon sect hidden world dazzles Old Demon born coldly, the places of frozen imperial district god continent ten mansion, was carried purple azure air/Qi hierograph by simultaneous/uniform Miao an honorable person, refining up while still alive by two ten side dust particle great formation! " “之前,魔门隐世的寒炫老魔出世,冰封赤县神洲十府之地,又被齐妙一真人携带紫青一气神符,以两界十方微尘大阵活活炼死!" Yuan child say/way: Toward since the prosperous times, was just sparred to affect...... a celestial phenomenon one day number by immortal cultivation realm newly finally changes, the disaster of disaster of flood and drought is continuous, had perished...... common people what sin? Unexpectedly by this tribulation?” 元元子道:“原本新朝刚刚进入盛世,结果就被修仙界斗法波及……天象一日数变,水旱之灾之灾连绵,已经灭亡了……百姓何辜?竟遭此劫?” Aaron listened, in the heart actually moves: „ Various Old Demon old immortals are born, the inexorable fate got stronger and stronger...... 亚伦听了,心中却是一动:“各种老魔老仙出世,劫数愈演愈烈了啊…… His look with deep veneration, shouted: „ Passes on me to hold to teach the law, starting today, Mount Luofu closes off a mountain area, has not resulted in my permission, leaving the mountain, all punishes by the revolting gate arbitrarily! " 他神色肃然,喝道:“传我掌教法令,从今日起,罗浮山封山,未得我之许可,擅自出山者,皆以叛门论处!" " Yes! " "是!" martial charm had not thought highly of the temper that this Junior Brother withdraws, but others can withdraw Golden Pill, now makes the palm to teach, can only obey orders imposingly. 武媚原本还不太看得起这师弟龟缩的性子,但人家能龟缩到金丹,如今又做了掌教,只能凛然从命。 Aaron sees this, coughs: „ In addition, I decided that the knot reduces the disciple scale, Mount Luofu starting today, after the recruitment disciple must pass through this palm teaches to agree......, we need the disciple disciple, to maintain at about hundred people then 亚伦见此,又咳嗽一声:“除此之外,我决定结减弟子规模,罗浮山从今日起,招收弟子必须经过本掌教同意……之后,我们需要将门人弟子,维持在百人左右即可 Yuan child called out: „ My Luofu was scarce on the person, then, to be desolate? " 元元子叫道:“我罗浮本来就人丁稀少,如此一来,岂不是要落寞了?" Desolate good, in great misfortune, worry, all because strong over, was not called by this friend, was implicated by that disciple, finally complied killed the tribulation......” Aaron to heave a deep sigh: „ At this time the disciple, is not a disciple, but is the curse! My original intention...... that is one does not receive. " “落寞好啊,大劫之中,烦恼皆因强出头,不是被这个朋友唤去,就是被那个弟子拖累,最终都应了杀劫……”亚伦摇头叹息一声:“此时来的弟子,都不是弟子,而是催命符啊!我本意……那是一个都不收的。" In the peak and True Immortal mother heart do not know that turned many supercilious looks, but the arm cannot twist the thigh, can only to the Aaron instruction. 边峰与真仙娘心中不知翻了多少白眼,但胳膊拧不过大腿,只能任凭亚伦吩咐。 After these two said goodbye to leave . 等到这两人都告辞离开之后。 Aaron storage Dongfa prints, immediately five colors radiance, will put in order a palace to be close layer upon layer 亚伦储动法印,顿时就有一层层五色光华,将整座殿堂封闭 This is side peak even Cishen bans, in addition this magic treasure Spirit Mountain, as well as great formation......, even if this peak Yuan god Old Monster, is unable to see clearly in the palace the person to make anything. 此乃边峰平磁神禁,再加上这法宝灵山、以及大阵……纵然此界最顶尖的元神老怪,也无法看清殿堂中人在做些什么。 Aaron hesitates, took out several blood god gus 亚伦沉吟一番,取出了几只血神蛊 Just, majority splits, no vitality. 只不过,其中大部分都裂开,没有一丝生机。 " Died? ” "死了么?” He muttered one, finished accepting these gu insect final information 他喃喃一声,结束接受这些蛊虫最后的信息 „The host of blood god gu, some swallow the development that dies...... this is conforms to me to expect mutually.” “血神蛊的宿主,有的是互相吞噬而死……这是符合我预料的发展。” But also has, was cut to kill by Righteous Way......, was grasped by Demon Way, pressed for an answer cultivation method mantra......” “但还有的,是被正道斩杀……以及,被魔道抓了去,逼问功法口诀……” „The say/way of Blood Demon, is extremely intensive, the might is utmost, has the posture of control this demon sect...... Demon Way Ascetic to be compelled to have no alternative by the twelfth branch gate faintly authentic, prepares itself to make oneBlood Demonto come?” 血魔之道,极其速成,威力至大,隐隐有统御此界魔门之姿……魔道修士被亥门正宗逼得别无选择,准备自己制造出一位“血魔’来?” For this reason, does not hesitate again and again the blood sacrifice, even dazzled Old Demon to intend to deal with the mortal before coldly, possibly has meaning of the collection blood material in secret? " “为此,不惜连连血祭,甚至之前寒炫老魔出手对付凡人,可能就有暗中搜集血材之意?" Also yes, so long as builds Sea of Blood Great Formation, coordinates the blood shadow marvelous ability, regardless of maintains life or kills, did not lose in specially a Yuan god.” “也是,只要修成血海大阵,配合血影神功,不论保命还是杀伤,都不输于特别元神了。” Eh…… the imparting cultivation, poured also some harvests initially.” 呃……当初传功,倒也有些收获。” The blood god gu that Aaron 11 crumb these discard, gains sensibility that studies the sea of blood demon to pass through 亚伦一一捏碎这些废掉的血神蛊,从中获取一份份修习血海魔经的感悟 Even, but also inspired the tribulation of revelation, making the perception increase, with practice. 甚至,还引动了天启之劫,令悟性大增,又与实践结合。 Quick, deduced brand-new sea of blood demon! 很快,就推演出了全新的血海魔经! This scrip­tures, made up for most foundations, can calculate perfect......” “此经文,弥补了大部分根基,可以算尽善尽美了……” " Pitifully...... also only arrives at the Sea of Blood Great Formation part. " "可惜……也只到血海大阵部分。" Initially Aaron passed on the laws, to prevent to backlash, only passed on volume «Sea of Blood Great Formation 33 Volume of» as well as last volume «Day Demon Blood divine ability 99 Say/Way»! 当初亚伦传法,为了防止反噬,只传了中卷《血海大阵三十三册》以及下卷《天魔化血神通九十九道》! At this time these two volumes were repaired the Instrumentality beautiful. 此时这两卷都被修补完美。 But volume one «sea of blood Book from heaven 13», is a Yuan god and law of higher say/way fruit. 但上卷《血海天书一十三篇》,乃是元神以及更高的道果之法。 If the blood proton refining up on the Yuan god, but the gods come to be discovered inevitably, basic control not opposite party 若是血质子炼就元神,而神来必然被发现,根本控制不件对方了 Daoism orthodox schools and Demon Way...... are having the ideas that my sea of blood demon passes through......” “玄门正宗、魔道……都在打我血海魔经的主意……” Was good because of before holds back one trick, has not passed on the sea of blood heavenly book, Blood Demon that otherwise demon sect made a debut, the body may not have the blood god cup, I owed in a big way also...... " “好在之前留了一手,没有传血海天书,否则魔门出道的血魔,身上可没有血神盅,我亏大了也……" Aaron takes up a blood god gu that only remains, saw a resplendent in gold and jade green palace 亚伦拿起仅剩的一只血神蛊,就看到了一处金碧辉煌的宫殿 External Realm, the innumerable ineffective and worthless troops welcomed the roaming, gathered the resort chaotically, in the eye pupil brings a colorful silk ribbon blood light 外界,无数虾兵蟹将迎游,浑浑聚墅,眼眸中带着一绶血光 This is...... the Eastern Sea dragon palace!” The Aaron pupil moves slightly. “这是……东海龙宫!”亚伦眸子微微一动。 In the dragon palace deep place, piece of Blood Pond, in the pool has the innumerable flood dragon corpses, the Taiyi Yuan blood robe of immersion in the blood plasma, Qi Prestige increases all, has built up on sea of blood Demon Pill impressively ’! 在龙宫深处,有一片血池,池子中有无数蛟龙尸体,尽数浸泡在血浆中太乙元一袭血袍,气势更增,赫然已经炼就一颗血海魔丹’! This pill came from beyond the day, does not need the aptitude, anybody may concise blood pill, be only pill is not high. 此丹来自天外,不需资质,任何人都可凝练血丹,只是丹品并不如何高。 However after Pill Formation, can through swallow the essence and blood massively, but continually promotes pill , to promote one, and even incomparable items 不过结丹之后,可以通过大量吞噬精血,而不断提升丹品,晋升一品,乃至绝品 This time side peak is even, magic power divine ability, absolutely to boundary of the Luofu! 此时的边峰平,一身法力神通,绝对到了一品罗浮之境! In Blood Pond, a soul of Crown Prince flood dragon departs, calls out pitifully: „ Blood Demon...... Dragon King will not let off your 血池之中,一条蛟龙太子的魂魄飞出,惨叫道:“血魔……龙王不会放过你的 If Aaron here, will think that this flood dragon somewhat looks familiar, the doubtful past years killed Su Zixuan , the next life chases down own Monster King. 如果亚伦在此,就会觉得这条蛟龙有些面熟,疑似当年杀了苏紫萱,又下命追杀自己的妖王 But Eastern Sea Dragon King is Yuan god old dragon! Occasionally dives to cultivate/repair, hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse of 东海龙王乃是一条元神老龙!偶尔潜修,神龙见首不见尾 Peak even Zuiyu appears a callous happy expression, shouted: „ I have realized Sea of Blood Great Formation, this is the Yuan god method, it came on! " 边峰平嘴鱼浮现出一丝冷酷的笑意,喝道:“我已练成血海大阵,此乃元神手段,就等它来!" Aaron naturally can look, Taiyi Yuan indeed has realized Sea of Blood Great Formation 亚伦自然看得出来,太乙元的确已经练成了血海大阵 Cultivation this field of endeavor formation method, needs the innumerable life essence and blood 修炼此道阵法,需要无数生灵精血 Regardless of finished beginning there, brings in the demon two attention inevitably, subsequently chases down 不论在那里结束动手,都必然引来正魔两道的关注,继而就是追杀 This Taiyi Yuan, tries another method unexpectedly, projected on the deep sea Monster Clan head the idea......, multiplies by the life, land comparing favorably with sea? And Ascetic despises Monster Clan...... the Monster Clan Luofu mostly to win occasionally after all weakly, can be killed by the profound light is playing...... this is a blind spot.” “这太乙元,竟然另辟蹊径,将主意打到了深海妖族头上……是啊,论生灵繁衍,陆地怎么比得上大海?并且修士偶尔鄙视妖族……毕竟妖族罗浮大多赢弱,可以被玄光杀着玩……这是一个盲区啊。” That Sea of Blood Great Formation, offered a sacrifice to refine a blood robe, puts in Taiyi Yuan body, looks at the quality, at least was equivalent to the blood sacrifice 1 million lives?” “那血海大阵,就被祭炼成了一件血袍,穿在太乙元的身上,看品质,起码相当于血祭了百万生灵吧?” " Good good, settled the me and Eastern Sea dragon palace causes and effects. " "不错不错,了结了我与东海龙宫之因果。" Then, should give a penalty.” “接下来,该给点惩罚。” Aaron grips Taiyi Yuan blood god gu, delivered after the law of achievement Yuan god a sea of blood demon 亚伦握住太乙元的血神蛊,将一篇血海魔经中成就元神之法送了过去 Within a few days, Taiyi Yuan will then have been practicing, comprehends this single layer Yuan god to change automatically. 过不几日,太乙元便会在修炼中,自动参悟出这一重元神变化。 Then, slaughters one sect of Eastern Sea Tien Chau...... also settles the beforehand flying sword mountain encircled causes and effects while convenient. " “然后,就将东海仙洲的宗门都屠戮一遍吧……顺带也是了结之前飞剑山被围的因果。" Aaron counts on the fingers to calculate, Taiyi Yuan refining up on the Yuan god, is separated from itself to control inevitably 亚伦屈指一算,太乙元炼就元神,必然脱离自己掌控 However, can be in so the situation, is good. 不过,能到如此地步,已经不错了。 When Taiyi Yuan grows after true Blood Demon, he can very proudly to the demon two introductions: „ Looked that this only Blood Demon isn't flagitious? I raise! 等到太乙元成长为真正的血魔之后,他就可以很自豪地向正魔两道介绍:“看这只血魔凶残不?我养的! In the future, Taiyi Yuan turns to Demon Way, the probability of Blood Demon confluence also over 40%......” „, but in any event, is Blood Demon extinguishes the world, common people great misfortune!” “在未来中,太乙元投靠魔道,血魔合流的概率也超过40%……”“但无论如何,都是血魔灭世,苍生大劫!” Omei and Daoism are authentic, cannot run away.” “峨眉与玄门正宗,跑不掉的。” Aaron counts the calculation, nine refine to develop under day of gu bolstering, his calculation ability rises suddenly again: In any event, Blood Demon will lose the control in any case finally, that might as well make this bomb bigger point...... the day to collapse after all, has the tall person to withstand/top! I am short, did not fear!” 亚伦掐指演算,九炼演天蛊加持之下,他的推算能力再次暴涨:“反正无论如何,血魔最终都会失去控制,那不如让这个炸弹更大一点……毕竟天塌下来,有高个子顶着嘛!我个子矮,不怕!”
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