TOTM :: Volume #10

#953: Golden Pill( 8000 make up)

Plum blossom gorge. 梅花涧。 This is the white plum Old Daoist cave mansion. 此乃白梅老道的洞府。 side Jingxuan light/only protects oneself, flies into the plum blossom deep place, saw that in Old Daoist Priest that under the plum blossom tree drinks. 方镜玄光护身,飞入梅花深处,就见到一个正在梅花树下喝酒的老道士 He respectfully good a ritual, called out: „ Master...... " 他恭恭敬敬地行了一礼,叫道:“师父……" Subsequently , the unwilling heart asked one: „ Can my Omei, really with the Luofu fencing? " 继而,又不甘心地问了一句:“我峨眉,真要与罗浮斗剑?" The fencing actually also has nothing. 斗剑其实也没啥。 But thinks that must with the past two little friends be the enemy, in the side center is uncomfortable on Boss. 但想到要与昔日的两个小伙伴为敌,方镜心中就老大不是滋味。 Oh......” “唉……” White plum Old Daoist drank liquor, sighed: „ Was world asked the matter, so how difficult? " 白梅老道又喝了一口酒,叹息一声:“世问之事,怎么就这么难呢?" His Omei Elder that mixes to eat to wait for death, there are nine True Immortal mother that good friends in Mount Luofu. 他一个混吃等死的峨眉长老,又有九真仙娘那位好友在罗浮山。 To be honest, does not want seriously with the Mount Luofu fencing! 说实话,当真不想跟罗浮山斗剑啊! Acted newly then regarding the previous bitter mendicant budhist monk the amethyst worthless person, white plum Old Daoist did not approve of, but also lost a temper to the bitter mendicant budhist monk. 对于上次苦头陀一出手便新了紫玉散人,白梅老道也是十分不赞同的,还冲着苦头陀发了一番脾气。 But the palm teaches simultaneous/uniform Miao an honorable person to be light several, made white Mei not have the words to say. 但掌教齐妙一真人只是淡淡几句,就让白梅没了话说。 Group immortal great misfortune, end the tribulation and the immeasurable heavy tribulation law have to collect entire destiny to...... Omei, in order to lifts the border to fly upwards, crossed the inexorable fate...... “群仙大劫、末法之劫、无量重劫将至……峨眉不得不搜集全界气运,以求举涯飞升,渡过劫数…… " Way Heritage and disciple for first...... some friendship, may abandon...... "道统、门人为第一……些许交情,都可抛开…… Now in the side door, the Mount Luofu broad disciple, has the potential of rise, if not break, how Omei does draw in the side door destiny? “如今旁门之中,罗浮山广纳弟子,已有崛起之势,若不打断,峨眉如何收拢旁门气数? " By, no matter who is wrong to whom, under the inexorable fate, this fencing, cannot avoid...... "是以不管谁对谁错,劫数之下,这一场斗剑,都是免不了的…… But this matter, white plum Old Daoist cannot tell this apprentice. 但这种事,白梅老道不能跟这个徒弟说。 Said, this in low spirits was of stuffy the apprentice brain is also not necessarily able to understand, therefore can only a person drink the alcohol to drown one's sorrows, 说多了,这闷头闷脑的徒弟也未必能听得懂,因此还是只能一个人喝着闷酒, side Jing cannot obtain the reliable news, takes one's leave Master, was more depressed 方镜得不到准信,拜别师父,不由更加郁闷了 He erect in midair, suddenly feels world essence qi just like the tide, goes to Guro-dong. 他正飞在半空,忽然感受到天地元气宛若潮汐,向九老洞而去。 This...... this......” “这……这……” In Guro-dong, good luck, air/Qi of direct impact clouds purple azure. 九老洞中,瑞气条条,紫青之气直冲云霄。 „Did some people refine on Golden Pill? Also does not know that is which Martial Uncle one's teacher's older brother......” “有人炼就金丹了?也不知是哪位师叔师伯……” side Jing stares the big eye, in the heart envies. 方镜瞪大眼睛,心中十分羡慕。 After all Golden Pill Ancestral Master, the life over millenniums, may open sect Lipai! 毕竟金丹宗师,寿元过千年,可开宗立派! Some side door loose cultivator, even never have such thoughts! 一些旁门散修,甚至连想都不敢想! Even if sends this grade of Daoism to be authentic in Omei, is not every one disciples can Pill Formation, for example his Master white plum...... that is consumption second, practices with hardship, finally also cuts to kill outside tribulations, difficult Pill Formation 纵然在峨眉派这等玄门正宗,也不是个个弟子都能结丹的,比如他的师父白梅……那是耗费两世,苦苦修行,最终还斩杀外劫,才艰难结丹 Looks at this pill...... the air/Qi of direct impact clouds purple azure, surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) world essence qi completely all submits to...... perhaps is high grade Golden Pill. " “看这丹品……紫青之气直冲云霄,方圆百里天地元气尽皆臣服……恐怕是上品金丹呐。" As the Omei disciple, this experience always has. 作为峨眉弟子,这点见识总有。 However next quarter, single layer single layer phenomenon, the side mirror Qi Mei disciple, some shaking quantities. 然而下一刻,一重又一重异象,将方镜这个岐眉弟子,都有些震量了。 The Golden Crow luminary day and moon/month rabbit looked back...... Great Way to melt, Way Ancestor to hang the mark obviously...... 金乌曜日、月兔回眸……大道显化、道祖垂迹…… In the sky, first even/including revealed that nine major accomplishment pill phenomenon, return to normal finally slowly. 天空之中,一连显露出九大成丹异象,才最终缓缓平复下去。 „ Is this...... Golden Pill? " “这是……一品金丹?" side Jing muttered. 方镜喃喃自语。 " Not is only Golden Pill, is top grade...... my Daoism authentic highest pill —— too clear Golden Pill "不仅是一品金丹,更是一品中的极品……我玄门正宗的最高丹品——太清金丹 At this time, side suddenly were many a person, is Yang Xumi. 这时候,旁边忽然多了一个人,正是杨须弥。 He looks at the person's shadow that in Guro-dong is departing, in the tone also envies completely: „ Li Junior Sister, your eventually quickly my one step! 他望着九老洞中飞出的人影,语气中也满是羡慕:“李师妹,你终究快我一步! Li...... Junior Sister? Is it possible that is...... Li Yingyun Li Junior Sister? How long does she cross the threshold? Are 50 years less than? " “李……师妹?莫非是……李英云李师妹?她才入门多久?五十年不到吧?" The side mirror this time really shocked being hard to say a word. 方镜这次是真的震惊到难以言语了。 Always even if in the middle of Daoism orthodox school, if there are disciple to be able in hundred years to refine on Golden Pill, the first candidate who the Dingtian talent that certainly that is a lot of years, the palm will teach in the future 历来纵然玄门正宗当中,若有弟子能百年内炼就金丹,那就是千百年不出的绝顶天才,未来掌教的第一人选 But Li Yingyun, the opposite party is less than 50 years, on the Golden Pill achievement, is most excellent too clear Golden Pill! 而李英云,对方才不到五十年,就金丹成就,还是最上乘的太清金丹! Even the opposite party has not become Golden Pill, but then sword new Golden Pill Old Demon, if became Golden Pill, world to vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered? 甚至对方未成金丹,便可剑新金丹老魔,若成了金丹,岂不是天下任凭纵横? " Is this disparity among people, so how big? " "这人与人之间的差距,怎么就这么大呢?" At this moment, even if steady such as side Jing, in the heart is also envy screen and envy that could not say...... 这一刻,纵然稳重如方镜,心中也是说不出的羡幕与嫉妒…… Amitabha......” “阿弥陀佛……” Yang Xumi tall declares Buddha: „ After Junior Sister, I must close up, attempting to refine on Golden Pill...... , was not only the lesser monk, Master of lesser monk must close up, the attempt broke through the Yuan god...... my Omei greatly rise, many disciples must try hard. " 杨须弥高宣一声佛号:“师妹之后,我也要闭关,尝试炼就金丹了……不仅是小和尚,小和尚的师父也要闭关,尝试突破元神……我峨眉大兴,诸多弟子都要努力啊。" " Respectfully follows the Senior Brother instruction. " "谨遵师兄教诲。" The side mirror restrains the mind hastily, should respectfully under. 方镜连忙收摄心神,恭敬应下。 Such being the case, I go! " “既然如此,我去也!" Sees Yang Xuqiang to launch no shadow sword, changes into one thin , if no thing sword light, entered in Guro-dong. 就见杨须强展开无影剑,化为一道细若无物的剑光,就入了九老洞中。 side Jing long time, this goes silent floating, but must prepare to congratulate Li Yingyun Golden Pill major accomplishment gift. 方镜沉默良久,这才飘然而去,还得准备恭贺李英云金丹大成的礼物。 In a flash, three years of time passes by, 转瞬之间,三年时光过去, Walks...... " “走吧……" Ten thousand Buddha Jinding, simultaneous/uniform Miao one young face was still not old, wears the too clear Daoist robe, dignified full. 万佛金顶,齐妙一仍旧童颜不老,穿着太清道袍,威严满满。 Master .... 师父.…” In him behind, is personal inheritance disciple Li Yingyun. 在他身后,则是亲传弟子李英云。 After Li Meiyun Pill Formation, closes up for three years, when goes out again, the god is only reserved, making one unable to see slightly the anger. 李美云结丹之后,闭关三年,再出关时,却已经神光内敛,令人看不出丝毫火气。 Obviously that too clear Golden Pill, building up results in the revolution to be pleasant, exceeds many for many years Golden Pill old Ancestral Master. 显然已经将那一颗太清金丹,炼化得运转如意,胜过许多积年的金丹宗师 At this time called one: „ Master the purple azure saber will grant, oneself then do not have flying sword while convenient, might as well...... Luofu Ancestral Master have 12 Sky Sword with disciple this, can compose sword, the might is unusual. " 此时就叫了一声:“师父将紫青佩剑赐予,自己便没有趁手的飞剑,不如还是用徒儿这一口吧……罗浮祖师有一十二口都天剑,能组成剑阵,威力非同一般。" disciple had a mind.” simultaneous/uniform Miao shows a faint smile, but also really received the purple azure sword “徒儿有心了。”齐妙一微微一笑,还真就收了紫青剑 He teaches as the Omei palm, Omei nine flying sword extremely, the case has half on the body. 他作为峨眉掌教,峨眉绝顶的九口飞剑,例是有一半都在身上。 But a sword technique, can say unique this. 而一手剑术,可以说独步此界。 One line of person sword light, vanish immediately without a trace. 一行人身化剑光,顿时消失得无影无踪。 Sees off the palm to teach......” “恭送掌教……” Above ten thousand Buddha Jinding, leaves behind white plum Old Daoist and side mirror apprentice, is dumbfounded. 万佛金顶之上,就留下白梅老道与方镜这个徒弟,大眼瞪小眼。 White plum Old Daoist one has the friend in Mount Luofu, does not endure to begin, 白梅老道一是有朋友在罗浮山,不忍动手, Second, the strength is mean, has him not to have his type, therefore was appointed to remain behind the entrance. 二是实力低微,有他没他一个样,因此就被委任留守山门。 Simultaneously safeguards Guro-dong. 同时看管九老洞。 In Guro-dong, the bitter mendicant budhist monk masters and disciples are also closing up. 九老洞中,苦头陀师徒也在闭关。 Calculates the day, the bitter mendicant budhist monk also was almost the time should go out. 算算日子,苦头陀也差不多是时候该出关了。 Does not know whether bitter mendicant budhist monk Senior Brother can break the Guanyuan god, catches up with this fencing? " “也不知苦头陀师兄能否破关元神,赶上这一场斗剑?" White plum Old Daoist is looking at the Guro-dong direction, secretly thinking. 白梅老道望着九老洞方向,暗自想着。 After seven days . 七日之后。 Among Omei many people of high skill, naturally has the special contact channel, named flying sword transmitted letter, escape speed strange quick. 峨眉诸多高人之间,自然有特殊的联络渠道,名为飞剑传书,遁速奇快。 Therefore even if white plum Old Daoist is in Omei, can know the fencing process of shore of Eastern Sea clearly. 因此纵然白梅老道身在峨眉,也能清楚知晓东海之滨的斗剑过程。 Li Yingyun is really small murderous star, fencing's first she goes on stage personally, without using the purple azure sword, then cut to kill Mount Luofu three Golden Pill Ancestral Master...... also to resemble with anything Luofu Ancestral Master air/Qi, following really met does not compare, was out personally, invites to fight the palm to teach the honorable person......” “李英云果然是个小杀星,斗剑第一场她亲自上场,都没动用紫青剑,便斩杀了罗浮山三位金丹宗师……将罗浮祖师气得跟什么也似,后面的真接不比了,亲自下场,邀战掌教真人……” White plum Old Daoist is pinching flying sword, as if saw Li Yingyun three games and three wins, the sword cut side door Golden Pill, scene that even Luofu Ancestral Master lent a hand to rescue without enough time, suddenly some quite one's heart rusheses toward one's destination. 白梅老道捏着一口飞剑,似乎看到了李英云三战三胜,剑斩旁门金丹,连罗浮祖师都来不及出手救援的场景,一时间颇有些心驰神往。 But he also knows, oneself inadequate. 但他也知晓,自己不成的。 Li Yingyun cuts these Mount Luofu Golden Pill only to need a sword, cuts to kill itself, probably also similar...... 李英云斩那些罗浮山金丹只需要一剑,斩杀自己,大概也差不多…… " Is the hall teaches the honorable person, ran into the opponent...... Luofu Ancestral Master cultivation base to be profound, creating the law was also the side door extremely. 12 Sky Sword, under the arrange/cloth sword, this is difficult to be able inescapable...... " "就是堂教真人,着实遇到了对手……罗浮祖师修为高深,创法也是旁门绝顶。更有一十二口都天剑,布下剑阵,此界难有能逃脱者……" White plum Old Daoist, on the face has the anxiety at this point. 白梅老道说到这里,脸上带着疑虑。 He after all is also the Omei disciple, is not willing to see the Omei fencing failure. 他毕竟也是峨眉弟子,不愿意看到峨眉斗剑失败。 Junior Brother feared not...... 师弟莫怕…… At this time, the sound of bitter mendicant budhist monk resounded through the world, white Mei glanced right and left, actually could not see the body of opposite party, called out: „ Senior Brother, have you refine on the Yuan god? " 这时候,苦头陀的声音响彻天地,白梅左顾右盼,却根本看不到对方的躯体,不由叫道:“师兄,你已炼就元神?" Good...... the old buddhist monk has built up is too clear the invisible Yuan god, the world no one can see through the old buddhist monk trace...... this then Yuan god to leave again investigates , helping the palm teach the honorable person a strength for example. " “不错……老衲已经炼就太清无形元神,天下再无人能看穿老衲踪影……这便元神出究,去助掌教真人一譬之力。" The bitter mendicant budhist monk drank one, the sound vanished immediately. 苦头陀喝了一声,声音顿时消失。
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