TOTM :: Volume #10

#955: Nine refine to develop the day( 8200 make up)

In cave mansion. 洞府内。 Now the Mount Luofu good cave mansion, can the casual Aaron choice. 如今罗浮山上好的洞府,可以随便亚伦挑选。 After all, he now was also Luofu true inheritance, the position and former nine True Immortal mothers phase differences were similar. 毕竟,他如今也算是罗浮真传了,地位与之前的九真仙娘都相差仿佛。 A cave mansion that at this time chooses, is some position dies in Li Yingyun unlucky Golden Pill Ancestral Master hand/subordinate remains. 此时所选的一处洞府,就是某位死在李英云手下的倒霉金丹宗师所留。 In fact, Mount Luofu really resembles the danger peaceful ..... after all the struggle of destiny, Luofu has lost heavily to lose, the side door is eliminated thoroughly, is one's turn frigid incomparable Righteous and Demon Great War, to compete this destiny ..... Righteous Way many Old Monster, only feared that will act, gamble Omei, Demon Way dived numerous Old Demon that cultivated/repaired also to leave the mountain ..... outside is too dangerous......, but to anyone, will not pay attention to a roadside dead ant again.” “实际上,罗浮山似危实安.....毕竟气运之争,罗浮已经大败亏输,旁门彻底出局,接下来就轮到惨烈无比的正魔大战,以争夺此界气数.....正道许多老怪,只怕会纷纷出手,押注峨眉,魔道潜修的众多老魔也要出山.....外面太危险了......但任凭谁,都不会再关注路边一只死蚂蚁。” Should better or hides in Mount Luofu Early Heaven Essence Magnetism great formation, closes off a mountain area for hundred years, most can result in quietly ..... I is also good to prove while convenient ..... does to Golden Pill, beautiful woman Master some do not lose heart......” “最好还是躲在罗浮山先天元磁大阵之中,一口气封山百年,最能得个清静.....我也好顺带证就金丹.....奈何,美人师父有些不太死心啊......” Considers as finished, I am most important at present, refining up nine to refine to develop a day of gu, otherwise before demon two wars, definitely will resort to all means that will peep in the future the secret variable “算了算了,我目前最要紧的,还是炼成九炼演天蛊,否则正魔两道大战之前,必然会动用一切手段,窥视未来天机变数 ..... Eight refine develops a day of gu sufficiently not necessarily...... ” .....八炼的演天蛊未必够用......” Then if can calculate greatly jointly by these Yuan gods Mount Luofu a julid wriggles even after being cut dead, a slim chance of survival is hidden, the Aaron pleasure may on big...... before Righteous and Demon Great War, must extinguish Luofu inheritance jointly thoroughly, by extinguishes all unstabilizing factors thoroughly! 然后如果被那些元神大能联手推算出罗浮山百足之虫死而不僵,还有一线生机暗藏的话,亚伦的乐子可就大了......在正魔大战之前,必联手彻底灭了罗浮传承,以将一切不稳定因素彻底消弭! Therefore, this is the most critical matter! 因此,这才是最为生死攸关的事儿! If refining up inadequately, I also can only be separated from Luofu ..... Aaron to sigh, in the hand has a strange law seal. “若是炼不成,我也只能脱离罗浮了.....”亚伦叹息一声,手上结出一个奇怪的法印。 His state of mind is dark, recalled that on the same day the scene of Luofu Old Ancestor disassimilation, the body started the disassimilation similarly. 他神思冥冥,回想当日罗浮老祖异化之场景,身躯同样开始异化。 His hair starts to grow crazily, the body grows another eye, the armpit splits, the third hand braved to come out...... this is demon thought that Luofu Old Ancestor left behind initially. 他的头发开始疯狂生长,身上长出一只又一只眼睛,腋下裂开,第三只手冒了出来......这是当初罗浮老祖留下的一丝魔念 But now, Aaron overstates depending on this, falls into the marvelous condition of tribulation of revelation. 而如今,亚伦凭此走火入魔,陷入天启之劫的奇妙状态。 Depends on this incomprehensible to attract, he as if induced the summit of Mount Luofu, in the tomb containing clothing without the body that Luofu Old Ancestor left behind. Above that 12 broken Sky Sword cutting edges, there is a silk threads inexplicable radiance to flow! 靠着这冥冥中的吸引,他似乎感应到了罗浮山之巅,罗浮老祖留下的衣冠冢内。那一十二口残破的都天剑锋刃之上,有丝丝缕缕莫名的光华流动! Suddenly! 蓦然! These radiance just like the heavy line, condense one group, the shuttle is void, arrived in front of Aaron directly, changes into an alone corner/horn poisonous insect, opens the mouth apparatus, as to swallow Aaron one. 这些光华宛若黑线,凝聚成一团,穿梭虚空,直接来到了亚伦面前,化为一只独角毒虫,张开口器,似乎想要将亚伦一口吞下。 Great Way vestiges of Luofu Old Ancestor comprehension, unexpectedly also so Aberration?” “罗浮老祖领悟的大道残余,竟然还如此诡异么?” Aaron opens the eyes suddenly, puts out a gu insect, if cocoon general eight refine develops a day of gu! Develops a day of gu to become a stretch of the world, to the black poisonous insect swallowed. 亚伦忽然睁开双眼,吐出一只蛊虫,正是如蛹一般的八炼“演天蛊”!演天蛊自成一片天地,将冲来的黑色毒虫吞了进去。 The next quarter, Aaron spouts an essence and blood fiercely, the minimum several tens of thousands of years of life spurted, starts the sacrifice to refine this gu insect! His hair transfers instantaneously grayish white, at once from transfers such as black ink grayish white jet black .... 下一刻,亚伦猛地喷出一口精血,起码数万年寿元就这么喷了上去,开始祭炼这一只蛊虫!他的头发瞬间转为灰白,旋即又从灰白转为漆黑如墨.... So samsara, enough nine times. 如此轮回,足足九次。 Being equivalent lost was close to ten million years lives ..... this is a Yuan god disperses the price that the dwelling place of celestial beings must stare dumbfounded. After all a Yuan god must face the inexorable fate, the life often is about ten thousand years! 相当于损耗了接近千万年寿元.....这是元神散仙都要瞠目结舌的代价。毕竟元神要面临劫数,寿元往往不过万年罢了! Finally, an analogy was big a cocoon insect, falls in the Aaron hand. 最终,一只比方才大了一圈的蛹虫,落在亚伦手中。 Feeling that this sharing the same roots and aura coincide, just like another „”. 这种血脉相连、气息相合的感觉,就宛若另外一个“自己”。 After all swallowed I billion years of life ..... to be contaminated completely my appearance, happen to omitted refine the time ..... “毕竟吞了我千百万年的寿元.....完全被浸染成了我的样子,正好省去了炼化的功夫.....” Aaron will develop a day of gu to swallow into the abdomen, subsequently is realizing its function silently: Nine refine develops a day of gu, making me totally causes and effects black hole, only feared that this no one can calculate my root foot again......, not only that Omei owed my causes and effects, needs to accumulate more external work repayments, can fly upwards......, but now, this account they do not know, thinks the original external work and destiny standard can fly upwards......” 亚伦将演天蛊重新吞入腹中,继而默默体会着它的作用:“九炼的演天蛊,令我完全成为了一個因果黑洞,只怕此界再没有人能推算我的根脚了......不仅如此,峨眉欠了我的因果,原本还需要积累更多外功偿还,才能飞升......但现在,这笔账他们不知道,以为还是原来的外功与气数标准就可以飞升......” When Omei thinks the savings to be enough, lifting to send the listing ..... is not right, when is flies upwards, this debt sudden sudden and violent thunder, the scene certainly is interesting!” “等到峨眉自以为积蓄足够,举派上市.....不对,是飞升之际,这笔债务再突然暴雷,场面一定非常有趣!” Nine refine to develop a day of gu, even can bully the day! Therefore can hide ..... is not right my Heavenly Dao causes and effects temporarily, this is also not this gu biggest use, it biggest use, conceals the Heavenly Dao, becomesperson who” does not exist, since does not exist, even if I refine on the Yuan god, only feared that also does not have any day of tribulation ..... this evades the unsurpassed ingenious method of tribulation! ” “九炼演天蛊,甚至能够欺天!因此能暂时将我的天道因果潜藏起来.....不对,这还不是此蛊最大的用途,它最大的用途,是隐瞒天道,成为不存在的“人”,既然不存在,哪怕我炼就元神,只怕也没有什么天劫.....此乃避劫的无上妙法啊!” The Aaron corners of the mouth appear a happy expression. 亚伦嘴角浮现出一丝笑意。 After developing the day nine refine, in his heart that light sense of crisis, finally thoroughly dissipates. Then...... is careless some time, watched the drama of demon battle......” Aaron regarding Mount Luofu, was some senses of belonging. 演天九炼之后,他心中那股淡淡的危机感,终于彻底消散。“接下来......就是苟一段时间,看正魔交战的大戏了......”亚伦对于罗浮山,还是有些归属感的。 He watches critically, knows , if no itself, Mount Luofu feared that must end .... Therefore don't after oneself this variable, destiny of Mount Luofu can be imagined. 他冷眼旁观,也知道若没有自己,罗浮山怕是要完....因此别除自己这个变数之后,罗浮山的气运可想而知。 Here instead becomes safe, just like above the battlefield, lies down, in has exploded in crater, the second being injured in a bombing possibility is not ordinary. 这里反而就变得安全起来,正如战场之上,躺在已经炸过的弹坑之中,第二次挨炸的可能性不大一般。 ...... ...... While Aaron refining up on nine refine to develop a day of gu. Mount Emei. 就在亚伦炼就九炼演天蛊的同时。峨眉山。 Feels relieved in the palace. 息心殿内。 The Omei palm teaches simultaneous/uniform Miao an honorable person, is in sight an armillary sphere. 峨眉掌教齐妙一真人,正在望着一座浑天仪。 This is the dwelling place of celestial beings treasure, from 33 days, the doubtful Immortal Realm most precious object, can watch a destiny. Well? Really strange!” 此乃仙府奇珍,来自三十三天之外,疑似仙界至宝,能观看一界气数。“咦?真是奇怪!” simultaneous/uniform Miao looks at the armillary sphere, counted on the fingers: Originally Mount Luofu, although the fencing defeats, the destiny fades greatly, actually , if there is vitality that resembles not to have, but ..... actually did not have at this time......” 齐妙一看着浑天仪,又掐指一算:“原本罗浮山虽然斗剑而败,气数大衰,却还有一丝若有似无的生机,但此时.....竟然全无了......” Haha, the palm teaches Senior Brother to have not to know that Mount Luofu has been deserted by friends and allies, the disciple scatters in all directions .... The shape of present is the correct principle, probably is some disciple who has the chance destiny, left Mount Luofu.” “哈哈,掌教师兄有所不知,那罗浮山已经众叛亲离,弟子四散....如今之象才是正理,大概是某个有机缘气数的弟子,也离开罗浮山了吧。” The bitter mendicant budhist monk was saying at the same time. 苦头陀在一边说道。 Considers so ..... thinks that Luofu side door's first major faction, had the illustrious prestige in years past, until now merry cloud leisurely/scatter ..... thought frightening seriously.” A potential surface leads the Fiendish Qi female nun to hold their palms together: Fortunately side door destiny completely enters my Righteous Way ..... following, considered to extinguish completely these demon bastards?” This nun named becomes extinct master Tai, with the bitter mendicant budhist monk and simultaneous/uniform Miao one and said that Omei three old, the skill is profound, only misses one step from the Yuan god. “当是如此.....想到罗浮昔年旁门第一大派,有赫赫声威,到如今风流云散.....思之当真令人心惊。”一位面带煞气的女尼姑双手合十:“所幸旁门气运尽入我正道.....接下来,就当是灭尽那些魔崽子了?”此尼姑名为绝灭师太,与苦头陀、齐妙一并称峨眉三老,功力深湛,距离元神也只差一步。 Because was once abducted by Demon Way in childhood, suffers loss, therefore after the spiritual cultivation has, sees the demon bastard, all puts to death seriously, shows no mercy whatsoever, even if has involvement with Demon Way slightly, rather kills wrong, does not let off. 更因为小时候曾被魔道掳走,吃尽苦头,因此修道有成之后,见到魔崽子,当真一律诛杀,毫不容情,纵然与魔道稍有牵连者,也是宁杀错,不放过。 ..... “正是.....” simultaneous/uniform Miao one just also wants to say anything, suddenly receives flying sword transmitted letter: „After brave clouds the Eastern Sea fencing, south one sword walked alone gazes the section continent, a sword killed to ascend the sky demon sect, cut 12 Golden Pill Old Demon continually, finally compelled Old Monster Chi Huo, was used profound cloudy day demon 13 wicked to surround by him ..... 齐妙一刚刚还想说些什么,忽然就收到一枚飞剑传书:“英云东海斗剑之后,就一剑独走南瞻部洲,一剑杀上天魔门,连斩一十二位金丹老魔,终于逼出赤火老怪,被他用“玄阴天魔十三门恶阵”困住.....” Bold Old Monster Chi Huo, Senior Brother, our extinguished the day of demon sect whole families!” The extinction master shouted. „Not anxious, is not anxious!” “大胆赤火老怪,师兄,我们这就去灭了天魔门满门!”绝灭师太喝道。“不急、不急!” simultaneous/uniform Miao calculates, the smile said: brave clouds that big destiny in the body, does not die ..... happen to she to hit should as for the body to have this tribulation, must do obeisance Master again, can cross difficultly this......” 齐妙一算了算,微笑道:“英云有大气运在身,绝不至于身死.....正好她命中合该有此一劫,需再拜一个师父,方能渡过此难......”
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