TOTM :: Volume #10

#954: Being killed by weapons

Three years of time already to!” “三年之期已至!” How to feel some inexplicably not to the taste?” “怎么莫名觉得这句有些不对味?” Mount Luofu. 罗浮山。 Essence Magnetism mine tunnel deep place. 元磁矿坑深处。 The strength of inexhaustible Essence Magnetism overflows to disperse void, indeed is one light/only cultivates the Essence Magnetism god good to be. 无穷无尽的元磁之力溢散虚空,的确是一处修炼元磁神光的好所在。 In cave mansion. 洞府内。 Aaron sits cross-legged to sit, suddenly opens the double pupil, glances right and left: Ancestral Master must suffer a disaster probably, hopes that beautiful woman Master can escape the birth day.” His whole body five colors beginning of the universe profound phosgene emits, suddenly blends mutually, changes into a gray magneto-optical. 亚伦盘膝而坐,忽然睁开双眸,左顾右盼:“祖师大概是要遭劫,希望美人师父能逃出生天.・・・”他周身五色的混元玄光气放出,蓦然又互相交融,化为一圈灰色磁光。 This is his homemade Essence Magnetism profound light! 此乃他自创的元磁玄光! But at this time, under Aaron magic power surges, this gray Essence Magnetism profound light absorbs the strength of land Essence Magnetism, was built up by the sacrifice repeatedly. The color transfers from the grey pure white, is colorless subsequently from refining up to change into the five colors colorless ..... 而此时,在亚伦法力涌动之下,这一层灰色的元磁玄光又吸纳大地元磁之力,被反复祭炼。颜色从灰色转为纯白、继而无色・・・・・・又从无色炼化为五色..... So after repeatedly nine times, changes into one clear spirit, no shadow invisible radiance. After the Taiyi Essence Magnetism profound light that he improves! 如此反复了九次之后,才化为一圈清灵至极、无影无形的光辉。正是经过他改进的太乙元磁玄光! My this also calculates, realized Luofu true inheritance. By this profound light/only, the self-torture hundred years, can refine on Essence Magnetism Golden Pill in the future, may enter the excellent Golden Pill threshold. „ Millenniums later, works as the Yuan god hopefully “我这也算,练成一门罗浮真传了.・・・・以此玄光,苦修百年,未来能炼就一颗元磁金丹,也可入上乘金丹的门槛.・・..”“千年之后,当元神有望・・・” On this cultivation speed, is above the Mount Luofu such Essence Magnetism mineral lode, after all with the aptitude of Xinchen, cannot request many .... “就这修炼速度,还是在罗浮山此等元磁矿脉之上的,毕竟以辛辰的资质,不能要求更多了・・....” On the contrary is if transfer and cultivate Demon Way, some quite ten side Essence Magnetism Yin thunder, or the murder refining up the method of magnetic force my thought is quite somewhat ready to make trouble, but considers as finished......” “反倒是若转修魔道,颇有一些十方元磁阴雷、或者杀人炼化磁力的法门・・・・・・我的念头颇有些蠢蠢欲动啊,不过还是算了......” Aaron refining up on the Taiyi Essence Magnetism profound light, actually the profound light boundary, was only the strength and future were more general. At this time however arrives at the cave mansion entrance leisurely, puts out a hand. 亚伦炼就太乙元磁玄光,其实还是玄光境,只是实力与前途更广大了一些而已。此时施施然来到洞府门口,伸出手。 That five colors restriction is unable to prevent his slightest, by him just like oneself same separated, had/left the Essence Magnetism mine tunnel, controls one's feelings line of spatial, in an instant flew to escape nine real peaks. 那一圈五色禁制根本无法阻挡他分毫,被他宛若自家一样分开,就出了元磁矿坑,一路御气行空,转眼间就飞遁到了九真峰。 Un, after building up the Essence Magnetism profound light, can use the magnetic force of Mount Luofu, flies to escape fast, is simply quicker than Golden Pill. Even can achieve the energy of big transferring. „ realm can cultivation consistently, magic technique divine ability actually must look at the respective fumble.” “嗯,炼成元磁玄光之后,可以利用罗浮山本身的磁力,飞遁之速,简直比金丹都快.・・・・・甚至能做到大挪移之能.・・..”“境界能修炼一致,法术神通却是要看各自摸索。” The big nine real peaks, now actually seem somewhat lonely. 偌大一个九真峰,如今却显得有些冷清。 Obviously, Mount Luofu most duty-bound disciple, goes to the shore of Eastern Sea, participated with the fencing of Omei. On the contrary is in the entrance door, but also with, was very in the past lively. 很显然,罗浮山大部分内门弟子,都去东海之滨,参加与峨眉的斗剑了。反倒是外门之中,还跟往常一样,十分热闹。 After all these Early Heaven and congealing ghost realm disciple, has not resulted in anything to use greatly. 毕竟这些先天、凝煞境界的弟子,也没得什么大用。 Even escape speed is very ordinary, when they controlled the sea boat to the place, could not say that the fencing ended... 甚至遁速都十分一般,等他们驾驭海船到了地头,说不得斗剑都结束了・・・... Aaron has not managed other, returned to the turtle immortal palace without consulting anybody, the divination an trigram: Future is precarious, but has no big disaster fortunately.” He does not make other preparations, waits for silently. 亚伦也没管其它,径自回到龟仙殿,卜了一卦:“前程似风雨飘摇啊・・・・・・但所幸没什么大劫难・・・.・”他也不做其它准备,就这么默默等待。 After more than ten days, 十余日后・・・・・・ Several escape light fall in Mount Luofu suddenly, when first a person, impressively Luofu Old Ancestor! Luofu Old Ancestor enters in the cave mansion of Mount Luofu highest place, suddenly sends out a pitiful yell. This pitiful yell straight such as nine quiet evil spirits, Magic Sound passes through the ear! 数道遁光忽然落在罗浮山中,当先一人,赫然正是罗浮老祖!罗浮老祖直入罗浮山最高处的洞府内,忽然就发出一声惨叫。这惨叫直如九幽厉鬼,魔音贯耳! In the entrance door, many disciples hear this, bleeds profusely from the head instantaneously, died . 外门之中,不少弟子听到这一声,瞬间七窍流血,就这么死了・・..・ In Mount Luofu, a battle formation ascends, Taiyi Essence Magnetism god light/only brushes randomly, suppresses with great difficulty these calamities. 罗浮山上,道道阵势升腾而起,太乙元磁神光乱刷,好不容易才将这些乱子镇压下去。 Aaron panic arrives at outside the cave mansion, saw own beautiful woman Master nine True Immortal mothers, at this time her facial expression is pale, helpless, has little experience of the world probably, little miss who also encounters the big change! 亚伦“惊慌失措”地来到洞府之外,就看到了自己的美人师父真仙娘,此时她神情苍白,手足无措,就好像一个涉世未深,又遭遇大变的小姑娘! Value the value, this beautiful woman Master, the first time was so rude before me. “值了值了,这美人师父,还是第一次在我面前如此失态.・・・・ In the Aaron heart talked to oneself, then flew, asked: Master what matter this had/left?” You?” 亚伦心中自语一声,然后飞了过去,问道:“师父・・・・・・这是出了何事?”“你?” Nine True Immortal mothers see side Aaron, unexpectedly the no relationship of form and spirit light, echoes with Mount Luofu, mysterious, is surprised: „Have you actually refine the Taiyi Essence Magnetism profound light?” 真仙娘见亚伦身边,居然有一圈无形神光,与罗浮山呼应,奥妙非常,不由惊疑一声:“你竟然已经炼成了太乙元磁玄光?” If in usually, her inevitably amazed extremely, but must inspect this disciple and inside and outside carefully. 如果是在平时,她必然惊诧万分,还要将这个徒儿上上下下、里里外外都仔细检查一遍。 But at this time, only feels incomparably wearily: This fencing, my Mount Luofu was cut three Golden Pill true inheritance by Omei continually, Old Ancestor indignant acts, surrounded that simultaneous/uniform Miao by 12 day evil deity sword one, had been in the upper hand greatly, why actually does not know, lets slip suddenly 但此时,只觉得无比疲倦:“本次斗剑,我罗浮山被峨眉连斩三位金丹真传,老祖愤而出手,以十二都天神煞剑阵困住了那齐妙一,原本已经大占上风,却不知为何,忽然失手・・・・・・” Speaking of finally, nine True Immortal mothers has choked with sobs: Now the Ancestral Master fencing defeats, the Zhiyuan gods caused heavy losses. Reveals the trillion of disassimilation, feared that is, feared is .” Feared that is not killed by weapons at present. 说到最后,九真仙娘都已经泣不成声:“如今祖师斗剑而败,甚至元神都被重创.・・・・露出异化之兆,怕是、怕是・・..・”怕不是兵解就在眼前・・・. In the Aaron heart supplements one: „ This injury, how were some shapes injured by Formless Sword? Formless Sword most excels at murdering divine soul, once were injured a Yuan god, without relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, does not have the medicine to rescue at the scene afterward, must wail seven days seven nights of side dead! 亚伦心中补充一句:“这伤势,怎么有些像被无形剑所伤?无形剑最擅杀伐神魂,一旦被伤了元神,纵使没有当场形神俱灭,事后也无药可救,必哀嚎七日七夜方死! Thus it can be seen, Luofu Old Ancestor can also support the school, is the skill in Daoist cultivation is extremely deep. Junior Sister!” 由此可见,罗浮老祖还能支撑回门派,已经算是道力极其深厚了。“师妹!” At this time, Golden Pill Old Monster that was the monk to dress up, leading one group of profound light apprentices to encircle, called out: Junior Sister Master feared that is not killed by weapons to near, our Mount Luofu did not have the Master asylum, feared that must all send to suffer a disaster!” 这时候,一個作和尚打扮的金丹老怪,带着一群玄光徒弟围了过来,叫道:“师妹・・・・・・师父怕不是兵解在即,我们罗浮山没了师父庇护,怕是要全派遭劫!” Day sea Senior Brother, how can you?” “天海师兄,你要如何?” Nine True Immortal mothers are staring this Senior Brother, actually knows that the opposite party said is the truth. 真仙娘瞪着这个师兄,却知道对方说得是实话。 Mount Luofu was known as that side door's first major faction, receives disciple bad mixed with good, wears really has the generations of many immoral bad behavior. With other schools of Eastern Sea Tien Chau, has many enmities and causes and effects. 罗浮山号称旁门第一大派,收徒泥沙俱下,着实有不少丧德败行之辈。与东海仙洲的其它门派,也结下不少仇怨与因果。 Before the safe/without matter, is completely because has Luofu Ancestral Master suppression. 之前无事,完全是因为有着罗浮祖师镇压。 By the prestige of Yuan god, the overseas immortal gate refuses to accept again , can only endure! But now Mount Luofu may not the second bit god! 以元神之威,海外仙门再是不服,也只能忍着!而现在・・・・・・罗浮山可并没有第二位元神了啊! Do not say the Yuan god, even if Golden Pill Ancestral Master, folds four one after another on Omei! Now on the remaining nine True Immortal mothers, two that as well as day sea Dhyāna Master this was a rear survival! 不要说元神,纵然金丹宗师,也接连折在峨眉手上四位!如今就剩下九真仙娘,以及天海禅师这硕果仅存的两位了! Not, if our senior brother and junior sister divided these family belongings, dismisses the disciple as early as possible, recedes another region respectively.” Day sea Dhyāna Master holds their palms together, said. “不若・・・・・・我们师兄妹分了这些家当,趁早解散门徒,各自远走他乡吧。”天海禅师双手合十,说道。 Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” Nine True Immortal mothers are looking angrily at day sea Dhyāna Master: How Master usually treats your, did you actually say this and other lower than pigs and dogs domestic animal words?” 真仙娘怒视着天海禅师:“师父平日如何待你的,你竟然说出这等猪狗不如的畜生话?” Snort, since Junior Sister wants to meet this mess, that Senior Brother hands over this Mount Luofu Lord position, then gave Junior Sister, but will unable to manage my lineage/vein in the future, you put best into it “哼,既然师妹想接这个烂摊子,那师兄就拱手相让・・・・・・这罗浮山主的位置,便交给师妹了,只是日后也管不到我这一脉,你们好自为之吧・・・・・” Day sea Dhyāna Master wields the sleeve, immediately took away many profound light disciples. 天海禅师一挥袖,顿时带走了许多玄光弟子。 Aaron is looking at this, the quite several falling separately flavors, in the heart are sigh with emotion: „ Luofu Ancestral Master governing under is lax, the welldoing of disciple also really general this Mount Luofu, defeats not injust! 亚伦望着这一幕,颇有几番树倒猢狲散的味道,心中都是感慨:“罗浮祖师御下不严,弟子的德行也着实一般・・・・・这罗浮山,败得不冤! Day sea Dhyāna Master takes the lead to walk, in disciples of many profound light also followed to slide secretly. In an instant, the Luofu summit did not have many people. 天海禅师带头一走,不少玄光的内门弟子也跟着偷偷溜了。转眼之间,罗浮山顶就没了多少人。 Aaron swept one, asked: Eldest Senior Brother, two Senior Sister, three Senior Brother and five Junior Brother where?” 亚伦扫了一眼,不由问道:“大师兄、二师姐、三师兄、五师弟何在?” Nine True Immortal mothers turn around, wiped tears, replied: At that time the situation was chaotic, does not know how your Eldest Senior Brother and three Senior Brother feared that was cut to kill at the scene, two Senior Sister are separate with me, her escape light is too slow, perhaps also takes several days to return to sect., but this sect this sect will not have!” 真仙娘转过身去,擦了擦眼泪,才答道:“当时情况混乱,也不知如何了・・・・・你大师兄、三师兄怕是被当场斩杀,二师姐与我失散,她遁光太慢,或许还要几日才能回归宗门.・・・・・但这宗门・・・・・这宗门就将没了啊!” Speaking of finally, nine True Immortal mothers is also the tone sobs. Aaron also has no means that can only comfort in a soft voice. 说到最后,九真仙娘也是语气哽咽。亚伦也没有什么办法,只能轻声安慰。 At this time, in the cave mansion, wailing of Luofu Ancestral Master stopped finally slowly, a weak sound resounds at once: You. Comes in Aaron follows nine True Immortal mothers to go, discovered that Luofu Ancestral Master has hair dishevelled, figure rickets, just like instantaneous old several hundred years old, is sitting down exhausted on warm Yuyi. Sees nine True Immortal mothers, asked one: Day sea. Has walked?” 这时候,洞府之中,罗浮祖师的哀嚎终于慢慢停止下来,一个虚弱的声音旋即响起:“尔等.・・・・进来・・・・・”亚伦跟着九真仙娘进去,就发现罗浮祖师披头散发,身形佝偻,宛若瞬间苍老了数百岁,正瘫坐在温玉椅上。见到九真仙娘,就问了一句:“天海.・・・・已经走了?” Even if dies in a sitting posture about, he is also the great Yuan god big energy, in the entire Mount Luofu the matter, cannot escape his informer. .” 纵然行将坐化,他也是一等一的元神大能,整座罗浮山上发生的事情,逃不过他的耳目。“正是・・・・..” Nine True Immortal mothers sob saying: Not only that day sea also moved out the Master treasure house..” A bit god treasure house, naturally many good things. 真仙娘哭泣道:“不仅如此・・・・・天海还将师父的宝库都搬走了啊.・・・・.”一位元神宝库,其中自然有不少好东西。 Since the day sea decides to rebel and flee, definitely achieves the matter locates certainly. 天海既然决定叛逃,肯定将事情都做到绝处。 If not for Luofu Old Ancestor has not died, his Old Ancestor treasure along dares to clamor minute/share! However looks like in Aaron, was irritable, was irritable 若不是罗浮老祖还没死,他连老祖随身的宝贝都敢叫嚣着分了!不过在亚伦看来,还是急躁了,急躁了啊・・・・・・ Looks at this situation, Luofu Old Ancestor morning and evening will die, deliver others a regulation, when died carved up most essence again treasure, were the correct principle! And can also leave behind a good reputation! 看这情况,罗浮老祖旦夕将死,就送人家一程,等到死了再来瓜分最为精华的宝物,才是正理!并且还能留下一个好名声! Now this approach, does real is like the undercovers in Omei, wears the low grade. Master...” 如今这种做法,搞得跟峨眉的卧底一样,着实落了下乘。“师父・・...” Nine True Immortal mothers do obeisance to ask again: You are in the upper hand obviously greatly, how to defeat?” Omei is mean!” 真仙娘再拜问道:“您明明大占上风,如何会败?”“峨眉卑鄙!” Luofu Old Ancestor gives scolding: simultaneous/uniform Miao one had been surrounded by sword of old man, only waits to refine while still alive actually the bitter mendicant budhist monk depends Formless Sword unexpectedly, steals old man near body, gave the old man a sword an old man Yuan god harms, in seven days must die, for not Yuan god before dying counter chaotic crazy, damages a side, has to be killed by weapons ahead of time 罗浮老祖痛骂一句:“原本那齐妙一已经被老夫的剑阵困住,只等活活炼死・・・・・却不料苦头陀仗着无形剑,偷到老夫近身,给了老夫一剑・・・・・・老夫元神有损,七日之内必死,为了不在死前元神逆乱疯狂,为害一方,不得不提前兵解・・・・” Master .” 师父・・・・..” Such remarks, nine True Immortal mothers choke with sobs immediately. 此言一出,九真仙娘立即泣不成声。 Luofu Old Ancestor sighed, shouts: Nine. You only result in old man day unboiled water Fig. true inheritance, the old man ban, Xumi pro and con imperial palace great formation to give you Taiyi five spirits, Sky Sword, Taiyi Essence Magnetism god now, and assigned/life you to teach for the Luofu palm!” 罗浮老祖却叹了口气,喝道:“九真.・・・・・你只得了老夫天一生水图真传,老夫如今将太乙五灵经、都天剑经、太乙元磁神禁、须弥正反九宫大阵都交给你,并命你为罗浮掌教!” disciple disciple.” “徒儿・・徒儿.” Nine True Immortal mothers actually really do not want to meet this seat, but big Mount Luofu, now unexpectedly already no one! Only is left over her such Golden Pill alone Miao Miao, can only kotow with tears: disciple is compliant!” 真仙娘其实真不想接这个位子,但偌大一个罗浮山,如今竟然已经无人!只剩下她这么一根金丹苗苗,只能含泪叩首:“徒儿遵命!” Good!” “甚好!” Luofu Old Ancestor shows a happy expression, gives nine True Immortal mothers a magic treasure pouch: Since starting today. You were my Luofu new mountain lord..” Pays a visit mountain lord!” 罗浮老祖露出一丝笑意,将一个法宝囊交给九真仙娘:“从・・・・・从今日开始.・・・・你就是我罗浮新任山主了.・・・・.”“拜见山主!” Aaron and the others turn toward nine True Immortal mothers to salute immediately, even if this completed the palm to teach alternation of imperial throne. Good fast walks.” 亚伦等人立即向着九真仙娘行礼,这就算完成了掌教大位的更迭。“好了・・・・・速走.・・・・” Luofu Old Ancestor suddenly expression changes, pushes nine True Immortal mothers. 罗浮老祖忽然表情一变,一推九真仙娘。 The people felt that wells up vigorously , to promote the cave mansion them. 众人就感觉一股大力涌来,将他们推出洞府。 Aaron then looks, sees on Luofu Old Ancestor, the innumerable jet black hair grow crazily, his whole person changed into a giant meat group, above opens the dense and numerous eyes, some innumerable arm breakthrough meat groups! 亚伦回头一望,就见罗浮老祖身上,无数漆黑的毛发疯狂生长,他整个人都化为了一颗巨大的肉团,上面睁开密密麻麻的眼睛,有无数手臂突破肉团而出! This is the Taiyi Yuan god of opposite party is on the verge of the collapse, starts counter chaotically crazy! 这是对方的太乙元神濒临崩溃,开始逆乱疯狂! Even swept one, Aaron felt in sea of consciousness, were many a point not to talk clearly and say unclear demon intent. 甚至只是扫了一眼,亚伦就感觉识海之中,多了一点说不清又道不明的魔意。 If after going back, non- caution and care, by way heart tempering, even in the good merit, may overstate next time! Is simplified version the tribulation of revelation? 若是回去之后还不谨慎小心,以道心将之磨炼,甚至可能在下次行功之中,就走火入魔!算是简化版的天启之劫? This can have after going back , and tries .... 这个可以有・・・・・・回去之后且尝试一下・.... In the Aaron mind in the right way pondered, near the ear broadcast Luofu Old Ancestor sound: 亚伦正心中思考,耳边就传来了罗浮老祖的声音: Pine tree millenniums decay, the jin flower rested on the 1st. After all is altogether void, why must to praise the years. Peng Shangtu from different, the life and death does not have to leave finally. Might as well study not fresh, not fresh not extinguishes..” The residual sound curls, has terrifying the air/Qi of sword ghost to shoot up to the sky, is 12 day evil deity sword! “松树千年朽,槿花一日歇。毕竟共虚空,何须夸岁月。彭殇徒自异,生死终无别。不如学无生,无生即无灭.・・・・.”余音袅袅,却有恐怖的剑煞之气冲天而起,正是十二都天神煞剑阵! Master 师父・・・・” Nine True Immortal mothers see that 12 flying sword toward middle, perishes together with first thousand thousand foreign matter, weeps bitterly to make noise. ..... 真仙娘见到那十二口飞剑往中间一扎,与一头千手千眼的异物同归于尽,不由痛哭出声。.....・ Luofu Old Ancestor passed away, Mount Luofu all over the body white mourning garment. After March/three months . 罗浮老祖亡故,罗浮山通体缟素。三月之后。 Various kind of escape light and ships leaves Luofu in abundance, this is some entrance door disciples is flustered in disciple, special ran... actually, runs now, but also is the moral behavior is not bad, Ancestral Master got through the funeral to walk to Luofu. 各类遁光、宝船・・・・・纷纷驶离罗浮,这却是一些外门弟子与内门弟子人心惶惶,都特么跑了・...・其实,现在跑的,还算是人品不差,给罗浮祖师办完了丧事才走。 Is afraid truly is involved, such as day sea Dhyāna Master is ordinary, then left on the same day secretly. Nine real peaks. 真正害怕被牵连的,就如天海禅师一般,早在当日便偷偷离开了。九真峰。 Aaron looks at square Xiaolong, somewhat is surprised: „Hasn't Junior Brother walked?” Walks?” 亚伦看见方晓龙,不由有些吃惊:“师弟还未走?”“走?” side Xiaolong smiles bitterly: Little brother in the Mount Luofu many years, has regarded oneself this place, walks. Where can walk?” Oh .” 方晓龙苦笑一声:“小弟在罗浮山多年,早已将此地当成自家,走.・・・・・又能走去哪里?”“唉・・..・” Aaron sighed, held the register of names, went to seek an interview the master, the present Luofu palm teaches. Nine True Immortal mothers by above the jade cot, beckon with the hand tired: Said 亚伦叹息一声,捧了名册,前去求见自己师傅,如今的罗浮掌教。九真仙娘靠在玉榻之上,神情疲惫地摆摆手:“说吧・・・・・” Opens reports Master, today the statistical result has come out, in the disciple also remains 27 people, the entrance door disciple more than thousand. Various storehouses completely all lose seriously. Aaron gives nine True Immortal mothers a money book. “启禀师父,今日统计结果已经出来,内门弟子还剩二十七人,外门弟子千余.・・・・各处库房尽皆损失惨重.・・..”亚伦将一份金册交给九真仙娘。 Thinks my Mount Luofu, was known as that side door's first major faction, comes across the matter finally, this?” “想我罗浮山,号称旁门第一大派,结果遇到事情,就这?” Nine True Immortal mothers smile bitterly and astringently: „More than thousand disciples, only feared that even Eastern Sea certain second-class schools were inferior .” 真仙娘苦涩一笑:“千余弟子,只怕连东海某些二流门派都不如了・・・..” Pouring is not so, Mount Emei entire mountain high and low also hundred people, but whose recognizing people family/home is top major faction? Obviously this with disciples, does not have too big responsibility . “倒也不是如此,峨眉山全山上下也就百来人,但谁能否认人家是顶尖大派呢?可见这与弟子人数,着实没太大干系・・.. In the Aaron heart unstated criticism, in the surface actually does not dare to speak irresponsibly, only asked one: „ Now Ancestral Master funeral in the past. My Mount Luofu may have many enemies in the overseas, in the gate flustered, already at the matter of discussion relocation 亚伦心中腹诽一句,表面上却不敢乱说,只问一句:“如今祖师丧事过去.・・・・・我罗浮山在海外可有不少仇家,门中人心惶惶,已经在议论搬迁之事・・・・ Relocation?” “搬迁?” Nine True Immortal mothers sneer saying: Where can move goes to? On this day under big, where also has the place of my Luofu taking shelter? disciple you!” 真仙娘冷笑道:“能搬去哪里?这天下之大,哪里还有我罗浮容身之处?徒儿・・・・・・你来说!” Yes!” “是!” Aaron leaves ranks one step, said: disciple thinks, our Luofu cannot move although my Mount Luofu the enemy are many, but the founder level character of Yuan god progression, actually also few, and has scruples the cheek, and other juniors will not begin with me in the place of this Luofu ancestor lineage/vein, depends on the Essence Magnetism mineral lode and Mount Luofu spirit treasure, coordinating Ancestral Master to leave behind Taiyi Essence Magnetism god who to ban formation method, by the magic power stimulation of movement of Master, when does not fear any Golden Pill, once leaves this place, loses the formation method protection, is actually the life and death difficult let alone, leaves this place, Luofu or Luofu.?” 亚伦出列一步,说道:“徒儿以为,咱们罗浮不能搬・・・・・我罗浮山虽然仇家多,但元神级数的教主级人物,却也没有几个,并且都顾忌面皮,不会与我等小辈动手・・・・・在这罗浮祖脉之地,靠着元磁矿脉与罗浮山灵宝,配合祖师留下的太乙元磁神禁阵法,以师父法力催动,当可不惧任何金丹,一旦离开此地,失去阵法保护,却是生死两难・・・・・・更何况,离开此地,罗浮还是罗浮么?” Said is!” “说得是!” Nine True Immortal mothers beat time to acclaim: To Mount Luofu, how Luofu can say Luofu?” 真仙娘击节赞叹:“离了罗浮山,罗浮又怎能自称罗浮?” Recommendation metropolis big god old uses/gives new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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